Chapter 60 Discussion
After Meng Bo went to make arrangements, Yun Tianqing continued to think about which novel to arrange to replace the completed "The Greatest Demon God in History".Unlike movies where there are not many options to choose from, there are really many biographical novels. Even if, like the movies, the Western elements are removed and the ones without extraordinary powers are removed, there are still as many choices as stars.

After all, if you make a movie, no matter how simple it is, or the special effects are [-] cents, it will cost a lot of money.Biographical novels are different. As long as you have a computer and a pair of hands in your previous life, you can start writing.It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have a computer, as long as you have two hands that can write. Apart from the time cost, other costs are almost zero.But as to whether the content of the story created is good or not, that is another matter.

The different cost inputs between the two are destined to lead to far more occurrences of the latter than the former.

"The decision is made by you!" After thinking about it, Yun Tianqing finally decided to publish a novel with a lower force value compared to the original novel, but a more brilliant plot and character description.It is mainly used to attract the people of the Tang Dynasty. As for those fairy tales or fantasy novels with high martial arts value, he will wait for a while until he determines what the foundation of the prehistoric heaven is based on, or he has the ability again. With the strength to withstand the Li Dao Tribulation, those novels will be published again.

The next day, the shopkeepers of Chang'an Twelve Bookstores and the shopkeepers of Baigongmen's Chang'an branch came to Qimeng Pavilion in advance.

"Shopkeeper Huang, you look very good today."

"Haha, shopkeeper Wen is also smiling all over his face."

"No matter where I am, I'm following you all to make a living."

Thirteen shopkeepers, you compliment me a few words, I praise you a few words, anyway, everyone in Huaqiaozi praises you.During this period of time, whether it was Twelve Bookstores or Baigongmen, following Qimeng Pavilion was a feast for the eyes.Needless to say, Twelve Bookstores. After forming a monopoly and rationally allocating resources, and adding novels and photos that were popular throughout the Tang Dynasty, and even the entire prehistoric era, the net worth of the thirteen shopkeepers present has increased tenfold!
The shopkeeper of Baigongmen reached a cooperation with Qimeng Pavilion from the beginning.Although Baigongmen may not earn much as a manufacturer. Excluding costs, a jade slip with a photo or a jade slip with a note can only earn about one or two cents. But don’t forget that all the products currently sold by Twelve Bookstores are sold to the outside world. Jade slips with photos and jade slips with notes are all made by Baigongmen.The quantity is so large that the profit earned by making small profits but quick turnover is no less than that of Twelve Bookstores.

This kind of thing would make everyone smile.And today, Yun Tianqing invited them over and said that he had new novels and photos. This was another time to make a lot of money!How could you not laugh? ! !How can you look bad? ! !
"Good morning, shopkeepers." Yun Tianqing walked in from outside the box and greeted the shopkeepers inside.

"Good morning, Master."

"The master is too polite!"

"How are you doing these days, Pavilion Master?!!"

When all the shopkeepers in the box saw Yun Tianqing walking in, they all stood up and returned the greetings.

When everyone sat down again, Yun Tianqing, who was sitting in the chief center, did not waste any time and went straight to the point:

"There are two main purposes for calling you here today. One is that a new biographical novel has begun to be serialized and published. Here are some samples and some of the wonderful characters in it. You can take a look first."

While Yun Tianqing was talking, Uncle Meng also distributed the manuscripts printed in advance to the shopkeepers one by one.

""Fighting Swordsman in the Snow"?"

A shopkeeper looked at the title of the book and read it softly. "If heaven had not given birth to me, Li Chungang, the art of swordsmanship would be as long as the night. Come with the sword!!! - Li Chungang"

When another shopkeeper saw Li Chungang's wonderful lines in some of the characters in the manuscript, he couldn't help but take a breath: "His, what a big breath!"

"In our great Chu state, there is a young swordsman who crosses the river with his sword, and his sword energy rushes into the bullfight; there is a graceful beauty who is the most beautiful in the world, and her smile captivates the country; there is a wild celebrity who travels in the rivers and mountains at night in a boat, distributing hundreds of poems about wine fighting; there is an unparalleled wise general who uses military force Like an arm and a finger, he has never been defeated in seventy battles in his life; there is a scholar dressed in blue, who is a scholar on the outside and a tyrant on the inside, who walks into the palace as if walking through the corridors; there are also fables, real people's sermons, and lectures by eminent monks. , why did he die?!"

Shopkeeper Chen looked at this description of Da Chu in his manuscript. In just a few sentences, he could describe a brilliant and extraordinary empire vividly.However, such an empire is dead!
"You are my Zen, and your beauty can be seen. - Li Dangxin"

Shopkeeper Huang muttered these words softly, which were unclear and unexplainable, but had a hint of charm.

Yun Tianqing ignored the chatter of these shopkeepers and continued to take out a photo slip and said: "In addition to the biographical novel that you just got in your hands that will be published, there is also a new photo album that will be released this time."

Shopkeeper Chen looked at the jade slip in his hand without thinking much, and directly pressed the play button of the jade slip.Immediately, other shopkeepers were attracted, but soon, in less than 5 minutes, the playback of the photo jade slip in shopkeeper Chen's hand ended.

"This is?" Shopkeeper Huang looked at Yun Tianqing with some confusion.

"This is a trailer and a promotional video. It is mainly used to promote, arouse people's interest, and attract people to come and watch." Yun Tianqing explained calmly while looking at the shopkeepers.

"I understand. I wonder when the Pavilion Master plans to release it?" Shopkeeper Chen nodded and asked.

"I wonder what the shopkeepers can achieve today's printing and publishing output?" Yun Tianqing did not answer directly. Instead, he asked the shopkeepers about their daily printing and publishing volume.

After the twelve shopkeepers looked at each other, Shopkeeper Huang took the lead and replied: "If we go all out, we can print 300 million to 400 million biographical novels in one day and night; if it is still not enough, we can temporarily recruit a With more manpower, the number of publications can be doubled!”

The number of 300 million to 400 million publications a day and night is already terrifying. It’s not that it’s impossible to print more, it’s just that it’s not necessary.Considering the population of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, which was more than 300 million, the same novel could sell 400 million to [-] million copies, which would be enough to saturate the market in Chang'an.

You must know that this is a purchase rate of [-] in [-]. Excluding those who are too old, those who are too young, and some people who do not like to read biographical novels, the remaining target audience can be said to be almost everyone. Both purchased a biographical novel.Reaching this step is already the limit. After all, there are only a few readers who are willing to buy seven or eight copies of each novel.

As for the markets in other state capitals, their branches in each state capital are naturally responsible for printing and publishing, so they don't need to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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