Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 534 Fellow Taoist, where do you want to go? ! !

Chapter 534 Fellow Taoist, where do you want to go? ! !

The body of Evil Heaven Dao has always looked down on the heaven-defying level, at least until now!

After all, such as Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Chenzu and other heaven-defying levels in the world of the tomb of gods, they have defeated the heavens countless times from ancient times until now. It has never been successful before, let alone successful, it can't even hit Him hard. He has been toying with him since time immemorial, so in the eyes of the evil heavenly body, the heaven-defying level has never been a threat!

But even judging from his memory from the beginning of the Tomb of Gods to the present day, he has never seen a time when the heaven-defying level was calculated in plural numbers! For example, in the Great Thousand World of Tomb of Gods, there are only nine people in the Heaven-defying level who can truly rely entirely on their own independent breakthrough achievements, and none of them has reached ten.

But now there are a bunch of seriously injured Heaven-defying Graders in front of me, adding up to a total of forty-one!

Even if the strength that these seriously injured heaven-defying level individuals can unleash alone is not strong in his eyes, he, who has less than 50% of the origin of heavenly law now, has a 20% chance of being defeated in the future possibilities he deduced. These ants that He looked down upon were dragging them to death together! The remaining 80% probability is that he will kill the forty-one heaven-defying levels on the opposite side, swallow them up himself, and then take a big step forward in the current realm!

If this were the forty-one Heaven-defying level/Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals on the opposite side, there would definitely not be any one of the Heaven-defying level/Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals who would hesitate, and they would definitely choose to gamble directly!

Not to mention that there is only about a 20% chance of dying together. Even if it is reversed, there is about an 80% chance of dying together. The remaining 20% ​​is the probability of killing them back.

Those heaven-defying level/Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals who are either born divine, or who have achieved success through killing and fighting since their humble beginnings will take the gamble without hesitation!

After all, those who can rely on themselves to achieve the Heaven-defying level/Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are not only unparalleled in their courage and courage, but they definitely do not lack the confidence and courage to dare to fight against the odds!

But Evil Heaven Dao is not the case, especially when it comes to his own life. Evil Heaven Dao not only does not have the courage to gamble, he does not even have the courage to face it calmly!

He himself was born due to the evil thoughts, resentment, hatred and other negative emotions of all living beings infecting the way of heaven. He is naturally afraid of death!

If not, He would not have launched catastrophes of annihilation again and again in order to exist forever, wiping out billions of sentient beings in all realms of the Tomb of Gods in one era after another.

Especially after discovering that the emotions of despair, fear, and panic that billions of sentient beings experience when they encounter annihilation, and that the aura of the origin of life of all sentient beings can promote his evolution, he began to herd all living beings until they grow up. After that, the harvest is like leeks.

And after discovering that there was a one-in-a-million chance that Dugu Baitian and Demon Lord could overthrow him, he decided to divide the world of Tomb of Gods into nine parts and completely eliminate Dugu Baitian at the risk of severely injuring his own vitality. It is possible for heaven and demon lords to overthrow him.

Therefore, facing the 20% chance that he could be dragged to death together, the Evil Heavenly Dao himself gave up! ! !

He plans to temporarily retreat first, find a random world, harvest all the sentient beings in the world to replenish his own origin, and then come back to settle accounts with these heaven-defying levels!

Anyway, he has already memorized the coordinates of the Great Thousand Worlds of God's Tomb, as well as the coordinates of the Great Thousand Worlds where the Desolate Heaven Emperor and other heaven-defying levels are located. After he returns to his peak state, all these heaven-defying levels will become his supplies!

In less than a billionth of an instant, the unknown humanoid creature transformed by the Evil Heavenly Dao has made a decision. This time he didn't say anything, he just took a deep look at the Heaven-defying Orders opposite. The next moment, the body of Evil Heavenly Dao had torn apart the chaos and headed towards the vast world that it had passed through during the fierce battle.

But as soon as the light escaped and the chaotic void was torn apart, they suddenly encountered an unrivaled stalwart who forcefully smashed it from the middle and forced him out!

"Fellow Taoist, where do you want to go?!!"

Wearing a simple blue Taoist robe, holding a piece of floating dust in his hand, the simple old man without any Taoist vision appearing around him was looking at Him with a smile.

However, when the body of Evil Heaven Dao saw the appearance of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, a look of great vigilance appeared on his face. It was just that piece of floating dust that shattered the chaotic void and forced him out!

Seeing that the way forward was blocked, the Evil Heavenly Dao himself had no intention of talking and instantly escaped into the chaotic void billions of light years away! But just as he was escaping, he was interrupted by violent means!

"We still want to discuss things with fellow Taoists, so why bother leaving in such a hurry!"

The Demon Ancestor Luohu, dressed in black and holding the God-killing Spear, looked at the Evil Heavenly Dao himself and said coldly.

But if Demon Ancestor Luohu hadn't almost stabbed him through with a shot just now, Evil Heavenly Dao's true body might still believe Demon Ancestor Luohu for a moment.

Seeing Demon Ancestor Luohu blocking the way, the body of Evil Heavenly Dao once again fled towards the chaotic void on the right.

But just as he was escaping, he once again saw an old man wearing a green robe of infinite vitality standing in front of him. However, this time he was not interrupted by violent means, but no matter how far he fled to the chaotic void on the right, he would always return to the front of the old man in green robes in the end.

It is obvious that the other party is a stalwart who is proficient in the avenue of space!

After thinking about this, the body of Evil Heavenly Dao once again fled towards the chaotic void on the left.

But this time the Chaos Void was frozen directly, and he was almost frozen to pieces!

Only then did he see in the chaotic void on the left, also standing behind him was a peerless woman in plain-colored palace clothes with a fifty-fold perfect wheel of the Great Way, blocking the way.

Looking at the four stalwart powerful men who did not immediately surround them, the Evil Heavenly Dao himself gritted his teeth and escaped towards the top of the chaotic void this time.

As soon as the light escapes, there are metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The five elements of yin and yang are flowing endlessly, creating and interfering with each other. Finally, based on the five elements, a great power that goes beyond the scope of the five elements and transcends the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will be evolved. The path of the evil heavenly body is blocked!

In the end, the body of Evil Heavenly Dao had no choice but to make a last ditch effort and escape toward the bottom of the chaotic void.

But just after escaping less than a billion light-years away, a fist the size of a mountain directly shattered the chaotic space of hundreds of millions of light-years, and even knocked the Evil Heavenly Dao body back to its original position.

At this time, the six Taoist ancestors Hongjun, Demon Ancestor Luohu, Yangmei Taoist, Taiyin Yuanzun, Huang Laojun, and Zhoushan Ancestor slowly approached the body of Evil Heavenly Dao.

The six people were either full of smiles, or had cold expressions, or had gentle brows, or had calm faces, or had smiles on their lips, or were honest and honest. They looked at the Evil Heavenly Dao and said in unison:

"Fellow Taoist, don't be anxious. We just want to have a discussion with you."

(End of this chapter)

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