Chapter 203 A horse flees eastward

Agui looked in the direction of the battlefield with disbelief in his eyes.

Just now, he watched Hailancha's flag break, and Hailancha himself disappeared from the battle.

He watched helplessly as the Sauron soldiers were crushed by the Ming army's weird firearms, and then swallowed up by the Ming army's cavalry.

The Chengnan Camp and the Chengdong Camp fell one after another!
No one understands how desperate Agui is now...

"Yuezhou is going to be lost..."

Agui murmured, and he subconsciously looked towards the north, his eyes full of despair and guilt.

In the end, he, Agui, was going to disappoint the emperor!

The war situation in the South is really irreversible now!


Zhu Jing'an looked away from the battlefield.

He ordered in an orderly manner.

"Send the order to the entire army to repair where they are."

"The army has been recuperating all night and will launch a general attack on Yuezhou City at dawn tomorrow!"

Pull out Yuezhou and annihilate the Qing army under Agui, then Jiangnan is in sight!
As long as Jiangnan and Nanjing can be recovered, the entire southern country will be in the hands of the Ming Dynasty!

On the second day, as soon as it got dark, the Ming army launched a general attack on Yuezhou City.

Heavy artillery aimed at Guancheng in Yuezhou and began to deliver firepower unscrupulously.

The cannonballs broke through the air and hit the Yuezhou city wall one after another, making a roaring sound.

At the top of Yuezhou City, the remaining Qing army's general artillery also began to fight back.

Cannonballs were fired one after another at the Ming army's artillery array outside the city.

In an attempt to suppress the Ming army's bombardment!
Inside and outside the city, there was a continuous sound of cannon fire.

The artillery battle between the Ming army and the Qing army entered a fierce stage.

At the same time, the Ming army's tunnels were constantly digging.

It's just that because of the dense water network outside Yuezhou City, if the tunnel is not dug well, it will be easily flooded, so the digging is slower.

But Zhu Jing'an was not in a hurry, Agui was now surrounded in Yuezhou City.

It's like a cooked duck, it can't fly!
Just eat intermittently. After all, if you eat too quickly, you can easily choke...

When the tunnels are dug and the explosives are deployed, it will be time for the Ming army to launch a general attack on Yuezhou City.


It is the fifth day of the seventh lunar month in the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty.

No. 12 days after the Battle of Yuezhou started.

The Ming army's tunnel was finally dug, and explosives were buried in the tunnel in advance.

The Ming army began to prepare for the final general attack on Yuezhou City.

Before that, after more than ten days of fierce fighting, the morale of the Qing army in Yuezhou City had been extremely low.

Especially after the artillery placed on the city by the Qing army was called out one by one by the Ming army's artillery group and pulled out one by one, the morale of the Qing army dropped to the extreme.

Agui had nothing to do about it.

But what surprised him was that after the Ming army knocked out the Qing army's artillery, they did not immediately launch an attack on Yuezhou City.

As if waiting for something!
But soon, Agui's questions were answered.

With a loud rumbling noise, the gunpowder planted by the Ming army under Yuezhou City detonated.

The moment the rumbling explosion sounded, a section of the Yuezhou city wall collapsed.

Immediately, the Ming army followed the collapsed gap and launched a general attack on Yuezhou City!

The general attack lasted for three days!
On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month in the first year of Xuanwu, Agui led the remnants of the Qing army in Yuezhou City to break through the passage deliberately set aside by the Ming army in the east of the city and fled eastward.

Yuezhou was finally captured by the Ming army.

The Battle of Yuezhou has also come to an end!

Zhu Jing'an ordered the Ming army's cavalry to pursue Agui, but in the end they failed to catch up.

Although the Ming army annihilated the remnants of the Qing army that attempted to break out, they still allowed Agui to take a few soldiers and escape from the battlefield in disguise.

The battlefield was in chaos, and it was impossible for a large group of soldiers to escape.

The cavalry used by the Ming army to block the battlefield were not just decorations!
Seeing that a large number of Qing troops wanted to withdraw, how could the Ming army not send troops to stop them?
But, having said that, if the coach abandons the army and sneaks away in disguise with only a few loyal soldiers, there is a high probability that he can still escape.

The battlefield was so huge that more than [-] people from both sides were fighting, covering dozens of miles around.

It is impossible for the cavalry to completely block it!

Taking advantage of the chaos to escape with a few people is a completely normal thing.

"We failed to catch the traitor Agui, so we still ask the Crown Prince to punish him!"

Pan Dazhu, who was in charge of the Ming army's cavalry, came to Zhu Jing'an and knelt down on one knee to plead guilty.

His face was full of anxiety!

In his opinion, he was guilty of letting A Gui, the leader of the thieves, escape, whether he was guilty or not.

It would be better if His Royal Highness did not pursue the matter.

If His Highness the Crown Prince wants to pursue the case, his rank as a general may be stripped away.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he didn't blame him.

He just said it in a gentle tone.

"It's okay!"

"Now that Yuezhou has been conquered and the main force of the Qing army has been wiped out, what does it matter if one Agui escapes?"

“It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!”

"Agui doesn't have any soldiers at the moment. How big of a storm can he cause by standing up to the sky alone with a few soldiers at his side?"

"General Pan Shen, you have worked hard, please go down and rest!"

When Pan Dazhu heard this, he was obviously relieved and felt lucky in his heart.

Everyone said that His Highness the Crown Prince was a generous man, and he treated his subordinates more leniently than with rewards but cautiously with punishments.

Now it seems that it is indeed true!

There is nothing better than working with such a generous leader.

