Chapter 75 Buddhist Action
The four heavenly gates in heaven all have the function of teleporting to and from the three realms. Each of the heavenly gates corresponds to a continent.Otherwise, given the vastness of the Three Realms, just to send troops from heaven to the lower realms to kill demons and eliminate demons, the average heavenly soldiers and generals would have to fly for at least several hours, and at most they would have to fly for several days to several months.At such a speed, by the time they arrived at the scene of the crime, all the demons had already eaten and fled.

Therefore, the immortal gods in the heaven are basically transmitted directly to the corresponding locations in the four major continents through the four heavenly gates. Generally, if the immortal gods want to use the heavenly gate, they need to obtain the signature permission of the immortal god at the level of Star Lord, Marshal or above before they can borrow the heavenly gate. Heavenly kings like Li Jing can come and go freely as long as they do not delay their inspection duties.

Li Jing took a step out of the Xitian Gate and arrived not far from the horizon of Lingshan Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu.Thanks to the great rise of Tianding Buddhism in this era, Buddhists tend to walk with their heads held high.Seeing Li Jing, a disciple of Ran Deng Buddha flying over, everyone from Buddhist nuns to Arhats and Bodhisattvas bowed respectfully or nodded to Li Jing.

This scene greatly relieved Li Jing's previous shy and angry mood. He nodded in return to the Arhat Bodhisattva with a slightly arrogant attitude, and then headed towards the Randen Buddha Realm opened by the Randen Buddha in Lingshan Mountain in a familiar way.

"Meet the Master. The Master's Taoism seems to be three-thirds better than before, and the disciples cannot help but admire it." Li Jing respectfully looked at the center of the Randen Buddha Realm, which seemed to be emitting infinite light, infinite brilliance, infinite brightness and other strange phenomena. The stalwart figure that lit up the entire Buddhist world kowtowed and saluted.

"What's going on here? Could it be that the golden and exquisite pagoda can't suppress Nezha anymore?!"

The ancient Buddha of Ran Deng opened his eyes and looked at Li Jing, slightly confused.

Li Jing looked embarrassed when he heard this, but he could only lower his head and whisper no, and then told the story of Qimeng Pavilion, including the film story "Westward Journey" shown at the beginning, and later "The Greatest Demon in History", The subsequent Dao-establishing Daluo Jinxian passed through the Dao-establishing tribulation, and the recent "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" and so on were all reported to Master Ran Deng.

Ran Deng listened quietly to Li Jing's report while constantly calculating the secrets.Although Daluo Jinxian has unspeakable great power, he is not omniscient and omnipotent after all.Without taking the initiative to deduce things, only when it comes to matters related to oneself can one be able to know things without asking.Otherwise, if you want to know other things, you have to do some calculations yourself.

And as the calculation began, Ran Deng's face gradually changed from a serious expression at the beginning to a solemn expression, and finally his brows were furrowed.

Ran Deng had already paid attention to it when he first knew that the other party was a newly promoted Daluo Jinxian. However, he thought it was a newly promoted Daluo Jinxian, but after painstaking calculations, he found nothing!
You must know that he, Ran Deng, has been born since ancient times. He was once a guest in the Zixiao Palace, and also the deputy religious leader of Chanjiao.His strength is so tyrannical that he is among the best even among Da Luo!If we consider the ninth level of Daluo, he has already set foot on the sixth level of Daluo. With the addition of the 24 heavens that have evolved together with the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls and the Qiankun Ruler, even a person with great supernatural powers from the seventh or eighth level of Daluo can fight. !
This is the reason why after his apostasy, he not only was not killed by Yuanshi Tianzun, but was also able to obtain one of the three Buddha statuses in the past, present and future of Buddhism.Without him, he is just strong enough!

However, for someone as powerful as him, he couldn't figure out any information about the great magical power behind Qimeng Pavilion. How could this not frighten him!

