Villain: Marry the vegetative empress and post like crazy

Chapter 30 You still want me to be a widow?

Chapter 30 You still want me to be a widow?
"No, uncle, you can't go alone. It's too dangerous. I'll tell Lin Zhong."

It seems that according to the content of the letter, Aunt Lan was the first to jump out and object.

Although the little medical fairy is the key to the young lady's recovery, if the uncle is put in danger because of this, if something happens, the young lady will definitely be unhappy when she wakes up.

【What?The little medical fairy was kidnapped?For Huayang Acupuncture? 】

[No, if it is for the Huayang Acupuncture Technique, this person can do it slowly. There is no need to use such a radical method. It is obviously not a wise move to be an enemy of my Lin family in Jiangcheng. 】

[Then there is only one possibility, in order to prevent me from waking up! 】

[But since it’s to prevent me from waking up, wouldn’t it be over if you attack the little medical fairy from the beginning?Why wait until now?And he wants to call Li Yuanqing out in the name of Huayang Acupuncture? 】

In the conscious space, Lin Mengzhu, who heard the conversation between Li Yuanqing and Aunt Lan, instantly began to think.

[Yes, this person must have felt that the fairy doctor couldn't cure me at first, so he didn't take it too seriously, so he didn't take action. 】

[Now I should know that Huayang Acupuncture is useful for me and I have some signs of awakening. This person became anxious and had to take action. 】

[As for Li Yuanqing, this person probably knew that the actual person doing acupuncture was Li Yuanqing. In order to avoid future troubles, he wanted to eradicate the little medical fairy and Li Yuanqing together. In this way, without them, the possibility of my awakening would be very low. Completely ruined! 】

[But who is this person?Why do you know so clearly what is going on in our house? 】

[If it is an insider, it is very likely that this person also knows that Li Yuanqing is already a strong man in the extraordinary realm. 】

[But if the other party still dares to take action, then the other party must have the strength to surpass the early stage of extraordinary. In addition, the other party asked Li Yuanqing not to bring anyone with him, so he can only go alone, then the other party's strength should be in the middle or later stage of extraordinary.If it were the Extraordinary Dzogchen, then I should have more confidence! 】

[However, whether it is the mid-term or late stage of the extraordinary, the strength can crush Li Yuanqing. If Li Yuanqing really goes alone, he will definitely die, so he must not go alone! 】

After thinking about this, Lin Mengzhu began to shout in the conscious space: "Aunt Lan, go and inform Uncle Zhong, we must not let Li Yuanqing die."

However, no one could hear her shout.

"Wait, Aunt Lan!"

In the room, Li Yuanqing stopped Aunt Lan.

"What, uncle, are you really planning to take risks alone?"

Aunt Lan stopped and looked at Li Yuanqing with a puzzled look.

In fact, although she did not want Li Yuanqing to take risks alone, and she also knew that Li Yuanqing had deep feelings for Lin Mengzhu, she also felt that Li Yuanqing would not be stupid enough to take risks.

"Aunt Lan, this person most likely doesn't want Mengzhu to wake up. She just asked me to go to avoid future troubles. If Uncle Zhong goes with me, he will definitely quarrel with her when he sees it. And if the little medical fairy dies, Mengzhu will die. Zhu really can’t wake up!”

"Aunt Lan, I can't wake up. She must be in pain. I don't want her to suffer like this forever. I want her to wake up!"

When he said this, Li Yuanqing's eyes were bright.


Aunt Lan was moved, but she hesitated.From what Li Yuanqing said, she also understood that the other party's move was probably because he didn't want Lin Mengzhu to wake up. The so-called kidnapping of the little medical fairy and asking Li Yuanqing to exchange for the complete version of Huayang Acupuncture was just a cover.

If you really just want the complete version of Huayang Acupuncture, the Little Medical Fairy can actually tell you that in the first two studies, the Little Medical Fairy has basically mastered the theoretical knowledge of this complete set of acupuncture, and the rest is just too much. Just practice.

