Chapter 267 Bloody Battle at Datong River

The sound of horse hooves continues!

The Horqin cavalry, which originally relied on cavalry to kill enemies, quickly adjusted its formation after receiving the order to charge into the formation.

Adjusted his formation from cavalry and shooting formation to charging formation.

Teams of light cavalry set up a spear formation, divided into three formations in front and back, pressing one after another, rushing toward the Korean army's formation like an overwhelming mountain.

The horse's hooves flew, and the soil and gravel on the ground were shaken.


"Wan Sheng! The Qing Dynasty will be victorious!"


Jin Guangzu watched the Qing cavalry getting closer and closer to his own array. His eyes turned red and he shouted loudly.

"Form up a formation to defend against the enemy!"

"Get ready for the Qing army's cavalry attack!"

The Korean army's military command flag was waving. Under Jin Guangzu's order, the Korean army quickly adjusted its array.

The musketeers retreated in an orderly manner with joyful faces, while the pikemen with faces full of panic and fear stepped forward, forming a spear formation, ready to engage the enemy.

However, the Korean army was still changing their formations. As soon as the long-stalkers came forward, before they had time to organize the formation, the Qing army's cavalry roared and charged forward.

The horses' hooves rumbled, and everything in their path seemed to be trampled into pulp.

The Qing cavalry rushed into the Korean army's array in the blink of an eye.

The cavalry carrying terrifying kinetic energy rushed towards them, and in the blink of an eye, they smashed the front row of the Korean army into pieces.

The horses' hooves trampled on them, turning their bones and flesh into mud.

The sharp saber is placed sideways by the knight on horseback. With the momentum of the horse, it can easily slit the enemy's throat and cut open the enemy's body...

Someone was even hit by a galloping war horse, and the whole person was thrown away. After landing, his bones were broken, his muscles were broken, his mouth was vomiting blood, and he seemed to be dead.

A charge by the Qing cavalry directly destroyed several rows of the Korean army.

On the frontline battlefield where the two sides were fighting, shouts of killing and wailing continued to sound.

Of course, using light cavalry to attack a well-organized infantry square would not be easy for the Qing cavalry.

Many people were stabbed to death by spears!

Some people were even stabbed into candied haws, including people and horses, and the spear points penetrated their backs. The scene was shocking.

The momentum of this charge was quickly exhausted after the two sides came into contact.

The Qing cavalry began to disengage and retreated!

However, before the North Korean army could breathe a sigh of relief, the Qing army's second round of charge followed.

The cavalry roared and the horses galloped.

On the Korean army's side, several more rows of arrays were torn apart.

Morale is visibly decreasing!

Immediately, the third round of the Qing army's charge came roaring...

Horqin's cavalry were really desperate this time. They charged at the Korean army wave after wave.

Risk your life to cut off the North Korean army's pontoon bridge.

Not long after, these Horqin cavalrymen lost hundreds of horses in the charge.

But even so, when they rushed deepest, they were still quite far away from the pontoon bridge.

Sanzizhabu looked at the scene on the battlefield with despair in his eyes. He knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to complete the task assigned by Fukang'an.

At this moment, Sanzizhabu suddenly heard louder sounds of horse hooves coming from behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the flag of Sauron's soldiers and Odhai galloping at the front.

Seeing this scene, Sanzizhabu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said hello.

"Edutong, Edutong, I'm here!"

Odehai rode up to Sanzizhabu, reined in his horse, and then spoke.

"Your Majesty, the war comes first, you and I will talk later..."

Hearing this, Sangzi Zabu also nodded.

"That's fine!"

"First crush the Korean army's array and cut off the pontoon bridge, and then talk about other things..."

After saying this, Odehai rode away.

While galloping, E Dehai ordered.

"Send the order and have our cavalry follow Horqin's cavalry."

"When Horqin's cavalry charges into the formation and tears a hole in the Korean soldiers' array, we will charge into the enemy's formation through the gap."

Although Sauron's soldiers are not afraid of death, they are not fools.

If you can take advantage, why not?

They are not afraid of death, but that does not mean they want to die.


On the huge battlefield, the sound of horse hooves continued.

The Qing army's cavalry carried an overwhelming momentum and launched one charge after another.

It seems to be tearing the Korean army's array to pieces!

Seeing this, Jin Guangzu could only continue to increase troops to the front line to fill the flesh and blood mill in an attempt to stabilize the war situation.

The fighting on the banks of the Datong River became more and more fierce!

Seeing countless Korean soldiers die tragically under the hooves of the Qing army, Jin Guangzu was in extreme pain.

Of course, the Qing army was actually not feeling well either.

Don't look at the current exchange ratio of the Qing cavalry rushing into the formation, which seems to be a big advantage.

But what you need to understand is that the cost of training a cavalry these days is much more than the cost of training an infantry.

For a traditional Central Plains dynasty, even if one cavalry was exchanged for ten infantry on the battlefield, it would be a loss of blood.

Although our Qing Dynasty is not a traditional Central Plains dynasty, but a foreign dynasty dominated by foreign races in the Central Plains, there is no shortage of cavalry soldiers and war horses. But even so, the value of cavalry is much higher than that of infantry!

