When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Yes, it seems that the research and development progress in Foshan is pretty good."

"What a relief to be alone!"

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Jing'an asked again.

"Now that the test in Foshan has produced results, when can Nanjing start trying to produce it?"

Song Quan said.

"Your Highness, I am still applying for technical authorization from the Foshan Arsenal."

"As long as the technical authorization application is approved and Foshan sends people over to guide the work, the Nanjing Arsenal can try to produce new artillery soon."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he rolled his eyes and fell into deep thought.

According to Song Quan, their technology application for authorization should not go smoothly.

I want to say something for myself!
  But it’s normal to think about it. It’s a technical problem that the Foshan Arsenal has finally solved. Why should Nanjing just ask for it and even send technicians to guide the work in Nanjing?

There is no such truth in the whole world!

Although Foshan Arsenal and Nanjing Arsenal are units under the same system.

However, the two have now separated.

Brothers have to settle accounts!
  However, Zhu Jing'an did not reject Song Quan's application, but nodded.

"Go back and send someone to ask!"

After that, Zhu Jing'an added another sentence.

"However, even if you come forward alone, you cannot force Foshan to transfer technology."

"The Nanjing Arsenal must be prepared for heavy bleeding!"

Zhu Jing'an has always been fair in doing things and would never force someone to sacrifice their own interests for the benefit of the collective and do such moral kidnappings.

Unless this person is himself!
  Even if he comes forward to ask Foshan Arsenal to open technology licensing to Nanjing Arsenal, he will definitely compensate Foshan Arsenal.

For example, part of the funds that were originally intended to be allocated to the Nanjing Arsenal were allocated to the Foshan Arsenal as a reward for the Foshan Arsenal to overcome technical difficulties.

Song Quan heard this and spoke.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I understand!"

After saying this, he continued to lead the way. While leading the way, he continued to introduce various details of the Nanjing Arsenal to Zhu Jing'an.

"Your Highness, ahead is the dormitory area of ​​the arsenal. The dormitory area is divided into three areas."

"The first is the dormitory area where core technical backbones live, usually two people per room."

"The second is the dormitory area where technical craftsmen live, usually four people to a room."

"The third is the dormitory area where ordinary workers live, usually eight people per room."

"In addition to these, the arsenal is also equipped with hospitals, canteens, bathrooms, schools, shops, brothels and other corresponding living facilities..."

The current Nanjing Arsenal is one of the few heavy industrial bases in the Ming Dynasty.

Regarding the construction requirements of the Nanjing Arsenal, Zhu Jing'an completely followed the construction standards of later large-scale steel and military industrial enterprises.

A qualified arsenal should not just be a mere arsenal, but should also be equipped with corresponding living facilities.

In order to minimize the contact between relevant staff of the arsenal and the outside world, thereby ensuring the confidentiality of the arsenal and reducing the possibility of leaks.

The reason why there are brothels in supporting living facilities is because the staff of the arsenal are all men.

And everyone has physiological needs!

A group of men staying in a relatively closed environment would be difficult to manage without women.

As the sun set in the west and night approached, Zhu Jing'an ended his inspection of the Nanjing Arsenal and led the team out of Tangshan and headed for Nanjing City.

Tonight he will also meet with the chief officials of Jiangsu and Zhejiang states and give them a banquet.

But I can’t rest yet!

I don’t know until what time I will be busy again tonight.


Beijing, Deshengmen!

It was just after the first lunar month and early in the morning on the first day of February.

I saw the city gate of Deshengmen wide open, and the mighty Qing army was marching out of Deshengmen and then heading northeast.

First, there was an elite knight sent by a foreign vassal named Mongolia. Although these elite knights only wore leather robes, they still looked majestic with their swords, bows and high horsebacks.

Behind these elite cavalry sent by the Mongolian vassals are the new Eight Banners army that our Qing Dynasty will rely on to fight against the Ming thieves in the future.

Groups of Eight Banners new troops were commanded by the beat of waist drums, carrying muskets on their backs, and marched forward in orderly formation.

Under the guidance of foreign instructors hired by the Qing Dynasty with high salaries, and with Qianlong's personal interrogation several times, these Eight Banners uncles in the Qing Dynasty finally look a bit elite.

But even if it looks like it's true, when it comes time to actually fight, these people are unreliable.

