Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 229: Ruling the Tang and Song Dynasties?

In Gao Jin's opinion, if Zuo Guoliang hadn't been greedy for life and afraid of death, he would have surrendered to the Ming thief.

Opened the Fengtai Gate and Jubao Gate to present the city to the Ming thieves!
The Qing Dynasty's war situation in Jiangning definitely could not have deteriorated to this point in such a short period of time.

Now Gao Jin really hates Zuo Guoliang!
On the other side, Zuo Guoliang also heard Gao Jin's shouting and looked over subconsciously.

The first time he saw Gao Jin, the governor of Liangjiang, Zuo Guoliang's eyes lit up and he shouted.

"Brothers, let me kill you!"

"The Tartar governor of Liangjiang is here. Capture and kill this official and make him his wife and son!"

Zuo Guoliang also led people to meet Gao Jin instantly.

But before the two sides could fight together, a burst of gunshots was heard.

Gao Jin, who was still looking ferocious and shouting for a fight, suddenly saw several balls of blood exploding from his body.

A projectile hit his head, and in an instant, his helmet and Tianling Cap were blown away...

Red and white brains are sprayed everywhere!
At this moment, the morale of the Qing army was obviously depressed.

Although at this time, the Qing army was ready to die in battle and wanted to fight the Ming army desperately to prove the bloody character of the bannermen.

However, the death of the coach Gao Jin in battle inevitably demoralized the Qing army.

At the moment Gao Jin was shot, the emotions in the hearts of many Qing soldiers were filled with confusion.

However, contrary to the situation on the Qing army's side, after seeing Gao Jin being killed, the Ming army's morale was greatly boosted and they launched a charge.

The cry of killing rang out, and the Ming army's offensive was like a wave.

In the blink of an eye, a hole will be torn open in the Qing army's array.


"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Kill the Tartars, restore the Ming Dynasty, drive out the Tartars, and restore China!"


On Zhongshan Mountain, the surviving Eight Banners soldiers began to rout.

Their tolerance for casualties has reached its limit!

Shu Hed looked at the changes on the battlefield and became so angry that he opened his mouth and vomited out a mouthful of blood.

His whole body fell limply to the ground...

Seeing this, the soldiers around him wanted to help, but found that Shu Hed's breath began to become weaker and weaker, and he soon died.

After Gao Jin and Shu Hede were killed in battle, the remaining Eight Banners soldiers completely lost their command.

Although some people are still resisting, their final outcome has already been determined.


As the Ming army captured Zhongshan, Xiaoling was recovered.

The battle of Jiangning that lasted for several days finally came to an end.

Counting from the Hongguang Year, Nanjing, which had fallen into the hands of the Tartars for more than 100 years, finally returned to the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Recapture Nanjing and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


On this day, tens of thousands of Ming troops inside and outside the city were all cheering.

Celebrate the victory in the Battle of Nanjing!
Celebrate the revival of Ming Dynasty!

On the second day, people inside and outside Nanjing also took to the streets and began to prepare in an orderly manner to welcome the king's division into the city under the command of the gentry.

Although the Ming Dynasty had captured Nanjing City for several days, the ceremony of entering the city could not be left behind.

Zhu Jing'an needs to show the Ming Dynasty's martial arts to Nanjing and the entire Jiangnan to prepare for the next step of reform.

Mr. Wang stood at the front of the crowd, looking at the mighty army entering the city. His face was full of joy, and he felt that he had made the right choice.

Behind him is a famous gentleman in Nanjing.

Most of them were happy. For the Nanjing gentry, as long as the Ming Dynasty could eradicate the Eight Banners, even if they did nothing else, it would be a great thing.

Because the gentry in Nanjing were really suppressed by the Eight Banners in Jiangning!

"Okay, okay, Master Wang has regained Nanjing. We and our fathers are really relieved."

"The remaining people have shed tears in the dust and looked south for Master Wang for another year. Now Master Wang is finally back."

"Restore the mountains and rivers, restore the clothes and clothes of our Han family. If I can see this scene in my lifetime, I will die without regrets. I will die without regrets!"

While the gentry were talking to each other and lamenting the restoration of the Ming Dynasty, waves of low and powerful war drums suddenly sounded inside and outside the city.

Their eyes met one after another, and they saw a group of soldiers carrying muskets entering from Jubao Gate.

After these soldiers entered the city, they stood every three to five meters along the street to watch, separated on both sides of the street.

Then he turned to face the street and stood solemnly.

The muskets were held on the shoulders, and the bayonets attached to the muzzles pointed diagonally at the sky.

After these soldiers entered the city, a cavalryman riding a tall horse came in immediately.

These cavalrymen held an order flag in their hands, and after entering the city, they casually discarded it at the gate of Nanjing.

And these flags are all trophies captured by the Ming army from the Qing army since the Northern Expedition.

There are the ceremonial flags of the imperial envoys and governors of the Qing army, the general flags of the admirals and generals, and the command flags and banners of the various units of the Qing army.

The layers are stacked on top of each other, adding up to hundreds of faces.

It can be said that the results are fruitful and the military exploits are illustrious!

Under the gaze of countless people, flags representing prominent figures were thrown away at the gate of Nanjing as if they were trash.

