Chapter 38 38. Pass the assessment
Zhou Ping'an returned home, ate something casually, took a shower and went straight to bed.

Two days later, the factory was still bustling with activity.

Today is the time for the major job assessment, and the workers in the workshop are discussing excitedly.

Seeing Zhou Pingan coming, a worker in the same class asked him, "Ping An, have you signed up?"

"Well, I'm participating." Zhou Ping'an smiled at him and replied.

"Ping An, you seemed to be a level [-] fitter when you first came here. If you pass the test this time, wouldn't you be a level [-] fitter?" A teacher and father of a level [-] fitter said enviously.

Zhou Ping'an looked at the surrounding people with their ears pricked up, and said truthfully: "Well, I didn't expect that after I have been on the machine for a while, this technology has improved so quickly."

Many people are envious of Zhou Pingan. After all, a 17-year-old child is actually a sixth-level worker.

At the same time, many people are also doubting whether Zhou Ping An is really such a genius that he can have level [-] skills without ever using a machine.

That is to say, Zhou Ping'an is young and has a clean resume, otherwise someone would definitely investigate him.

Someone has even investigated him, but nothing has been found.

However, Zhou Ping'an believes that as long as he passes this assessment and Guo Jianjun also passes the assessment, no one will doubt him, because in just a month or so, he can teach a second-level fitter. Obviously, It’s not some other problem, it comes from people’s teachings.

On the other side, Ma Hua, the back cook in the canteen of the steel rolling mill, was working and talking.

"Master, you are about to take an exam, aren't you nervous?"

"This is a joint proctoring exam. With so many people grading on the spot, I don't believe our director dares not to promote me." Silly Zhu replied.

Liu Lan curled his lips and said, "If you had taken care of your bad mouth, you would be at level seven now, wouldn't you be at level eight?"

"Hey, Liu Lan, do you have nothing to do? Go wash the potatoes."

After hearing this, Liu Lan didn't refute, walked over and started washing the potatoes, but still choked: "You know how to play tricks with us, that's all you have."

Sha Zhu was about to curse a few words, but Ma Hua on the side quickly stopped him and said: "Master, please calm down and don't be like her. The exam will start soon."

After hearing this, Shazhu stopped pointing at Liu Lan and drank tea silently.

After working in the workshop for a while, the loudspeaker announced the start of a pre-exam motivational meeting.

The workers who had signed up walked towards the square in an orderly manner, led by their respective workshop directors.

After everyone lined up, the factory leaders headed by Director Yang and the invigilators from the department took their seats on the rostrum.

"Comrades, time is limited, so I will just say a few words. I hope you can all pass, but don't go into the exam with a lucky mentality, but have an indomitable spirit to take the exam and strive for it.

Don’t be discouraged if you fail the exam. There is another normal assessment at the end of the year. You must study hard and work hard. Your efforts will always be rewarded...

Comrades, during the exam, you should keep your mind calm, don't be nervous, and don't shake your hands. The invigilator is also a human being.

Okay, let’s break up the meeting and take the teams from each workshop to the staff hall to take the exam. "

The first ones to go in are electricians, chefs, etc., followed by steel rolling workers, fitters, forgers, welders, etc. Here are the relevant knowledge assessments, and they will return to their own workplace for practical assessments later.

After all the assessments were completed, the people in their workshop gathered together and talked. Some people were happy and some were frustrated.Workshop director Wang Jianguo came over with the list. Looking at his happy face, he must be good.

After seeing that most of the workers in the workshop had arrived, he checked carefully and found that only Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu were not there, and they were not waiting for anyone to come. He said directly: "Comrades, our workshop is really It’s famous, among all workshops except the steel rolling workshop, we have the largest number of promotion places.”

"This time there are eight promotions for apprentices. Among them, Comrade Guo Jianjun is commended. He was promoted to second-level worker after more than one month on the job. Other apprentices should learn from Comrade Guo Jianjun."

The applause started, and people looked at Guo Jianjun.

Guo Jianjun's face turned red when he passed through such a scene. He didn't know whether he was excited or shy.

Director Wang was helpless when he saw his nephew's embarrassment, and interrupted: "Okay, let's get down to business. As for senior workers, 11 have been promoted to the fifth level, 5 have been promoted to the sixth level, and 1 have been promoted to the seventh level. indivual."

After hearing this, many people turned to look at Zhou Pingan in the crowd.

Director Wang also looked at Zhou Pingan and said: "Ping An, your performance is very good this time, not only in the factory, but also in the department.

A 17-year-old seventh-level worker is amazing. "

The atmosphere reached its peak now, and everyone became lively, congratulating Zhou Ping'an around him.

After a while, Director Wang interrupted: "Now, let me read out the appointment of our workshop in the factory.

Comrade Zhou Ping'an is diligent and studious, not afraid of difficulties, has the courage to innovate, and unites and helps each other. The time it took him to become a level [-] fitter set a national record in the shortest time. He was appointed concurrently as the leader of the sixth group of the No. [-] fitter workshop. "

"Congratulations, peace"

"Ping An, you are really good at it."

"Ping An, awesome!"

"Peace, come down and teach us."

"Master Zhou, you are so amazing."

After a while, the people around him dispersed and went back to work.

Zhou Ping'an said to Director Wang next to him: "Director, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission and succeeded."

Director Wang also laughed and said: "Well, we must work hard and guard against arrogance and impatience.

In total, your salary is almost 100 yuan. Not counting job subsidies, you have more than me. "

Zhou Ping'an was also very happy. Who doesn't like money? It's fair and aboveboard, so he was even happier.

Just then the broadcast rang, announcing all the names for this promotion.

"Comrades, the following is the list of those who have been successfully promoted in our steel rolling mill in [-] years..."

This time most people have advanced to the first level. Jia Dongxu has become a second-level worker this time, He Yuzhu has also become an eighth-level cook, and Xu Damao has also been promoted...

However, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong did not advance. In other words, Zhou Ping'an and Yi Zhonghai are now the highest-ranking people in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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