Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 31 Journey to the West, a rare period of peace

Chapter 31 Journey to the West, a rare period of peace

While Fairy Haitang was helping her good sisters everywhere in the heaven, the first week of Tang Yun Tianqing's sales in the mortal world in conjunction with the Twelve Bookstores finally came to an end.

To be honest, the sensation caused by the simultaneous sales of the entire Tang Dynasty was indeed beyond Yun Tianqing's expectation.But after you come to your senses, calm down and think about it, it’s normal.

Not to mention other things, at least if it were placed in the ancient ferocious beast period, the ancient three tribes period, the ancient lich period, and the medieval god-making period, it would definitely not be able to cause such a big sensation.

During the ancient ferocious beast period, there was nothing to say. The entire prehistoric innate gods were angrily attacking the ferocious beasts. It can be said that this was especially important for the life and death of the entire prehistoric innate gods. Once the ferocious beasts occupied the prehistoric world, all the innate gods would die. of.

At this time, any entertainment or culture you talk about is just a joke.His life is almost gone, who has time to care about these things.

During the ancient times of the three tribes, this period was not easy to mess with either.On the surface, the bosses of the three clans divide the world into ancient times. Everything that flies in the sky, runs on the ground, and swims in the water falls under the control of the three clans.

Secretly, there are Taoist ancestor Hongjun and demon ancestor Luohu fighting between immortals and demons. Although the living situation is not as serious as before, life is still not easy.At this time, you said that you want to engage in culture and entertainment. Have you asked these big shots?If they feel that you are delaying their sermon, they will really slap you to death every minute.

During the ancient Lich period, this period was also very dangerous.Before the Six Saints attained enlightenment, the two Lich clans even shouted the slogan that they were either witches or demons.If it weren't for the six saints who later became enlightened and worked behind the scenes to promote the Lich Tribulation; and the two Lich clans didn't deal with each other and couldn't compromise and join forces, who knows what would have happened in the end.

At this time, when you talk about engaging in culture and entertainment, are you afraid that if you don't die quickly enough, the bosses of the Six Saints and the Lich Clan will find you and suspect that you may be the mastermind behind the scenes? They will probably give you another slap in the face. It's a big deal.

Medieval Gods Period, during this period, to be honest, as long as you stay obediently, find a place to completely seal yourself off, and wait for the Gods Catastrophe to pass, then there is no problem in surviving.As long as it is not dug out by someone, if it is dug out accidentally, it means that the person is lying in the grave and disaster is coming from the sky.God has made it clear that he wants to mess with you, but there is really nothing he can do about it.

If you go out to cause trouble in this situation, the Three Pure Ones of the East, the Two Saints of the West, the seemingly hands-off Saint Nuwa, and many other great supernatural beings who are also dissatisfied with the Six Saints.Hehehe, he might have been used as a pawn by the Six Saints or other great supernatural beings at some point.

Moreover, in the above periods, no matter which period a war breaks out, it will affect the entire prehistoric period. In this case, no one will be in the mood to read your novels, listen to your music, and engage in your entertainment culture.

It is now during the journey to the west of the great Tang Dynasty. The saints are high in the chaotic sky, the great power is hidden in the world, the heaven supervises the three realms, the dead souls are reincarnated in the underworld, and the emperor governs the world.

Although there are disturbances from time to time, in the end it does not affect ordinary people very much.Even the journey to the West did not mainly occur within the territory of the Tang Dynasty. The monsters and ghosts along the way all happened on the journey to the West and basically had nothing to do with the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty can be regarded as one of the prosperous times in recorded history, and ordinary people's lives were quite passable.Therefore, if you do something at this time, you don't have to worry about being photographed to death by powerful people. Secondly, you have a stable audience. Thirdly, the people of the Tang Dynasty are indeed lacking in entertainment methods.

Based on various reasons here, this is the result that Yun Tianqing was able to cause a huge sensation.

