Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 298 The decisive battle in Yangzhou

On the battlefield, the Qing army in black crows launched an attack.

The shouts of killing were loud!

The roaring sound of artillery fire was continuous. Within a range of two to three hundred meters, the killing effect of shotgun shells was even more terrifying than that of explosive shells.

Every time the Ming army's artillery fires, the Qing army in front of them will fall down in a row, sweeping them away.

The scene is quite terrifying!

However, the rate of fire of the front-mounted artillery was limited after all. Facing the layers of Qing army cannon fodder that charged like a wave, the Ming army's artillery began to struggle.

Seeing that the Qing army's offensive troops were getting closer and closer to the Ming army's forward positions, Zhu Jing'an issued a military order ordering the Ming army's forward battalion to prepare for close combat with the Qing army.

"Grenade ready!"

"Hurry up!"

"Mount your bayonets, get your swords and guns ready, charge!"


The next moment, the piercing sound of the charging horn sounded.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty jumped out of the trenches, holding swords, spears, or muskets with bayonets in their hands, and rushed toward the enemy in front of them without fear.

One after another, the ignited grenades were thrown out and landed in the Qing army's array.

The next moment, an explosion sounded.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke rose into the sky, clearing huge gaps in the Qing army's array.

The Qing army's originally loose formation became even more loose now.

The next moment, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty rushed up and began to sweep through the Qing army at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those Korean soldiers who were used as cannon fodder and moved to the front of the formation were already suffering heavy casualties from the Ming army's fire blockade, and they were bombarded by grenades.

Now encountering the bayonet charge of the Ming army again, they immediately began to retreat.

This time, the Qing army's supervising team could no longer hold their ground and was swept back by the rebels.

The whole battlefield was filled with shouts of killing!

Suddenly, the Gansu and Shaanxi green battalions separated from the broken formation and faced the Ming army's forward battalion head-on.

The two sides immediately strangled each other!

Feng Sheng'e knew that those North Korean soldiers were fine as cannon fodder, but they were really unreliable at critical moments.

Therefore, he was not prepared to capture the Ming army's position by relying on those Korean soldiers.

To put it bluntly, he just used those Korean soldiers as cannon fodder, used their lives to break through the fire blockade of the Ming army, and gave the elite of the Qing army a chance to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army.

Now it seems that the plan to increase the quota is undoubtedly successful.

The Ming Army's forward battalion and the Qing Army's Gansu-Shaanxi Green Battalion fought together, and the shouts of killing resounded on the huge battlefield.

Although the Gansu and Shaanxi green battalions of the Qing army were elite, the forward battalions of the Ming army were also of good quality.

There were soldiers from the Ming Army's headquarters pressing down behind them, and there was a carrot hanging in front of them for military merit, plus the morale bonus they gained after surrendering to the Ming Dynasty.

The combat effectiveness of these forward battalions of the Ming army was no worse than that of the Gansu and Shaanxi green battalions of the Qing army.

Soldiers from both sides fought fiercely on the battlefield, exchanging lives for lives.

Not long after, they saw corpses lying on the battlefield in different forms of death.

There are mountains of corpses and rivers of blood!


Seeing this, Fengsheng's face showed joy.

The Battle of Yangzhou lasted for such a long time, and the Qing soldiers were in close combat with the Ming army.

He constantly ordered more troops to be sent to the front and fought fiercely with the Ming army.

The Ming army is also constantly adding troops forward.

It is worth mentioning that the scale of the additional troops on both sides was very small, with no more than a few hundred people at a time, and they were all sent out dispersedly.

The reason for this is actually very simple.

Because the artillery on both sides is not a display, once the other side has a large number of troops moving forward to reinforce the battlefield in a dense array, the heavy artillery shells are probably going to come over as soon as the troops are assembled.

Soon, the war in the west of Yangzhou City had turned into a battle of fuel.

Both sides continued to increase their troops on a small scale and continued to add chips to the gambling table, but no one could achieve a decisive result.

And this is also what Fengsheng'e wants to see.

Because the troops he currently holds are much more than Zhu Jing'an's.

If both sides continue to use this fueling tactic, victory will definitely belong to the Qing army.


The fighting continues!

There are more and more corpses lying on the battlefield. The soil on the ground where the fighting is on the front line has been completely dyed with blood, and the smell of blood is pungent.

Gradually, as the sun set, the two sides began to disengage in a tacit understanding and prepared to call a truce.

The fierce battle lasted for a day, and both sides of the Ming and Qing Dynasties suffered heavy casualties and needed to rest and recuperate.

Zhang Jin quickly walked to Zhu Jing'an and said.

"Your Highness, the specific casualties of our army in today's battle have been calculated."

Zhu Jing'an looked calm, took a deep breath to prepare himself mentally, and then nodded slightly.