But the other party still asked Li Yuanqing to redeem the person, which showed that the other party cared more about Li Yuanqing as a person than the acupuncture method.

If this is the case, if Lin Zhong follows him, the other party will definitely reject him directly.But if Lin Zhong didn't follow, it would be difficult for Li Yuanqing to protect himself, and he would most likely be killed.

Aunt Lan was in a dilemma, Lin Zhong followed, the little medical fairy lost her vote, and Lin Mengzhu couldn't wake up.Lin Zhong refused to go and asked Li Yuanqing to go alone. Although there was a possibility of rescuing the little medical fairy, the greater possibility was to give away one more head.

"It's okay, Aunt Lan, I have my own way. How can I let Mengzhu be a widow?" Li Yuanqing smiled softly, looked at Lin Mengzhu who was lying down, and took out a hand to gently caress her smooth cheek.

[No, you can't go, it's too dangerous, you're going to die! 】

[Aunt Lan, leave him alone and tell Uncle Zhong. Even if he wants to go, Uncle Zhong must accompany him. Uncle Zhong is a late-stage extraordinary person who can protect him! 】

[Aunt Lan, stop him quickly. If he really goes like this, he will definitely die, and I will really be a widow! 】

In the space of consciousness, Lin Mengzhu jumped anxiously.

[No...why would I think so?Be a widow? 】

[Bah, what a fool you are. You know it’s so dangerous but you still go alone. Such an idiot still wants me to be a widow. If I die, when I wake up, I will marry some handsome men immediately. You will be so angry! 】

[Bah, bah, bah, what are you thinking about? Who wants to marry him and is still a widow? Why am I getting more and more confused the more I think about it...]


One second he was anxious because Li Yuanqing was going to be in danger alone, and the next second he was confused...

"You... really have a way?"

Aunt Lan was doubtful, but deep down in her heart, she still hoped that nothing would happen to the little medical fairy so that Lin Mengzhu could wake up.


Li Yuanqing nodded firmly.

In fact, Li Yuanqing already knew who kidnapped the little medical fairy.

In the original work, Doctor Liu became greedy after seeing the Huayang Acupuncture Technique of the Little Medical Fairy, but he never dared to do it due to the true identity of the Little Medical Fairy.

Nowadays, the kidnapping of the Little Medical Fairy is most likely because Li Yuanqing changed some plot directions and the butterfly effect occurred. In addition, Doctor Liu heard the more magical and complete version of Huayang Acupuncture, which inspired his greed and took risks.

As for not wanting Lin Mengzhu to wake up, that's all Li Yuanqing's fault. Since he's going to risk his life, it's not too much to set up a personal setting, right?
"Okay, then I will ask Lin Zhong to follow you from a distance. There is a pavilion not far from the lotus pond in the west of the city. You can see the situation on the other side of the lotus pond. He is guarding there. If anything happens, you only need to hold on for a few minutes. , he will rush over to save you!"

Aunt Lan didn't stop her anymore and had an idea in a moment.

At this point, Li Yuanqing had to admire Mr. Lin's employment. In the final analysis, Aunt Lan was just a servant. It was rare to see servants with such brains no matter where they were.

"it is good!"

Li Yuanqing did not refuse anymore. He decided to save the little medical fairy for a long-term solution.

Regardless of whether he can be saved or not, Lin Mengzhu's awakening will almost never change, and it will only be a few days late at most. After all, she is the daughter of destiny, and with her luck, some things are destined.

Besides, he has figured out a trick to increase his points!If he guessed correctly, the speed of points increase is related to Lin Mengzhu's favorability towards him.

For example, now, his points growth rate has increased again, reaching 32 points/second.

Every time the speed increased, it was because he did something touching or said something touching, which shortened the distance between them.

Now that he is risking his life for Lin Mengzhu, his points growth will definitely increase after he comes back.

This is much more comfortable than sitting without lifting your buttocks and only getting a base point increase...

(End of this chapter)

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