Chapter 55 The trouble of being too famous
What do actors fear most?

Is it not famous?

Or is she not pretty enough?
Or was the audience scolding you for your poor acting skills?


Although these can hinder the development of actors to a certain extent, they are not the most serious.

The most serious thing is that there is no representative work.

Whether it's a TV drama actor or a movie actor.

Not having a masterpiece is an extremely terrifying thing.

It’s so scary that actors don’t even dare to say that they are an actor in public.

Because they are worried that someone will ask them what their masterpiece is.

But they couldn't tell.

Liu Yifei had such worries before.

Although she has developed very well in the field of TV series.

But that's in the realm of television.

Ever since she fell out with her former company, Liu Yifei has always wanted to transition into the film field.

He even plans to debut as a singer from Neon to increase his international influence.

But despite this, Liu Yifei is still very worried about her future development, for fear of overturning.

After all, her starting point is too high.

Once something unexpected happens, it will be magnified countless times by outsiders.

But now, these worries are gone.

As soon as "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" was released, the Internet was full of praise for Liu Yifei.

Everyone said that this role was tailor-made for Liu Yifei.

The box office is getting higher day by day.

The box office in the first week directly exceeded 2 million.

The first movie of the year in 07 was a heavy blow to all its peers.

Many directors are secretly arranging for children to be unauthentic and like to eat alone.

So far, his films have only included two outsiders, Zhou Xun and Liu Yifei.

Other than that, the main actors are basically his people.

But they can only arrange Tongguan behind the scenes.

In reality, every one of them smiled brighter than a chrysanthemum.

"Boss, Huayi wants to co-produce a movie with you, how do you respond?"

After hearing Tang Yan's words, Lin Bei sighed helplessly.

Huayi is not the first company to want to cooperate with him.

In the past few days, countless companies have extended invitations to him.

Even the highest fee has reached 3000 million.

This price is already higher than that of the top big-name actors in the country.

Not only that, they are also willing to share part of it to Tongguan.

But Tong Guan has no idea of ​​cooperating with them.

In fact, this is not the first time these companies have invited him.

The reply Lin Bei gave before was that he could bring some artists from his company to play together and help him bring in new people, and then they would pay part of the resources to Tong Guan, and let Tong Guan allocate them to Yang Mi and Huang Bo.

At that time, several other companies also agreed very well.

But who knew they would regret it so quickly.

I also want to get Tong Guan to cooperate.

Tong Guan is also very helpless.

He knows his own business, and every movie he makes is carefully selected by him.

I don’t dare to say that every movie will be a hit, but it will definitely not lose money, and the reputation will not be too bad.

Under this premise, would he cooperate with others?

Isn't that just giving money to others?As for deliberately making bad movies to make other companies lose money, as long as Tong Guan has no problem with his mind, he won't do that.

"Put it off for now, don't refuse just yet."

When Tong Guan was first approached to cooperate, he rejected them outright.

But as more and more people came to him, he couldn't refuse them directly.

If you reject everyone in your circle at once, there will definitely be consequences.

So Tong Guan has no choice but to delay now.

Let him find a good excuse after it takes ten days and a half.

"Oh, boss, when do you plan to film that TV series?"

Tang Yan looked at Tong Guan expectantly and asked.

Hearing this, Tong Guan's eyes lit up.

Yes, I'm going to film a TV series!

In the past, Tong Guan didn't want to take pictures because he thought they were out of character.

But now I see that my situation is suitable for filming a TV series!

How wonderful it is to make a TV series. You can shoot a TV series for half a fucking year, and then you can make excuses, saying that you lack inspiration and can't write anything good for the time being.

Can't it be postponed for another year?
As time passed, their patience ran out, and they naturally gave up cooperating with them.

The most important thing is that as time goes on, his influence on the audience will not be as outrageous as it is now, and other companies will not blame him for grabbing box office.
The more Tong Guan thought about it, the more feasible it became.

But then it felt a little ridiculous.

Two years ago, he was still feeling uncomfortable about his lack of popularity, and even forcibly tied up Liu Yifei in order to promote his new movie.

Two years later, he was worried that his popularity was too high, which made him the target of public criticism.

His thoughts drifted for a moment, and Tong Guan returned to the current situation.

Now I can film a TV series first, then sign a group of actors who will become popular in the future and bind them to black slave contracts.

With his current influence, there must be many people willing.

Then they will be their own cash cow.

Even if the contract is terminated, he can still make a lot of money.

After that, my company focused on TV series.

And in terms of movies, I can produce one every year or two.

While consolidating one's own influence, other peers will not complain that they are robbing money.

Tong Guan is very aware of how many people have complained about his high productivity in the past two years.

These people call themselves vampires behind their backs. They have never seen money, they only know how to rob it.

The more Tong Guan thought about it, the more perfect the plan in his mind became.


At this moment, Tang Yan interrupted her thinking.

"Ah?" Tong Guan came to his senses, and then said: "Shoot! Shoot right away! Recruit actors first, and then start shooting after the Chinese New Year!"


Tang Yan looked at Tong Guan with surprise.

"Well, you go back and read the script first. The second female lead is yours."

"thank you boss!"

Tang Yan exclaimed, and then fell directly on Tong Guan.

Tong Guan hugged Tang Yan, glanced at the glass of the office, and then silently closed the electric curtains.

Tang Yan noticed Tong Guan's movements and couldn't help but look up at Tong Guan, his eyes full of affection~
Half an hour later
Tong Guan was lying on the seat, his eyes empty.

At this time, he was thinking about a series of issues.

If he only has a few minutes (days, 20 years) to live, what will he do with this time?

What purpose does human life have that cannot be found in cattle or insects?What is his life goal?
How does he prove that he does have thoughts and feelings, that he does have a "mind"?
If he is the only one who believes that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, is what he believes true? .
Suppose he thought that it was possible or at least conceivable that he was still asleep in bed and was only dreaming that he was reading a philosophy book.How can he prove to you that this is not true and that he is actually awake?

—A good person must be happy?Is life ultimately fair?

Is freedom always a good thing?

(End of this chapter)

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