Chapter 77 How Do You Know That

Fang Jinxiu was so surprised to see them, "I originally had no intention of selling this white Ganoderma lucidum, but since the other party sincerely asked for it, they also said that I can set any price."

"If you don't kill it, you won't kill it."

"Aren't you also dissatisfied with him? In fact, I knew early on that he would not pay a high price for this Ganoderma lucidum."

"I just casually mentioned a high price. If he really pays us, we will make a lot of money."

"If he doesn't want to, we won't lose."

"Isn't it?"

After hearing this, Zong Bai couldn't help but give Fang Jinxiu a few claps.

"That's a great move."

"You can make that guy named Su angry to death."

"I won't sell it to him." He was cheerful for a long time, but suddenly his face wrinkled, "But the man named Su is annoying, and his mother's life is at stake. Sister-in-law, why don't you sell the medicinal materials to him cheaper."

"After all, this is a matter of life and death."

Fang Jinxiu glanced at Zong Bai. The kindness of the Zong family can be seen in their bones. This guy talks a lot, but he is actually very soft-hearted.

"Don't worry, that guy named Su didn't buy Ganoderma lucidum for his mother. It's hard to tell whether his mother is sick or not."

"He's lying."

The Zong brothers looked shocked again, "How did you know?"

They even asked in unison.

Just as Fang Jinxiu was about to answer, Mu asked a question first, "Who is the person named Su?"

The three of them avoided Zong Yulian's name in a tacit understanding, and Zong Bai gave a vague explanation.

"The person who comes to the village to buy medicine is a very wealthy young man."

"Oh." Mu didn't ask any further questions, lowered her head and continued eating breakfast.

Fang Jinxiu drank the last bit of cornstarch in the bowl and replied, "I know how to see a doctor. The excuse with the surname Su can deceive others, but it cannot deceive me."

"The person who really needs medicinal materials to treat his illness is actually himself."

Zong Yu suddenly frowned tightly.

If this is the case, then the story about the man surnamed Su getting married to celebrate his seriously ill mother is naturally false.

Then what was his purpose in taking away Yulian?
Zong Bai also thought of this, and the two brothers' faces suddenly turned ugly, and they stood up together. "I'm full, mother. Yesterday, Uncle Wang asked me to help take people up the mountain to dig ditches. They found the water source."

"I'm going out first."

Last night he saw someone named Su walking towards the village at the foot of the mountain. He must have not left yet.

Zong Bai also made an excuse, "My mother's house doesn't have enough wild vegetables, so I'll dig some more in the mountains."

The two sons have to go out every day to find food and drink. Mu has long been accustomed to staying at home alone, and she used to have Yulian with her.

Now that her daughter was gone, she glanced at Fang Jinxiu.

"If you feel bored at home, you can also go down the mountain to the village to visit brides of your own age."

Every household in Nomura is hungry now. They can't wait to go out looking for food and drink all day long. How can they have the time to play with others.

Fang Jinxiu knew that Mu was afraid that she would be bored at home, so she shook her head.

"No, the two brothers have gone out. How can we rest assured that you are alone at home?"

"I'll stay with you, just in time to take care of my small medicine field and vegetable plot."

Zong Yu and the others left in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye they were gone.

After breakfast, Jinxiu put away the bowls and washed them. Mu took the medicine for a few days and felt better, so she took the embroidery to the yard to continue embroidering.

Fang Jinxiu didn't sleep well all night, but Zong Bai was not at home right now, so she decided not to catch up on her sleep yet.

She went to the small medicine field and walked around. The herbs in it were growing very well. She used a small shovel to lay out the unfinished soil embryos, and secretly sprinkled some spiritual spring water to irrigate them.

Then I cleaned the yard, wiped the table and cabinets, and did all the housework I could do at home.

But the Zong family was only so big, and the furniture was only one cupboard in Mu's house and one in hers. All these tasks could be completed in less than 10 minutes.

While cleaning, she discovered that many of the pillars of the Zong family's wooden house were severely corroded, and the roof was also damaged.

The safety hazard is not small.

Living in a wooden house for a long time is really not an option. In the winter, the wooden house is not nearly as effective in keeping out the cold, and it is not as strong as a house built with masonry walls.

At the moment, we don’t know when the drought will end, and they really still have a lot to do.

Mu Shi repaired a piece of handkerchief and suddenly waved to Fang Jinxiu.

"Jinxiu, come here. I'll give you this veil. See if you like it."

(End of this chapter)

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