Chapter 84 Yun Tianqing vs Taiyi Zhenren
The space above Qimeng Pavilion was filled with solemnity.

Taiyi Zhenren's face was calm, as if he didn't care what kind of waves his words would cause.

In fact, Taiyi Zhenren really doesn't care. In "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World", slandering his image is the cause, and he comes to seek trouble as the result.So either the director of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" Dumpling and others are handed over to him, or Yun Tianqing takes over the cause and effect.

If Yun Tianqing chooses to take over the cause and effect, then it makes sense for Taiyi Zhenren to abolish his Daoji.

As for the Taoist Daluo Jinxian behind Yun Tianqing, it’s not that Master Taiyi didn’t know about it. Even before he came, Master Taiyi’s preparation for understanding was not much less than that of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But precisely because of the clarity, Taiyi Zhenren became more fearless.In the final analysis, he is the one who has the final say in this matter, so he can bully Yun Tianqing, the Golden Immortal, as a great one.

But if the Taoist Daoist Daluo Jinxian behind Yun Tianqing dares to bully the young Master Taiyi for the sake of Yun Tianqing, then the Master Yuding in the Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain and the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor in the Heavenly Court, these two great evangelists Luo Jinxian will not sit idly by and if necessary, Guangchengzi, who is far away in the Yuxu Palace Dojo outside the Chaos World, will actually go to the wilderness to have a fight with him!
This is the principle brought by force!

Master Taiyi knows this, and Guanyin Bodhisattva and Yun Tianqing, who are opposite Master Taiyi, have also figured this out.


Guanyin Bodhisattva whispered the name of the Buddha, then took a step forward, faintly protecting Yun Tianqing behind him.If Master Taiyi attacks before Guanyin Bodhisattva and Yun Tianqing reach an agreement on cooperation, then Guanyin Bodhisattva will definitely let Master Taiyi take action to destroy Yun Tianqing's foundation.But now a preliminary willingness to cooperate has been reached, and it seems that there is a bright future for future development.Then Guanyin Bodhisattva had to stand on Yun Tianqing's side, or even take over the cause and effect for Yun Tianqing.

However, before Guanyin Bodhisattva could speak, Yun Tianqing took another step forward and stood in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva.For him, this battle is inevitable. Even if he can cooperate with Buddhism to let Guanyin Bodhisattva take over the cause and effect for him, he cannot do so.Guanyin Bodhisattva can take over this cause and effect for himself, but it is impossible for him to take over countless subsequent causes and effects for himself.

Yun Tianqing knew in his heart that this time "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" might just "slander" Taiyi Zhenren, but what about the future?Movies or TV series that will be broadcast in the future will definitely slander other prehistoric gods, gods, and even Buddhism to some extent. After all, there must be good and evil in a script, jokes, and even nonsense.When the time comes, who can he find to take over the cause and effect for him?
So in order to prevent the prehistoric gods from coming to you to settle the karma in the future, the best way is to take advantage of this time to scare the monkeys, so that other gods will not dare to come to you to settle the karma in the future!

Taiyi Zhenren is very suitable no matter from any angle. In terms of strength, his cultivation has reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal; in terms of background, he is a second-generation direct disciple of the saint's disciples.If even he can beat him and can't come to him to settle the cause and effect, presumably other than those with great supernatural powers, no one else will come to him to settle the cause and effect without overestimating their abilities.

"A battle in the void."

Yun Tianqing uttered four words coldly, and then his figure flew straight into the sky like a roc flying through the sky.Taiyi Zhenren raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised by Yun Tianqing's choice, but he didn't say anything more, flicked his sleeves and robe, and went straight into the void of the sky.

Guanyin Bodhisattva hesitated for a moment, but finally followed him, deciding to take action to save Yun Tianqing later if Taiyi was ruthless.

The palace was empty, and Qi Ze and Chao Feng were also radiating their spiritual thoughts, paying attention to the battle above the void.After all, no one is sure whether Da Luo, the man behind Yun Tianqing, will take action.If the opponent takes action, it might turn into a battle between Da Luo.

Heaven 33 Under the sky and ninety thousand miles above the mortal world, the wind is like a knife and the thunder is like the sea.

Yun Tianqing stood with his hands behind his hands, looking coldly at Taiyi Zhenren who was chasing him below. His aura was as fierce as smoke, soaring into the sky, and the wind and thunder roared all around him for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Seeing this, Master Taiyi became even more angry. He was just a Golden Immortal!Just a golden immortal!He was just a little golden immortal who could be killed with a wave of his hand, but he dared to look down upon him so much!With a wave of his hand, a low-grade innate spiritual treasure Yin-Yang Male and Female Sword flew out from the sleeve robe. With a thought, the Yin-Yang Male and Female Sword split into two, two into four, and four into eight, densely packed, but flashing with cold light in the blink of an eye. The shadow of the sword filled the void.

"go with!"

Following Master Taiyi's order, countless flying swords screamed and split the void, stretching for thousands of miles, like a river of flying swords, trying to bury Yun Tianqing in the void!
Seeing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva behind Master Taiyi couldn't help but secretly thought, Yun Tianqing is so trustworthy, but with the cultivation of Jinxian, he still dares to let Master Taiyi take the initiative.At the same time, I didn't expect Taiyi Zhenren to be so ruthless as soon as she took action. Even if she takes action now, it is a little late.

Facing the violent wave of flying swords, Yun Tianqing looked calm. At some point, the void around him returned to calm.When the wave of flying swords came three feet in front of him, Yun Tianqing raised his hand, made a fist, and punched out with an ordinary punch.

In an instant, the sky changed color, the sea of ​​thunder surged, and that powerful punch seemed like an undersea volcano erupting under extreme pressure.The extremely violent fist seal used the most direct, arrogant, and violent method to blow up all the waves of flying swords coming towards him. It even dimmed the male and female swords of yin and yang and flew directly back to Taiyi. On real people.

Yun Tianqing made great achievements with one punch and stepped on his feet. The thunder sea in the void was attracted and blessed on him, and he instantly killed Taiyi Zhenren!The speed was so fast that he appeared in front of Master Taiyi almost in an instant.

Although Master Taiyi was surprised that Yun Tianqing was able to block his first move, when he saw Yun Tianqing approaching from close range, he not only did not panic, but instead smiled coldly.Although immortal monks mostly use magic weapons and supernatural powers to fight against their enemies, if anyone thinks that he is not good at close combat, then just wait to be beaten to death by him!
You must know that the first Taoist Dharma-protecting Mysterious Gong, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong, which is said to be able to directly penetrate into the Great Luo, is the proud work of the Yuanshi Tianzun.Although no one has been able to practice this technique to great success, Taiyi Zhenren has also cultivated this technique to the sixth level. In terms of fighting experience, from ancient lichs to measuring calamities to medieval gods. He, Taiyi Zhenren, also fought all the way here. In terms of physical combat, he was no worse than the ancient war witches of the witch clan.

With a cold shout, Master Taiyi also made a fist seal, and collided with Yun Tianqing who was coming with a fist!
The world was silent, and the next moment, the aftermath of the two fists clashing instantly cleared away the clouds a million miles away!
(End of this chapter)

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