The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 232 Chapter 223: Hunting geese all day long, causing the geese to peck their eyes

"Xiao He, come and sit here." Mr. Ren waved his hand and greeted.

He Tingbo smoothed down her skirt and sat directly next to Yu Dazui. Mr. Ren gave her a cup and poured tea.

"Have you seen the Shenlan Group's new product launch conference that I just showed you?" Mr. Ren asked.

"I just took a quick look at the replay," He Tingbo replied.

"Do you see anything interesting?" Mr. Ren asked after picking up the tea cup and taking a sip.

"Although Deep Blue Group did not explain much about the chip, it can be seen that they use ARMv7, but their architecture is not CortexA8. The core architecture should be independently developed by them. The performance of this chip is definitely the fastest today. ARM.

I suspect that their core R&D capabilities have surpassed ARM. "He Tingbo said.

Yu Dazui couldn't help but widen his eyes after hearing He Tingbo's evaluation, because this evaluation was too high for him.

"Does HiSilicon have the ability to independently develop ARM cores?" Mr. Ren asked again.

"For the time being, there is no way. Their researchers are all geniuses. This kind of large and small core architecture has never been heard of in my many years of work. I believe that even Intel and ADM can't think of it. Even ARM can't do it in the short term." He Tingbo shook his head. .

"Do you think we should continue to develop the WM system or switch to the Android system?" Mr. Ren asked again.

"The technology of the WM system is more mature. I think we should stick to the WM system." Yu Dazui said.

"My personal opinion is the same." He Tingbo picked up the tea cup and took a sip before saying.

"Is it possible that our insistence is wrong?" Mr. Ren asked.

When Mr. Ren asked this question, the two of them fell into deep thought, because these two products, c8100 and c8300, were such failures.

"Why would Mr. Ren have such an idea?" Yu Dazui asked.

"Not to mention that Deep Blue's technology is better than ours today, and there are more manufacturers using Android than WM. You should understand the ebb and flow of one thing and the other, which makes me doubt whether our decision is right." Mr. Ren picked up the teacup and spoke again. He said after taking a sip.

Mr. Ren's words once again caused the two of them to fall into silence, but if their decision was really wrong this time, their four years of investment would be in vain.

You must know that they spent four years developing HiSilicon K3, but now Mr. Ren tells them that this is wrong. This result is obviously unacceptable. Mr. Ren also smiled slightly when he saw the two of them not talking.

"Since we made a mistake, let's change it. Failure is the mother of success. We just have to work harder." Mr. Ren said.

"Mr. Ren, do you mean that our next-generation products will use Android?" Yu Dazui asked.

"Yes, you pay too little attention to Deep Blue. Go back and look at their application market and see how many applications there are in their application market. The software ecosystem determines whether a product can be successful. From the current point of view, the WM system will definitely fail. ." Mr. Ren said.

In a private room of a hotel in Shenzhen City.

This box was booked by Zhang Huajian to entertain King Guo, Wang Jingwen and others.

"Jingwen, how about what I told you this afternoon?" Liu Tianwang asked after pouring tea for Wang Jingwen.

"Brother Hua, is this what you mean?" Wang Jingwen asked after taking a look at Gu Lina.

"This matter is my personal opinion. I don't want her talent to be wasted like this." Liu Tianwang said.

"Since you have opened your mouth, I will accept it." Wang Jingwen said with a slight smile.

If this matter is Han Chen's intention, she still needs to think about it. Wang Jingwen's personality is like this. She will not surrender to capital, but she must accept Liu Tianwang's suggestion. After all, they have been together for many years. Friends now.

The reason why Liu Tianwang did this was because he loved talents, and the other was to sell Han Chen a favor.

"Nana, hurry up and serve tea to your master." Liu Tianwang looked at Gu Lina who was sitting next to Zhu Liqian and said.

