Chapter 6
After answering questions for a quarter of an hour, Yun Tianqing, who knew that the audience was getting impatient, stopped talking nonsense and directly announced the official opening of "Westward Journey: Moonlight Box" with a wave of his hand.

One hundred and eight rented Baigongmen toolmen simultaneously injected mana into their magic to cast spells, and fully opened the special photo-taking jade slip handed to them by Yun Tianqing.The image imprinted on the jade slip slowly opened like a giant curtain covering the sky. The huge 3D image appeared in the void. Not only could the entire city of Chang'an be seen, but at least the people of Chang'an on the side of Qimeng Pavilion could see it. It is visible looking up.

Even the well-informed Chang'an people or other practitioners were stunned by such a big movement. They had seen a lot of jade slips and many of them even had a few copies in their hands. They can easily buy it at Baigongmen in Chang'an, but they have never seen a jade slip that can project such a huge image.

This is also the reason why Yun Tianqing wants to rent so many tool workers from Baigong Sect. Since ordinary photo-taking jade slips can't suppress them, he will make the photo-taking jade slips as large as possible and as wide as possible. !
As the void image screen slowly opened, everyone quieted down and waited eagerly. Yun Tianqing also sat quietly watching.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "Sun Wukong, you beast, you originally promised Tathagata Buddha to escort your master Tang Sanzang to get the Western Scriptures, but you actually colluded with the Bull Demon King to eat your master. Do you know that you have committed a heinous crime? ?”

Sun Wukong: "Don't be wordy! You chased me for three days and three nights. I didn't kill you because you were a woman. Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

In the photo, Guanyin Bodhisattva is standing on a nine-petal lotus platform, holding a jade bottle with raised eyebrows, angrily scolding Sun Wukong underneath who is wearing golden armor and holding a golden hoop.

Sun Wukong took the golden cudgel back behind him with a stick flower, and looked up at Guanyin Bodhisattva with a rebellious face.

As soon as the two go up and down, the red background light behind Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva becomes turbid and the dark green and transpiring clouds behind Sun Wukong form a strong sense of color conflict.Tang Sanzang just sat on the ground between the two of them, as if foreshadowing something.

The first scene of "Westward Journey" is straight to the point, simply and clearly stating the identities of the three people present.Especially when I saw Tang Sanzang in the picture with a cute look on his face and said to Sun Wukong: "Wukong, how can you talk to Sister Guanshizizi like this?"

Most of the ordinary spectators present had strange expressions. Most of them had seen the holy monk Tang Sanzang with their own eyes, and there were also many audience members who had spoken to the holy monk Tang Sanzang. Especially when Tang Sanzang left yesterday, there were Many people went to see him off.Putting aside the appearance of this Tang Sanzang, his temperament was completely different from the Tang Sanzang they knew.

But being weird is weird, and such a unique saint monk Tang Sanzang has indeed aroused the audience's interest.After all, there is no Journey to the West written by Master Six in the prehistoric Tang Dynasty. There are no preconceived notions and no fear of apology.

As for the other practitioners who were hidden in the crowd or watching and taking pictures through various remote methods, the moment Sun Wukong and Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared on the stage, they secretly said: "Sure enough, the existence behind Qimeng Pavilion really wants to interfere in Journey to the West. It’s just what the other party plans to do about Journey to the West? Is it just relying on such a so-called Journey to the West photo?"

Although they couldn't understand the intention of the being behind Qimeng Pavilion, they were still quite interested in this seemingly grand arrangement of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Sun Wukong, and Jin Chanzi.Anyway, if there is a problem, it is the powerful people behind Qimeng Pavilion who are taking care of it. They are just taking a sneak peek.Yun Tianqing watched the screening of "Westward Journey" with a flash of nostalgia in his eyes. In this strange world of the Tang Dynasty, "Westward Journey" was the first familiar thing he brought to the world.However, compared with the original version of "Westward Journey" he is showing now, he has made some changes in this version of "Westward Journey".

For example, the props, the lotus platform of the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the first scene in the original version are too fake; most of the scenery is also very crude, and the special effects of the fight are only [-] cents.

These were all problems caused by the limitations of special effects technology at that time and the crew's funding problems. They were big or small.But now that he has the opportunity to start over, Yun Tianqing naturally wants to make up for such shortcomings.Of course, another important reason is that this is the prehistoric Tang Dynasty. If you show the original special effects to the prehistoric gods and gods, you will really make the prehistoric gods and gods laugh.

So I worked hard on the special effects, as grand as I can imagine. The whole thing is majestic, the whole dreamy and magnificent. Anyway, they are all fake. They are all imagined by me based on what I have found about the strength of ancient practitioners. In fact, the origin points spent are not that many.

He also made slight modifications to the names of three other people, but they only changed the names of Patriarch Bodhi to Patriarch Grape, the Jade Emperor to Great Heavenly Lord, and the Great Master Guanyin to Guanshi Zizi.This modification is mainly to avoid tabooing about the Bodhi Patriarch, the Jade Emperor, and Guanyin Bodhisattva. After all, in this ancient world, as long as the cultivation level reaches the level of a person with great supernatural powers, when someone chants his name, the other person will feel it.

Yun Tianqing didn't want to be hit to death by a big palm that fell from the sky with a telepathic move from a person with great supernatural powers before the screening of "Westward Journey" was over.However, anyone with some common sense in spiritual practice can basically tell who the Great Heavenly Lord and Guanshi Zizai in "Journey to the West" refer to. At most, they don't know who the Patriarch Putao refers to.

As for the names of characters such as Sun Wukong, Zixia, Tang Sanzang, Bull Demon King, Bai Jingjing, and Chun Sansanniang, Yun Tianqing will not change them.

Firstly, the level of these characters has not reached the level of those with great supernatural powers, and they will not be affected by the other party if they directly use it. Although this will also form a cause and effect with the other party, as long as they can resist this cause and effect before the other party comes to the door. Strength, then it doesn't matter.

Secondly, it is still unclear whether characters such as Bai Jingjing and Zixia Fairy in the play existed in the prehistoric era.

This is a change related to props, special effects and individual names. He will not change the specific plot at all!After all, the original version has become an eternal classic with its rudimentary props and [-]-cent special effects. It relies on the plot to bring it to life.Special effects only serve the plot. If you pursue special effects too much and ignore the plot, it goes without saying that the movie will fail [-]% of the time. There are many such examples in previous lives.

(End of this chapter)

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