The only part of the Eight Banners New Army that has some combat effectiveness is probably the new coated army composed of coated soldiers.

Under the temptation of the conditions of raising the flag offered by the Qing Dynasty, these coats really dared to risk their lives to fight.

I dare not say anything else. At the very least, in terms of fighting will alone, Baoyi can outshine my Eight Banners uncle by several blocks!

The only thing that seemed more out of the ordinary was that these new Eight Banners troops were still wearing heavy cotton armor and lightning rod helmets on their heads.

However, the various colored cotton armor flags formed different square formations. They looked colorful from a distance, but they were also somewhat majestic.

Behind the Eight Banners New Army were groups of Sauron soldiers.

Although Hailancha fell on the battlefield, if one Hailancha falls, thousands of Hailancha will stand up.

As long as the rule of our Qing Dynasty can be maintained, we can continue to recruit troops from Sauron, Oroqen and other tribes outside the pass, and continue to form Sauron troops to fight for our Qing Dynasty.

This Sauron soldier was recruited by the Qing Dynasty outside the customs!

Even if the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Sauron soldiers commanded by Shanghai Lancha, there is not much difference.

At the very least, it will definitely be easy to use against the Koreans!
  Behind these Sauron soldiers leaving the city were a group of dark green elites.

These elite green battalions drawn from Beizhi, Shanxi, Shandong and other places will also participate in the war against Korea.

But in sharp contrast to the lively atmosphere of the army, on both sides of the official road, many family members of the bannermen were covering their faces with their sleeves and crying.

In recent years, the Qing Dynasty has suffered consecutive defeats on the battlefield. Almost every household like them, bannermen, has family members who died on the battlefield.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every family wears mourning and every family goes to mourn.

Now, the imperial court is sending troops to fight again. Although they are fighting weak chickens like North Korea, as long as there is a war, there will be casualties. This is certain.

No one can guarantee whether the casualty will be his nephew!

Therefore, the atmosphere before the expedition was inevitably a bit sad.

Some people even wailed and cried loudly on the spot.

"My son, my son, you must come back safely!"

"My son, if you can't come back, how will your mother live?"

"Brother Wei, I'm waiting in the capital for you to come back and marry me!"


Chang Wei was riding on horseback, listening to the howling on both sides of the road, his expression a little unnatural.

Because his wife is also crying on the roadside now. "Why are you crying? It's not like I won't come back!"

Chang Wei said to his wife angrily.

Seeing this, Geluhun quickly added.

"Yes, sister-in-law, don't worry. This time the court is going to fight North Korea, not Ming thieves. Our army will be able to capture and win this battle, and everything will be fine."

Chang Wei also laughed when he saw this.

"Yes, there is Grehun. He will protect me. What do you have to worry about?"

After saying this, Chang Wei reined in his horse and signaled everyone to follow the large army.

On the wall of Deshengmen, Qianlong stood with his hands behind his back and personally watched the army go out.

His eyes were full of expectations.

He is looking forward to this battle in Fukang'an bringing a long-lost victory to the Qing Dynasty!

Behind Qianlong, several military ministers also had the same expression.

The Qing Dynasty really needs a victory now!


The Qing army's conquest troops set off from the capital and headed northeast, preparing to take Zunhua, Yongping, Ningyuan, Jinzhou and other western Liaoning lines to Shengjing.

After joining the Eight Banners outside the Pass and Fukang'an in Shengjing, the army will turn south, passing through Lianshanguan, Fenghuang City, and Zhenjiang Fort, and enter North Korea from Yizhou.

On the first day of February in the forty-fourth year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing army set out from the capital.

On the fifth day of February, the Qing army arrived in Zunhua.

On February [-], we arrived in Yongping.

On February [-], the Qing army arrived in Jinzhou.

After arriving in Jinzhou, the Qing army began to camp and repair. After two days of repairs, the Qing army continued to break camp and move north.

Arrived in Shengjing City at the end of February!

At this time, Fukang'an, the commander-in-chief of the Qing army's expedition, had already arrived in Shengjing for many days with the elite of the Eight Banners outside the Pass.

The whole army is gearing up to prepare for the southern expedition to Korea!
  Only when the main force of the Qing army in the pass arrives can they send troops.