After the first week of Qimeng Book Alliance's simultaneous sales across the entire Tang Dynasty came to an end, Yun Tianqing and the other Twelve Bookshop shopkeepers were finally able to take a breather.After the sales results came out on the first day, the shopkeeper of Twelve Bookstores had his workers start printing novels that night. Over the course of one night, a total of more than [-] copies were produced.Fortunately, during the day, the shopkeeper of Twelve Bookstore was finally able to find enough workers to help with printing.

With sufficient manpower to print continuously, and the inventory from printing all night last night, we were able to cope with the next day.As of the curfew on the second day, a total of more than 180 million copies had been sold.At this time, the total remaining inventory of Twelve Bookstores was less than 50 books. Thinking about the queue that still had no end during the curfew, this scared the shopkeeper of Twelve Bookstores to death.Relying on the expansion of manpower during the day and continuous spending of money to stimulate the enthusiasm of the workers, in one night, more than 80 copies were produced at a super level.And while they were selling during the day, they quickly doubled the number of workers.This is not possible. The previous workers were almost exhausted from working overtime day and night in the past two days.If they were allowed to catch up again, someone might be killed.

In short, relying on this method of selling and printing at the same time, and working all night long, Twelve Bookstore has successfully stabilized the large market of Chang'an.Readers will not have to wait in a long queue and encounter a situation where there are no books to buy.There is no need to worry about readers getting angry and smashing the bookstore, which is gratifying.

However, the bookstores in the prefecture branches before Chang'an are not so capable. They received the notification from the headquarters one or two days late. Their manpower, material resources, and financial resources are also comparable to those of the headquarters. There are at least a dozen bookstore branches. The department's facade was smashed in anger.Moreover, the store owner of the branch bookstore did not dare to hold him accountable. First, there were too many people who smashed the bookstore's facade, and the law did not hold everyone accountable. Second, as a bookstore, there were not enough books to sell to readers, which was also the bookstore's fault.In short, it is painful and happy.

After the first week of sales, Twelve Bookstore has gradually returned to normal. Most of the people who should buy have bought it, and the rest are scattered readers. The situation will not happen again like before. That long queue.

Qimeng Pavilion, this is the third time that all of you bookshop owners have stepped into this private room. The mood is really different every time you step in.

The first time I felt uneasy, not knowing what Yun Tianqing had planned.

The second time, I couldn't help but be happy. The sales on the first day were great.

The third time was full of ambition. After the first week of sales, they had a basic grasp of the overall sales situation of each bookstore in Chang'an, as well as the sales situation of other bookstores in Datang Prefecture.Because of this, they have greater ambitions and more new ideas to implement.

"Every shopkeeper, your faces are rosy. It seems that you have gained a lot."

Yun Tianqing held the tea and chuckled. Even if the shopkeepers didn't say anything, he himself had guessed something from the growth of the origin point.

The simplest and most direct thing is that his origin point has exceeded [-] million.It can be said that, except for the two worlds of "Seeking Demons" and "The Greatest Demon in History", which cannot turn falsehood into reality due to their huge worldviews, he can already try to refine falsehood into reality in the small illusory world of "The Little Master of China". Really.It just seemed like the gain outweighed the loss, so Yun Tianqing was not in a hurry to refine the falsehood into reality.

"Haha, this is all the blessing of Pavilion Master Tuoyun, otherwise we wouldn't be here today."

Shopkeeper Huang cupped his hands and said that the sales volume of his Chang'an Bookstore in the past seven days was an amount that he could not believe. He would even pinch himself when he woke up and ask the lady next to him if she was dreaming. , if not, tell him what the sales volume is today.

"Yes, it can be said that I, Old Chen, have never thought that there would be such a grand event in the novel world. This life is not in vain, this life is not in vain!"

Shopkeeper Chen of Qitan Bookstore was full of regrets. He thought that if he hadn't written novels and sold them to the public, he wouldn't have been disheartened and inherited the family business and became the chief shopkeeper of Qitan Bookstore.What he failed to do back then, others have done now, and it is a thousand times the best result he could have imagined.How could he not be sad, how could he not be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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