Versatile Mage: Infinite Elf Trainer

Chapter 36 Chief Trainer!recruitment

Chapter 36 Chief Trainer!recruitment
Pikachu Colosseum.

A young man was anxiously commanding his giant-eyed rat. Because his opponent was too strong, he was so nervous that he was sweating on his forehead!

The giant-eyed rat raised up dust and enveloped Pikachu.

"Aji, run, and then find an opportunity to grab it with your claws!" Jiang Chen knew that he couldn't beat him hard, and now he had a rare opportunity to launch a sneak attack in the dust with the speed of the giant-eyed rat.

Pikachu looked around in the dust, not panicking at all. If it hadn't been for Chen Che's order, it would have just waved its iron tail and the air waves would have dispersed the dust in an instant!

Just when Pikachu was complaining in his heart, a figure jumped out from beside him and swung his sharp claws at it. Pikachu hurriedly blocked it with its iron tail. Seeing that the attack failed, the opponent quickly disappeared into the dust again.

The audience on the stage were also talking about it. Not only was the trainer not defeated this time, he even took the initiative to attack!
"Who is this kid? His giant-eyed rat is so smart."

"You actually dodged Pi God's special move, Niu Coin!"

"I'm a good guy, but I can also use Chen Che's dirty tricks. Is this giant-eyed rat rat turned into a spirit?"


"Aji, don't hesitate, just hit him!" Seeing that time was almost up, Jiang Chen immediately spoke and kept running at full speed. The giant-eyed rat's physical strength would decline rapidly.

The giant-eyed rat understood, found the right direction, and rushed directly with all his strength. The target was Pikachu!
The force that could usually hit a big tree only caused Pikachu to bounce not far away and was pushed out of the dust area.

Seeing that Pikachu was safe and sound, the audience burst into cheers. As expected of Pikachu, he will never be defeated!

"Wonderful conductor, you are very good!"

"Pikachu, it's time for him to see what real speed and power are!"

Chen Che already knew their strength and admired it very much, but it was still too weak. However, in order to recruit this talent, he had to show off a certain amount of strength!
"A flash of lightning!"

Pikachu's body emitted white light, and its speed suddenly increased. It hit the giant-eyed rat with its head three times faster than the giant-eyed rat. Jiang Chen didn't even have time to react!
so strong!
This was Jiang Chen's first thought. Then he looked at Aji, who could only barely get up. Feeling helpless, he took out the elf ball and clicked the button.

"I surrender!"

After saying that, he took the giant-eyed rat away!

Chen Che slowly walked towards the other party with a smile on his face, feeling like he was taking a breath of spring breeze!
"Hello, my name is Chen Che. Your fighting method is very novel and very effective. It is very rare to be able to support Pikachu for so long and take the initiative to attack. Even if you win!" With that, Chen Che said A super ball was thrown to Jiang Chen, and inside it was a warrior-level bone-spurred wolf.

"Isn't this against the rules?" Jiang Chen's hands were shaking a little as he held the super ball. There was a warrior-level demon more powerful than the giant-eyed rat, worth 500 million!Even if you have money, you can't buy it. How many people buy it and then treat it as a family heirloom!
"I say it's appropriate. By the way, brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Chen! But this is too expensive!" Jiang Chen looked at the magic-sealing ball in his hand. Although he wanted it very much, it was too expensive and he could never take it.

Chen Che didn't care about Jiang Chen's answer, but mentioned another question.

"There have been too many customers recently. I want to hire you as the chief trainer of the Pikachu Colosseum. I will give you a monthly salary of 5000. How about this? This warrior-level bone-spurred wolf will be your guard at the Pikachu Colosseum. It’s your trump card!”

Hearing what Chen Che said, he also put his mind on the invitation and was a little confused. "Excuse me, what does this chief trainer mean?"

Chen Che thought for a moment and organized his words.

"From today on, you will be like our Pikachu in the Colosseum. You will appear for our Colosseum and be responsible for fighting off those trainers who come to challenge us! Do you understand?"

