Chapter 81 Journey to the West?
"I don't know, Sir, what do you want to talk about?"

Seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva put down his momentum and put on a gentle look again, Yun Tianqing also let go of his seriousness.If it wasn't necessary, he wouldn't want to have a conflict with Buddhism now.

The power of Buddhism is not just talk.Not to mention the Daluo clones of the two saints.The three great Buddhas of the past, present and future are all great supernatural powers in the realm of Daluo.Manjushri, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and Ksitigarbha, the four great bodhisattvas, are all tyrannical beings in the realm of half-step Daluo. Among them, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, in particular, has a great wish to open up a pure land in hell. In that pure land, one can It is said that it is not inferior to the existence of Daluo Realm.

There are many other Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc., so if Buddhism can compete with Taoism, it really has the strength and confidence, otherwise Buddhism would have been killed by Taoism long ago.

"I wonder if my little friend can take a special photo of my Buddhism?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Yun Tianqing and asked seriously.Before coming, she and the World Honored Tathagata discussed two plans. One was to use force to suppress people. If they could suppress them, that would be the best; if they couldn't, then cooperate with them.Although the previous photos about Monkey King in "Westward Journey" were indeed meant to slander Buddhism, after investigating how popular the photos in Qimeng Pavilion were, Buddhism had another idea.

Now among the Three Realms, the Tang Dynasty in the Southern Continent has pictures of Qimeng Pavilion for sale almost all over the country, and it is also spreading to other surrounding countries, and some businessmen are even trying to open up markets in other continents!

Originally, Buddhism planned to spread the story of the Nine-Nine and Eighty-One Difficulties they experienced after the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang came back from the West to seek scriptures, to promote their Buddhism's boundless Dharma, and at the same time to expand their Buddhism's influence and compete for luck. .

But now the appearance of Qimeng Pavilion's photos has given Buddhism another kind of hope.That is, they do not necessarily need to wait for the Buddhist scriptures to come back from the West. If they can let Qimeng Pavilion shoot a new photo specifically for them to spread to the Three Realms, then they can complete the promotion of Buddhism in advance, expand their influence and even compete for qi. Luck thing?

Once this idea arose, both the World Honored Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva thought more and more that something could be done!So there is option two.

"What we hope to express in the photos is the Buddhist compassion spirit of Tang Sanzang in the previous "Westward Journey"! Things such as the Monkey King, we do not want and cannot appear in the new photos!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva made his request.

Yun Tianqing looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with a strange expression, what is this?This is a customized movie!Just like the customized novels in previous lives, for example, through novel websites such as Peace Elite and League of Legends, novel competitions such as Peace Elite and League of Legends are held to convert readers of novels by great authors into users of their games.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually possible.Especially the demand put forward by Buddhism couldn't be simpler for Yun Tianqing.There are not many mythological movies and TV series in the past life, but only Journey to the West has so many!Whether it is the Hong Kong version or the mainland version, whether it is animation or real-life, it is simply a complete range and everything you need!
If you think about it this way, not only Buddhism, but also other prehistoric immortals, such as Tianting and Taoism, this business can be done!I don't care about luck, beliefs, etc., I don't even need them.But in the prehistoric times, the powerful ones care!And in peacetime, what can be done faster than using entertainment works such as movies and novels to promote ourselves, spread our beliefs, and expand our influence? ! !
Moreover, the functions of our own Qimeng handheld and Qimeng tablets have been perfected. If the TV series "Journey to the West" is played on them, apart from other aspects, at least Buddhism will definitely help promote it.

With this thought, Yun Tianqing was basically determined to cooperate with Buddhism.

But since it is a cooperation, there must be a deal between the two parties.Although Yun Tianqing doesn't need anything except his origin point, Yun Tianqing's need is his own business.You definitely can't say this to the outside world. Not only can't you say this, but Yun Tianqing even has to tear off a piece of meat from Buddhism in order to show that he values ​​this cooperation and get further support from Buddhism.

"What should I ask for from Buddhism to make them feel physical pain, but not completely reluctant to give up." Yun Tianqing lowered his head and thought, tapping the table with his index finger unconsciously.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva opposite saw this and didn't bother her. For her, as long as she didn't refuse him, there was still something to talk about.

After a while, Yun Tianqing raised his head and looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said seriously:
"I know what you mean. You want to use photos to promote Buddhism and expand Buddhism's influence. That's no problem. We can definitely help Buddhism. We even have better ideas in terms of publicity. Photos can only cause a temporary sensation. , but if we want to really change people’s ideas, I think we can do it through film dramas.”

"The drama is different from the drama. If the drama is to tell a moving story within an hour, then the drama is to tell a short story for half an hour every day, in one or several days, lasting for one or two months. Then these small stories are connected together to tell a complete big story!”

"In fact, in our opinion, Tang Sanzang's journey to the West is a very good subject for a video drama. The various disasters he experienced on the way were filmed into a video drama and broadcast regularly every day. This kind of publicity effect is far better than a video drama. The effect is better!”

Guanyin Bodhisattva pondered slightly, thinking carefully about what Yun Tianqing said. Suddenly he thought of a key question and said:

"It's really appropriate to go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. We originally planned to publicize Tang Sanzang's deeds after their journey to the west. However, the hardships on the journey to the west are fixed and regular. If you wait until you finish filming, I'm afraid it won't have been several years. , and Tang Sanzang and the others can't spare the time to cooperate in taking the photos you mentioned."

"This is not a problem. We don't care what hardships Tang Sanzang will encounter on his journey to the west, and we don't need Tang Sanzang and the others to cooperate in the filming.

Just like "Westward Journey", are Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong in it real?


Are the ordeals they went through real?
Nor is it!
But have the audience been touched by the great compassion shown by Tang Sanzang in "Journey to the West"?


This is enough. We will find people to play the role of Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice in the film "Journey to the West". Similarly, we will also make up the ordeals that Tang Sanzang and his disciples experienced in the film drama.But we will stick to one core, which is mainly to promote the great compassion, truth, kindness and beauty of Buddhism, and not let the audience think of bad things like the Monkey King in "Westward Journey". "

Yun Tianqing answered Guanyin Bodhisattva's question without any hesitation. In fact, he would really have a headache if he was really asked to photograph Tang Sanzang and his friends who were currently going to the West to seek Buddhist scriptures.Not everyone can do it as an actor, not even gods.

(End of this chapter)

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