"Say it!"

Zhang Jin was not polite, took out the report he had compiled in advance and started reading it.

"In today's battle, our army suffered a total of 3215 casualties, including 866 killed, 75 missing, 1568 slightly injured, and 706 seriously injured."

Among them, the missing persons are not deserters. Most of them were torn apart by artillery shells on the battlefield. Those who did not have whole bodies can probably be counted in the data of those killed in action.

A minor injury refers to an injury that can be restored to its original state after treatment, while the minimum standard for a serious injury is a missing arm or leg.

Seeing Zhu Jing'an didn't respond, Zhang Jin continued.

"In addition, in today's battle, our army consumed a total of more than 8,000 artillery shells of various types, including solid shells..."

After a while, Zhang Jin finally reported the battle losses and consumption of the Ming army in this battle.

Zhu Jing'an looked at the battlefield in the distance, narrowed his eyes, and said.

"Give me the order to rotate the troops in the east of the city and the troops in the west of the city. Let the brothers who have been fighting fiercely for a day retreat and rest."

You can't even catch a sheep to kill it, let alone a war.

Since this unit is seriously damaged, it should be allowed to retreat for repairs.


At the same time, outside Yangzhou City.

When Feng Sheng'e heard his side's battle losses today, his heart ached and he wanted to bleed.

In order to break through the fire blockade of the Ming army, six to seven thousand Korean soldiers who were used as cannon fodder died.

After breaking through the fire blockade of the Ming army, the Ganshan Green Battalion that went up did not gain much advantage when fighting the Ming army.

The battle damage ratio between the two sides is almost the same!

Even the casualties on the Qing army's side were even higher, reaching nearly 4,000 people.

It doesn't matter how many Korean soldiers die, Feng Sheng'e doesn't care.

But the Ganshan Green Camp lost more than 4,000 people at once, and Feng Sheng'e was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

"Sir, the last general is calling for a battle. Tomorrow, please let me, the Sauron soldiers, be the forerunners and overwhelm the Ming army's defense line in one fell swoop."

E Dehai stood up and asked for battle.

In today's fierce battle, the Ganshan Green Camp was not able to take advantage of the Ming thieves. Therefore, Odhai felt that it was almost time for their Sauron soldiers to take the field.

When Feng Sheng'e heard the words, he nodded slightly and said.

"That's fine!"

"Tomorrow, in the battle, the Sauron soldiers will supervise the Korean soldiers and go straight to the Ming thief front..."


The next day, after dawn, the fighting continued.

The Qing army exerted all its strength and launched another attack on Yangzhou City.

The cry of killing resounded across the battlefield, and Korean soldiers were once again driven to the front of the battle line to serve as cannon fodder.

Immediately, the Ming army's artillery began to pour out firepower.

After suffering huge casualties, the Qing army once again broke through the Ming army's fire blockade.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty raised their swords, guns and spears and faced the Qing army that was charging forward.

The two sides were strangled together again!

However, this time the Ming army suffered some losses and suddenly began to retreat under the pressure of the Qing army.

The reason is also very simple, because it was the Sauron soldiers of the Qing army who rushed up this time.

And these Sauron soldiers are all wearing heavy armor!

The Ming army was caught unawares and suffered a heavy loss. A moment later, the Ming army's first forward position in the west of the city was captured by the Qing army.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an also urgently mobilized the heavy armor troops of the Ming Army to reinforce the front line.

After the heavy armored troops of the Ming Army arrived at the front line, the forward battalion of the Ming Army cooperated with the heavy armored troops to launch a counterattack, and the front was finally stabilized.

The shouts of killing were loud inside and outside the battlefield. The Ming army tried to regain the positions captured by Sauron's soldiers, but they were unable to achieve success.

The two sides continued to fight fiercely!

Another full day of refueling.

In the next few days, the Ming and Qing armies continued to see each other back and forth, and the battlefield in the west of Yangzhou City had completely turned into a Shura hell.

Countless corpses lay prone, and even the water of the Yangtze River was dyed light red.

In addition to the west of the city, the Qing army also launched feint attacks from the north and east of the city in an attempt to disperse the Ming army's forces, but they failed to produce any results.

After three or four days of fierce fighting, both the Qing and Ming armies suffered heavy losses.

The cumulative casualties of the Ming army exceeded 10,000, and the houses in Yangzhou City were filled with wounded soldiers of the Ming army.

The military doctors accompanying the army and the doctors in Yangzhou City were so busy that they did not even have time to eat.

The casualties of the Qing army were even more severe. Even excluding the Korean soldiers who were used as cannon fodder, the total casualties of the Green Camp and Sauron soldiers alone were nearly 12,000 for the Mongolian soldiers of the outer vassals.

After several days of fierce fighting, those Korean soldiers lost at least half of their 50,000 soldiers.

