The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 153 149: I’m sure this technology doesn’t belong to this era

Chapter 153 149: I’m sure this technology doesn’t belong to this era
Super Body 001 received extraordinary feedback after it was launched in the United States. Karina Holly also purchased large quantities from Kong Huimin. In order to replenish the supply, they even shipped it back by air. Of course, it was not airlifted with the box. of.

So far, Lena Holly's team has purchased 500 million boxes from Deep Blue Medical Devices.

At present, the payment situation of the other party is quite good. While the subsequent payment has not been settled, the revenue of Deep Blue Medical Devices has reached more than 1 million U.S. dollars, which is about over 7 million dollars when converted into soft currency.

Deep Blue Medical Devices suddenly became the most profitable of all the companies under the Deep Blue Group.

This revenue of more than 1 million US dollars is only the revenue from the foreign market. The revenue from the domestic market has so far reached 1.2 million soft sister coins, but compared with the foreign revenue, the domestic revenue can be ignored.

If all the payment is recovered, Deep Blue Medical Equipment's profit will be at least 10 billion yuan.

In this short period of time, the money Han Chen invested in Deep Blue Medical Equipment has already paid back.

To be honest, this achievement was something Han Chen did not expect. This achievement was achieved thanks to Kong Huimin. If Kong Huimin had not had certain connections in Wal-Mart, it would not have been possible to sell so much in such a short period of time.

Therefore, sometimes people with connections are more useful than people with abilities, and people with abilities and connections will be even more useful.

December 2009, 9.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed, and Zhalang Weibo is still half-dead, and Weibo has stabilized the throne of short tweets.

However, the Great Wall was not built in a day. No one knows who will win or lose in the future. Maybe one day Zhalang Weibo will take advantage of the trend and rise.

The stacking film market is still dominated by Deep Blue Technology. However, under the impact of Deep Blue stacking film, the price of PCB boards has entered a very stable state. The market will no longer be out of stock due to the price increase of Ajinomoto, and the PCB market will not be affected by the price increase of Ajinomoto. Out of stock resulting in price increase.

Penguin Investments.

Tian Shaonan asked the game department to re-evaluate LOL. The game department’s evaluation of League of Legends was average. Many testers felt that LOL was not as good as WAR3’s Dota, and even WAR3’s Dynasty Warriors was inferior.

The reason why the game department gave this result is mainly because these people are used to playing Dota.

If they suddenly switch to playing a game with similar gameplay, they will feel that LOL is not as fun as Dota.

After all, the rhythm of the new game is so different from the rhythm of the old game that it is basically impossible for them to adapt to the new game all at once.

Tian Shaonan came to Liu Chiping's office with the evaluation book given by the game department to report the matter.

"Mr. Liu, this is the evaluation given by the game department." Tian Shaonan handed over the evaluation report and said.

"Have you found out what the background of Deep Blue Capital is?" Liu Chiping asked while flipping through the report.

"Deep Blue Capital is registered in Beijing. They are an investment company that was recently established. I asked someone to check their information. Behind Deep Blue Capital is Deep Blue Group, which is the parent company of Weibo and WeChat.

They have invested in many projects since their establishment. The currently known ones include Shenzhou Taiyue, Chou Tuan and Handu Yishe. In addition, they have also invested in many real estates. They have invested in nearly hundreds of real estates in Beijing and Shenzhen. .

As for other investment projects, we have not found them yet. "Tian Shaonan replied.

"You can contact them later. If they are willing to pay 2000 million US dollars, we will sell our shares to them." Liu Chiping said after putting down the documents in his hand.

"Okay, Mr. Liu." Tian Shaonan replied.

Penguin Communications Technology Division.

After Qiao Longfei finished his work, he opened the CSDN forum to touch fish. As soon as the web page opened, a large advertisement popped up. Above the pop-up advertisement was a large number one, and after the number one were the words "US Knife Challenge."

Together they are the $[-] Million Challenge.

A hundred million US dollars immediately arouses the desire of countless people. If you can win this so-called challenge, you can get a hundred million US dollars, and you can immediately transform from a loser to a master.

Driven by desire and curiosity, Qiao Longfei clicked on this advertisement.

