Chapter 49 Nirvana Begins Rebirth (Two in One)

Half a month has passed, and it's time for another update.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

"Fairy Haitang, Qimeng Pavilion in the Lower Realm hasn't been updated yet?"

The Jade Emperor's tone was slightly stunned. There has been no update for half a month!He has been thinking about what will happen next, wondering what will happen if Lin Huang has become a god but still wants to be the enemy of the world.

As a result, it has not been updated!Not updated!Not updated!If the Jade Emperor hadn't always warned himself that it was just a novel, it was just a novel and not worth fighting, he might have used the Haotian Mirror to search for the author by now!

But after thinking about it, maybe the other party is a top-level powerful person, or a powerful person who is still enlightening the Tao. If it disturbs the enlightenment and establishment of the Tao, this will be a life-or-death matter, so I gave up.

Fairy Haitang carefully glanced at the Jade Emperor's face, then lowered her head in fear and said: "Your Majesty, there is no update yet. Otherwise, you should first take a look at "A Westward Journey", which was also published by Qimeng Pavilion. .”

The Jade Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, talking about traveling to the west?Sure enough, does the powerful person behind Qimeng Pavilion want to interfere in the journey to the west?Thinking of this, my mood suddenly improved a lot because of the lack of updates. "Then submit it to me for a look."

Haitang responded in a low voice and presented the jade slip with the photo of "Journey to the West".

The Jade Emperor flicked his finger, and a ray of divine light fell into the jade slips. The next moment, the photos recorded in the jade slips were like a sky-shielding curtain covering the entire vast Lingxiao Palace, the 360 ​​Five Gods in the inner hall, and the outer hall. The [-] deputy gods and countless heavenly soldiers and generals can all be seen one by one.

There was a burst of melodious music at the beginning, followed immediately by the scene of the confrontation between Sun Wukong and Guanshi Zizi.

As soon as this picture came out, all the gods in heaven suddenly became interested.Who doesn't know that Jin Chanzi has just rescued Sun Wukong who was suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, and the master and apprentice have just embarked on the journey to the west.As a result, what was said in the photo at the beginning was that Sun Wukong tried to kill his master but failed, and Guanshi Zizuo wanted to catch Sun Wukong for rectification!

"Sure enough, this senior wants to go against Buddhism!"

The gods in heaven thought to themselves, but not only were they not afraid, but they were even more looking forward to how this senior planned to travel to the west.After all, they are the gods of heaven. Except for a very few individual gods who have some relationship with the West, the other gods, no matter what reason they were deified by heaven, still belong to the East.Even if this calamity is destined to bring great prosperity to the West, they are still happy to see it create more obstacles for the West.

When they saw Tang Sanzang talking non-stop, all the gods and gods were a little stunned.It's not that Jin Chanzi and the others didn't know that even before Jin Chanzi was reincarnated, many of their gods had dealt with Jin Chanzi, and some of them even had good friendships with Jin Chanzi.

But Jin Chanzi was not so nagging in the past. Has his personality changed drastically after his reincarnation?
Many immortals and gods regarded Tang Sanzang in the photo as the reincarnated Jin Chanzi. After all, most immortals and gods had never seen the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi.A small number of gods and gods who pay attention to Jin Chanzi know that the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi in the photo does not have such a personality, but this does not prevent them from laughing. Anyway, such Jin Chanzi is quite interesting.

Behind the outer hall, Fairy Begonia and the other eleven flower fairies were leaning together, watching the other gods laughing because of the farce between the Supreme Treasure, Chun Sansanniang and Bai Jingjing, but there was a little sadness on their faces.The same expressions as theirs were found in other places in the Lingxiao Palace: Jiutian Xuannv, Our Lady of the West Mountain, Yang Chan, the Seven Fairies, the Three Taiyin Immortals and other female fairies.

They had already watched "Westward Journey" before, and some of them even watched it over and over dozens of times.Looking back now, they naturally know how sad this happy scene is for the subsequent plot.