Added together, after several days of fierce fighting, the total casualties of the Qing army were almost 30,000 to 40,000 people!

If it weren't for the fact that most of the casualties here were cannon fodder like Korean soldiers, the Qing army would probably collapse.

But even so, the war has reached this level and is almost unstoppable.


Feng Sheng'e was sitting in his tent, with an unkempt beard, a shiny face, and a depressed expression.

In front of him, there was a map, which detailedly marked the distribution of battlefields around Yangzhou City.

Looking at the front line that had not advanced much at all and the heavy casualty reports, the expression on his face was one of loneliness and helplessness that was visible to the naked eye.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Sheng'e picked up the wine bottle at hand and took a sip for himself.

Feeling the pungency and bitterness of the strong liquor entering his throat, Feng Sheng'e couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because he knew that his plan to take advantage of the elite Ming thieves in Hubei to capture Yangzhou and deal a heavy blow to the Ming thieves was completely ruined.

There is no other reason than that the city defense of Yangzhou City is too strong!

The Qing army cannot be defeated alive or dead!

Also, if Feng Sheng'e's estimate is correct, the Ming thief's reinforcements should be arriving in Jiangbei soon.

Once the reinforcements from the Ming thieves arrive, the defeat of the Qing army in the Battle of Jiangbei will be a foregone conclusion!

Feng Sheng'e was thinking, what should he do if he loses the battle of Jiangbei?

After pondering for a long time, Feng Sheng'e realized that while the Ming thief reinforcements were still on the way, it would be the best choice for him to retreat to Fengyang and set up defenses in advance.

Otherwise, when the reinforcements of the Ming thieves arrive, the Ming army in Yangzhou will inevitably launch a counterattack. By then, it will not be so easy for him to retreat!

However, at this moment, Chatai broke into Fengsheng's tent in a furious manner, panting heavily while pointing in the direction of Yangzhou City.

"Sir...Sir, the Ming thieves in Yangzhou City have left the city!"

"After those Ming thieves left the city, they formed a formation outside Yangzhou City. They seemed to be preparing to attack our Qing Dynasty."

When Feng Sheng'e heard this, the expression on his face suddenly changed. It was surprised and happy at first, but soon turned into solemn and thoughtful.

Logically speaking, when the Qing army failed to attack the city, it should be a good thing for the Ming army to take the initiative to leave the city.

Therefore, when Feng Sheng'e first heard the news, he was pleasantly surprised.

But then he realized something was wrong!

The Ming thieves were guarding the city well, why did they suddenly come out of the city to fight with my Qing soldiers in the field?

There must be something going on here!

If he guessed correctly, the Ming thief's reinforcements should be arriving soon, or even have already arrived...

But before Fengsheng'e could respond, the curtain of his big tent was opened again, and Sangzi Zabu strode in from the outside and spoke.

"Reporting to your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, our military sentry has discovered the Ming army's fleet on the Yangtze River in the direction of Yizheng in the west."

"Judging from the flags, it should be the Ming army heading towards Hubei!"

Hearing this, Feng Sheng'e couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The expression on his face became quite solemn, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

What the hell is this called?

Are you really just afraid of co-writing?


In the west of Yangzhou City, the main force of the Ming Army formed an array out of the city and slowly advanced towards the direction of the Qing Army's camp.

Boom! Boom!

Heavy artillery fired continuously, pouring firepower in the direction of the Qing army's camp, suppressing the Qing army's bombardment.

The soldiers and horses of the Qing army also came out of camp and formed an array, led by the Eight Banners New Army. The Mongolian cavalry and Sauron soldiers from the foreign vassals formed the left and right wings of the army respectively, preparing to meet the Ming army.

After Feng Sheng'e learned that reinforcements from the Ming army were about to arrive, he quickly made a decision.

For him, it was too late to withdraw his troops.

Because if the Qing army retreats, the Ming army will inevitably pursue it.

Rather than being pursued by the Ming army and being annihilated during the withdrawal process, it would be better to take advantage of the main force of the Eight Banners New Army to fight a decisive battle with the Ming army outside Yangzhou City.

After making the decision, Feng Sheng'e made an immediate decision and prepared to defeat the Ming army one by one.

Before the reinforcements of the Ming army entered the battlefield, they concentrated their main force to defeat the Ming army soldiers and horses in Yangzhou City.

The two armies on the battlefield are rapidly closing the distance.

The Eight Banners New Army wearing colorful armor and the soldiers of the Ming Army headquarters wearing uniform red armor are walking towards each other.

The red flag was fluttering in the wind, the air was thick with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the military songs were loud and clear.

"The clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune follow the dust and earth."

"Looking at China, the people are suffering, and the fertile land for thousands of miles is barren..." (End of this chapter)

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