Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 292 The decisive battle in Yangzhou

The current situation in Jiangbei is too dangerous. The main force of the Qing army is going south to enter Jiangbei, but the main force of the Ming army is not in Jiangbei.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Jianzhuo naturally did not want his son to continue to take risks in Jiangbei!

Not only because Zhu Jing'an is his son, but also because Zhu Jing'an is the backbone of the current Ming Dynasty.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in one fell swoop, the safety of the country is at stake!

If Zhu Jing'an was defeated in Jiangbei, it would be a disaster for the current Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just waved his hands and said.

"Send someone back to the south of the Yangtze River to report to Your Majesty, saying that Gu has made up his mind!"

"Moreover, the war in Jiangbei cannot be separated from Gu. Gu must stay in Jiangbei to preside over the war. Please forgive me for not obeying your orders!"

Zhu Jing'an is the leader of this battle.

If he, the general, fled due to danger and ran to Jiangnan, half of the battle would have been lost without fighting the Ming Dynasty.

In this battle, the Ming army was already at a disadvantage due to the absence of its main force.

If the morale of the army drops again, then there really is no need to fight.

Therefore, as the backbone of the Ming army, Zhu Jing'an must stay in Jiangbei and take charge of the overall situation.

Only if he continues to stay in Jiangbei can this battle be fought!

Zhang Jin opened his mouth when he heard this, but still clasped his fists and left.

He turned around and got off the city wall, preparing to cross the river to Nanjing and reply Zhu Jing'an's reply to Zhu Jianzhuo.

At the same time, the personnel sent by Zhu Jing'an also began to take over the Yangzhou Pier and preside over the order of the Yangzhou Pier.

With the end of the violent machine that was the military, it was obvious that order at Yangzhou Pier began to be restored in an orderly manner.

Throughout the ages, the military has always been the largest evil force.

No one dares to stab in front of a heavily armed army!

At the same time, another fast horse galloped all the way to Yangzhou City. After being searched and reported, a Ming army sentry rider quickly climbed up the city to Zhu Jing'an and opened his mouth to report.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, the Qing army's vanguard has arrived in Tianchang County..."


After Zhang Jin crossed the river, he rode straight to Nanjing.

After arriving in Nanjing, he went straight into the city, rode all the way to the outside of the palace, and then got off his horse.

After the briefing, Zhang Jin was brought to Zhu Jianzhuo.

Before Zhang Jin could open his mouth to report, Zhu Jianzhuo asked.

"How is it? When will the prince plan to cross the river and return to Nanjing?"

When asking this question, Zhu Jianzhuo's eyes were full of expectation.

He really doesn't want his son to continue to adventure in Jiangbei!

But when Zhang Jin heard this, he shook his head.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty is determined to stay in Jiangbei to preside over the war. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

When Zhu Jiazhuo heard this, he couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"What is the situation in Jiangbei now? Is the Ming Dynasty sure of victory?"

Zhu Jianzhuo knew that his son didn't have many elites at his disposal.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be worried about the war in Jiangbei!

Zhang Jin heard this and spoke without any hesitation.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. With His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in Jiangbei, the war situation in Jiangbei will be fine."

Zhu Jing'an's prestige is accumulated through victory after victory.

As victory after victory continues to accumulate prestige, the entire Ming army is now full of blind confidence in Zhu Jing'an, the Crown Prince.

Even though the Ming army does not currently have the upper hand in Jiangbei, they still believe that under the command of His Royal Highness, they will be able to achieve final victory.

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, although the expression on his face looked better, his brows were still frowning.

After a while, Zhu Jianzhuo seemed to have made up his mind and spoke.

"Preach my will!"

"Transfer garrison troops from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui and other provinces to Nanjing to set up defenses along the Yangtze River."

"Re-mobilize the Fifth Division to garrison Nanjing, as well as the First Guards Brigade and the Second Guards Brigade under the Imperial Guard Division, to cross the river to the north of the Yangtze River to reinforce the Yangzhou war!"

Zhu Jianzhuo was still a little worried about the war situation in Jiangbei, so he planned to send the elite Nanjing garrison troops to Jiangbei to reinforce the war.

Even the Imperial Guard Zhu Jianzhuo is preparing to be sent to Jiangbei!

As for safety in Nanjing?

In fact, there is no need to worry about this.

Nanjing is located in the south of the Yangtze River.

If the Qing army wanted to attack Nanjing, they had to cross the river.

And the navy of the Ming army was not a decoration, so how could it be possible for the Qing army to cross the river easily.

As for the Qing army's surprise attack across the river?

That's even more impossible.

The Ming army's hot air balloons were not just decorations.

