Behind Zhu Jing'an, a civil servant and military general named Daming also followed and bowed down.

"Welcoming minister/general, I will see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The next moment, on the pier, a soldier named Ming, as well as the Nanjing people who came to the pier to join in the fun, also knelt down and saluted.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"


The sound of worship like a roaring mountain and a tsunami echoed through the dock outside Nanjing.

Zhu Jianzhuo saw his son as soon as he got off the boat. Seeing that his son's cheeks had obviously lost weight, he moved forward with a little excitement to help Zhu Jing'an who was kneeling in front of him.

He spoke with a slightly trembling voice.

"Sit down, my son, get back up soon!"

" did I lose all this weight..."

Zhu Jing'an looked slightly embarrassed when he heard this, because the reason why he had lost so much weight recently was because he worked hard to water his farmland every day...

If you work too hard, you will lose weight!

Zhu Jianzhuo reached out and helped his son up.

After Zhu Jing'an got up from the ground, Zhu Jiazhuo looked around and said.

"All of you, gentlemen, will be excused from the ceremony and please get on your feet!"

After everyone heard this, they also stood up from the ground.

Immediately, Zhu Jing'an welcomed his father into the carriage, and then ordered the team to go to Nanjing.

Along the way, people spontaneously gathered on both sides of the road and cheered.

Celebrating the return of Nanjing as the capital of the Ming Dynasty!


The Ming Dynasty officially returned its capital to Nanjing, which had extremely important political implications.

It was almost an oath to the whole world that the new Ming Dynasty had fully inherited the legacy of Taizu Emperor Gao.

The new Ming Dynasty will definitely make the Northern Expedition and regain the mountains and rivers!

It will never settle down like the two Song Dynasties in history.

After the news spread that Zhu Jianzhuo led his team to Nanjing, the entire southeastern people began to become visibly agitated.

The word "Northern Expedition" began to appear frequently in people's daily communications.

Almost everyone reached a consensus that the Ming Dynasty was about to launch the Northern Expedition to regain its homeland.

The Qing army was also making intensive preparations for war.

Mobilize a large number of mobile troops to the Huainan and Hubei front lines.

The war between the two sides is about to break out!


The inner city of Nanjing, the emperor's palace.

After Zhu Jing'an captured Nanjing, he designated the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion as his own Prince's Mansion.

As for General Jiangning's Mansion, which has a larger building area and more exquisite decoration, he deliberately preserved it and planned to leave it to his father to use as the emperor's palace.

How should I put it? After experiencing the baptism of war in the late Ming Dynasty and such a long period of no one maintaining it, the original Nanjing Minghuang City had long since become a ruin.

There is no way to live in it!

Under the current premise that the Ming Dynasty is unable to carry out large-scale construction and build palaces, it is natural to use General Jiangning's Mansion as a top priority.

Of course, after the war to destroy the Qing Dynasty is over, Ming Dynasty will definitely start rebuilding the Ming Imperial City.

Or it is possible to simply move the capital to Beijing and make use of the palaces and gardens that the Qing court spent a lot of manpower and material resources building in the north.

Save whatever you can!

Well, Zhu Jing'an has been coveting Qianlong's Old Summer Palace for a long time...

Of course, this is just a conjecture.

Whether the Ming Dynasty will have Nanjing or Beijing as its capital in the future still needs further discussion.

Because Nanjing has the advantages of Nanjing, it can control Jiangnan nearby and control the economic and cultural center of Ming Dynasty.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the imperial court's failure to collect taxes from Jiangnan, and the gentry's grouping and expansion, it would not happen again.

Beijing also has its advantages. Hebei is rich in coal and iron resources and is suitable for the development of heavy industry. If Beijing is established as the capital, the imperial court can control the heavy industry center of the Ming Dynasty nearby.

And heavy industry represents national defense strength!

If the imperial court could control heavy industry, it could always maintain control over the military.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an still needs to think more about this matter.

In the study, Zhu Jianzhuo sat at the top of the table, with the civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty lined up on both sides.

Zhu Jing'an held a baton in his hand, rolled up his sleeves and stood in front of a hanging map, introducing the current situation to the civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty.

"Judging from the current situation, the battlefield between the Ming Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the next stage is mainly divided into five aspects."

As he spoke, Zhu Jing'an pointed the baton in his hand at the location of Huainan on the map.

"The first is the Huainan area. The Qing army has assembled heavy troops in Huaibei, while the Ming Dynasty has assembled heavy troops in the south and north of the Yangtze River."

"Whether the Qing army goes south or the Ming Dynasty goes north, Huainan will be the main battlefield."

"Huai'an, Xuzhou, Fengyang and other places will be the focus of competition between the two sides."

Among them, Huai'an is the hub of the canal and one of the most important cities in the Huaihe and Huaihe regions. Once you control Huai'an, you will have control over the two Huaiheis.

Xuzhou is located in the Central Plains, at the junction of the four provinces of Shandong, Shandong, Henan and Anhui. It has developed water transportation and connects the north and the south.

As the old saying goes, if you win the middle, you will win the world. If you win Xuzhou, you will win the Central Plains. This shows its importance.

Fengyang was the central capital of the Ming Dynasty.

The graves of Lao Zhu's father and mother are all there. Even if we don't talk about the geographical factors, the importance of the political factors is self-evident.

