Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 280 The city of Fuzhou is destroyed

Chapter 280 The city of Fuzhou is destroyed

The mortars opened fire and launched suppressive firepower on the Qing army camp.

Amidst the deafening explosions, the Ming army's offensive troops jumped out of the trenches and launched a bayonet charge towards the Qing army's camp.


"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


At the same time, the Qing army's fort also began to deliver firepower again.

One after another, the artillery shells broke through the air, roared, and shot towards the charging Ming army.

The artillery shells swept into the infantry array, leaving a trail of flesh and blood flying everywhere, with broken limbs and arms littered everywhere.

Although the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty launched the charge with a thin line infantry array, they still inevitably suffered casualties in the face of the artillery bombardment of the Qing army.

Along the way of the charge, there were corpses and wounded soldiers lying everywhere.

Rivers of blood!

boom! Boom boom!

Suddenly, the sound of the Qing army's artillery became obviously muffled.

Qing gunners began to use shotgun shells.

Thousands of shotgun shells cut through the air and flew in. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who rushed in front fell to the ground.

The wounded soldier lay on the ground, screaming in agony, and blood continued to flow from his wounds.

But even so, the Ming army's charge did not stop.

The red flag was fluttering, and the deafening shouts of killing resounded across the battlefield.

Red armor and sharp bayonets seemed to have become the main colors on the battlefield.

At the same time, the Ming Army's mortars also began to extend their firepower and changed the bombardment targets to several Qing Army forts inside and outside Fuzhou City.

And not just the Qing army’s camp in the east of the city!

After a round of covering fire, there was a rumbling explosion of explosive shells. Several artillery pieces on the Qing army's fort, which were firing very well, suddenly went silent.

Smith stood next to a twenty-four-pound naval gun, directing the Qing gunners to load and fire in broken Chinese.

As a veteran of the Seven Years' War, Smith had considerable experience in the operation of artillery.

Under his command, the entire artillery team delivered firepower very efficiently.

In just ten minutes, they had fired six or seven shots.

"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster, let those damn Ming people outside the city see the power of our artillery."

"Press the muzzle down five degrees, turn it horizontally ten degrees to the left, clean the barrel, load... move quickly!"

"I swear to God, if you keep dragging your feet like this, I'm going to kick your ass with my boot!"

Smith was slightly excited. As a veteran, the smell of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield was even more attractive to him than the body fragrance of a beautiful woman.

Every time he saw the enemy being smashed into limbs and arms by the shells fired by the artillery he commanded, Smith felt a sense of relief all over his body.

Finally, the gun crew commanded by Smith finally completed loading.

However, before he could give the order to fire, a black shell streaked through the air in a parabola and landed directly at his feet.

Smith was startled by the explosive bombs falling from the sky, but he immediately realized, this is an explosive bomb, an explosive bomb!

At such a close distance, if the bomb explodes, he will be dead!

Thoughts are spinning.

Smith was thinking about so many things in his mind, but in reality it only passed in the blink of an eye.

Smith looked at the black smoke coming from the tail of the explosive bomb, turned around and wanted to run away.

But just as he turned around, he felt a sudden push on his back.

Then came waves of burning pain.

But the burning pain only lasted a moment, because half of Smith's body was directly torn to pieces by the shock wave generated by the explosive bomb explosion.

The remaining half of the body was thrown away like a rag bag and made no sound when it landed on the ground.

The entire fort was submerged in gunpowder smoke!

The exploding shells ignited several powder barrels on the fort, causing a massive explosion.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, broken limbs and broken arms were flying all over the sky, and even the twenty-four-pound naval gun was thrown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion of the gunpowder barrel.

The naval gun, which weighed several thousand kilograms, was lifted into the sky, spun several times in mid-air, and then fell straight to the ground.

A Qing soldier heard the explosion from the city wall above his head. He subconsciously raised his head and saw an artillery piece falling from the sky and hitting him directly.

The next moment, the Qing soldier was smashed into a pulp and lost his voice instantly...

A breeze blew and the smoke dispersed, but there was no living person on this fort.

The sandbags around the fort were also thrown away, and the air was filled with yellow sand flying.

The Ming army's firepower delivery continues!

Round after round of shelling, the roar of explosive shells continued.

After the mortars suppressed the firepower of the Qing army's fort, it was not only the Ming army's infantry but also the navy that launched the attack.

The Ming army's fleet pushed forward again, aiming at the Fuzhou city wall one by one, and began to deliver firepower.

Cannonballs continued to hit the walls of Fuzhou and around the Qing army's forts.

The naval guns on the Ming army's warships, combined with the mortar shells, suppressed the Qing army's artillery!

There were even several large-caliber naval guns and began to launch an extended bombardment of Fuzhou City.

A black solid shell was blasted out by the naval gun, jumped over the city wall, and fell into the array of the Qing army that was gathering.

The cannonball hit the ground, splashing up a large amount of bricks, rocks, and sand.

It rolled and spun forward, shattering the bodies of the Eight Banners soldiers wearing cotton armor.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and the unique sour smell of internal organs.

Guided by the observation balloons hanging in the sky, the Ming army's naval guns were still very accurate even when shooting across a city wall.

