Chapter 156 Why are your hearts so dark?

Soon Tong Guan found a special email in his mailbox.

What is recorded above is a piece of news that happened recently.

Just last month, the owner of a factory in Wuxi was arrested on suspicion of selling counterfeit medicines.

His name is Lu Yong, and the counterfeit medicine he sells is Gleevec.

The key is that after his arrest, more than a thousand leukemia patients signed a letter pleading for his mercy.

This plot is exactly the same as the script "I'm Not the God of Medicine" that Tong Guan submitted for review.

The most important thing is that Tong Guan has a certain responsibility for his arrest.

Although Tong Guan passed the review of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" through Sanye's relationship, this does not mean that the people above him will not keep an eye on him.

On the contrary, they watched more closely.

You know, none of Tong Guan's works in recent years have a box office of less than [-] billion.

This means that once Tong Guan's movie is released, at least tens of millions of people will watch it.

And that's just the movie theater audience.

There are countless people who watch pirated versions online and buy pirated discs to watch.

The influence of children's movies has reached its peak in recent years.

It is precisely because of this that after the people above learned about the plot of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", they conducted a rigorous investigation on the sale of counterfeit medicines, especially the counterfeit medicines sold by Asan, because they did not want to cause child abuse. about the story in the movie.

As a result, they checked and found something.
Fortunately, the script Tong Guan submitted for review did not completely overlap with Lu Yong's story.

Lu Yong eats for himself and so that more people can live like him.

Cheng Yong in the movie is doing it to make money, and the way he came into contact with Asan Gleevec was because of Lu Yiyi, a leukemia patient.

Therefore, the people above did not suspect that Tong Guan was involved in this matter.

They just thought that Tong Guan learned about Asan Gleewei from somewhere and made artistic creations.

After all, Tong Guan's artistic creation ability has been fully demonstrated in the past few years, and no one will doubt his artistic ability.

But it doesn’t matter if it’s an artistic creation or not.

Cheng Yong is fake, but Lu Yong is real.

If Tong Guan is allowed to film and release "I'm Not the God of Medicine" at this time, it will undoubtedly cause a great degree of judicial interference in Lu Yong's case.

This is what the above does not want to see.

The influence of Tongguan itself is so strong, coupled with the real person Lu Yong, once it is combined, it will have a huge impact on public opinion.

The extent is definitely no less than the original 'why should you help me if you didn't hit me'.

After learning what happened, Tong Guan's mouth twitched.


He had only thought about the artistry of this movie before, but he never thought that this movie had a prototype.

But he didn't dwell too much on it.

After all, he knew the outcome of this case.

Even without the dissemination of the movie, the joint signatures of more than 1000 leukemia patients could still allow Lu Yong to escape safely.

His behavior only caused Lu Yong to be arrested two years in advance.
After the Lu Yong case is over, he can still continue filming, but the time will be delayed.

Ding Ding Ding!
Just as he was thinking about it, Tong Guan's phone rang again.

Still the third master.

"Kid, have you read the email?"

"I saw it."

"Well, then you should be aware that your film will not be allowed to be filmed until the case is settled. Also, if the final result is not so positive, the higher-ups will not allow you to film it. I believe you understand this."

"Don't worry, Third Master, I know."

"I'm calling you this time to tell you not to learn some of Jiang Wen's bad habits after staying with him for a long time. You should know what I mean."


Tong Guan understood that the third master was alluding to Jiang Wen's previous film "The Devil Is Coming".

Before it passed the review here, Jiang Wen took the film to participate in awards abroad.

Then he was banned from directing.

With Tong Guan's current status, if he dares to do such a thing, it will definitely not be as simple as banning him.

After all, his current influence is many times greater than that of Jiang Wen.

"Don't worry, Mr. San. I'm a businessman first, and a director second. I won't make mistakes with my company."

"Well, it's best if you understand. I think highly of you, so I don't want you to go astray."

"I understand your hard work, Third Master, and I will pay attention to it."

"That's good. Please be more honest in the past two years. Some of the people above have been dissatisfied with the matter regarding the God of Medicine."

"I see."

"That's it, hang up first."

After saying that, the third master also hung up the phone.

And listening to the blind tone on the phone, Tong Guan also had a headache.

He knows that the impact of the Lu Yong incident goes far beyond the current situation.

Because a movie exposed a hugely influential counterfeit drug dealer.

In addition to coincidence, it also means that Tong Guan's film creation is getting closer to reality.

And a good movie that is close to reality will inevitably end up with some strange things.

Such as key government.

This is the red line above. Generally speaking, no one with any sense will touch it.

But those who engage in creation are the most brainless.

Once on top, they dare to take pictures of anything.

This is also the reason why the prohibition on this aspect has been relatively strict.

Because once the opening is opened, countless directors will follow one after another to come together to discuss the matter.As for Tongguan, there is already a tendency to hit the red line.

The people above will naturally be dissatisfied after seeing this.

The consequence of dissatisfaction is to be directly stared to death by Tong Guan!
Tong Guan could imagine that if he reproduced the work from his previous life, the person above would have to interview him directly.
"Oh, my head hurts."

Tong Guan rubbed his eyebrows.

Now he is on the road of no return. Unless he gives up his basic base and changes his style, similar things will happen again in the future.

But since "Let the Bullets Fly", Tong Guan's style has basically been fixed.

"Let the Bullets Fly", "1942", and "The Righteous" are all essentially the same type of movie, where politics is just a secret.

In this Internet era, as these movies become more and more popular, the image of Tongguan has been bound to this type of movie.

Changing his style means that he will lose a large part of his fans, which is shaking up his base.