Because Liu Tianwang mentioned this to her when she came here, she ran over immediately after hearing Liu Tianwang's words, and then Liu Tianwang gave her a clean cup.

"Teacher, please have tea." Gulina poured the tea and knelt down with the cup in hand.

"I drank this cup of tea. From now on, you will be my disciple, Wang Jingwen." Wang Jingwen said after taking the tea cup and taking a sip.

"Thank you, teacher." Gulina smiled.

"Okay, I don't have too many rules here. You can sit back in your seat first. As for the rest, we will talk about it after dinner." Wang Jingwen said.

"Okay, teacher." Gulina smiled.

After Gu Lina returned to her position, Guo Tianwang and others congratulated Wang Jingwen for accepting a good apprentice.

"Nana, I've heard all the songs you sing. Which master wrote it for you?" Wang Jingwen asked curiously.

"Those songs were all written by Mr. Han of our company." Gulina smiled.

The reason why Gulina didn't mention her husband was because she didn't want too many outsiders to know about her relationship with Han Chen.

The second is that she doesn't want others to treat her specially because of her relationship with Han Chen.

"Brother Hua, I didn't expect your boss to be so talented." Wang Jingwen said in surprise.

"Mr. Han is not on the same level as us. He is the type who knows astronomy and geography. I guess Einstein is not as smart as him. He takes the lead in many things in the company. I don't know how to describe it." For him, even the script for Apostle Walker was written by Mr. Han." Liu Tianwang smiled.

When Wang Jingwen heard what Liu Tianwang said, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Great Britain July 2010, 7.

ARM headquarters.

The first thing Warren East does when he gets to work is check his email.

[Report on important events in China. 】

[A licensee in China developed a chip architecture with performance superior to CortexA8 without using CortexA8. This chip uses a different CPU architecture from the traditional one. Its core architecture consists of one large core and two large cores. .]

Wu Xiongang wrote all the information he knew on the email.

"When did China's R&D capabilities become so powerful?" Warren East frowned.

You must know that ARM is a product developed by them. It is simply a shame for ARM that someone has developed a more powerful architecture than them.

Then he carefully checked the information about the Deep Blue Group sent by Wu Xiongang. After reading the information about the Deep Blue Group, he was even more surprised.

[Wu, contact the headhunter to find a way to poach the R&D personnel of the Deep Blue Group. ] Warren East sent an email to Wu Xiongang and then forwarded Wu Xiongang’s email to the company’s R&D department.

ARM R&D Department.

After Kamesh O'Hara received Warren East's email, he immediately called the team leader level management to the office for a meeting.

After a while, more than a dozen team leaders and directors from the ARM R&D department came to the conference room.

"Just now the president sent me an email. A company in China purchased a license for ARMv7, but they did not purchase our core. They developed a new core based on the original one. This core has better performance. Completely surpassing CortexA8.

And their core is more powerful than the CortexA7 we are developing.

In addition, they also adopted a new large and small core architecture. Because the company did not disclose much information, we do not know how they designed this core.

Boss means that we will launch a core with more advanced performance than theirs within half a year. " Kamesh O'Hara said.

After saying that, he used his laptop to project the parameters of Deep Blue 1 on the screen. Everyone looked embarrassed when they saw the parameters on the screen. They couldn't tell anything from these parameters alone.

This feeling is like someone telling you that Coke is a carbonated drink but not telling you what the formula of Coke is.

"Isn't the first half year too short?" Ak Colonna, deputy director of the R&D Department, frowned.

"If we can't develop a new core within half a year, if the other party licenses their core, then who will buy the core IP from us?" Kamesh O'Hara said.

For a moment, Ake Colonna didn't know how to answer.

This is really like hunting geese all day long, causing the geese to peck their eyes.

"Head, I saw in the email that they use a technology called surfboard. This IO technology is more advanced than all current IO technologies. I think we should purchase this technology license from them. If we have this By licensing this technology, we might be able to surpass them within half a year." Dawn Weaver, another deputy director of R&D, said after carefully checking the email.

