Chapter 68
In the scene, on the day when Mrs. Yin was about to give birth, Shen Gongbao secretly used a puppet charm to ask the housekeeper to give wine mixed with sleeping pills to Taiyi Zhenren.

Originally, everyone thought that at this moment, Master Taiyi would not be confused.But I never expected that Master Taiyi would actually drink it!I drank more than half of it in one breath, and finally said, "It's not interesting to have this little bit left, so keep drinking!" He immediately got drunk and slept like a dead pig.

Everyone was so anxious that they wanted to beat Master Taiyi, but then everyone's wish came true.

Li Jing, who had been saying to the housekeeper one second, "What's wrong with this? It's too disrespectful and disrespectful to be polite." The next second he heard the midwife say that his wife couldn't hold on any longer.He immediately pulled the butler away and said, "Let me do it." He started with a series of high-speed punches to knock out the wine mixed with the Ecstasy Pill from Master Taiyi's stomach.

Just when everyone thought they could finally reincarnate the spirit bead safely, they were still the same Taiyi master, still so stupid, and they forgot the password to unlock the seven-color lotus.

Especially when he saw Taiyi Zhenren trying and making mistakes four times in a row, holding his chin and saying seriously: "If you make five mistakes in a row, Baolian will be automatically locked. You can only try again after ten years."

All the viewers couldn't help but feel a lump in their chests. If I had to describe it, it would probably be similar to the feeling of Shen Gongbao biting the railing in a frenzy in the picture.

In the prehistoric world, in Yuanshi Tianzun's dojo, Guang Chengzi's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but said: "Is this really Junior Brother Taiyi?"

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Guang Chengzi without speaking, then turned his head and continued to look.

Guangchengzi also reacted when he said it, and continued to look at the photo with Yuanshi Tianzun in slight embarrassment.At that moment, he also deduced the secret and understood the concept of photo-taking stories.This is just a story compiled and filmed by others based on what they saw and heard, and it is not true.

After that, the scene developed rapidly. It was originally planned that the magic pill would be reincarnated into Mrs. Yin's body, but the plan of Magic Pill was destroyed by Tianlei three years later. Shen Gongbao stole the spirit pearl and had Magic Pill reincarnated into Mrs. Yin's body. Broken.

"So this is what the magic pill means, and Nezha is the magic pill." Li Lizhi murmured as she looked at the screen.

At the same time, others also thought of this.More importantly, if Nezha is a magic pill, Nezha will be killed by the Heavenly Tribulation Curse in three years!

In the dojo of Tianwa Palace outside the chaotic world, Nuwa Yun frowned slightly, why is the Heavenly Tribulation Curse so cruel?Dare to kill even the people in Ta Wa's palace?This is not taking her Nuwa seriously! !

Nezha looked at himself as the "reincarnation of the magic pill" in the picture without saying a word, but clenched his fists slightly.

Nezha, the reincarnation of Mowan, has a violent nature. Fortunately, Taiyi Zhenren finally became reliable at this moment and suppressed his demonic nature with the boundless universe circle.

Just when Taiyi Zhenren was about to kill Nezha, the reincarnation of the magic pill, Li Jing stopped Taiyi Zhenren; when Taiyi Zhenren pushed Li Jing away and was about to attack again, Yin, who had just given birth and was extremely weak, Madam protected Nezha in front of him and once again prevented Nezha from death.

Mrs. Yin looked at her palm being bitten by Nezha and it was dripping with blood, but she still didn't care and still wanted to protect Nezha.Mothers with children present, such as Queen Changsun and Mrs. Cheng, all seemed to empathize with her. Being mothers, they naturally know the feelings mothers have for their children.

Looking at the man in the picture who said sincerely: "If Nezha gets into trouble, I, Mr. Li, will give everyone justice even if I risk my life." In fact, he wanted to protect Nezha's father Li Jing who was just born.

Looking at the person in the picture, when Taiyi Zhenren said that Mowan was cursed with a heavenly calamity, and that three years later today, Mowan would be killed by a calamity, he said to his wife with a firm face: "Then I Go and ask the Heavenly Lord to undo the curse, don’t worry, as long as I am here, the child will be fine," said her husband Li Jing.

I don't know how many people in Chang'an who watched the movie secretly praised Li Jing for being responsible, a good man, and a good husband!However, the gods in the box on the third floor and those who were watching the movie in other ways were a little embarrassed. It was just that the people of Chang'an didn't know the father-son relationship between Li Jing and Nezha.Do they, the prehistoric immortals and gods, especially those in heaven, still know? ! !
Worship the tower instead of the father!

The scenes in this picture are really embarrassing and ironic compared to reality.

Nezha, who was in the private room on the third floor, looked at Li Jing, a good father and husband in the picture, with a calm expression on his face.But Yang Jian, who was beside him, had long seen that Nezha's nails had dug into the flesh of his palms, but there was no blood on the lotus body.

In the blink of an eye, an ugly little boy sat on the wall with a piece of weed in his mouth and read a limerick: "Locked in the house with nothing to do, he climbed over the wall and broke bricks and bottles. He went back and forth thousands of times. Again, I am also very tired." Coupled with the messy Li family mansion, everyone already knew how Nezha spent this year.

The screen continues to advance:

[In order to make Nezha happy, Mrs. Yin proposed to play shuttlecock with Nezha. The guard next to her held the armor and said, "Madam, why don't you put on the armor."

Mrs. Yin waved her hand and said dissatisfied: "Are you kidding me? Wearing armor while playing with my son, kicking a shuttlecock will kill someone!"

But just as Mrs. Yin finished speaking, Nezha's shuttlecock kicked over in the next second, directly kicking Mrs. Yin into the wall. 】

All the audience burst into laughter one after another. The laughter of more than ten thousand people reverberated in the theater like thunder.This flip is so funny and interesting.

"My dear, this Nezha is indeed the reincarnation of Mowan. He has such strength at only two years old!" Cheng Yaojin said in surprise as he looked at the picture.

"It means the child is healthy!" Mrs. Cheng rolled her eyes at Cheng Yaojin, with the same smile on her face.

[Zai Nezha asked with a worried look: "Mom, are you okay?"

Mrs. Yin pulled herself out of the wall, gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's okay, it's okay, good kicking!" Then she turned to look at the guard holding the armor and smiled bitterly: "You'd better put it on."

Just then Nezha said with an embarrassed look, "Should I be gentler next time?"

Mrs. Yin, wearing armor, looked brave and brave and said: "No, you opened it for fun!"

Not long after, Mrs. Yin was so tired that she put her hands on the ground, panting and sweating like rain.When the guard said: "Madam, take a break."Mrs. Yin shook her head and waved her hands: "Look, Nezha is having so much fun! I haven't seen him so happy for a long time."]

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience felt sad for Nezha, and at the same time they felt Mrs. Yin's perseverance and her motherly love for Nezha.But this mood was immediately diluted by the two funny guards in the picture with bruises and swollen faces, swaying and saying: "We can't survive."

(End of this chapter)

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