Chapter 95 Such a wonderful start
After more than a year, Tong Guan directed a movie again.

This time the lineup is the strongest since he made a movie.

Three movie kings and one movie queen, Tong Guan's acting skills can only serve as supporting actors.

Although compared to Double J, the weight of these guys is still a bit inferior.

But anyone who knows Tong Guan knows that this guy is notoriously stingy.

If he could use amateur actors, he would never use professional actors.

Not to mention an actor at the level of a movie king or a movie queen.

But this time Tongguan used four people.

It's enough to prove how much he values ​​the film.

Mu Er is Tongguan's biggest fan and a professional 'Tongguan', how could he miss such a movie?

Even Mu Er, who knows Tong Guan, has seen through the recent rhythm of "Let the Bullets Fly" and "The King of Kung Fu" online.

This seems to be Tong Guan's handiwork.

What Tong Guan did was simply a sign that he looked down on The King of Kung Fu and felt that this movie would become a stepping stone for his new movie, so he was so unscrupulous.

So Mu Er bought two movie tickets.

One is the King of Kung Fu, and the other is Let the Bullets Fly.

Due to time constraints, Mu Er first watched The King of Kung Fu.

When he walked out of the cinema, his brows did not relax.

Throughout the entire movie, he looked sideways and vertically, and only saw the word 'bad'.

Although the double J fight is still very exciting.

But aside from the fighting scenes, the plot of this movie is a piece of shit!
If it weren't for the film critic's professionalism, Mu Er might have left the movie halfway through.

Besides him, many people in the same theater left without finishing the movie.

This is enough to show that he is not biased.

But this movie is just bad!
After sorting out his mood for a while, Mu Er walked into the movie theater where bullets were flying again.

He took out the small notebook he used to take notes on Tong Guan's movies and stared at the big screen in front of him attentively.

The movie opens with a bang.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while!"

When Jiang Wen's voice came, the corners of Mu Er's mouth turned up subconsciously.

I don't know if it was because of the psychological effect of his stereotype of Jiang Wen, but he always felt that this sentence was very meaningful.

By the time Mu Er walked out of the cinema again, it was already late at night.

He never would have believed that he could watch a movie five times in one day!

Still in the cinema.

Even so, Mu Er was still a little reluctant to leave when he walked out of the cinema.

He always felt that he still didn't understand something.

After returning home, Mu Er looked at the dense notebook, took a deep breath, and then started typing on the keyboard.

[More than a year later, we were waiting for Tong Guan again. We thought that after filming "Those Years", Tong Guan would continue to change his style or make another youth romance film, but unexpectedly, he became addicted to old age. Ben, making comedies again. 】

[It’s just that this time Tong Guan’s comedy ‘contains evil intentions’. The moment Jiang Wen appeared, I realized something was wrong with this movie, but I didn’t expect Tong Guan to be so bold and dare to shoot like this. Next, let I will lead the audience into Tongguan’s new work "Let the Bullets Fly" in a real sense]


[It was already midnight before I knew it. This 1-word film review is just my understanding on the first day of watching it. I thought it was very profound, but not profound enough. 】

[Zhang Mazi from the movie said that he wanted to make money standing up. I don’t know if he did it, but Tong Guan did it.The line 'without you' at the end is very important. 'I don't think it can be over-interpreted. 】

[I once said that the era of Tongguan was coming. Later I changed this sentence and said that Tongguan was about to create an era.Now, I'm going to change this sentence for the third time.If Tong Guan retires from the industry at this moment, he will be the only god in domestic film history, and no one can surpass his status! 】

After writing the last sentence, Mu Er checked for typos and then posted it online.

Now, it has been three years since Tongguan filmed.

In the past three years, Tong Guan has attracted fans like Mu Er more than once with his talent.

It's just that Mu Er is a film critic, and he can give the most complete evaluation every time, so he is the most famous among Tongguan's fan group.

The moment his film review was published, countless netizens clicked to view it and then expressed their opinions.

"I used to watch Tong Guan's movies before reading Mu Er's comments, but today I didn't watch them because of work, but I still couldn't help but click on Mu Er's comments. I thought that after being spoiled I would lose interest, but after reading Mu Er’s comments, I became even more interested.”

