Chapter 46 The Celebrity Effect
"How does the Queen Mother feel?"

After reading the latest update, the Jade Emperor still felt a little unfinished.This feeling that makes people scratch their hearts is almost something the Jade Emperor has never felt in the past tens of millions of years.

In the chaos, he was enlightened by the great master and became a boy in the Zixiao Palace. Later, he was valued by the great master and appointed as the Lord of the Three Realms. After that, he continued to practice and constantly communicated with the Six Saints and the Six Saints. The top powers in the three realms compete with each other and rarely have time to relax.

But when I read this biographical novel, I felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation and pleasure, and some of the ideas, systems, or thoughts about spiritual practice in it also brought me some inspiration. I feel like I can turn back and talk about it. Maybe I can still make an inch or two of progress in my Taoist practice!

"This book feels like a powerful Daluo is telling his way through stories, his unique Daluo way! But it may not be successful yet, and there are not many such ways in the great world. !”

The Queen Mother's fingertips lightly traced the title page of the book and thought slightly.

"Perhaps by the time this book is finished, there will be another great Taoist Daluo Golden Immortal in the world."

The Jade Emperor sighed a little, with a hint of envy in his tone.Li Dao Daluo, in the mouth of the great master, is a possible existence of Hunyuan. Although the possibility is very low, it is much better than those of them who practice the great Tao that originally existed in the prehistoric world.

What is left unsaid is that if such a Taoist Taoist Daluo Jinxian really appears, even a saint can fight!
It's not a battle between the saint's clones, but the saint's true body!
After all, as the book says, the strength of the three God Lords is terrifyingly powerful.

Although the strength of the Six Saints is difficult to measure, the strength of the three God Lords in the book is also incredible.

The Lord, the Human Emperor, rang the bell three times to return the destiny to all living beings, ending an era of chaos.

The Ming Lord - the Emperor of Heaven, whose strength is unknown, but exists to open up heaven and command the gods.

As for the other Earth Emperor, it is not mentioned in the book at this time, but it is estimated that he can be tied with the other two, and he will not be too weak.

"Your Majesty's words are just wrong. It may be two great Taoists."

The Queen Mother pursed her lips and smiled, pointing to another book "Seeking Demons" in her hand.She had just read this book, and she had also never heard of the practice system in it. If her expectations were correct, this might be another Daluo person who seeks and established the Tao and was talking about his own way.

"Oh, let me read this book again."

The Jade Emperor was stunned, then smiled heartily, picked up "Seeking Demons" and started watching.

The heavenly court meeting on this day lasted for a particularly long time, and from time to time there were exclamations, secret curses, or lamentations from the gods.

However, in the end, Fairy Haitang had an extra job. When the lower world was updated, Fairy Haitang went down to the lower world to bring back biographical updates for the gods (mainly the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother).This actually made Haitang happy for a long time, as she no longer had to sneak into the underworld.

In the unfathomable void, the intense emotions generated by the gods in heaven watching "Seeking Demon" and "Great Demon God" were transformed into some kind of origin, and they poured into the huge purple light group like a galaxy. .

The number is so huge that it is thousands of times more than the origins transformed by the previous 360 five states of the Tang Dynasty!
Also benefiting from the influx of this source, the originally slightly solidified purple light group is accelerating the solidification process at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don't know how much time passed, but the entire purple light group suddenly shook and finally completely condensed into a solid entity.At the same time, the original shape of the purple light group also changed, turning into a budding purple lotus flower.

In the outside world, Meng Bo went to the seventh floor of Qimeng Pavilion as usual every day. After asking for a while, no one answered, and then he left after keeping the room tidy.

Back in his bedroom, Meng Bo looked at the manuscript in his hand and felt a little worried. There were not many manuscripts left in his hand.

"Pavilion Master, if you don't come back, our Qimeng Pavilion will probably be demolished!"

There was a wry smile on Uncle Meng's lips, and he shuddered as he thought about the readers' reactions when there were no more updates in the future, as if he had seen some terrible future.

Thanks to the biographical novel All Gods Watch before Heaven, Qimeng Pavilion's novel has spread to many places without even realizing it.

After all, regardless of whether others admit it or not, Heavenly Court is the largest force in the three realms, which brings joy to those above and results to those below.When other people discover that those biographical novels are circulating in Heaven, they will naturally become somewhat interested in seeing what biographical novels that can attract Heaven are like.

The so-called celebrity effect is nothing more than this.

Now in the Tang Dynasty, countless women are wearing red clothes, growing their hair long, and muttering silently:

"In this life, I long to be collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved to prevent me from being surprised, to prevent me from suffering, to prevent me from wandering around, and to prevent me from having no branches to rely on."

Waiting for a girl to grow her hair to her waist, the boy will marry me and make a good oath.

I don’t know how many women changed from red clothes to white clothes, and cut their long hair short. After crying and laughing, they only left one sentence:
"It's best not to see each other in this life, so that we don't fall in love; it's best not to know each other in this life, so that we don't miss each other; it's best not to be with each other in this life, so that we don't owe each other; it's best not to cherish each other in this life, so that we don't remember each other."

Even Yue Lao, who was in charge of the red thread of marriage, was almost too busy. After all, there were too many broken red threads and too many red threads that needed to be tied up!
(End of this chapter)

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