But don’t change
Boom boom boom!
Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door of Tong Guan's office.


Tong Guan's voice fell, and Song Yi's figure appeared in the office.

Seeing Song Yi, Tong Guan said with some surprise: "Aren't you running a commercial show? How come you have time to go back to the company?"

Then he raised his eyebrows: "You won't make trouble like Yang Mi and come here to admit your mistake."

"No way, boss, you think too highly of me. How dare I copy Sister Mi's deeds?"

Song Yi said with a hint of coquettishness.

Just kidding, everyone in the company knows the consequences of Yang Mi's mistake.

Tong Guan didn't hide it before, just to warn other artists in the company not to touch Tong Guan's money bag. If you dare to touch it, he will take the lost money out of your pocket.

"As long as nothing happens, what's the matter with your sudden return?"

Seeing Song Yi say that she didn't cause any trouble, Tong Guan was slightly relieved.

Yang Mi was the most troublesome artist in his company. If she hadn't been able to make money, Tong Guan would have locked her up in the dark room.

At this time, Song Yi also walked to Tong Guan, pinched Tong Guan's shoulders and said: "Such a boss, I recently received the heroine of a drama, I am a little interested in the script, but I want to give it to you first Take a look."

"Go ahead and take pictures if you feel like it. To make you famous, isn't it because I want you to have access to more resources?"

Tong Guan looked unconcerned.

He thought it was something big, but it turned out that he was just asked to help read a script.

I guess it's because I took my reputation more seriously when I first became famous and was afraid of getting a bad script, so I didn't take the job.

"No, boss, you will know after reading the script."

"Huh? Let me see."

"Hey, it's already ready."

With that said, Song Yi took out a script from her small handbag and handed it to Tong Guan.

As soon as Tong Guan opened the first page of the script, he was stunned.

"Jade Palace Lock Heart"

Screenwriter: Yu Zheng.

The drama Gongsuo Xinyu is the plagiarism monster he mentioned before.

This drama also has a name, "Palace"

It was the drama that made Yang Mi famous in her previous life.

It's just that Tongguan didn't film this drama in this life, but directly asked Yang Mi to film "Step by Step Shocking"

Because "Gong Lock Heart Jade" itself is a remake of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", but he didn't grab the copyright from Tang Ren, so he filmed "Gong Lock Heart Jade". The key is that the remake is The core of this drama is not a good thing.

Most of the plot of this show is plagiarized from "Meteor Garden".

Yes, it was the idol drama from ten years ago.

Yingde College has the cool and violent Daoming Temple, and the Qing Palace has the bad-tempered, hot-blooded and brainless Ba Age.

There is the handsome and melancholy Hua Zelei in Yingde College, and there is the sinister Fourth Brother with big nostrils in the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty.

There is impulsive little Bai Shancai from Yingde Academy, and there is the all-powerful Mary Sue who traveled through time to be a palace maid in the Qing Dynasty Palace, and there is Qingchuan, who is a little bit brainless.

The most outrageous thing is that not only are the characters matched, but even the lines corresponding to the characters are translated from Chinese.
The emotional plots between various characters are also very different.

Rather than saying that this is a Qing palace drama, it is better to say that this is the Qing palace version of "Meteor Garden".

In order to confirm the details, Tong Guan took a closer look and found that it was the Ronggan plagiarism monster in his memory. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Song Yi with a puzzled look on his face:
"You should be able to see what's wrong with this show. Don't say you don't see it. If that's the case, then I really have to consider whether to praise you in the future. After all, idiots can't make money. I'm training you purely for the sake of it. a waste of resource."

"Oh boss! Why are you scolding me for nothing? Why can't I see it?"

Song Yi looked aggrieved. She just asked her boss to read a script, so why was she suddenly scolded?

"Then you still plan to take it?"

Song Yi explained at this time: "Actually, there were people in the industry looking for actors for this drama last year, but they didn't dare to take it because the drama was based on "Step by Step", and the insiders We all know that you, boss, hold grudges the most. If you find out that someone is cheating on you, you will definitely take revenge.

So they found Yang Mi and wanted to cooperate with her, but Yang Mi was busy at that time, and the celebrity position was already here, so there was no need to film this kind of drama, so they didn’t take it. This year, I just happened to be praised by you, boss. Well, so they."

Hearing this, Tong Guan understood.

He just thought he had a memory disorder.

He clearly remembered that this drama should have been aired by this time, so why hasn't it been filmed yet?

"You should know that if this type of drama is filmed, you will most likely be scolded."

"It doesn't matter, boss, as long as you agree. Even if I get scolded, I can tell the public that I don't know. Then you can accuse the editor of this drama of plagiarism. It's best to file a lawsuit or something." , I can throw all the pot away!"

Why are the people around me as dark-eyed as Pi Yanzi?

"Then what are you planning?"

"Boss, don't you see?" Song Yi looked at Tong Guan with confusion: "This is obviously a plagiarism of "Meteor Garden"! "Meteor Garden" was so popular at the beginning, if the plot is copied, it will definitely become a small hit. If you're lucky, you can become famous. Since I don't have to be scolded, why don't you let me become famous?"

Hearing this, Tong Guan fell into deep thought.

"Indeed, it makes sense. But since you said it was plagiarized from "Meteor Garden," you're not afraid of people over there from Wanwan suing you."

Song Yi blinked at Tong Guan: "What does it have to do with me? It's not just me, people in the industry also think so, but they don't dare to pick it up because they are worried about offending you, the boss, Wanwan, over there, I'm offended Just offend me! After all, everyone is just having fun at home."

Makes sense!
(End of this chapter)

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