Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 539 Cause and effect form a loop, time forms a loop!

Chapter 539 Cause and effect form a loop, time forms a loop!

In the end, all the changes in his eyes returned to calm, and Yun Tianqing also had a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Because when he just closed his eyes and wandered in the infinite sea of ​​chaotic void, he felt a special source of cause and effect related to himself.

The so-called original cause and effect is the cause and effect that is closely related to its own existence. It is called original cause and effect.

After closing his eyes again and carefully feeling the pull of the original cause and effect, Yun Tianqing flicked his fingers, and a ethereal stream of green light disappeared into the chaotic void, following the unknown connection of the original cause and effect.

In the vast universe of physics, a wispy stream of blue and green light suddenly appeared, and then crossed the distance of thousands of seas of stars, went to the edge of this vast universe, and entered the river system called the Milky Way. Within, it fell into the solar system within the river system, and finally landed on a planet called the Blue Star in the solar system.

Azure Star, 1995.

A young emperor wearing a sky-blue emperor's robe, with an eternity of elegance, an unparalleled majesty, and the most noble and noble spirit, walked on the extremely lively ordinary street with people coming and going. It's just that all sentient beings see Him and forget Him.

At this moment, the mortals in the country under His feet are celebrating their Spring Festival. After all, the Spring Festival is always the most grand festival of the year for the country of China, which is the land under His feet.

"It's really back, and it's twenty-five years early."

Yun Tianqing looked at everything familiar around him, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

In fact, if he really wanted to talk about it, he rarely remembered the memories of his previous life. After all, the total of previous lives is only about twenty years of memories. Compared with the tens of thousands of years of living in the vast world, not counting the years of traveling in the infinite chaotic void, and the time spent in refreshing one's existence again and again. The prehistoric times that have passed.

The memory of the past life is really too slim. If he hadn't been a stalwart being who had stepped into the realm above the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, it would have been impossible to forget certain memories. The memory of more than twenty years in the previous life has long been covered and submerged by the thousands of years of the vast world.

Following the connection of origin and cause and effect, with just one step, Yun Tianqing found himself who was only one year old in the past.

After taking a look at his past self, who was still a one-year-old kid and even crawling on the ground, Yun Tianqing stood with his hands behind his hands and looked up into the void. At this moment, the future development and changes of this planet were all presented to Yun Tianqing's eyes.

Not just the changes and developments in the next twenty-five years, but the changes and developments in the next tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands or millions of years! Even if Yun Tianqing is willing, he can clearly see all the changes in this planet from now to its future decline and return to ruins at a glance.


Yun Tianqing was slightly surprised. At his current state, there were not many things that could surprise him.

In that glance just now, he could even clearly deduce the origin of the [Cultural Communication System] that he would obtain twenty-five years later.

The [Cultural Communication System] he obtained in the past was a technology that had developed to a very high level, and was even capable of refining falsehoods into reality. It was equivalent to the super-technological world of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level in the great world of prehistoric times. The core of civilization left behind after being struck and destroyed by foreign invasion.

However, during the escape, this core of civilization suffered multiple blows. In the end, it was almost unable to maintain its own existence, so it had to choose itself as a host.

However, these are not important things to Yun Tianqing. The important thing is the development and changes in the future that he sees in the next twenty-five years, such as "Journey to the West", "Sou Shen Zhuan", "Sword and Fairy" "The Legend of Chivalry", "Westward Journey", "The Greatest Demon in History", "Swordsman in the Snow" and many other classic film and television culture and biographical novels that he knew in his previous life will not exist in this world in the next twenty years. Five years of change and development!

However, actors who have played in film and television dramas such as "Journey to the West", "The Legend of Gods", "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and "Journey to the West", as well as those who have written "The Greatest Demon in History", "Swordsman in the Snow", " The authors of biographical novels such as "Seeking the Demon" are all real people.

