Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 237 Jingshan Artillery Factory and the War Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After Qianlong finished speaking, everyone looked thoughtful.

After a while, Master Yierhe, who knew Qianlong best, stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Heilongjiang General Fukang'an can take on this important task and become the commander-in-chief of the imperial court!"

He Shen didn't know who was right to recommend, but he knew who would be right to recommend.

Fukangan knows everything!
There was not even one general that Qianlong trusted the most, and it would definitely not be wrong to recommend him.

Seeing this, the old fox Yu Minzhong also nodded and said.

"Your Majesty, I have my second opinion!"

Seeing this, Li Shiyao, Liang Guozhi, Feng Sheng'e and others also spoke one after another.

"Minions/minions second the proposal!"

Seeing this, Qianlong also nodded.


"If this is the case, then we will order Fu Kang'an to be the commander-in-chief of the imperial conquest, and Li Yu will draw up the decree."

After Li Yu heard this, he stood up and kowtowed.

"The slave obeys the order!"

At this moment, Li Shiyao added again.

"Your Majesty, this servant recommends Agui to accompany the army in the imperial conquest and be responsible for advising on the paintings, so as to offset his merits."

Li Shiyao and Agui had a good relationship, so when he found Kong, he wanted to excuse Agui and get a chance to make a difference.

Qianlong heard this, thought for a while and said.


"I will give Agui a chance to make a difference!"

"I just hope he doesn't disappoint me!"

The reason why Qianlong relaxed so easily was actually because of his love for Fulongan.

He was afraid that Fulong'an was young and had little war experience, so he would suffer a loss on the battlefield.

Therefore, he arranged for an old fox to assist him.

Although Agui lost the battle against the Ming thief, it was only a defeat against the Ming thief.

Apart from that, Agui basically never lost in battles from north to south!

Qianlong could still trust the abilities of his favorite general.

Seeing this, Feng Sheng'e also spoke.

"Master, why don't you let Chatai go with the army..."

The relationship between Chatai and Feng Sheng'e was very close, so he also opened his mouth to fight for opportunities for Chatai.

Qianlong nodded and agreed without refusing.

Anyway, he had already given Agui a chance to make a difference, and he didn't care to give Chatai one as well.

Now our national generals in the Qing Dynasty, Diao Wei, highlight the defeated generals like Agui and Chatai who are also very valuable.

At the very least, even if Agui and Chatai lose the battle, they will not surrender to the thieves.

But there is no certainty what choice the Han generals in the court will make when the war is unfavorable.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!
Qianlong also heard this sentence.

With the Green Camp Han generals surrendering in large numbers on the southern battlefield, our Qing Dynasty's defense against the Han people has reached its extreme.

Although no one dares to openly say that Manchu and Han are different.

But this is the consensus in everyone's mind.

The same is true for the emperor Qianlong!
After finalizing the specific matters for the Qing Dynasty's conquest of Korea, Qianlong was just about to order his ministers to retire.

But He Shen stood up and said.

"Start the memorial to your Majesty, I still have something to report!"

When Qianlong heard this, he narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.


Seeing this, He Shen was not surprised and spoke directly.

"Your Majesty, the war situation in the south is now in ruins, the power of the Qing Dynasty is unstable, and the hearts of the people are scattered. I would like to ask the Emperor to give the important ministers in the court and the generals in the army the title and flag to stabilize the morale of the army!"

He Shen's idea is simple.

Raise the flag to the Han people in the court, and completely "tie" the Han ministers and generals in the court to the Qing pirate ship.

Otherwise, based on the current frequent defeats of the Qing Dynasty on the battlefield, there will be considerable turmoil in the hearts of both the government and the public.

When Qianlong heard this, he began to think in his heart.

What He Shen said is true. In the current situation faced by the Qing Dynasty, raising the flag to the Han ministers and generals in the court can indeed stabilize people's hearts.

However, the implications of this matter are too great!

You know, the Eight Banners were the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. To the Qing Dynasty, the Eight Banners were like the roots of a big tree.

If you rashly attack the root system, it is not good, and the tree may wither directly.

Therefore, Qianlong said after thinking for a while.

"I know about this matter, but the matter of carrying the flag for the courtiers and generals is very involved. I don't dare to do it myself. I still need to discuss it with the Prince of the Eight Banners."

"Let's discuss this later!"

He Shen heard the words, responded to the emperor's sage, and retreated to the court.Suddenly, Qianlong seemed to remember something and asked.

"By the way, how is the plan prepared by the artillery factory in Jingshan and the War Bureau under the Ministry of Internal Affairs to produce imitation foreign guns and cannons to be used to arm the Eight Banners?"