When seeing the Supreme Treasure beating the Grape Ancestor violently, except for the Jade Emperor and a few others who dared to laugh unscrupulously, the entire Lingxiao Palace was completely silent. They were all professionally trained immortals. God, even if they feel funny, they won't really laugh out loud unless they can't help it!
After all, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother and other big shots laugh because they are all great supernatural powers who are also ranked among the great Luo.Even if the saint's avatar, Patriarch Bodhi, comes to visit them personally, they are not afraid.But these immortals who have not yet arrived in Daluo dare to laugh like this. If Patriarch Bodhi finds out, they are really seeking death.

"It's interesting. Although we can guess that Avalokitesvara is Avalokitesvara, and Patriarch Grape is Patriarch Bodhi, we don't say it clearly. Even if Bodhi is looking for trouble, there is no suitable reason." The Jade Emperor touched his chin and smiled, and the Supreme Treasure beat Grape violently. This scene of the ancestor really made him feel a little happy.

"Queen Mother, what do you think will happen if I send this scene to Western Spirit Mountain and Bodhi?" the Jade Emperor said with great interest, as if he couldn't wait to see the faces of the Buddhas and Bodhi in Western Spirit Mountain.

"Why would your Majesty send it personally? Wouldn't it be better to wait until it spreads throughout the three realms and Western Lingshan and Bodhi finally discover it themselves?!" the Queen Mother also suggested with a smile.

Hearing the Queen Mother's words, the Jade Emperor seemed to think of the future expressions of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Western Lingshan Mountains who would be the last ones in the Three Realms to discover the film "Westward Journey", and he suddenly became more expectant.

The "Westward Journey" brought back by Fairy Haitang is a collection of two parts. After the end of the first half of the Moonlight Treasure Box, it is seamlessly connected to the second half of the Great Sage's Marriage.

But compared with the first half, the tone of the second half is that of a tragedy, a tragedy that cannot have both ends and is powerless.

As the second half of the plot unfolded, the original laughter in the Lingxiao Palace gradually decreased. At the end, the Lingxiao Palace was silent, and a depressive atmosphere enveloped the gods and gods in heaven.

"The sea of ​​bitterness turns love and hate,
It is hard to escape fate in this world,

Blind date is inaccessible,
Or I should believe it's fate,

The Jade Emperor's face faded from his previous smile. Listening to the ending song of "The Love of My Life", he hummed softly: "Huh, Journey to the West." Then he stretched out his hand a little, and the Jade Slip of the "Westward Journey" that ended playing in mid-air was released. Divided into two, two into four. But in the blink of an eye, it was divided into tens of thousands. With a flick of the finger, tens of thousands of jade slips with photos in the void fell into the hands of all the gods and gods present.

"That's it for today, retreat."

Xiniu Hezhou Cuiyun Mountain Bajiao Cave, the Bull Demon King is not having a good time at this time.

"Dad, why hasn't "The Greatest Demon God in History" been updated yet?" Red Boy asked the Bull Demon King.

"I don't see you being so active in other books. If you have this free time, why don't you practice more and strive to become a Taoist Mysterious Immortal as soon as possible!"

As soon as the Bull Demon King finished scolding him, the Iron Fan Princess turned her ears away. "Okay, Lao Niu, you brought this book back, and you told us the story. It won't be updated anymore. We, the two of us, ask you, are you the one who belongs to me and Honghai'er?"

After saying a few words, Princess Iron Fan burst into tears.

Seeing that the Bull Demon King's head was getting big, he immediately comforted him: "No, no, madam, don't cry. It's my old cow's fault. It's my old cow's fault. I'm going to find someone to urge him. I will definitely let him Update well.”

The Bull Demon King turned around and went to find his new little brother's little brother, the little monster named Xiao Zuanfeng.

From an angle that the Bull Demon King could not see, Princess Iron Fan secretly winked at Red Boy, who looked at her mother with admiration.

Underworld, Wangxiang Terrace.

A ghost escort is escorting the person who died in vain today, letting him take a good look at the human world, and then go to the city of vain death to wait for the arrangement of reincarnation.

"Master Guizhao, can I give my son another dream?" A thin man's soul held a stack of banknotes that could be passed through the underworld and two books and secretly stuffed them to Guizhao beside him.

Gui Cha weighed the weight in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Well, let's go, hurry up, there is only one stick of incense time."

