The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 123 Chapter 120: They only care about whether your technology works

Chapter 123 Chapter 120: They only care about whether your technology works
Although he is the chairman of Fetion, he is just a part-time worker. This matter cannot be spread to the ears of his backers, otherwise he, the chairman, will be laid off, so Zhuo Fei does not dare to admit this matter.

Zhuo Fei thought about finding an intermediary to contact Shenlan to solve this problem.

"Mr. Zhuo, I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. We won't charge you this time." Zhou Hongwei apologized.

He was embarrassed to accept the other party's money if he couldn't solve the problem of disconnection. Of course, it didn't mean that he didn't want to accept the other party's money. It was just that the person behind the other party was China Mobile. The most important thing was to establish a good relationship with the other party. Maybe the other party could be able to do so in the future. Bring them business.

You must know that those who engage in corporate security like them are not small businesses. One order can make hundreds of millions in revenue.

"Mr. Zhou, you still have to pay the fees. After all, you have come all the way here, and all the food and accommodation cost money. How can you afford this money?" Zhuo Fei said.

Seeing what Zhuo Fei said, Zhou Hongwei stopped being pretentious. If he was too pretentious, others would think it was him.

December 2009, 7.

Zhang Jianxin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, personally went to the Deep Blue Group to meet Han Chen.

In order to better entertain guests in the future, Han Chen asked Chang Huazhang to build a tea table. At this time, the two of them were sitting in front of the tea table. Han Chen, like a tea master, sat at the main seat and made tea for Zhang Jianxin. The whole set of actions The flowing clouds and flowing water are very beautiful.

In order to learn how to make tea, Han Chen spent more than two hours studying.

"Uncle Zhang, why do you have time to come to my place today?" Han Chen asked as he poured tea for Zhang Jianxin.

"Xiao Han, did that Fetion offend you in some way? If they really did something to offend you, please forgive them." Zhang Jianxin said with a smile.

"Fetion? I don't know the people from Fetion, and I don't have any issues with them." Han Chen pretended not to understand what the other party was saying.

Zhang Jianxin looked at Han Chen who was pretending to be surprised and cursed the little fox in his heart.

"Xiao Han, I've learned about the matter. How do you want to let them go? Just treat it as a favor, right?" Zhang Jianxin asked.

"Uncle Zhang, I really don't understand what you are talking about." Han Chen said helplessly.

"Is it really not your fault that Fetion keeps being disconnected?" Zhang Jianxin asked with a frown.

When Zhang Jianxin saw Han Chen's appearance, he doubted whether they had suspected the wrong person. Han Chen's behavior just now clearly showed that he didn't know anything about it.

"Fetion is offline? What happened? Uncle Zhang, what do you want to say?" Han Chen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"A few days ago, Fetion was unable to send information for 3 minutes every half hour. This incident has been going on for a week. Their technicians conducted self-checks on the server, but they could not find the problem. Later, they asked I went to 360 Network Security Company in Beijing.

However, people from 360 Company also failed to find the problem.

As far as I know, there are only a few groups of people in the world who can do this.

You, Deep Blue Network, are one of them. After all, they were looking for someone to poach your people a few days ago, so they suspect that you did it. "Zhang Jianxin said.

"Uncle Zhang, you can eat randomly but not talk nonsense. It is illegal to invade other people's servers, not to mention causing damage after the invasion. The act of poaching people is a normal business behavior. How could I invade their server just because they are poaching people? The server is destroyed.

Besides, our products are not in competition with Fetion's products. Our target customers are smartphone users, and the one who competes with them is Penguin.

To doubt them, you should also doubt the penguins. "Han Chen poured tea for Zhang Jianxin again and said.

There is nothing he can do if Han Chen doesn't admit Zhang Jianxin. He can't force Han Chen to admit it. Besides, he is just helping others. There is no need to offend Han Chen because of the other party.

"Xiao Han, your security skills are so great, can you help them solve this problem?" Zhang Jianxin asked with a smile.

He could not force Han Chen, so he could only talk to Han Chen about this matter in another way.

"Uncle Zhang, the entire Shenlan Group is so busy right now. How can we find the time to help them solve this problem? Besides, we may not be able to solve it. Let them hire someone else for this matter." Han Chen shook his head. road.

In Han Chen's opinion, Fetion should die as soon as possible. Anyway, Fetion will decline sooner or later. In this case, there is no need to save the other party.