This is a very strange thing for Yun Tianqing. After all, he is very sure, or there is no doubt that this world is his previous life, and the little guy crawling on the ground now is his past self!

However, many classic film and television cultures and biographical novels that I should have known and seen in the past are not in the future development of this world. If the past self did not see or know the classic film and television culture and biographical novels in the previous life, then how did the self in the ancient world spread and carry them forward and obtain the origin point? ! !

You know, now that I know the classic film and television culture and biographical novels in my previous life, they are also true and true, and I have even stepped onto the great existence of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

This is very interesting. There is a causal refutation between the past self and the present self.

However, Yun Tianqing is an existence that has been wandering around in the infinite chaotic void for thousands of years. Although such things are rare, it is not unheard of in the infinite chaotic void and all the worlds. Even Yun Tianqing I have seen similar things with my own eyes, and after a little thought, I knew the answer.

"Cause and effect, cause and effect, for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, cause and effect are never just causal relationships."

Yun Tianqing shook his head and smiled lightly.

Cause and effect may be connected in the eyes of other ordinary people, but for Da Luo Jinxian, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and even beings above Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, they are independent!

Turning the effect into the cause, turning the cause into the effect, such a thing is easy for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, let alone for him now!

At the same time, Yun Tianqing also knew the cause of this throbbing of origin and cause and effect that was pulling him.

With a thought, the consciousness of a very small number of people on this planet received the sporadic information that he spread out.

A year later, on the other side of Hong Kong in this country, Chen Haomin, Jiang Hua and others will star in the Hong Kong version of "Journey to the West";

Ten years later, on the mainland of this country, Jiao Meiren and others will star in "The Lotus Lantern";

Ten years later, in the same country on the mainland, Hu Xiaoge, Liu Tianxian and others will star in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy";

Also in the next twenty-five years, various authors will write "The Greatest Demon God in History", "Seeking Demons", "Fighting Swordsman in the Snow", "Perfect World", "The Tomb of the Gods", " "The Lord of the World" and other exciting biographical novels.

These movies, TV dramas and biographical novels all come from the experiences he saw and heard when he traveled through the chaotic void and all the worlds. At this moment, when he actively spreads this information and other creatures on this planet receive it, the original past life The movies, TV dramas, biographies, novels, etc. that I have seen are all being supplemented bit by bit.

Until twenty-five years later, the development of this planet has been exactly the same as the previous life in my memory. All kinds of movies, TV dramas and biographical novels that I had watched in my previous life are now available.

Also because these biographical novels and film dramas all correspond to the real world, my future self will naturally be able to use them to establish and prove the Tao when traveling to the ancient world.

On this planet, Yun Tianqing, who had just turned twenty-six, was resting in his apartment.

The next moment, the civilization core of a super technological world appeared in the void above Yun Tianqing's head in the apartment. When it traveled across borders and came to the Blue Star, it had to choose a host to live on because it was on the verge of being broken, and it finally chose Yun Tianqing, the one closest to it.

The attack that followed this civilizational core forced the civilizational core that had just been integrated into the body of the twenty-six-year-old Yun Tianqing to choose to travel through time again.

At this moment, Yun Tianjun, the Lord of the Heaven of the Great Universe, who had been watching from the sidelines, waved his sleeves and directly changed the world-traveling location of the [Cultural Communication System] to the Great Universe, and dropped it to the Great Universe thousands of years ago. On the long river of time. At the same time, when Yun Tianqing had just traveled through the vast world that appeared thousands of years ago, he threw the ownerless Hongmeng Purple Qi that was hidden between heaven and earth thousands of years ago onto Yun Tianqing.

At this point, Yun Tianqing in the previous life and Yun Tianjun, the eternal master of the vast world, formed a circle of cause and effect, and a circle of time! ! !


After taking a look at himself from a long time ago, Yun Tianjun chuckled slightly.

Finally, let me say one more thing, thank you all for your continued support, thank you very much!

My name is Biqinghe, nice to meet you!

(End of this chapter)

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