Amidst the sound of shelling, the Qing army's forces gathered in Fuzhou City were dispersed by the Ming army's heavy artillery.

Immediately, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty launched an assault on the Fuzhou city wall. Evan hid behind the battlements of a city wall, listening to the roar of heavy artillery inside and outside the city, and his whole body was trembling.

The expression on his face was visibly distorted, and he was murmuring a prayer.

“Oh my God, God bless, God bless!”

"I swear, I will never come to the East again. The war in the East is really terrible..."

Now, Evan's heart is filled with regret.

He regretted that he could not withstand the temptation of the high salary offered by the East India Company and came to the far east to participate in the war between the Qing Empire and the Ming Empire.

Before he arrived in the East, he returned to the war between the Qing Empire and the Ming Empire, which was still fought with cold weapons such as spears, bows and arrows.

Therefore, before arriving in the East, he was confident in himself and felt that he could definitely help the Qing Empire win the final victory in the war.

Then he received an extremely generous reward from the East India Company, and then returned to his hometown with his yellow little cuties and lived a decent life.

But what he never expected was that the war in the East was not the cold weapon war he imagined, but a firearms war.

Moreover, the intensity of the war is still quite high!

In one war, the number of artillery used by the Ming and Qing empires was even greater than that used in a large-scale war on the European battlefield.

You know, in history, until Napoleon's invasion of Europe, tactics similar to artillery cluster operations did not appear on the European battlefield.

Before that, in Europe, if a war could use hundreds of artillery pieces, it would be considered large-scale.

However, in the east, in this war between the Ming Empire and the Qing Empire, the number of artillery used by both sides was more than a hundred?

Even the Qing army, which had a small number of artillery pieces, used hundreds or dozens of artillery pieces in this battle.

The number of artillery used by the Ming army was even more astonishing, including naval guns, mortars, field guns, all large and small artillery combined, there were at least three to four hundred.

Evan is really scared now.

The artillery is okay, although there were almost no such large-scale artillery battles during the land wars in Europe.

But during the naval battle, the scale of the artillery battle was actually even greater than the Battle of Fuzhou.

Therefore, although Evan was shocked by the artillery power of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he was just shocked.

What really scared him were the strange weapons of the Ming Empire.

Balls floating in the sky, exploding shells, strange firearms that make strange whizzing noises when fired...

These are things he has never seen before!

Evan felt that if he could survive this time, he would definitely not be in the ancient East again in this life.

This place is so dangerous!

As more and more Ming soldiers successfully boarded the city under the cover of shelling and fought with the Qing troops defending the city, the countdown to the fall of Fuzhou had begun.



"Serve the Ming Dynasty, drive out the Tartars, and restore China. Won victory! Won victory!!"



Inside Fuzhou General's Mansion!

Kuilun's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He was wearing a straight official uniform and sitting on a chair.

Dingdai, court beads, flower feathers and other matching decorations are all available.

In front of Quillen, his wife Gualjia was holding a hot wet towel and a razor in her hands.

He carefully cleaned the dust and stains from Quillon's face, and then started trimming off the messy beard on his face.

In Guarjia's words, now that the fall of Fuzhou City is imminent, the couple have received the favor of the Qing Dynasty in this life, and it is natural for them to die for the country.

But there is also a big difference between death and death.

Even if Quillun was going to die, he would die decently.

After a while, Gualga finished his work and put the towel and razor aside.

Then he also sat on the Grand Master's chair to the left of Kuilun, and spoke with relief on his face.

"Hey, we have sorted it out. You and I have enjoyed all the glory and wealth in our lives. Now that we are leaving, we must do it in a decent manner."

When Kuilun heard this, he just said calmly.

"It's my fault that my wife has to go to hell with me!"

Kuilun feels a little guilty now. When he came to Fuzhou to take office, he shouldn't have brought his wife with him.

Otherwise, his wife should not be dragged down by him and go to hell together, but should be enjoying the happiness of a family with children and grandchildren in the capital.

It was he who had caused trouble to his wife!

When Guarjia heard this, she just shook her head.

"You and I are one and the same. If we are going to hell, we should walk hand in hand. There is no need to say whether we will be involved or not."

"I just pity my Rui'er. She lost her parents at such a young age. What should I do for the rest of my life?"

Guarjia's youngest son is only twelve years old. When he thinks that his youngest son will lose his parents, Guarjia can't help but want to cry.

When Quilun heard this, he didn't say anything. He just picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of poisonous wine for himself and his wife before speaking.

"Finally, I would like to propose a toast to Madam. Thank you Madam for loving me and walking with me in this life, giving birth to children and protecting our family business!"

Seeing this, Mr. Guarjia said nothing but raised his glass and drank the poisonous wine, then closed his eyes and waited for death.

On the other hand, Quillun on the side recited the fatal words after drinking the poisonous wine.

"The country is shattered, the mountains and rivers are shattered, the military ministers are in danger, and their armor is worn out after years of fighting!"

"How much Yun Shen asked the emperor, how to stabilize the country? He will not hesitate to die in the fire, hoping that the world will be peaceful."

"Hahahaha... I hope the world is peaceful!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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