A hot air balloon rises every ten or twenty kilometers along the Yangtze River, and the north and south sides of the Yangtze River are under surveillance.

If the Qing army wants to cross the river in a surprise attack, it is impossible to hide it from the eyes of the Ming army in the sky!

Besides, no matter how heartless the Qing army general was, he could not leave tens of thousands of Ming troops in his rear area while the main force crossed the river in such a swaggering manner.

Half-crossing and attacking is no joke!

Even at the end of the Ming Dynasty, even as arrogant as Duduo, he only dared to launch a cross-river battle to capture Jiangnan after capturing Yangzhou.

The natural dangers of the Yangtze River are more than just words!

Once the Qing troops were separated from the front and back, Zhu Jing'an was absolutely sure that he could eat them all.

Besides, didn't Zhu Jianzhuo mobilize troops from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces to defend Jiang's defense?

In his view, even if Nanjing's garrison troops were transferred to the front line, these troops would be enough to ensure the safety of Nanjing.

When Zhang Jin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

"Before Wei Chen crossed the river, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had deliberately told him to tell His Majesty that Nanjing's garrison should not be touched lightly."

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he had no intention of taking any advice. He just waved his hand and said.

"I have made my own decision on this matter, so you don't need to say anything more!"

After saying this, Zhu Jianzhuo turned to Yang He beside him and said.

"Yang He, go and draft the decree and prepare for the deployment of troops."

When Yang He heard this, he was also stunned. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed while saying.

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Zhu Jianzhuo was worried that his son was a little drunk, but Zhang Jin, Yang He and others were still rational.

Naturally, I will advise him!

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, his eyes turned cold.

"Yang He, is it possible that you want to resist the decree?"

After Yang He heard this, he continued to kowtow.

"I don't dare, I don't dare! I don't dare!"

"But the mobilization of Nanjing's garrison is of great importance. Your Majesty, please convene the cabinet for discussion. Don't make a hasty decision!"

The importance of Nanjing is self-evident.

As the capital of the Ming Dynasty, where the emperor was present, the importance of its safety should be ranked first at all times.

This is also the reason why when Zhu Jing'an was crossing the river, even though the troops on hand were tight, he still left a fifth division and a guard division in Nanjing to be responsible for the garrison of Nanjing.

The safety of Nanjing must not be allowed to have any risks.

Seeing this, Zhang Jin also opened his mouth to admonish.

"Mobilizing the garrison in the capital is really no small matter. Please consult with the cabinet and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince before making a decision." Under the persuasion of Zhang Jin and Yang He, Zhu Jianzhuo temporarily gave up the idea of ​​mobilizing the garrison in Nanjing.

But it's only temporary.

He planned to discuss with Zhu Jing'an and the cabinet before making a decision.


Jiangbei, Yangzhou!

Zhu Jing'an stood at the top of Yangzhou City, looking to the north.

At this time, he stood at the top of Yangzhou City and could already see the Qing army's forward troops in the distance.

The first thing that appeared at the end of the horizon was a black line, followed by a puff of smoke.

The rumble of horse hooves resounded through the sky and could be heard clearly from a distance.

The cavalry of the Qing army roared over, and in the blink of an eye, the black line turned into a black carpet that almost covered the entire world.

Once a person passes through, there are no boundaries!

The Qing army's forward cavalry alone numbered more than 10,000.

Behind these forward cavalry, there are more than 200,000 main troops.

However, the Ming army in Yangzhou City only had 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers in total!

And only about one-third of them are elite.

Although the troops are more sophisticated than numerous, the current Ming army is inferior to the Qing army in both aspects, whether it is elite or numerous.

Zhu Jing'an knew that with the chips he had now, if he took a gamble, he would fight the Qing army in Yangzhou, although he would not necessarily lose.

But you may not win!

Rather than end the game now, Zhu Jing'an would rather wait a little longer, wait for the reinforcements from Hubei to arrive, and wait until he has all the chips in hand.

Looking at the mighty Qing army outside the city, Zhu Jing'an said expressionlessly.

"Send the order, let our cavalry attack, and test the strength of the Qing army's forward cavalry!"

"Then quickly retreated, led the Qing army into the encirclement, and gave them a head-on attack..."

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, the command flag at the top of Yangzhou City waved.

As the military order was issued, a rumble of horse hooves sounded in the camp outside Yangzhou City.

The Ming Army cavalry is out!

A large flag with clear characters on a red background and black background is hunting in the wind, and the armor is clanging.

On the battlefield, two red and gray waves were heading towards each other.

The sound made by the horse's hooves trampling the earth is like the rumbling sound of the waves hitting the rocks.

The distance between the two cavalry groups is getting closer and closer!

