Fukangan finished the instructions and then withdrew his gaze.

He continued to stare dimly in the direction of Pyongyang City, observing the battle situation.

The heavy artillery of the Qing army was still roaring. With the roar of the heavy artillery, Chatai began to command the troops to launch a tentative attack towards Pyongyang City.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the battlefield!

Under the cover of firepower from the heavy artillery group, the black Qing army headed towards Pyongyang City.

On the battlefield, the flags were waving, and the dull sound of war drums urged the troops to advance.

Of course, in this attack on Pyongyang, those on the front line were not the elite of the Qing army.

They were Korean prisoners of war captured on the Korean battlefield after the Qing army entered Korea.

Although these Korean prisoners of war were in North Korea, their combat effectiveness was extremely low.

But under the supervision and training of our Qing Heavenly Soldiers, we can still display good combat effectiveness.

Since the Qing army entered the DPRK, Korean prisoners of war have always been on the front line in several battles to overcome dangers, serving as cannon fodder.

Fukang'an felt that these Korean prisoners of war were still very useful.

Cui Yongxiu held a sword in his hand and stood in front of a group of North Korean prisoners of war, shouting at the top of his lungs in a show of force.

"Listen to me, my master said, when a large army fights, those who retreat without orders will be killed, those who are timid and timid will be killed, and those who disobey military orders will be killed."

"If you want to survive, you must capture Pyongyang for the Qing Dynasty!"

"Otherwise, without the master's order, I will kill you first and give the master an explanation."

After saying this, Cui Yongxiu continued to speak after seeing the fear on everyone's faces.

"Cheer up the fuck!"

"My master has said that after we capture the city of Pyongyang, I will be allowed to wait and rob the city for three days."

"When the time comes, you will have as much gold, silver, grain, cloth, and salt as you want."

"Even those noble ladies and official wives that we didn't dare to desire before, we can suppress them under our control, and we can do as much as we like!"

"And there is only one prerequisite for all this!"

“Then conquer Pyongyang!”

“By capturing Pyongyang, we will have everything we want!”

"If we cannot defeat Pyongyang, we will have no choice but to die together!"

"Brothers, kill!"

Cui Yongxiu raised his arms and shouted, his face turned red from suppressing his emotions, and he was very excited.

The North Korean prisoners of war under his command were also excited by the content of his words, and they all raised their arms and shouted to kill in response to Cui Yongxiu.

After taking the city, it was an old trick of the Qing army to let the army massacre and loot the city.

But again, it doesn’t matter if the trick is old or not, as long as it’s easy to use.

These Korean prisoners of war were all red-eyed under the promise of the Qing army to indulge them in massacre and looting.

Cui Yongxiu was captured by the Qing army during the Battle of Yiju.

After becoming a prisoner of war, because he was one of the first Korean soldiers to be captured, and he was very obedient and knowledgeable.

Therefore, the Qing army appointed him to assist in the management of prisoners of war.

Later, because Cui Yongxiu was smart, diligent, and well versed in the essence of dog legs, he succeeded in licking an Eight Banners officer responsible for managing prisoners of war.

He was taken in as a slave by the Eight Banners officer.

Then, Cui Yongxiu broke away from his status as a prisoner of war and became a member of the Qing army.

Since he is a Korean and understands Korean and Chinese, he was assigned to lead a squad of prisoners of war, responsible for commanding the squad of prisoners of war and cooperating with the Qing Dynasty's heavenly soldiers in combat.

Although Cui Yongxiu was a prisoner of war captured by the Qing Dynasty at the beginning and almost died in the hands of the Qing Dynasty, now he is ten thousand loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

The reason is also very simple. The Qing Dynasty gave him an official position.

When he was in North Korea, due to his untouchable background, he could only be a big-headed soldier.

There is no hope of promotion in this life!

But after he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, his status jumped several levels in just a few months.

From an ordinary prisoner of war, he became a traitor who assisted the Qing soldiers in managing prisoners of war.

Then he went from co-manager to the wrapper of the Eight Banners Master. His identity completed a substantial transformation, from a Korean to a Qing citizen.

Later, by virtue of his identity as Baoyi, he completely got rid of the label of prisoner of war and transformed into a minor official in charge of prisoners of war.

Cui Yongxiu was in charge of about ten people at the beginning. Until now, during the Pyongyang War, he was already in charge of two to three hundred people.

Although all the people he manages are still Koreans, his status now is that of an official, not a top soldier.

Such progress was something he would never have accomplished in his lifetime when he was in North Korea!

In North Korea, if you are not from a noble family or a noble family, you will be stuck at the bottom for the rest of your life and will never be able to climb up.

Choi Yong-soo has really had enough of this hopeless life!

In Cui Yongxiu's eyes, it was Daqing who brought changes to his life and brought him hope.

Therefore, it is difficult for Cui Yongxiu to be disloyal to the Qing Dynasty!

After boosting the morale of the two to three hundred prisoners of war under his command, Cui Yongxiu turned around and found his younger brother Jin Dazhi.

Cui Yongxiu called Jin Dazhi to his side and said.