"With your skills, you can do it by dividing three by five. It shouldn't take much time, right?" Zhang Jianxin said with a smile.

"Uncle Zhang, it's not that I don't want to help. It's just that we really don't have anyone. Even I am very busy. By the way, I have developed a new product and I hope Uncle Zhang can give me some advice." Han Chen said with a slight smile.

He didn't know whether Han Chen did this or not. Seeing that Han Chen was unwilling to help, he didn't dare to force it anymore.

Besides, even if Han Chen did this, there is nothing they can do if Han Chen doesn't admit it unless they can produce evidence.

But when he heard that Han Chen had developed something new, he immediately became interested.

"Oh, what new things have been developed?" Zhang Jianxin asked curiously.

"Uncle Zhang, wait for me." Han Chen said and got up and returned to his desk.

Han Chen took an iron box from the table. Inside the iron box was an industrial computer. The industrial computer used Intel's Atom CPU, with built-in 256MB of memory and a 40G hard drive. The industrial computer was connected to 2 cameras, a black and white LED screen, and a Electronic lock linked to industrial computer.

"What's the use of this thing of yours?" Zhang Jianxin asked curiously.

"This is the face recognition access lock I recently developed. Because there is no special chip involved, I will temporarily use an industrial computer to replace it." Han Chen said with a smile.

"Face recognition?" Zhang Jianxin said with surprise.

He knew about face recognition, but this thing was high-end and was only used in some confidential areas. There were few places in China that used this technology because the manufacturing cost of this thing was too high.

But the things Han Chen put in front of him were not worth much.

An industrial computer costs just over a thousand yuan, two cameras cost less than 100 yuan, and door locks can be ignored.

Han Chen positioned the camera and pointed it at Zhang Jianxin, and then controlled the keyboard to enter the input interface.

"Facial data is being entered, please wait." At this time, a voice came from the speaker.

After 10 seconds, the speaker sounded again: "Face data has been entered successfully."

"Is this the end?" Zhang Jianxin asked in surprise.

Because the face recording speed is so fast, the face was recorded in three seconds.

"Uncle Zhang, this speed is already very slow. If you use a special chip, it will only take up to 3 seconds. Press the Enter key and start face recognition." Han Chen handed the numeric keyboard to Zhang Jianxin and said.

Because it is used for face recognition, the full keyboard is not used.

After all, have you ever seen any civilian password lock that uses a full keyboard? Normal password locks use a numeric keyboard.Zhang Jianxin pressed the Enter key on the keyboard, and a "click" sound sounded three seconds later. This means that the face recognition only took three seconds. This recognition speed can be said to be very fast, of course it is very fast in this era. , if it were a later generation, it would only take 0.1 seconds to identify it.

"If you switch to a special chip, the speed can be increased to 0.5 seconds." Han Chen explained.

"0.5 seconds?" Zhang Jianxin said in surprise.

"Yes, it only takes 0.5 seconds to identify." Han Chen nodded.

"Xiao Han, how much would it cost to replace it with a dedicated chip?" Zhang Jianxin asked hurriedly.

"Uncle, this is our business secret, but I can tell you the price. It can be done for less than 1000 yuan." Han Chen said.

Han Chen has evaluated the entire face recognition module. If calculated based on 200 sets, the cost of one set is less than 100 yuan. The cost of 1000 million sets can be reduced to [-] yuan. The cost of [-] million sets is only [-] yuan at most. eighty.

"Xiao Han, how is the recognition rate and security of your product?" Zhang Jianxin asked.

"This product of mine uses a 3D recognition solution. This system has just been developed by me. The specific recognition rate will not be known until it is tested. But one thing I am sure of is that we can perfectly recognize the twins even when they come. .

The entire system was independently developed by me. Even if I publish the code, no one can crack the system.

If we are worried about system vulnerabilities or something, we can also add encryption chips into it.

Even if Fu Bole comes, he won't be able to break my system. "Han Chen said.

"If your product can be mass-produced and put on the market, you will definitely be the leader in the access control industry. Government procurement alone will make you full. Can your technology be expanded to other places?" Zhang Jianxin praised.

