Chapter 25 Land Immortals
Lin's house, inside the secret room of the study.

Mr. Lin slowly stopped working. After practicing for almost a whole day, the potency of the Kaihua Dan in his body had been exhausted.

At this moment, his white hair turned into blue hair, his eyes were piercing, and he looked 30 years younger.

"This Kaihua Pill is really a miracle medicine. Not only did it completely cure my illness, but my cultivation level has also reached the early stage of land immortal!"

Mr. Lin's face was filled with joy and he couldn't help it even if he wanted to.

Originally, his physical condition was running out, and he had long been mentally prepared to die generously. Unexpectedly, by accident, he got a treasured grandson-in-law and gave him a legendary enlightenment pill. All his illnesses were cured.

Not only that, he was originally in the realm of extraordinary Dzogchen. In fact, he was only a hair away from the half-step land god. However, it was because of his illness that he was unable to break through. Now that his condition is better, it is logical to break through to the half-step land god. The situation is also reasonable.

But breaking through to a real land god in one fell swoop was something he couldn't even imagine.

Even though the difference between Half-step Land God and Land God is only two words, in fact, there is a real difference between the two.

In the three provinces and nine capitals, there were once super geniuses who were halfway to the realm of land gods when they were in their thirties. However, throughout their lives, they still could not truly break through to land gods even after they were over a hundred years old, and finally died with hatred.

One can imagine how difficult it is to take down the words "half step"!

But now, with the help of the power of this enlightenment pill, he not only cured the disease, but also directly broke through from the extraordinary Dzogchen to the land immortal. If this is revealed, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

"I don't know what kind of opportunity my grandson-in-law got, to have such a heaven-defying elixir."

Mr. Lin shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

However, at the same time, he was also very happy in his heart. The more awesome the grandson-in-law is, the greater the chance that his granddaughter will wake up!

In Lin Mengzhu's boudoir.

Li Yuanqing did not leave after the acupuncture, but continued to hold Lin Mengzhu's hand naturally.

A gluey look!

"My uncle really loves the young lady. He wants to hold her hand all the time and is reluctant to let go."

Aunt Lan saw this and was filled with joy.

"Oh, I come to treat a disease and learn acupuncture, but I still have to eat dog food. The world is really in decline..."

The little doctor fairy Zhong Ling was also muttering quietly to the side, feeling somewhat envious in her heart.

"I'm here to take her pulse and see how she is recovering. During the acupuncture today, I saw that her body became more natural. She didn't sweat after the acupuncture. She should be much better."

The little medical fairy came forward, squeezed Li Yuanqing aside, took Lin Mengzhu's hand, and began to feel his pulse.

In this regard, Li Yuanqing could only smile helplessly. Although it was important to score points, it would take just a moment to feel the pulse.He had plenty of time anyway.


After a while, the little medical fairy Zhong Ling frowned.


"What's wrong? What's weird?" The little doctor's expression immediately touched Aunt Lan's heart.

She was deeply afraid that something would happen to the young lady and she would never wake up again.

In response, Li Yuanqing also frowned and his face became darker.If acupuncture does not have the expected effect, but has the opposite effect, then I wonder if he should be happy or unhappy?

"Don't be so nervous, that's a good thing!"

The little medical fairy looked at the expressions of Aunt Lan and Li Yuanqing and couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.Isn't that just a weird thing to say?Why are everyone so nervous?All the fuss.

"Oh, how do you say that?"

Li Yuanqing was curious and asked first.In fact, he also had some guesses in his mind.

"Her meridians recovered faster than expected. Originally, I thought that using the full version of Huayang Acupuncture, the meridians activation step could save about seven days. That is to say, it would take about seven acupuncture sessions, and her The meridians will be fully activated, and then you can move on to the next step, body massage."

"But I checked her pulse just now and found that after these two acupuncture sessions, her meridians have almost been activated. I will do one more acupuncture tomorrow at most, and then I can move on to the next step of body massage."

The words of the little medical fairy confirmed Li Yuanqing's conjecture. He remembered that during the acupuncture yesterday, it was extremely difficult to insert the needle in many places. There was always an inexplicable resistance when the needle was inserted, as if the meridians were blocked.

But today's acupuncture, every needle was very smooth and flexible, almost no resistance was encountered, and every needle was completed in one go. This feeling reminded him of a sentence, called opening up the Ren and Du meridians!
Just imagine, what would be the result if a martial arts practitioner opens up the Ren and Du channels?It must be a rapid progress in cultivation.

That acupuncture has this feeling also shows that the effect of acupuncture is very obvious and even exceeds expectations, and there is a possibility of early recovery.

Therefore, when the little doctor Zhong Ling said it was strange but said it was a good thing, the first thing Li Yuanqing thought was that the medical process had been accelerated.

"That's great. Thanks to my uncle's acupuncture and companionship these two days, our young lady can see the effect so quickly."

Aunt Lan suddenly laughed, but her words seemed to be a bit too much...

According to her, all the credit goes to Li Yuanqing, but what about the little medical fairy?After all, they also provided a treatment plan!

"No, Aunt Lan, this is only effective because of the careful care of you and the maids, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of the little fairy doctor. I am Mengzhu's husband, and I should do whatever I do."

Li Yuanqing took the words and spoke in a watertight manner.Everyone is happy to hear it...

Including Lin Mengzhu in the consciousness space.

[Hmph, I don’t know where I learned the sweet words. My words are so nice. I don’t know how many women I’ve told them to! 】

[However, he said that he is my husband and he should do everything he should. Although he is a scumbag, I really like to hear it...]

[Will he often tell me sweet words in the future? 】

[Bah, I am the one who wants to achieve the position of empress. How can I be addicted to the sweet words of men? Lin Mengzhu, what are you thinking? ? ? 】

Lin Mengzhu in the consciousness space once again fell into chaos...

"Okay, she shouldn't be sweating so much today. I'll teach you how to massage her tomorrow!"

The little medical fairy didn't want to stay here and listen to Li Yuanqing's dog food quotes, so she just found an excuse to leave early.

In fact, she was going to find Mo Niang to share the new song she got today.

"By the way, brother Yuanqing, will you still sing tomorrow?"

Before going out, the little medical fairy Zhong Ling stopped, looked back at Li Yuanqing and smiled sweetly.

Her expression at this moment looks really lively and cute, and she is loved by everyone.

"Sure, I have to sing it to our Mengzhu."

Li Yuanqing replied without looking back.


The little medical fairy got goosebumps and said it was greasy.But my heart is still full of envy and blessing.

(End of this chapter)

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