Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 54: Establishing the Dao and Transforming into 6 Holy Bodies

Chapter 54: Establishing the Dao and transforming into six holy bodies

"I will try my best to provide you with backup and provide you with as many origin points as possible." Yun Tianqing looked at the clone Yun Xinghe and said seriously.

Yun Xinghe nodded slightly, and then the bones on his face adjusted slightly, and the long hair that was originally like ink slowly turned white, matching the silver-white pupils.The whole person is like a piece of eternal ice, indifferent and heartless.

If there were still five or six similarities between Yun Xinghe and Yun Tianqing before, then now they are two completely different people.

Yun Xinghe's whole person turned from virtual to real, and then he took one step and reappeared under the thunder in the sky.

At this time, the eyes of the entire prehistoric world were fixed on Yun Xinghe who suddenly appeared, and countless people murmured to themselves.

"Is this the fellow Taoist who is going to establish the Tao this time?"

"I wonder what path this fellow Taoist adheres to?"

"It's just that this Li Dao Tribulation is more terrifying than the ordinary Great Luo Tribulation. I don't know if this person can survive it?"

However, Yun Tianqing and Yun Xinghe could not hear these whispers, and they had nothing to do with them, because the catastrophe was about to strike.

The Li Dao Tribulation, also known as the Eighty-nine Heavenly Tribulation, is the most difficult heavenly tribulation after the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation—the Hunyuan Tribulation!

The difficulty lies in the fact that there are no rules for this tribulation. It is not like the Tribulation of True Immortals, which requires you to survive the test of your conscience, nor is it like the Tribulation of Thunder and Fire, which is the Tribulation of the Forty-nine Heavens. , wind disasters, these are equivalent to the disasters that are the focus of the exam.

But there is no Li Dao Tribulation. You never know what you will face in your Li Dao Tribulation.

The thunder in the void seemed to see that Yun Tianqing was ready, and a figure suddenly walked out of the thunder in the sky.

"The dream has lasted for thousands of years, what year is it today - the dream machine."

This sentence came to the mind of everyone who saw this figure.

"So that's it, is this the Dao Tribulation?" Yun Tianqing, who was standing on the top floor of Qimeng Pavilion with his hands behind his hands, raised his head and looked at the Dao Tribulation, knowing it in his heart.

Meng Shenji was speechless in the void. With a single pointing, the illusory worlds of life and death were thrown towards Yun Xinghe!
Yun Xinghe did not dodge or evade, and with a long roar as if it were a dream or an illusion, he charged directly towards the big worlds!

Tiandao can evolve the Dream God Machine, so why can't he, as the master of the world "The Greatest Demon God in History", evolve the various magical powers of the Dream God Machine?

You and I are the same, but my way is suppressing yours!

If as the pioneer of this Tao, the leader of this Tao, and the originator of this Tao, he can't defeat a mere forgery, then it doesn't matter if this Tao is not established!

The fight between Yun Xinghe and Meng Shenji seemed very boring to others.Because your attacks are ineffective against me, and my attacks are ineffective against you.

But for people above Daluo, it seems to be extremely dangerous. It is difficult to distinguish between the real and the illusory between the two. They only believe in themselves. If they are not careful, they will be completely covered by the other person's way, become an existence in the illusion, and then be annihilated.

"It's like a dream, like an illusion, but also like reality!"

Yun Xinghe sang loudly, and the thunder that hit Yun Xinghe and the phantoms of the big worlds that came down suddenly disappeared, as if there was a piece of eraser erasing them all.

Then a figure walked out of Yun Xinghe, and in an instant it solidified into reality. It was the Dream God Machine!
The Dream God Machine evolved from Yun Xinghe strode forward, holding the big world in his arms. However, in an instant, the big world in his arms suddenly expanded, wrapping the thunder in the sky and the Dream God Machine evolved from the Heavenly Dao, and he also merged into it. .