Deep Blue Network Security challenges network technicians around the world. Whoever can crack Deep Blue's encrypted files will receive a reward of US$[-] million.


Qiao Longfei swallowed after seeing the content of the competition. This challenge did not seem difficult for him because he had confidence in his own skills. In fact, it was desire that made him lose his awareness of himself.

If this thing was so easy to crack, would Deep Blue Technology spend a billion dollars to carry out activities?

All domestic media except the CSDN forum are reporting on this matter, because the advertising company has placed advertisements on most websites. In addition, they also send people to major universities to promote it.

The Deep Blue Network Security Challenge has become such a big deal that everyone who knows how to surf the Internet knows about it.

Netizens also talked a lot after learning about this incident.

"Deep Blue Network Security is really awesome. It dares to spend [-] million to do something that will definitely kill you. Aren't you afraid that there are people outside the mountain? If the file is cracked, the [-] million dollar will be gone."

"As the saying goes, there is no diamond, no porcelain job. If Deep Blue Network didn't have some skills, how could it have created such a challenge."

"I want to say that Deep Blue Network is flexing its muscles to the world. This so-called challenge is an advertisement. If no one can crack their software, then they will be the number one in the world, and then the whole world will use it. their software."

"Not to mention the ones upstairs, Deep Blue's network security software is really easy to use. They can detect viruses. The most important thing is that their software is free."

"With the free version, you can only enjoy the basic functions. If you want to enjoy more functions, you have to pay. But even the free version is very easy to use. I feel it is easier to use than Jiangmin and Ruixing. If you install it on your computer, Jiangmin and Ruixing are running very slowly."

"Our school teachers have organized a research team to participate in Deep Blue's mission."

"Huh? The school teachers organized a research team to crack the mission. Are the teachers at your school so awesome?"

"Participating in this challenge is regarded as an experience for us. If we can win the competition, the prize money will belong to the team members."

"Jie Jie Jie, it turns out that even the school teachers can't resist the temptation. It's true that money can make all the difference."

"Although I don't know what school they are in, the professors in our school also organize people to participate in challenge competitions. You can get credits regardless of whether you can crack it or not."

"If I had only known that I had not learned how to use excavators, if I had learned computer science, the [-] million would have been mine."

"Tch, you haven't even learned how to use an excavator or a computer."


Teachers and professors from computer departments at well-known universities across China organized students to participate in this challenge.Let’s not talk about whether we can get the [-] million bonus. Even if we participate in this challenge, we can accumulate a lot of experience. Of course, it would be the best if we can get the bonus.

In addition to major domestic forums, advertising companies also place ads on major hacker forums.

China is just the beginning. After dawn in European countries, people in these countries will also see this advertisement.

Office of the President of Shenlan Group in Nantian Pioneer Park.

Han Chen had nothing to do and opened the backend to check the status of the challenge. The number of challenge file downloads has exceeded 100 million, but Deep Blue Security's downloads have surged by 1200 million. These downloads include domestic and foreign downloads.

After taking a look, Han Chen closed the browser and continued writing code.

Faculty dormitory of Moscow State University.




As the phone kept ringing, a big hairy hand touched the bedside table. At this moment, the lamp on the bedside table turned on. A bald, pot-bellied middle-aged man picked up his glasses from the bedside table and put them on.

He picked up the phone and took a look at it before answering the call.

"Ashuraf, do you know what time it is now? If you don't have a good reason, I will make you walk around without food." Alec Oaks said angrily.

"Alec, an Internet company in China has held a security challenge. The first person to crack their encrypted files can get [-] million U.S. dollars. Most people in the organization have failed in the challenge. If you challenge this [-] million U.S. dollars, If you are interested in Mei Dao, please get up quickly." Ashuraf Hewitt said.

"Challenge? One hundred million dollars?" Alec Oaks said confused.

"Yes, this Chinese company has developed an encryption software. They are now challenging programmers around the world. Whoever can crack their software first will receive a bonus of US$[-] million.

They have sent a $[-] million bonus to the BV notary firm. The first person to crack their encrypted file can directly contact BV to claim the bonus. The people over at Fantasy Bear have declared failure. You are now Our Killnet's only hope. ” said Ashuraf Hewitt.