When the gentry and common people in Nanjing saw this, they couldn't help but look surprised.

It is said that the current Ming army is very powerful in combat, but no one takes it seriously because there is no basis for what they say.

However, with the flags covering the ground at the gate of Nanjing, everyone had a general impression of the actual combat effectiveness of the Ming army.

This is so fierce!
Just by looking at these flags captured by the Ming army, we can know how much results the Ming army achieved during the Northern Expedition.When the gentry who gathered at the gate of Nanjing City to welcome Master Wang into the city saw this scene, they couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed.

"So many flags!"

"Master Wang is mighty, Master Wang is indeed mighty!"


Under the gaze of countless people, the Ming army cavalry stepped on the Qing army's command flag and drove into the city.

Tall horses, strong and majestic soldiers, five riders in a row, came side by side.

The red armor made them even more extraordinary.

The horseshoe hit the ground, making a crisp metal knocking sound, as if every time it stepped on the apex of people's hearts.

Heavy armor and strong horses can shock people no matter how they are used.

With the development of history, the role of heavy cavalry on the battlefield has indeed become less and less obvious.

But regardless of whether he is useful or not, it’s all about whether he is handsome or not!

The heavy cavalry slowly marched into the city, and the mighty heavy armored knights brought great shock to the Nanjing gentry.

Behind these heavily armored knights were rows of musketeers, arranged in neat arrays, slowly advancing.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty wore straight military uniforms, helmets, breastplates, cowhide belts around their waists, muskets on their shoulders, and bayonets on their waists. They looked quite majestic.

The leather boots fell to the beat of the drums and made a loud crashing sound when they stepped on the ground.

These musketeers are almost all the main soldiers of the Ming army.

Surrounded by these soldiers from his headquarters, Zhu Jing'an also rode into the city.

Riding on horseback, he is young and heroic, with a straight military uniform and sharp edge.

The vitality and pride of young people are also evident.

It gives the impression that he is a young general like Huo Qubing, gifted by nature.

Everyone could tell it at the first sight of him.

This is His Highness the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty!

The moment Zhu Jing'an entered the city, the Ming soldiers inside and outside the city, as well as the gentry and common people who came to see the excitement, began to cheer together.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"His Royal Highness, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"


Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an just raised his arms and shouted.

"The Ming Dynasty is victorious! The Ming army is mighty!"

Immediately, everyone shouted in unison.

"The Great Ming is victorious, the Ming army is mighty!"

"The Great Ming is victorious, the Ming army is mighty!"


After saying this, Zhu Jing'an continued to urge his horse into the city.

Then came the vanguard battalion of the Ming army.

These forward battalion soldiers also held out their chests and belly, making themselves look quite powerful, enjoying the cheers of the Nanjing people.

Then came the artillery units of the Ming army and the escorted prisoners of war.

One prisoner of war was tied up with a rope, walking dejectedly, with despair on his face.

Looking at the prisoners of war captured by the Ming army, the gentry and common people in Nanjing couldn't help but cheer.

"Hahahaha, damn it, these dog Tatars finally got their comeuppance!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill all these dog Tatars!"

"Kill the Eight Banners, restore the Ming Dynasty, long live..."


The people of Nanjing have long been deeply resentful of the Eight Banners of Jiangning, and now they see that the Eight Banners of Jiangning, which used to be aloof and superior, have fallen to this end.

Naturally, the people of Nanjing couldn't help but be excited about it!

There is a sense of carefree revenge.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, a large number of prisoners of war were also escorted into the city, heading straight towards the Zhongshan Xiaoling Mausoleum.

Zhu Jing'an planned to use the blood of Jiangning Eight Banners to pay homage to Comrade Lao Zhu in Xiaoling.

With the sound of horse hooves, the Ming army quickly arrived at the foot of Xiaoling.

Next to the dismounting square, Zhu Jing'an got off his horse and strode toward Xiaoling, surrounded by his guards.

At the same time, the Ming army had already completed the purge of Xiaoling and completed the defense deployment in Xiaoling in advance.

Zhu Jing'an strode forward, passing through the Shinto and the archway, all the way to the front of Xiaoling Mausoleum.

In front of him, a stone tablet was erected.

There are four big characters written on the stone tablet, which are exactly the four characters "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasty" written by Kang Mazi himself.

Zhu Jing'an stood in front of the Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasty Monument, glanced at it, and then said with a cold expression.

"Smash it!"

Faced with Kang Mazi's cheeky attitude, Zhu Jing'an believed that if Comrade Zhu knew something secretly, he would probably go crazy.

Although the rule of the Tang and Song Dynasties is not a bad thing, it can even be regarded as quite praised.

But for Lao Zhu, who aspired to "the land of China is about to disappear, and the sun and moon will reign supreme", it is actually a great humiliation and irony for a Tartar king to criticize him arbitrarily.

If this is the case, then he, an unworthy descendant, will naturally not keep this monument and continue to hinder Lao Zhu's eyes.

Everyone in the Ming Dynasty knows that Zhu Jing'an is a filial son!

After hearing this, several soldiers stepped forward and worked together to knock down the stone monument, then picked up a sledgehammer and smashed it. (End of chapter)

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