Seeing the Qing cavalry falling on the battlefield one after another like this, even though the dead ones now were all Horqin's cavalry, Fukangan felt very distressed.

Just when Fukang'an and Jin Guangzu were heartbroken over their losses on the battlefield, with the sound of rumbling horse hooves, the Sauron soldiers from Edehai also joined the battlefield.

Each of these Sauron soldiers were riding tall horses and wearing strong armor. They were like the reborn Eight Banners heavenly soldiers at their peak, roaring into the battlefield.

The cavalry galloped, and the heavy cavalry of the Qing army just came into contact with the Korean army's array.

The soldiers of the Korean army were frightened by these invulnerable monsters rushing towards them.

Many people lost their fighting spirit, immediately dropped their weapons, turned around and ran away.


"Help, don't fight, don't fight!"

"Mom, save me..."


The supervising team on the Korean side wanted to stop the rout and restore the situation, but they couldn't do it at all.

The front line of the Korean army was completely destroyed in the blink of an eye!

These Sauron heavy cavalry, which followed Horqin's light cavalry and charged, played a decisive role on the battlefield.

In just the blink of an eye, a large hole was torn open in the front line of the Korean soldiers.

Countless heavy cavalry poured into the Korean army's formation through this torn hole, and charged and killed them.

The spears in the hands of these heavy cavalry were extremely sharp and could pierce through several people in the blink of an eye.

After the momentum of the war horses was exhausted, these Sauron soldiers did not turn their horses to retreat. Instead, they dismounted, fought in formation, and continued to fight with the Korean army.

Wantlessly chasing down the collapsed North Korean soldiers!

Show their bravery and fearlessness!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Qing army was excited.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"The Qing Dynasty is invincible!"


Amid the shouts, Horqin's cavalry also roared into the battlefield, but this time they did not continue to charge, but continued to mount and shoot around the Korean army's array.

Assist Sauron's soldiers to expand their victory!

The cavalry galloped at full speed, and the sound of arrows piercing the air continued to sound.

In just a blink of an eye, the suppressed Korean army was unable to lift its head.

It wasn't until Jin Guangzu sent troops to respond to the defeated troops in his front line that the battle situation became deadlocked again.

Snapped! Bang bang!

In order to avoid the Qing army's cavalry shooting, the Korean army's musketeers and archers were also fighting back.

But due to the lack of training on weekdays, the eager counterattack now simply cannot have the desired effect.

At this time, the main force of the Qing army also withdrew from Pyongyang City and slowly moved towards the Datong River.

Get ready to join the battlefield!

The scene before Jin Guangzu's eyes was full of despair and helplessness.

Can't beat it!

I really can’t defeat the Qing army!

Ever since he crossed the river, he had been suppressed and beaten by the Qing army.

There is almost no power to fight back.

This must not go on like this!

Thinking of this, Jin Guangzu narrowed his eyes and subconsciously looked towards the pontoon behind him.

Take advantage of the fact that the floating bridge is still under your control.

Perhaps it's time to withdraw our troops now!

He led troops to reinforce Pyongyang, crossed the Datong River, and fought a bloody battle with the Qing army. In this way, he should be able to give an explanation to the DPRK and China.

Jin Guangzu couldn't help but feel the intention to retreat...

However, facing the tidal charge of the Qing cavalry, it was actually a little late for Jin Guangzu to evacuate across the river.

Unless he can make up his mind to cut off his tail to survive, leaving an elite force in the north of the Datong River to cut off the rear of the army and delay the Qing army's offensive.

Otherwise, the Korean army would have absolutely no chance of withdrawing to Datong Jiangnan!

The fighting between the two sides became more and more intense!

The Qing cavalry once again launched an overwhelming charge.

At the same time, Jin Guangzu had not yet made a decision whether to cut off his tail and survive, or to stay in Jiangbei and fight to the death with the Qing army.

The main force of the Qing army led by Fukang'an has already pressed forward!

The Qing army began to launch an all-out attack on the Korean army.

boom! Boom boom!

The roar of artillery continued.

The Qing army's artillery group was drawn by mules to the front line and deployed, and then immediately began to deliver firepower.

After being influenced by the Ming Army, the Qing Army's use of artillery is no longer solely focused on large-caliber siege artillery.

Instead, it began to develop in the direction of field artillery with both mobility and range!

For example, apart from a group of large-caliber heavy siege artillery, most of the artillery carried by the Qing army when they entered the DPRK were short-barreled field artillery.

They are all the type that can maneuver flexibly on the battlefield and be dragged to the front line of the battlefield to deliver firepower.

The Qing army's field artillery aimed at the Korean army's array and began to deliver firepower.

Wave after wave of artillery strikes came down, and the battlefield was filled with smoke. Shells flew freely, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gun smoke.

Black artillery shells flew in the air and poured into the Korean army's array. Wherever the artillery shells passed, they were invincible, and broken limbs were flying everywhere.


PS: I will take the second exam next Monday. I went to the city for a simulation today, so the update is a bit late. The second chapter will be in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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