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an transferred the baton in his hand to Hubei.

He spoke.

"The second main battlefield is in Hubei!"

"Since the Huguang War ended the year before last, Jingzhou, Wuchang and other state capitals have all fallen into the hands of the Ming Dynasty."

"But Xiangyang is still under the control of the Manchus!"    "If we, the Ming Dynasty, want to control the entire Huguang, we must capture Xiangyang."

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xiangyang City was the bridgehead against the Mongols' southward march, and was known as the iron-clad Xiangyang.

Now, the Ming army is about to expedition to the north, but Xiangyang City has become a fortress blocking the Han army.

Quite ironic!

Zhu Jing'an was silent for a moment, and then continued.

"The third battlefield is in the direction of Sichuan and Shu. If we, the Ming Dynasty, want to enter, we don't necessarily have to go to the north. We can also go west and capture Sichuan and Shu."

"The Qing army and the White Lotus Sect in Sichuan and Sichuan have been fighting back and forth. They have been at war with each other for several years, and they are extremely exhausted."

"If our Ming Dynasty takes advantage of the situation to attack Sichuan and Shu, there is a high probability that we can easily take it!"

It’s hard to say in western Sichuan where the chieftains are powerful, but in eastern Sichuan there will definitely be no problem.

When everyone heard this, they all started talking.

Zhu Jing'an continued.

“After that, it’s towards Yunnan and Guizhou!”

"In Gu's vision, the war situation in Yunnan and Guizhou is actually not that important!"

"I don't even want Yunnan and Guizhou to make a breakthrough, as long as they can stabilize the current situation."

Again, the population, wealth, and war potential of Yunnan and Guizhou are very limited, and the situation will not affect the overall situation.

Zhu Jianzhuo heard this and asked.

"I remember that the prince recently asked the Ministry of Rites to send a group of envoys to Yunnan and Guizhou to win over the southwestern chieftains who were instigating rebellion?"

"How's the effect?"

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then spoke.

"Back to Your Majesty, the envoys sent by the Ministry of Rites have contacted the chieftains in the southwest, and are preparing to join forces with the chieftains to break the deadlock in Guizhou."

"But it takes time!"

The main reason is that there are too many chieftains in Yunnan and Guizhou, the interests of all parties are complicated, and they are always in conflict with each other. Unified opinions have never been formed, which delayed the matter.

However, by the end of this year at the latest, the war in Yunnan and Guizhou will usher in a major breakthrough!

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded in approval, and then continued to ask.

"What about the last aspect?"

Zhu Jing'an spoke without any hesitation.

"North Korea!"

"The reason why the Qing court wanted to attack North Korea has been figured out clearly."

"The Qing government wanted to use North Korea's manpower and material resources to develop Liaodong and prepare for the Qing government's return to Liaodong in the future."

"That's why the Qing court attaches great importance to the current situation in North Korea!"

"Even after all the southeastern part was returned to the Ming Dynasty last year, the Qing government never transferred the Korean troops back to reinforce Jiangnan."

"It's just that most of the Eight Banners New Army was transferred back to reinforce the defense lines in Huainan and Hubei."

"However, if the war situation in the Central Plains changes and the Qing court's defense line collapses, it is very likely that North Korea's troops will be withdrawn."

"That's why, my minister's opinion is that we, the Ming Dynasty, can send troops to North Korea. On the one hand, we can support the political elites in North Korea to fight against the Qing Dynasty and destroy the Qing army's plot; on the other hand, we can contain the part of the Qing army in North Korea. …”

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart that his son was still very powerful and that he had the world's situation under control.

After thinking about the pros and cons for a while, Zhu Jianzhuo asked.

"Where do you think the prince's main attack direction should be next?"

"Huainan? Hubei? Or Sichuan?"

As for North Korea and Yunnan and Guizhou, Zhu Jianzhuo didn't mention it at all.

Because, it goes without saying that these two sides must not be the main direction of attack of the Ming army.

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then spoke.

"My son's opinion is to pretend to attack Huainan and focus on Hubei!"

Before anyone could ask questions, Zhu Jing'an opened his mouth and explained.

"The reason why we pretended to attack Huainan was to make the Qing army misjudge the main attack direction of our army and let the Qing army concentrate its main force on Huainan."

"Then, our army can capture Hubei!"

"The reason why Hubei should be set as the main direction of attack is simple. Huguang is the most important granary of the Qing court."

"My Ming Dynasty has already taken Hunan, and there is no reason to leave half of Hubei for the Manchu Qing."

"As long as Huguang can fall into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing court will be in chaos without food!"

Although Huainan is also a money bag.

But in troubled times, food is always more important than money.

Wang Shun, the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, frowned and said after hearing this.

"Your Highness, please elaborate!"

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he nodded in agreement.

Zhu Jing'an cleared his throat, and then continued to speak.

"My idea is..."

Halfway through Zhu Jing'an's words, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Everyone looked over subconsciously.

After a while, I saw Song Shigeng, the president of Ming Tai Hospital, striding to the door of the study. Before he entered the study, he said to the study with a happy face.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I am so happy, so happy!"

"Mrs. He is feeling unwell today, so he sent someone to ask Wei Chen to go to the Prince's Mansion to diagnose the pulse. Wei Chen...Wei Chen diagnosed the X pulse on Mrs. He. I'm so happy!" (End of this chapter)

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