Chapter 40 40. Incumbent
After walking a few steps, I found a stall selling flour. Even though she was disguised, she could still tell that she was an old lady.

“How to sell flour?”

"4 cents per pound!"

Zhou Pingan checked it and found that it was just ordinary flour.

The food store sells it for 2 cents per pound, but the store requires food stamps, which she doesn’t need here.

The price is quite reasonable!

"Make it cheaper. If it suits me, I'll take them all."

The old lady glanced at him and said, "I have about fifty kilograms. If you want them all, it will be your 4 cents per kilogram."

Zhou Ping'an nodded in agreement and weighed in at 52 kilograms, a total of 20 yuan and eight cents.

After clearing the money and goods, I continued shopping with the flour in hand.

There are sellers of rice, corn noodles, and flour. If the price is right, you buy it. If you can’t carry it, you can find a place to store it.

For safety reasons, he did not choose to contact those local snakes, although they must have hoarded a lot of food.

An hour later, Zhou Pingan quietly left here and headed to the black market in Dongzhimen.

I worked until four in the morning and spent nearly 400 yuan to buy [-] kilograms of grain, all of which was stored in the space.

I was still muttering in my heart that I should not be the protagonist. After all, the protagonist usually encounters some shady eaters, drinkers, or arresters at this time.

And just when Zhou Ping'an was thinking about it, he heard a shout suddenly coming.

"The patrol is coming! The patrol is coming!"

When Zhou Ping'an heard this, he reacted the fastest and ran away without saying a word.

In an instant, everyone started to move in a hurry and ran towards the entrance of the alley.

The sellers were reluctant to part with those supplies and hurriedly packed them away, leaving a lot of things behind while running around.

"Stop! Don't try to run!"

Ha ha!

Whoever listens is a fool!
A bright light shone in the distance, and an old man shivered in fright and fell to the ground.

Everyone held a moment of silence for him, but they all ran faster!

Zhou Ping'an went into the alley in the dark and ran through alleys.

Thanks to his good physique, there was no movement after a while.

Zhou Ping'an held on to the wall, breathing heavily.

"My god, I'm exhausted!"

"Phew! It's my first time to come to the black market. I'm really unlucky. It seems that I am indeed the protagonist, otherwise I wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing."

After resting for a while, he saw that there was no movement around him. He checked carefully and found that no one was waiting for him. After thinking about intercepting himself, he rode his bicycle to the courtyard.

It was almost five o'clock when we got home, but luckily no one woke up yet. After wiping their bodies, they fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Although Zhou Pingan went to bed relatively late, he woke up very early.

After getting up and having a bite to eat, I walked slowly and leisurely. In a short time, I arrived at the factory gate. There were several security guards standing guard at the gate.

After Zhou Ping'an took out his cigarettes from Daqianmen and spread them around a few people, he chatted with the guards again and listened to their past experiences in the army.While talking, time passed so quickly. Workers came to work one after another, and they went back to stand guard.

Zhou Pingan stood up and walked to the workshop. When he saw his apprentice Guo Jianjun, he shouted: "Jianjun, this way."

When Guo Jianjun saw Zhou Ping'an standing there, he immediately ran over and said, "Master, why are you here so early."

"If something happens, it will come out." Zhou Ping'an replied, then led Guo Jianjun towards the workshop.

He walked into the workshop, sat next to the work station, drank some water, and then asked Guo Jianjun to start working.

Zhou Ping'an just drank water while teaching his disciples.

Director Wang walked into the workshop and the bell rang.

After looking at the situation in the workshop, he said to Zhou Pingan: "Ping An, let's go, follow me to the office."

Zhou Pingan followed him to the workshop office. After entering, he consciously picked up the thermos bottle and refilled the tea for the director. Zhou Pingan took out the cigarette and handed it over and said, "Director, do you have a task to entrust to me?"

After Director Wang lit up his cigarette and took a puff, he nodded and said: "The main reason why you can become the team leader this time is that some key personnel have been transferred away. The staff is a bit nervous. In addition, you have trained a lot of people in this month." I hired a second-level worker, so Director Yang appointed you."

"So you have to produce some results as soon as possible, so that you can earn the trust of the leaders in you."

Zhou Ping'an understood as soon as he thought about it. It was because he was not qualified enough. Even though he was a team leader, although he could not be regarded as a formal cadre, he could still be regarded as a small leader.

If there is a chance, I can really do it in the future.

So there are a lot of people eyeing this position, but Zhou Pingan's strength has blocked many people's mouths, but he still has to show some results, otherwise he can only become a senior Mechanic.

After Zhou Ping'an lowered his head and thought for a moment, he then raised his head and said to Director Wang: "Director, I'm going to start with production safety first.

Although I have just joined the factory, I have heard from my dad and have actually operated our machines.

I think you also know that in our steel rolling mill, many people are injured at work every year.

This is caused by irregular operation of the machine, so I thought that I should first train my team members on how to operate the machine safely and reasonably. "

“We have a total of 15 regular workers in our group, plus 20 apprentices. I can conduct training after finishing the work every day or at a time.

After all, safety comes first compared to technology!

After successful training on how to operate the machine properly, I will guide them in technique. What do you think? "

After Zhou Pingan finished speaking, he looked at Director Wang.

Director Wang pondered for a while and then said: "Okay, I'll do as you say.

You are right, safety first. "

"Ping An, you are really hiding everything. It seems that I have found the right one for you." At this time, Director Wang also understood whether it is a good thing for the technicians in his workshop to improve their skills. It is definitely a good thing, but it also means that they can be more advanced. Complete the task quickly, but if a safety accident occurs, it will be his fault. At that time, let alone promotion and salary increase, the position of workshop director may be lost.

Zhou Ping'an said modestly: "That's not because you singled me out, director, but because you have vision."

"Hahahaha!" Director Wang pointed at Zhou Ping'an and laughed.

After a while, Director Wang stopped his smile and said: "I will call the three squad leaders over for a meeting and officially appoint you. They agree in principle on you being the team leader, but you have to suppress it. If you don't live with them, they are all old fools."

After hearing this, Zhou Pingan nodded to show that he understood.

But he didn't take it too seriously. He wasn't hanging around in the workshop for nothing these days.

With his first-hand skills, he has established a great reputation in the workshop, that is, because there is Yi Zhonghai in the workshop, a seventh-level worker, so he cannot do whatever he wants, otherwise he would already be the first brother in the first workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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