"Thank you, sir." The man bowed and then went to his home in the human world shown in Wangxiang Taizhong.

Soon the time of burning incense passed. When the power of Wangxiangtai pulled him back, the man was still shouting: "My son, remember to burn it for me after the Qimeng novel is updated. Please remember!"

The ghost officer who came back from the City of Fushen silently looked at the novel in his hand. At first he thought it would be some kind of indescribable color book, but after reading the introduction, it didn't seem to be the case.

Remembering that the ghost who just died asked his son to burn this book to him, I couldn't help but become a little interested and planned to go back to my mansion to take a good look.

A restaurant in Chang'an, Tang Dynasty.

A storyteller was patting the gavel and talking about "The Greatest Demon in History", but as soon as he started, he was interrupted by a drinker:
"Storyteller, my ears are almost calloused after listening to this part of yours. Is there anything else below?"

"Yes, yes, I can memorize it by seeing it, so don't say it again."

Seeing the surging crowd, the storyteller couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Dear guests, I don't know what's coming next, and I don't dare to follow suit for fear of ruining such a masterpiece. I can only wait for Qimeng Pavilion to see when an update will be released." Then he couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know if there will be an update yet."

Of course, as soon as he said these words, the angry drinkers threw something and knocked him off the stage.

This day is a normal but unusual day for the people of Chang'an. It is normal because Chang'an is still prosperous today and there are not many things to do.It’s unusual because today is the Qimeng Pavilion update time once every seven days, and there is still no Qimeng Pavilion update today.

At this moment, the scene outside the Qimeng Pavilion was spectacular, and a sea of ​​readers outside the attic were clamoring for an explanation.

Uncle Meng was sweating profusely at this time, and the shopkeepers of Twelve Bookstores and others were also trying their best to maintain order, because if the crowd was not strong enough, they would rush up and demolish the Qimeng Pavilion.

In the unfathomable void, the purple lotus flower was still short of the two leaves wrapped in the center before it fully bloomed. With the surging crowd outside, and the questioning and even scolding, the two leaves in the center finally bloomed. The lotus flower also opened tremblingly, revealing a young man sleeping with his knees in the middle.

At the same time, thunder suddenly erupted in the void and struck directly at the figure in the purple lotus below.

Every lightning strike was blocked by the purple lotus on the young man's body, but it was not without cost. Every time it blocked the purple lotus in the void, there were more cracks. In the end, the entire lotus was like repaired porcelain. cracked.

As the last thunder catastrophe struck, the entire lotus finally couldn't hold on and broke into pieces. Fortunately, the thunder catastrophe was finally passed, which meant that the prehistoric world officially recognized its existence.

At the same time, all Daluo and the beings above Daluo in the prehistoric world noticed a slight change in the prehistoric world, but they could not tell what the specific changes were.This made the great masters very interested, and they decided to stay in seclusion for 8000 years to see if they could figure out anything.

"Whoever realizes the big dream first, I know it all my life."

The sleeping figure hugging his knees in the void slowly relaxed, and finally stretched, as if waking up from a big dream, and recited a famous quote from Mr. Wolong.

Yun Tianqing looked down at his naked body, smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the purple lotus fragments that had been broken and scattered by the thunderstorm gathered around Yun Tianqing.

When the light dissipated, Yun Tianqing had put on an ice blue double-breasted narrow-sleeved robe. There were lilac bamboo pattern piping on the collar and cuffs of the robe. She wore a wide belt with a white auspicious cloud pattern around her waist, and her long black hair was simply tied up. He was held up by a bamboo hairpin, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a light purple lotus mark between his eyebrows. The whole person stood upright like a jade tree, pines and cypresses, adding two points of pride and elegance out of thin air.

Moreover, after Nirvana and rebirth, his cultivation level has also broken through to the realm of Golden Immortal, and he is still born as a Golden Immortal like the ancient great gods. He can be called innately divine, born immortal, and has the same life span as heaven and earth!
"It's time to go out. If you don't go out, my Qimeng Pavilion will be smashed!"

Yun Tianqing saw through the void, smiled softly, then stretched out his hand to draw the void, and there was a space crack in front of him, and he walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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