After hearing what Dawn Weaver said, everyone present began to check their emails carefully.

After carefully checking the email, everyone discovered how awesome surfboard technology is. They found that this IO interface technology was at least ten years ahead of them. Surfboard not only increased chip bandwidth but also reduced the delay in exchanging data.

The most important thing is that using this technology can also save a lot of chip space.

Kamesh O'Hara frowned after carefully checking the introduction of surfboard. At first, he did not notice the existence of surfboard technology. After seeing the introduction of this technology, he realized that this technology is so awesome.

"I will report this matter to the Boss." Kamesh O'Hara said.

If surfboard can be integrated into the existing core, it may be able to improve performance by more than 15%. Of course, this is only his assessment based on superficial information.

The specific situation can only be determined by obtaining the detailed parameters of the surfboard.

After half an hour.

Kamesh O'Hara came to the door of the president's office and knocked on the door.

"What's the matter with Kames?" Warren East asked after putting down the mouse in his hand.

"Boss, we have already held a meeting to study the matter of Deep Blue Group. There is a very special technology in Deep Blue Group's chips. This technology is likely to be the core technology. After discussion, our technology department hopes that the company can obtain this from Deep Blue. technology authorization," Kamesh O'Hara said.

"As the invention company of ARM, don't you think it's ridiculous for us to purchase technology licenses from other companies?" Warren East said with a dark face.

“Boss, I know this is a ridiculous thing, but this technology is indeed ahead of our existing IO technology, and we have already had people check their patents.

After evaluation, we found that this technology is the most advanced technology so far, and this technology has formed technical barriers. It is difficult for us to develop the same technology in the short term. This IO technology is at least two generations ahead of us. Kamesh O'Hara said helplessly.

"Is this technology really that important?" Warren East asked with a frown.

"The information obtained so far is very important. We will not know the details until we get authorization." Kamesh O'Hara said.

"I will ask people from China to contact them to see if they will authorize external parties." Warren East said.

Qualcomm headquarters in San Diego, California, USA.

Paul Jacobs also received an email from China. The president of China reported to him about Deep Blue 1.

Paul Jacobs couldn't help but frowned after seeing the running score of Deep Blue 1.

He immediately sent a message to Cristiano Amon, chief engineer of Snapdragon.

After a while, a fat man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a beard pushed open the door of Paul Jacobs' office.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Cristiano Anmon asked after sitting down.

"This is the information sent by the China Branch this morning. Please take a look at the information first." Paul Jacob took out a stack of A4 paper from the printer and handed it to him.

After Cristiano Anmon took the document, he read it carefully. His brows furrowed into a frown as he looked at it.

Because the performance of Deep Blue 1 is 3% higher than the Snapdragon S30 they just released last month.

"Why is it the Deep Blue Group again?" Cristiano Anmon said in disbelief.

Both Paul Jacobs and Cristiano Ammona are very familiar with the Deep Blue Group.

Their current WIFI technology and Bluetooth technology use dark blue.

They never expected that Deep Blue would develop a chip that was more advanced than them.

"The fact is that their product is already on sale," said Paul Jacobs.

For a while, Cristiano Anmon didn't know what to do. It would take at least one to two years to develop their next product.

"I don't care what you do. I want to see new products within six months, and their performance must be more advanced than Deep Blue's." Paul Jacobs said.

Originally, Paul Jacobs wanted to make a lot of money after launching the Snapdragon S3. Now they can only lower the retail price of the Snapdragon S3 to win more markets. After all, Deep Blue 1 is so much ahead of them in terms of performance. .

"Boss, half a year is too short." Cristiano Amon sighed.

"I will give you eight months at most. If you still can't come up with a new product in eight months, then submit your resignation letter yourself." Paul Jacobs said after hesitation.

Six months was indeed a short period of time, and the only time he could accept was eight months. (End of chapter)

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