The next moment, the sound of musket shooting and the trembling of bowstrings were heard.

Smoke began to fill the battlefield.

The cavalrymen on both sides fell off their horses, and screams and wails kept rising.

The Qing army took advantage with its numerical advantage!

The Ming army's cavalry suffered a slight loss as soon as they entered the field.

Then they began to follow Zhu Jing'an's order and quickly retreated towards the preset encirclement.

Seeing this, the Qing cavalry began to chase without any hesitation.

But just as he chased the Ming cavalry into the preset battlefield, he heard a roaring sound in the sky.

Rockets flew into the air one after another and shot towards where the Qing army was.

The rocket landed in the Qing cavalry array, and the fuse burned out, making a deafening roar.

The air waves spread, the shock wave raged, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

The Qing cavalry in pursuit was blown to pieces in an instant.

But before the Qing cavalry could react, they heard a rumble of horse hooves between heaven and earth.

The Ming cavalry reined in their horses and stood still, then turned their horses' heads and charged towards the Qing cavalry.

The well-arranged Ming cavalry faced the Qing army whose array was torn to pieces by rockets. The result can only be imagined.

In just a moment, the Qing cavalry rushed over and collapsed involuntarily.

The cavalry of the Ming army was like the northwest wind in winter. The cold wind howled and rolled up thousands of piles of snow. It just rolled up the cavalry of the Qing army and retreated continuously, chasing the tail of the Qing army.


"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


On the battlefield, the shouts of killing were loud.

The Ming army's offensive was as unstoppable as a blazing fire.

Zhu Jing'an stood at the top of Yangzhou City, looking at the battle situation outside the city. He estimated that the heat was almost over. He just ordered the Ming cavalry to stop chasing the enemy with an expressionless face, and then retreated to the camp.

Of course, this is not because Zhu Jing'an has good intentions and does not want to cause more killings.

But the lookout on the Ming army's observation balloon had just reported back, and the Qing army's reinforcements were about to arrive.

If the Ming army's cavalry did not withdraw at this time and were stuck by the Qing army, they would have to suffer a lot of damage before they could leave the battlefield.

Today's cavalry battle was originally a tentative battle.

After taking advantage, retreat when necessary. There is no need to expand the war and give the Qing army a chance to regain a city.

The observation balloons floating in the sky continued to report downwards on the movements of the Qing army. Zhu Jing'an also micro-managed...ah, fine-tuned the deployment of the Ming army's troops based on the reports from the observation balloons.

The Ming army's gunners on several forts at the head of Yangzhou City and outside Yangzhou City operated the artillery, adjusted the shooting at Zhu Yuan, and were ready to fire at any time.

However, at this moment, a messenger rushed to Zhu Jing'an and opened his mouth to report.

"Your Highness, there is an urgent report from Nanjing!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, his face was obviously shocked.

"What's going on? Aren't the Qing troops blocked in Jiangbei? Why is Nanjing so anxious?!"

When the messenger heard this, he shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, the thing is this. Hearing that the war in Jiangbei is critical, His Majesty intends to mobilize troops from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Anhui provinces to Nanjing to deploy Jiang defense."

"Then we can send Nanjing's garrison across the river to reinforce the war in Jiangbei."

"Now there is almost a huge commotion over in Nanjing. I would like to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to make a decision."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he showed an obviously stunned expression on his face and spoke.

"What the hell is this!"

"Bring me a pen and paper. I want to write a handwritten letter to urge Your Majesty to withdraw his orders."

Although Zhu Jianzhuo was quite touched by Zhu Jianzhuo's concern for his son.

However, intellectually speaking, Zhu Jianzhuo's order was indeed wrong.

Because there is no room for adventure in Nanjing!

Soon, Zhu Jing'an wrote a personal letter. After signing and sealing, he ordered the letter to be sent to Nanjing as soon as possible.

At this time, the only one who could persuade Zhu Jianzhuo not to be impulsive was Zhu Jing'an.


Fengsheng was riding on horseback, holding a telescope made in England, looking at the blue-gray Yangzhou City in the distance.

Putting down the telescope, the expression on Feng Sheng's face was full of determination.

Looking at the bright yellow banner on Yangzhou City, he knew that the prince of the Ming Dynasty was now in Yangzhou City.

In this battle, he will clear up this serious problem for the Qing Dynasty!

Taking a deep breath, Fengsheng ordered.

"Pass a military order to let our troops continue to camp outside Yangzhou City, blockade the east, west, and north gates of Yangzhou City, and prepare to launch an offensive against Yangzhou City!"

The intention of Feng Sheng Qu is very clear!

Three are missing and one is missing! (End of chapter)

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