"I know, please send me the website address." Alec Oaks said.

Killnet and Fantasy Bear are the two most powerful hacker organizations in the Da Mao family.

I believe everyone has heard of the organization Anonymous. As soon as the DaMao website was attacked, DaMao's local hacker organization "Killnet" went out to fight against "Anonymous". Its strength proved that DaMao hackers can crush American hackers.

After the "Killnet" went out, they brought down the website of "Anonymous" and closed the access rights to its website. It can be said that it crushed the mask of the beautiful country with a big felt boot. The world's largest hacker organization "Anonymous" The hacker "Killnet" became the keyboard brother in front of him.

In 2016, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced violations of banned substances by a large number of Mauritian athletes and called for a boycott of the entire Mauritian national team from participating in the Olympics to punish violations.

In order to avenge the humiliation of the national team being banned, the hacker group "Fantasy Bear" invaded the backend database of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) website and exposed a series of information about the use of "banned drugs" by sports stars.

The list exposed in six batches by "Fantasy Bear" includes famous athletes from all walks of life such as Williams and Nadal, and even the Rio Olympic Games' four-time gymnastics gold medalist Simon Biles and double distance running champion Farah. gold medal winner.

The United States Anti-Doping Agency and other organizations issued a statement saying that the athletes involved in drugs were not at fault because they all obtained "therapeutic use exemptions."This wave of operations directly exposed the "double standards" behavior of the World Anti-Doping Agency to the public, and its credibility is no longer what it used to be.

Alec Oaks is the leader of the hacker group Killnet. Of course, this is only a side that is unknown to the public. His external identity is a professor of computer science at the National University of Mosquito.

Alec Oaks has been teaching at Mosco State University for fifteen years.

Many members of Killnet and Fantasy Bear are his students, but these students do not know his identity. The only one who knows his identity is Ashuraf Hewitt.

Ashuraf Hewitt is a professor of computer science at St. Petersburg State University. The organization Killnet was founded by the two of them. They are college classmates and both graduated from Mosko State University.

Alec Ochs took out a military computer from the drawer. After turning it on, he used the computer to download the encrypted file.


Alec Oaks was tapping the keyboard frantically to try to crack the encrypted file of Deep Blue Technology.

Time flies.

The Golden Crow slowly rose from the ground, the sun shone on the Kremlin, and the alarm clock on the table rang.

Alec Oaks glanced at the alarm clock, took off his glasses and rubbed his temples.

He picked up his cell phone and called Ashuraf Hewitt.

"Alec, are you done?" Ashraf Hewitt asked excitedly.

"I just used the school's supercomputer to calculate for 4 hours, and I only cracked their first layer of encryption. Their subsequent encryption coefficients have doubled. Their encryption technology is more advanced than that of the Hexagon Building. I have guessed what kind of algorithm is used, but I don't have enough computing power to crack their encryption.

It would take at least 100 years to crack it using our school's supercomputer, and it would take at least 50 years for the most advanced supercomputer in the world.

No one can crack their encrypted files until quantum technology comes out. ” said Alec Oaks.

"So awesome? Can we use their algorithm to develop an encryption software?" Ashuraf Hewitt said in disbelief.

Ashraf Hewitt thought that since they already knew the algorithm of this software, if they used this algorithm to develop an encryption software, this encryption software would definitely bring them huge profits.

"It's impossible. Although I don't know how they did it, I'm sure this technology doesn't belong to this era." Alec Oaks sighed.

It's a pity that Alec Oaks told him that this technology does not belong to this era at all. If Han Chen knew Alec Oaks's evaluation of the Deep Blue encryption software, he would definitely call this guy a real technical master.


After Zhou Hongwei learned that the challenge appeared online, he ordered all technicians to participate in the challenge. If they could crack the encrypted file of Deep Blue Network Security Company, it would prove that their 360 is ahead of Deep Blue in security technology. Cybersecurity company.

In this way, they can snatch back their own users from Deep Blue Network Security.

"Any clues?" Zhou Hongwei asked, looking at the room full of technicians.

(End of this chapter)

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