"Dazhi, I have to tell you something."

"This attack on Pyongyang City was ordered by General Fu, and the masters are watching."

"You can't delay hiding this time!"

"Remember to fight bravely. As long as you perform well this time, after this battle, I can ask the master for a favor on your behalf, and let the master accept you as a wrapper, so that you can get rid of your identity as a Korean."

Hearing this, Jin Dazhi nodded vigorously. “Brother, don’t worry, Da Zhi understands!”

"This time I will lead my men to be the first to rush to Pyongyang City. I will never let you down, brother!"

Cui Yongxiu nodded when he heard this, then gently patted Jin Dazhi on the shoulder and said.

"Do it well!"

"Brother, I believe you can do it!"

"This Qing Dynasty's conquest is an opportunity for us and others to change our destiny and get rid of the prison of North Korea."

"You must seize this opportunity!"

"When this war is over, our brothers will go to Qing Dynasty together and live a good life!"


Soon, the drums urging troops to advance sounded again. Cui Yongxiu did not hesitate and immediately ordered the troops to advance.

Personally lead the troops towards Pyongyang City!

Behind them, the roar of the Qing army's heavy artillery groups continued.

As if for free, the artillery shells flew past their heads, making a buzzing sound that broke through the air, and then hit the top of the city of Pyongyang.

The North Korean defenders at the top of Pyongyang were so suppressed that they could not even lift their heads!

Under the cover of artillery, the Qing army's prisoner-of-war camp pushed ladders, rush carts and other siege equipment, and rushed to the gate of Pyongyang in one breath.


"Long live the Qing Dynasty!"

"Kill to serve the Qing Dynasty, who else but me!"


The siege ladder was set up on the city wall, and the Qing prisoner-of-war camp braved the hail of bullets, arrows falling from the sky, rolling logs and rocks, and began to climb the city.

For a time, soldiers from the Qing prisoner-of-war camp were hit by musket pellets, stabbed like hedgehogs by arrows, and hit by rolling logs and stones, causing their heads to bleed and their brains to rupture.

Soon, the walls of Pyongyang were filled with corpses in various forms of death.

The smell of blood is in the air!

However, the Qing army's offensive continued, and the morale of the Qing prisoners of war was still high.


Yanshan, the Korean army camp!

Jin Guangzu, the general of the Longhu Camp who was responsible for leading the troops to the north to rescue Pyongyang, was sitting in the big tent, holding a beauty in his arms, enjoying singing, dancing, drinking and being served by the beauty.

Feeling the beauty's plump body clinging to his body, Jin Guangzu's eyes were full of lust and lust.

"Hahaha, drink, everyone drinks!"

"This is the fine wine I brought from the royal capital, please have a try!"

While he was talking, Jin Guangzu hugged the beauty next to him, kissed her directly, and soon bit the saliva from her face.

In the big tent, most of the other Korean generals were in the same dissolute manner.

And the reason why they are so dissolute is not that they don't know that the war is coming.

But because they know that the war is coming!

As a general who led the army, Jin Guangzu was not as trustworthy as the North Korean ministers in the DPRK.

I think North Korea can defeat the Qing Dynasty!

He is well aware of North Korea's military strength!

He knew that when he led his troops north to rescue Pyongyang, he was actually here to die.

Based on the combat effectiveness of the Korean soldiers, they are definitely no match for the Qing Dynasty soldiers.

It is precisely because of this that Kim Guangzu and other North Korean generals were so dissolute before the war.

Because they know that if they don’t let loose now, they may not even have the chance to let loose in the future!

If possible, Jin Guangzu would rather drink himself to death in Yanshan.

Nor are they willing to lead troops to the walls of Pyongyang to seek death!

However, now that the order to reinforce Pyongyang has been issued, it cannot be transferred according to Jin Guangzu's will.

If Jin Guangzu wants to keep the glory and wealth of his sect, he must go even if he knows that going to reinforce Pyongyang now is courting death.

Otherwise, I believe that the other major forces in North Korea's ruling and opposition parties would not mind using this to criticize the Andong Jin family behind Jin Guangzu...

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps outside the tent.

A messenger from the North Korean army came outside the tent and shouted loudly.

"Urgent military information, urgent military information, someone has urgent military information and I want to report it to the general!"

Jin Guangzu heard the movement outside the tent, raised his face from the beauty's broad chest, and spoke.

"Come in and talk, what's the matter?"

After the words fell, the curtain was opened, and the messenger came in from the outside.

As soon as he entered the tent, the messenger knelt down in the center of the tent and spoke to Jin Guangzu.

"General, the Manchu and Qing Hu soldiers have launched an attack on Pyongyang City. Pyongyang is in a hurry and asks the general to send troops to support quickly!"

When Jin Guangzu heard this, a clear layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In an instant, he was mostly sober from the drunkenness, and his eyes became clear.

Jin Guangzu took a deep breath and knew that his time had come.

So he spoke.

"Pyongyang is in emergency. Send the order. The army is preparing to break camp and rush to Pyongyang's aid..." (End of Chapter)

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