I originally thought that Han Chen was just a golden rooster, but I didn’t expect that Han Chen is a golden rooster that can lay golden eggs. There is a deposited film in the front and aviation fuel in the back. How long has passed since these two projects, and now a facial recognition solution has been developed. Come out, even the donkeys in the production team are not as active as Han Chen.

"I have developed the recognition program into an SDK. As long as this SDK is embedded into other systems, all systems can use this technology. We can even transplant it to smart cameras. As long as there is enough computing power, we can Make it a Sky Eye project.

For example, we can install a large number of cameras at stations, and then enter the criminal's information into the cameras. Once the cameras detect matching faces, the cameras will alert the police.

I believe no criminal can escape our system. "Han Chen explained.

"Xiao Han, you are drawing cakes for your uncle." Zhang Jianxin said with a smile.

He naturally knew what Han Chen wanted to express. If Shenzhen City could purchase such a system from Deep Blue, then the whole country would purchase this system, and their Deep Blue Group would also make a lot of money.

He knew that Han Chen wanted to spread this matter to some people's ears through his mouth.

However, the set of things developed by Han Chen is really good. If this thing can really be deployed at the train station, it will be much easier for the police to arrest people in the future. If Han Chen can develop the Sky Eye system, then all criminals will There will be no escape.

The Deep Blue Group is a company supported by his name, and this is definitely a huge achievement for him.

"Xiao Han, I can't help you directly with this matter, but it's not too difficult. There will be an international electronics trade fair in Yangcheng in September. I can help you get a booth. The provincial leaders will visit then. I You can take provincial leaders to visit.

It’s up to you whether you can seize this opportunity when the time comes.

There are still 70 days until the launch, so you have to hurry up and get the finished product out. "Zhang Jianxin picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"There is no way to make a special chip in 70 days, so we can only use an industrial computer to demonstrate it." Han Chen said.

"The leaders at the top don't care what you use to demonstrate. They only care about whether your technology works. As long as they think your technology works and what scenarios it can be applied to, the rest It’s not what they need to care about,” Zhang Jianxin said.

"If that's the case, there's no problem." Han Chen said.

"How long did it take you to develop this technology? How many people were involved in developing this technology?" Zhang Jianxin asked.

"I completed this technology alone, and it took more than a year in total," Han Chen said.

Zhang Jianxin feels that this is a bit unbelievable. It took one person just one year to come up with this thing. If this matter is told, I don’t know how many people will be angry to death.

"You write me the materials related to this technology, and I will help you submit it to the province to apply for subsidies. If the central government notices your technology, you will be very successful by then," Zhang Jianxin said.

"Okay." Han Chen smiled.

After Han Chen changed the topic, Zhang Jianxin also forgot about Fetion.

Besides, even if he remembered Han Chen and refused to admit it, there was nothing he could do.


Super Girl recording scene.

Today is the last game in the Yangcheng Division. Today is the day to choose three from five. The top three will be selected from the top five. No. 1 will directly enter the finals, while the second and third will need to compete to enter the finals.

Three of the five singers have already been eliminated in the previous round.

Sheepyin Brother Zeng, who is already as famous as Chun Ge, has finished singing. Zeng Ge sang her original song Leo.

Judges Gao Xiaosong, Shunzi and Huang Guolun unanimously praised Zeng Ge's Leo.

The second performer was Liu Xijun. She performed "Smiling Eyes" and the audience was very satisfied with her performance.

After Liu Xijun stepped down, the host walked onto the stage.

"It seems that everyone is very satisfied with the performance of our No. 18 Liu Xijun, but we don't know whether No. 28 Liu Xijun can get the key. Now we invite our No. 28 player Gu Lina." The host said.

Gulina walked onto the stage wearing an ethnic-style pleated shirt on the upper body and a horse-faced skirt on the lower body. She was dressed in a retro outfit like a beauty who had traveled back in time.

At the same time, the big screen behind her played the MV that Qiu Xiuhua paid someone to shoot. It cost almost 30 to shoot this MV. Even the script of the MV was written by Han Chen himself.

Han Chen filmed it based on some scenes from the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The reason why the filming was based on the scenes of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is because "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" will be released in two months, and Han Chen wanted to take this opportunity to gain some popularity.

However, due to the tight shooting time, the MV was a bit rough.

"Today is most likely the last time I will be on this stage. In more than two months it will be the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. I take this opportunity to dedicate this song to those ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Of course, there are also audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV. "Gulina smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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