The Rough Man and the Beautiful Wife of the Orion Miracle Doctor

Chapter 28 Find a place to take root on your own

Chapter 28 Find a place to take root on your own
Mrs. Wu's calculations were loud and clear. The little tiger's wife felt sorry for her child and wanted to ask her men to invite the doctor back immediately. However, the person in charge of the clan family was Mrs. Wu.

And even if there is no grandmother like Mrs. Wu, she still has a mother-in-law named Liu above her.

No matter what, it was not her turn to speak. Xiaohu's wife could only hold the child and cry with him, and she didn't sleep all night.

Zong Hu especially listened to his grandma and told him not to go east but not to the west. It was useless to count on him.

Zong Pingkang was hiding behind a tree on the slope and was shocked when he heard the two talking about Ganoderma lucidum. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and be jealous.

Why did such a good thing happen to happen to these two bastards? He followed them all the way and didn't even see an edible fruit, let alone Ganoderma lucidum.

The trees in the mountains have begun to dry up due to the long-term lack of water, and most of the edible wild vegetables have been dug up by the people living nearby.

The road was bare, except for weeds and dead trees. Why did a Ganoderma lucidum grow for them to discover?

"Come on, keep going."

Zong Yu picked up Fang Jinxiu again and rushed away. This time, Fang Jinxiu did not refuse.

Because she discovered that Zong Yu was not trying to show off, he was really a pervert with abnormal physical strength, and carrying her on the road was much faster than walking on her own.

She also wanted to leave early and come back early. She hugged Zong Yu's neck and didn't say another word.

As for the white Ganoderma lucidum in her pocket, she was afraid that picking it and handling it so roughly would damage it, so she put her hand in to protect some of it.

By the way, I also want to sprinkle some spiritual spring water to moisten it and maintain the activity of the medicine.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the Lingquan space, the Ganoderma lucidum in her pocket disappeared.

Fang Jinxiu's expression changed, and she hurriedly checked and found that it was actually rooted at the edge of the Lingquan.

Good guy, will this thing still find the treasures of heaven and earth to take root?
This space existed in her mind. Fang Jinxiu closed her eyes and observed carefully. The land where the white Ganoderma lucidum took root was faintly glowing.

She was shocked. Could it be that the soil around Lingquan was also good?

That's right, why didn't she think of it before.

Since the spiritual spring has such a great effect, and the spring water in it seeps out from springs in the soil, this soil is certainly the best planting soil.

No wonder even Ganoderma lucidum can be attracted to it and take root.

Fang Jinxiu saw the faint luster on the white Ganoderma lucidum, and felt relieved immediately. Planting it here, maybe new Ganoderma lucidum will grow in the future.

White Ganoderma lucidum is quite valuable in their world, but I don't know how much it is worth here.

She went to the drug store today to ask her questions.

She didn't say anything during the whole journey. After the two of them walked out of the mountain and onto the flat road, Zong Yu finally started sweating and breathing heavily.Fang Jinxiu hurriedly wanted to come down. There was not much way left, and there was still enough time. Zong Yu let her go without saying a word.

It was already past lunch time when the two entered the town.

On normal days, if Zong Yu came out alone, he would be there soon at most.

The two of them had already finished the wild vegetable pancakes Zong Bai made in the morning. Fang Jinxiu didn't want to be so squeamish, but she really couldn't get used to eating such rough things.

The wild vegetables made her throat sore, so she only ate two bites, and the rest went into Zong Yu's stomach.

I feel so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back, and I'm so thirsty that I really want to drink water, and my throat feels like it's on fire.

Her stomach growled, and Fang Jinxiu quickly turned her back to cover it.

"First, let's sell the wild boar to my mother to get some medicine."

"I, I'm not hungry!"

Zong Yu picked up the wild boar and called her back, "Follow me, there are many people in the town, grab my clothes."

Fang Jinxiu is also afraid of getting lost. She does not have a household registration now and is not free. If she gets lost, she will really be homeless.

So he quickly went up and grabbed the hem of Zong Yu's clothes and followed him inside.

My eyes were very busy along the way, looking at everything in the town.

To sum it up in two words, it’s so poor.

This is a poor place.

Looking at the houses in the town, you can see that less than half have loess walls, and the roads are also full of potholes, not much better than in the village.

She thought that the economy in the town was much better than that in the village, and everyone lived in brick houses.

This place was so poor that she didn't expect it.

In such a poor place, I don't know if the medicine shop can have all the medicinal materials.

Zong Yu led her through two streets and stopped in front of a restaurant.

"Let's eat first."

(End of this chapter)

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