"Although we have been calling Tongguan a beast, you have to admit that Tongguan's talent is second to none in the country, and this time he has brought us another surprise."

"When I was watching the movie, I felt something was wrong. Why did I always feel that it was like Jiang Wen's movie, but there were inexplicable laughs in it. It wasn't until I saw Mu Er's comment that I realized that this was a movie wrapped in children's stories. Jiangwen movie in outerwear.”

"Tong Guan used his best field of comedy to wrap up the core of Jiang Wen, and then created such a commercial 'Republic of China film'. I don't know how he can be compared to Tong Guan's genius. .”

"I like to watch Jiang Wen's movies, but I hate them because they have too many subjective ideas and they are forced on the audience. But I obviously just want to watch a movie to pass the time. Now Tong Guan's movie has given Jiang Wen a clear direction. I hope that in the future Jiang Wen will know how to make a movie that the audience will like whether they understand the connotation or not." "."

It is different from Tong Guan's previous movies.

No matter how well Tong Guan was photographed before, netizens' reviews were mixed.

But this time, the online reviews were almost unanimously positive.

Because Tongguan hit them.

Most of those netizens who like to express opinions on the Internet have a sense of "literary youth".

They always like to use esoteric language and obscure things to highlight their uniqueness and elegance.

And this time Tong Guan's movie is exactly their favorite type.

You can look at it roughly or analyze it carefully.

The whole movie, from beginning to end, is full of metaphors that make people laugh.

The first-day box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" came out.

4700 million.

The Kung Fu King next door only had 1600 million on its first day.

Seeing this data, Tong Guan didn't hide it at all and opened champagne directly in the company.

"Such a wonderful start, please cheer for me, please cheer for me! Pop the champagne!"

Tong Guan held a bottle of champagne and said with a smile.

The faces of other people in the company were also filled with smiles.

The reason is simple, Tong Guan gave them red envelopes.

"The boss is awesome!!!"

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting, and the others roared after hearing it.

The whole company is filled with the word "awesome".

"People from the publicity department should step up their efforts and scold The King of Kung Fu, and then bring up Let the Bullets Fly for comparison! When the movie is released, everyone will receive big red envelopes!"

"thank you boss!!!"

At this moment, Zhuang Qiang walked up to Tong Guan with a glass of champagne and said, "Brother Guan, I have another good news to tell you."

Tong Guan looked at Zhuang Qiang, "Why, Coca-Cola bought my image rights?"

Zhuang Qiang was stunned for a moment, "Ah? What did you say?"

"It's okay, just tell me your good news."

"It's like this. SBS bought the copyright of "My Love from the Star" and then launched it on Xiaoxiba's side. The ratings directly broke their domestic record! So Samsung wants to invite you and Yang Mi to be their global spokespersons."

Tongguan:? ? ? ?

An unexpected gain? ? ?

However, Tong Guan doesn't really want to endorse Samsung or Bomb Star. If someone digs him out in the future, wouldn't he be scolded if he endorses it?

"Forget it, Samsung."

"They will give you 7000 million yuan in endorsement fees a year, and Yang Mi will get 6000 million yuan."

"When will the contract be signed?"

Seventy percent of Yang Mi belongs to the company, which means more than 4000 million yuan has to be confiscated.

Including Tongguan's own 7000 million, this is [-] million before tax!

[-] million a year, Samsung exploded in Tongzuan and he praised it for its power!

"Their people just arrived in the capital today. I arranged for them to come to the company to meet you tomorrow morning."

Zhuang Qiang was not surprised at all by Tong Guan's change of face.

This is not the first day I met Tong Guan.

"Okay, by the way, let's inform Yang Mi to return to the company tomorrow morning."

Tong Guan really didn't expect that "My Love from the Star" would become such a hit with Xiao Xiba.

After all, compared to the original version, the plot of this version he filmed is a bit more protracted.

And whether it was him or Yang Mi, they were almost all amateurs on Xiao Xiba's side.

Not many people knew them at all.

In this case, it can also explode.

It can only be said that an unexpected fortune came from heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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