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an turned around and told the others. "Send the order and prepare to take over Yuezhou City..."

"After taking over Yuezhou City, the army will complete repairs as soon as possible, and then head east to Jiangnan!"

After Zhu Jing'an said this, all the generals of the Ming army agreed in unison.

Ambition and expectations seemed to be written on every face.

Because there is Nanjing in the south of the Yangtze River!

For the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing's political significance was too great.

This is the place where Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor!
Once the Ming Dynasty can capture Nanjing, the whole south will probably be able to spread the word...


Guangzhou, the Ming Emperor is here!
In the bedroom, the air pressure was low.

Zhu Jianzhuo was lying on the bed, with a towel on his forehead and a faint sick look on his face.

There is a strong medicinal smell in the room!
The eunuchs, maids, and imperial doctors were busy and busy, walking in a hurry.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Suddenly, Zhu Jianzhuo, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, coughed, his voice full of weakness.

He opened his eyes, sat up with the help of the eunuch Yang He beside him, and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm into the spittoon, and then his breathing became much easier.

Yang He helped Zhu Jianzhuo soothe his chest with a very discerning eye.

Queen Liu on the side brought two small bowls.

A small bowl contains decoction, and another small bowl contains a few candied fruits.

"Your Majesty is awake, drink the medicine quickly!"

"The imperial doctor said that your Majesty's illness is not a serious problem. It is caused by overwork and an occasional cold."

"Drink the medicine and rest for two days and you'll be fine!"

Just yesterday, Zhu Jianzhuo suddenly fell ill while handling government affairs in the study.

Suddenly, people inside and outside the Ming Dynasty were in a state of tension.

I'm afraid something will happen to him!

Although Zhu Jing'an is the real soul of the Ming Dynasty now, as long as he does not fall, the rest can be saved.

However, as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Jiazhuo's status and influence are also unquestionable.

The main force of the Ming army is now fighting the Qing army on the front line. If the emperor Zhu Jiazhuo dies at this time, the impact on the morale of the army will definitely be huge.

Apart from anything else, the succession to the throne after Zhu Jianzhuo's sudden death was a big problem.

Although Zhu Jing'an is popular among the people, he is a legitimate crown prince.

But after all, he was leading the troops outside and was beyond his reach in Guangzhou.

If the emperor died suddenly, Zhu Jing'an would probably not want to continue fighting on the front line, but would lead his troops back to the court to succeed him.

In this case, the advantageous situation that Ming Dynasty finally gained on the Huguang front may be overturned by the Qing army by taking advantage of Ming Dynasty's withdrawal.

This is definitely not a good thing for today’s world situation!
There is a more serious problem, that is, if any prince can't think about it and wants to succeed to the throne in front of Zhu Jing'an.

Then the problem is even bigger!
Because if this is the case, civil strife may break out in the Ming Dynasty!

For an emerging force, civil strife is a very fatal thing.

Because civil strife may interrupt the rising momentum of this new force, and then cause a devastating blow to this new force.

For example, the rising momentum of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom came to an abrupt end after the civil strife broke out in the Tianjing Incident.

Subsequently, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was wiped out by the Manchu Qing Dynasty!
Therefore, we can see the importance of Emperor Zhu Jianzhuo to the Ming Dynasty!
Apart from anything else, Zhu Jianzhuo is irreplaceable in terms of maintaining the overall situation.

Fortunately, Zhu Jianzhuo's illness this time was just due to overwork and an occasional cold.

It's not a serious illness!

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo took the medicine bowl and drank it all, then picked up two candied fruits and put them in his mouth to suppress the bitter taste.

Then he shook his head and spoke.

"Can't rest!"

"Yang He, go and get the memorial from my general's study."

"Now the army is on the front line, fighting fiercely with the Qing Dynasty for the sake of the Ming Dynasty. How can I, as the emperor, be lazy and slack in government just because I feel the cold?"

Although Zhu Jianzhuo can only be regarded as an average person in terms of personal ability, not outstanding, he is quite diligent in government affairs.

I get up before dawn every day and don't go to bed until late at night. I spend almost the whole day dealing with government affairs.

The level of diligence is catching up with Zhu Yuanzhang!
Regardless of his ability, at least his attitude is in place!
This was seen by everyone inside and outside the Ming Dynasty.

This is also one of the reasons why the people inside and outside the Ming Dynasty are now stable.

The king's virtue has always been a good way to unite people's hearts.

Zhu Jianzhuo was diligent in government affairs, flirtatious with women, frugal in life, benevolent and caring for the people. He basically had all the virtues of a feudal emperor.

The people all support him very much!

When Queen Liu heard this, she frowned and shouted to Yang Hejiao who turned around to go out.

"Stand there, don't go!"

When Yang He heard this, his footsteps obviously stopped, and the expression on his face was full of embarrassment.

He didn't dare not listen to the emperor's words, but he didn't dare to disobey the queen's orders!

He, Yang He, is a majestic internal manager on the outside.

It can be said that he holds a high position of power, even if the high officials in the court see him, they have to greet him with a smile.

Because he is someone close to the emperor and cannot be offended.

But in the inner court, he was just a domestic servant of the royal family.

The queen wanted to kill him with a stick, which was just a matter of words.

Besides, Lao Zhu's family has always had a tradition of being afraid of his wives. Zhu Jianzhuo usually obeyed his married wife.

He, Yang He, really didn't dare to interfere in the royal family affairs!
He could only stand there obediently, turning his head to look at Zhu Jianzhuo and Liu.

I want to wait for one of them to convince the other, and then I will act according to the order!

(End of this chapter)

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