The main force of the Qing army in Guanhai arrived in Shengjing, repaired for a few days, and then launched troops non-stop.

The dark Qing troops followed the official road and headed towards North Korea.


The climate in northern North Korea is a typical temperate monsoon climate.

The weather is still cold in early spring!
  Especially at night, the cold wind howls and freezes people completely.

Cui Yongxiu huddled behind the parapet of the Uiju City Wall, wearing a cotton-padded jacket with several holes in it, holding a spear without a tip, huddled and shivering.

"This damn weather, it's already spring, why is it still so cold?"

Next to Cui Yongxiu, Jin Daezhi, holding a shotgun, couldn't help but complain.

Cui Yongxiu let out a sigh of relief and said helplessly.

"Just hang on, who told us that our fate was bad and we were born as untouchables?"

"If two groups of nobles were born, and they hugged their wives and fell asleep as soon as it got dark, there would be no need to suffer this!"

Class consolidation in North Korea is a big problem.

In North Korea, the two groups of nobles who monopolize high-level political resources and the ordinary untouchables are two completely different species.

Even if Qiu Ba is also a soldier, the treatment between the two groups of nobles and ordinary untouchables is completely different.

Even if the two classes of nobles serve as soldiers, they can at least become officers. As long as they have a little merit, they can be promoted.

Being a general is also very simple!

What about ordinary untouchables?

Even if you make meritorious deeds, those credits belong to the two nobles. You will never be promoted, and you will always be an ordinary soldier.

The day you die, the day you die!

Hearing this, Jin Dazhi chuckled.

"Hey, speaking of girls, I heard that there are a lot of new products coming from the secret door in the city. Do you want to go to Shutanshutan when you get paid?"

Jin Dazhi is not married yet, so most of his money is spent on women.

He has basically experienced all the secret doors in Yizhou City.

Jin Dazhi knew who was pretty, who was plump, who was skilled, and who was gentle.

When Cui Yongxiu heard this, he tilted his head and said.

"Okay, let's go together later!"

Like Kim Dae-chi, Choi Yong-soo did not have a family.

Of course, it's not that they don't want to get married, but that they really can't afford it.

These days, the cost of marrying a wife is beyond the reach of ordinary people, including betrothal gifts, banquet expenses, etc. Even if they are torn down and sold, they still can't afford it.

Besides, there is also the problem of imbalance between men and women.

The imbalance between men and women in North Korea is even more serious than in the Qing Dynasty!
  Neither Choi Yong-soo nor Kim Da-zhi has any older siblings who can marry someone else, so he can only continue to be a bachelor.

But having said that, you can fight a bachelor, but you can't always solve your physical problems by yourself, right?

Therefore, Cui Yongxiu became a loyal seafood retailer and often bought seafood to eat.

Just as the two of them were discussing which secret door to go to later, their Shangguan yawned and walked out of the city gate tower with a rosy look all over his body.

Seeing this, the two people quickly stood up from the base of the female wall and continued to patrol the city wall in a pretentious manner.

The Shangguan obviously saw that the two were slacking off, but he was too lazy to pay attention to them. He walked to the edge of the city wall, unfastened his belt and started to release water into the city.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, the Shangguan looked up at the sky, his eyes slightly narrowed, and the expression on his face was full of relief.


Suddenly, his peripheral vision moved, as if he saw something reflecting light under the city wall.

But before he could see clearly what was reflecting the light, he heard the sound of a bowstring trembling outside the city.

The North Korean officer's eyes suddenly widened, and a sharp arrow shot through his throat.

A lot of blood was brought out!

The kinetic energy carried by the arrow caused his body to lean back suddenly.

With a thud, he threw his head back and fell on the city wall.

The next moment, warm and white steaming blood gushes out from the wound on his neck and flows along the gaps in the bricks of the city wall...

The next moment, only a few flying tiger claws were thrown onto the city wall.

rub rub!
  Several Sauron soldiers of the Qing army held short knives in their mouths and dragged the flying tiger claws onto the city wall.

Cui Yongxiu and Jin Dazhi on the side watched this scene happen. At this moment, their throats seemed to be strangled hard, and they could not make a sound at all.

When they saw a Sauron soldier coming towards them with a knife after ascending the city, their knees weakened and they knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Grandpa, don't kill me, I surrender..." (End of Chapter)

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