After a while, the void seemed to be filled with waves, and the figure of Meng Shenji walked out of it, and then slowly came to Yun Xinghe and merged into his body.

But Yun Xinghe's expression was not relaxed at all, because the thunder in the sky had gathered again, and this time nine figures walked out of it.

"Three disasters and nine disasters can hardly shape the way - the Lord of Disasters."

"The leader of the Hundred Saints - Yi Zi." "The invincible martial artist - Wu Tianjun."

Each one burst out with almost as much power as a giant, and they all attacked Yun Xinghe at the same time!

Yun Xinghe didn't say anything, and went straight forward against the attack of all the killing skills!

The onlookers were stunned. Fortunately, Yun Xinghe went straight up to the nine heavens when he was going through the tribulation. In addition, Chang'an had human emperor's luck and the support of the human race formation. Otherwise, the emperor of Chang'an below would have been in the tribulation. annihilated below.

"Hiss, is this calamity that establishes the Dao so fierce? This is only the second thunder calamity, is it so violent? I remember that the calamity when Emperor Jun established the Dao of Demons or Di Jiang established the Dao of Witches were not violent, right?"

An old antique who had obviously experienced the Lich Tribulation tugged on his beard and looked at the calamity above with some fear.

"Emperor Jun established the Demonic Way or Emperor Jiang established the Witch Way. In any case, they are within the Way of Heaven and under the Way of Heaven. However, the way established by this fellow Taoist is to use my way to overpower the Way of Heaven and my way in the end. The Dao overwhelms all the Dao to become the Dao! It is not an exaggeration to say that it defies the heavens. To be honest, I did not evolve the six Dao Marks from the beginning and directly kill this fellow Daoist. I still think it is the mercy of Heaven."

A Da Luo, who is also hiding in the void, analyzed the situation clearly and logically.

"Hey, you know so clearly?"

The people watching next to me were very curious that he knew so clearly.

"Tsk, buy a copy of "The Greatest Demon God in History" and read it. You will know better than me."

A certain unknown Da Luo, who was hiding in the mortal world of Chang'an Game and was among the crowd of onlookers in the void, sneered.

Yun Xinghe was now covered in blood, and his original white clothes were stained red with blood. But now he didn't even have time to recover from these injuries. Firstly, there was not enough Origin Point to waste, and secondly, there was no time now.

Because the last thunder disaster has appeared.

"It's too late. Tiandao really intends to make this fellow Taoist fall into disgrace this time."

A certain old antique once again pulled off his beard and was dumbfounded when he saw the last thunder disaster.

"I think I have to take back what I just said about God's mercy."

An old man from Chang'an also had his mouth twitching.

Not only them, but countless powerful people who were watching had their pupils shrinking at this time. Even the Six Saints felt unbelievable, because the last thunder tribulation was really strong, so strong that it was unreasonable!It was so strong that even if they had the same level of cultivation, they wouldn't have much confidence that they could survive it!
Figures gradually emerged from the last thunder:

The pool master holding the destiny artifact Xuanhuang Tower in his hand!

The master of the destiny clock hanging from his waist!

The Ming Lord holding the Tai Chi flag, the divine weapon of destiny!

as well as,

The Taiqing sage who uses the Tai Chi figure to determine the earth, water, wind and fire!
The Yuqing Saint holding the Pangu flag to destroy the chaos!

The Sage of the Supreme Purity who carries the Four Swords of Killing Immortals to slay him!
The sage Nuwa holds a red hydrangea and destroys thousands of people!

The sage of Zhunti who holds the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and brushes away thousands of people!
The saint who holds the banner to guide God and saves all the people in the world!
Each of them is a powerful person who can fight against Hunyuan. Although everyone feels that it is impossible for him to have real combat power, even if he can only exert [-]% of his body's combat power for a short time, it is enough to bury the existence under Hunyuan. !

(End of this chapter)

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