You can join the battle as soon as you hear it. You can slowly hone your skills here without having to go to the wild!Also, the newly obtained demon needs more opponents for actual combat training.

"Yes, but can food and accommodation be included? I live too far away and I'm afraid of being late for work!" Jiang Chen lives far away from here, so he asked embarrassedly!
"It's a small problem, I'll call someone to arrange it for you soon!"

Chen Che remembered that Mojiaxing's logistics department still had many vacant employee dormitories, and he could just give him one. It would be okay for young people to suffer a little!
Well, let’s invite Xinxia to have a big dinner tonight~
Jiang Chen: I****
The two left together, but the auditorium exploded. Although they did not hear the conversation between the two clearly, they saw Chen Che throwing the magic-sealing ball of the warrior-level demon to the black boy. I'm very envious. It's soaring into the sky?

Later, this incident also broke out on the Internet, and Jiang Chen's family finally learned about becoming a trainer!
"Dad, Mom, do you think that's my brother?" Jiang Chen's younger brother Jiang Yun pointed to the battle on the TV. The scene on the screen was when Jiang Chen was commanding the giant-eyed rat.

The moment they saw their son, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were stunned, and then their wrinkled faces showed happy smiles. They were happy for Jiang Chen!

The parents had known for a long time that their son had determined to be a powerful magician, but unfortunately he failed to awaken later. They all felt sorry for their son!Later, I saw him working hard to make money, and imagined him marrying a wife, having children, and living an ordinary life.

Unexpectedly, he took another path, and now he has achieved quite a lot, so he let him go, but he still worried about Jiang Chen's safety in his heart.

There are countless situations like this in Bo City. Many families visit relatives and friends and raise money everywhere just to buy a better monster for their children. Many children of civilians embark on the path of trainers with determination and fighting spirit.

There is no doubt that this road is full of hardships and unknowns. This is a road that no one has ever set foot on, and there is no experience to draw from!

For the sake of their inner dream of determination, many people are like Jiang Chen, full of desire for powerful power and yearning for extraordinary power. They have no hesitation, just like Jiang Chen who hides it from his family and wants to buy demons even if he has no food to eat. Likewise, they have no people who have awakened the magic system, and trainers are their only way to the extraordinary world!
Jiang Chen is considered one of the luckier ones among them. In the future, Chen Che will sell more monsters and more trainers will be born. How many people are lucky?

This world is still dominated by monsters, and Chen Che is not afraid that there will be no monsters to catch for him, nor is he afraid that no one will buy it. It will still be very popular in at least the next ten years. As for whether someone will crack the secret of the elf ball?

Don't be kidding, the system is produced, can you still crack it?

Now, the area closer to Bo City has been denuded by Chen Che, and he needs to go further. But before that, he has to find the fire-breathing dragons. He is not just going to see them. They may be tired of fighting monsters every day. , organize new work and let them catch the live ones. With more people, the efficiency will increase a lot!
In addition, I have gained a lot of points in the past few months, so it’s time to buy new elves!

After Jiang Chen made arrangements for the Colosseum, Chen Che found a place where there was no one and teleported directly towards the fire-breathing dragon and the others!

 Thanks to the reading officer, Grandpa Qiu Ruoshui, for the reading coins! ! !
  Thanks to Kanguan Lao Ye’s book friend 20220830123624690 for the reading coins! ! !
  Thank you to Grandpa Qiu Ruoshui for your monthly vote! ! !
  Thank you to Kanguan Laoye book friend 20220830123624690 for your two monthly votes! ! !

  Thank you to reading friend 20221216220427958 for your monthly vote! ! !

  Thank you to Grandpa Kanguan for your two monthly votes! ! !

  At the same time, I am very grateful for everyone’s recommendation votes. Thank you for your support and recognition. I am a new author and feel very honored!How to repay, the only way is to write code!

  If you have any pleasant elves that need to be arranged, you can leave a comment and I will see it. After the next chapter, we will enter the plot again. If you have any suggestions, please mention it. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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