Ran Deng narrowed his eyes slightly and thought: "There are not many situations now where I can't figure out any information."

"Is there a saint who is trying to cover up the secret and want to cause trouble in the journey to the west?"

"Which fellow Taoist is coming back from the tribulation?"

"Or does this fellow Taoist have an innate spiritual treasure that can conceal the secrets of heaven?"

But no matter which one it is, it shows that the other person is not easy to mess with, but he is not afraid of it.Especially since the other party suffered a Dao injury in order to survive the Dao Establishment Tribulation, and it would be impossible for him to return to his full glory in a hundred or eighty thousand years, he would be even less afraid of the other party. "Master, if this continues, I'm worried that it will affect the spread of Buddhism eastward?" Li Jing said as if he was worried.

Ran Deng glanced at Li Jing and said nothing.Although Daluo Jinxian is not omniscient and omnipotent, he is basically able to understand things with great insight except for other great supernatural beings of the same realm.Of course, it was like "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" or something like that. Ran Deng basically understood everything during the calculation process just now, and he also understood why Li Jing came here today.

But it's one thing for Li Jing to hide his little thoughts, but it's another thing to say whether his words make sense or not.

Although the beings behind Qimeng Pavilion did not directly intervene in the Westward Journey, if this situation continues to develop, it will indeed affect the spread of Buddhism eastward and the prosperity of Buddhism in the future!
Although Buddhism is destined to flourish in this era, the upper and lower limits are very different!

For example, after completing the Journey to the West, each of the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang will at least achieve the status of Bodhisattva, that is, he will achieve the status of Taiyi Golden Immortal. If everything goes well, one or two of them should directly use their merit and luck to break through and achieve the status of Buddha. , that is, attaining the realm of Da Luo and stepping into the ranks of those with great supernatural powers.At the same time, Buddhism will also have a great increase in luck, and all Buddhists, especially Buddhist bigwigs like them, will also benefit from it, and their cultivation will improve by a point or two.

Buddhism suddenly has four more Taiyi Golden Immortals, and even one or two great supernatural powers in the realm of Da Luo. Under such circumstances, Buddhism will not prosper!

Unless there are cultivators in Xuanmen who break through, and three or four great supernatural beings in the Daluo realm suddenly appear, it is possible for them to overwhelm Buddhism.

However, if it were so easy to find a person with great supernatural powers, there would be no such saying as "Daluo is a chess player, and prehistoric times are a chessboard."And even if there are Xuanmen practitioners who are really on the verge of the Da Luo realm in this era, they will be subconsciously suppressed by Heavenly Dao. It is many times more difficult to break through to the Da Luo realm in this era than at other times. This is The so-called Tianding Buddhism flourishes!

But this is only the lower limit for the great prosperity of Buddhism. The lower limit is determined by heaven and the upper limit is man-made.With the lower limit of destiny, how far Buddhism can further flourish depends on what Buddhism does.For example, making Buddhism the orthodox state religion of the Tang Dynasty among the human races in the Nanzhan Tribe, allowing other human race countries in the four major continents to become Buddhist believers, and expanding the influence of Buddhism. These can increase the luck of Buddhism and make them so Buddhist. Something that will further benefit the boss.

This incident also reminded Ran Deng that one does not have to be on the journey to the West to influence Buddhism. It can also be influenced by other means.In the past, their focus was on the journey to the west, but they lacked attention to other aspects.

After thinking about it, I decided to light the lamp and send a message to the former Many Treasures and the current World Honored Tathagata.The World Honored One Tathagata is in charge of the matter of the journey to the west, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is specifically responsible for it. It is best for them to handle this kind of matter. A Daluo who has suffered from Taoism is not enough to make Buddhism fearful.

When the World-Honored One received the news, he immediately frowned and called Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to discuss countermeasures.

At the same time, Taiyi Zhenren in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain also received news from his senior brother Guangchengzi in the Yuxu Palace Dojo outside the Chaos World.

(End of this chapter)

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