The Qing Dynasty I am now is not the Qing Dynasty I was after. I still understand that buying is worse than making.

Besides, even if the Qing Dynasty wants to buy it now, the British don't have that many arms to sell to him.

Therefore, Qianlong could only hire a group of foreign craftsmen and then order the Jingshan Artillery Factory and the War Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to start manufacturing foreign guns and cannons.

Less than half a year has passed since this matter was ordered to go down. Therefore, Qianlong now wants to know how it went.

Fengsheng'e, who was in charge of the Jingshan Artillery Factory, heard this and spoke.

"Your Majesty, the production capacity of Jingshan Artillery Factory has completely exceeded the production capacity during the time of the Holy Ancestor."

"We can produce [-] improved general cannons per month, five [-]-pound red barbarian cannons, and three [-]-pound red barbarian cannons..."

"The performance of the cannons produced by the Qing Dynasty is almost the same as those of the Ming Dynasty's artillery and the foreign cannons!"

The so-called improved general cannon is actually the Ming Dynasty field cannon imitated by the Manchu Qing Dynasty under the guidance of foreign craftsmen.

The ten-pound Hongyi cannon is an imitation of the foreign twelve-pound naval gun.

Twenty-pound gun, which is a 24-pound naval gun.

Although there are differences in caliber and barrel multiples, they are pretty much the same.

From the current point of view, the Qing Dynasty's progress in firearms innovation is still good.

As for quality...

I know all about the quality of firearms in the Qing Dynasty. So many people have had their hands on them. If you are greedy, I am greedy, others are greedy, how is the quality of the artillery produced in the end?

It can only be said that it is conceivable!

The performance of Fengsheng's words was almost the same as that of the artillery of the Ming Dynasty and the foreign artillery of the foreigners. To put it bluntly, he was trying to comfort Qianlong.

In today's firearms production, the technical gap between everyone is actually not that big. What can really widen the gap in firearm quality is the production process.

That is the degree of integrity of firearms production units!

And in this regard, the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which had been established for a long time and was full of chronic diseases, had absolutely no way to compare with the new Ming Dynasty.

Although there are corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty, they basically all use their efforts in one place.

Everyone has a common goal, which is to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Before the overthrow of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was not so short-sighted, and no one would use their brains to engage in corruption in the military industry.

If someone dares to commit corruption in the military industry, Zhu Jing'an will not tolerate it.

Zhu Jing'an just has a good temper, not a bad temper.

When it's time to kill, he won't show mercy!

But it's another story here in Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

As a result, the quality gap between the firearms of the Ming and Qing armies widened.

After Fengsheng'e reported, Qianlong looked at Li Yu again.

Because Li Yu, the general manager, also holds the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although he is not actually in charge, he must be aware of the work progress of the War Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After catching Qianlong's gaze, Li Yu stood up and said.

"If I return to the Emperor, the War Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can now produce [-] flintlock foreign guns per month. There is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of quality, production technology, and production efficiency."

Qianlong heard this and nodded with satisfaction.

"well done!"

"The firearms produced by the Jingshan Artillery Factory and the Military Warfare Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be distributed to our new Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty as soon as possible."

"This battle to conquer the dynasty is the time to test the quality of our new Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty!"

Everyone heard the words and responded in unison.


Punishment Department, Tianlao!
Agui sat cross-legged on a pile of hay. In front of him was a short table with an oil lamp on it, the light was like a bean.

On the wall facing him, there were densely drawn curved lines with charcoal.

There are also small flags planted!

If anyone who has participated in the Battle of Changsha and the Battle of Yuezhou comes here, they will find that what Agui is drawing now is exactly the situation map of the Battle of Changsha and the Battle of Yuezhou.

On this situation map, the military deployment of both the Ming and Qing Dynasties is clearly marked.

Landforms such as mountains, lakes, and rivers are also clearly marked.

Since Agui was imprisoned, apart from eating and drinking every day, he has been repeatedly reviewing the entire process of the Battle of Changsha and the Battle of Yuezhou.

Trying to find a way to make a comeback!

However, what made him feel heartbroken was that Agui tried to review the situation time and time again, but the answers he got had almost no hope of a comeback.

Facing the absolute strength of the Ming army, the Qing army could only suffer from a small defeat, a major defeat, or a disastrous defeat.

Only a few times, Agui achieved a small victory in the deduction.

But it still can't change the situation of the battle!

Agui had to admit that His Highness the Prince of Ming Thief was a true genius.

His layout on the battlefield had almost no loopholes.

It really goes with that sentence, those who are good at fighting have no great achievements!

This thief of the Ming Dynasty, His Royal Highness, is truly terrifying! (End of chapter)

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