The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 307 297: The audience present is not very concerned

April 2011, 7, US time.

Fruit Headquarters in Cupertino, California.

Mr. Qiao is still lying in the ICU, and Cook goes to the hospital every day to see him. The launch of the iPhone 5 made Cook famous, and the iPhone 5 laid a solid foundation for Cook to serve as CEO of Fruit.


"Come in," Cook said after hearing a knock on the door.

Then a blond woman opened the door and walked in. The woman entered the door and put the documents in her arms on the table.

"Boss, I received an invitation letter from Deep Blue Group this morning. They will hold a press conference at the Bird's Nest Stadium in the capital of China on the 20th of this month. Do you want to attend their press conference? If not, I will help you refuse them. ." Lana Cantera asked.

Han Chen invited many friends to attend this press conference. In order to enhance the quality of the entire press conference, Han Chen set the conference venue at the Bird's Nest. Of course, there is another reason why Han Chen chose the Bird's Nest. This reason is that the Bird's Nest can accommodate more people.

"Do I have any plans for the 20th of this month?" Cook asked.

"No arrangements," Lana Canterlot replied.

"You tell them I accept their invitation." Cook replied.

Fruit has just released a new product, and he doesn't have anything important on hand. He is quite curious about Deep Blue's new products. Now that Deep Blue has sent him an invitation, he plans to go to China to see what Deep Blue is up to.

The sales volume of iPhone in China has reached the same level as that of America. China has become one of the most important markets for fruits. He would like to take this opportunity to take a look at the situation in China.

Qualcomm headquarters in San Diego, California, USA.

Paul Jacobs was also invited by Deep Blue Technology. He thought about the invitation letter sent by his secretary for a long time.

"Please help me arrange my itinerary." Paul Jacob said after putting down the document.

"Okay, boss," Paul Jacobs' secretary replied.

China time on July 2011, 7 at 20:6 pm.

This much-anticipated day has finally arrived. Netizens, fans, business partners, and competitors have all been looking forward to this day for a long time. Everyone wants to see what Deep Blue is going to release today.

Fans and netizens who have received invitations have already entered the press conference through Gate 2 of the Bird's Nest.

In front of the main entrance of the stadium, there is a lively scene. The red carpet stretched out from the gate and covered the entire square.

Celebrities and bigwigs from all walks of life dressed in costumes slowly walked from the main entrance, causing fans and reporters to scream wildly.

While walking the red carpet, they signed their names on the large billboard outside the door from time to time, leaving indelible marks.

The densely packed signatures on the billboards reflect the strong atmosphere here. Photographers around were taking the opportunity to capture the beautiful moment.

They set up their tripods, adjusted their lenses, and took wonderful photos. Flashes flashed, breaking the darkness and lighting up the scene.

The reporters at the scene were also so crazy that they stretched out their microphones to the stars, eager to interview them and get some exclusive news.

At this time, the square was crowded with people, and the crowd was excited. Fans gathered here, eagerly waiting for their favorite idols. Some held handwritten banners, and some held up their idols' names, trying to attract the idols' attention.

The security guards around them kept maintaining order to prevent the crazy crowd from rushing onto the red carpet.

"Look, look, is that the new CEO of the fruit company, Cook?"

"It's Cook. I didn't expect Cook to come to Deep Blue's press conference. It seems that Cook values ​​Deep Blue's press conference very much."

"Knowing yourself and your enemy will always win any battle. Besides, Fruit is a partner of Deep Blue. Fruit's mobile phone uses Deep Blue's technology. It's normal for Deep Blue to invite him to participate."

"Is that Rebus from Rice Phone?"

"The bad guy Yanagi Funashi is also here. Isn't that Mr. Ren of Huawei?"

"No wonder Deep Blue wants to hold this press conference at the Bird's Nest. It turns out that Deep Blue has invited so many big names to attend."

Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the big names in the technology circle had already entered the venue. Next, it was the turn of celebrities to enter. In addition to Deep Blue’s own stars, Deep Blue also invited many celebrities, and all the invited stars came.

After all, no one wants to offend the behemoth Deep Blue Group, not to mention Deep Blue Film and Television plays a vital role in the entertainment industry.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to half past seven.

The press conference officially started at this time, the lights dimmed, and the four giant screens in the center of the stage lit up.

The door of a nursing home in Shenzhen City appeared on the big screen.

Then the camera turned to a group of old people. An old man in a wheelchair appeared on the screen, and there was a young woman next to the old man.

"Mom, did you know? I've been promoted recently." The young woman was telling the old man about her recent situation while peeling an orange.

Many people could tell that the old man must be suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and the woman must be the old man's daughter.

It’s just that everyone is very curious about why Deep Blue Group played this thing during its press conference.

Foreign guest area.

"Cook, what do you mean by Deep Blue showing this thing to us?" Paul Jacob asked in a low voice.

"I'm not very clear about this either." Cook shook his head.

The big guys in the guest area had the same questions as them. They couldn't figure out what Deep Blue meant by playing these things.

At this time, the short film on the big screen was still continuing, and a total of ten sets of such scenes were played in the short film.

Then the screen switched to showing the children of ten groups of families signing contracts with the Deep Blue Group. These people suffering from Alzheimer's disease were all sent to the hospital by their children.

State guest area.

"Is Deep Blue Technology planning to build a nursing home?" Shen Wei said with a look of astonishment. The bosses in the guest area were also at a loss as they were. What exactly was the Deep Blue Group going to do this time? Is the Deep Blue Group going to open a nursing home?

Then the big screen played the edited footage of these old people arriving at the hospital.

It was not until the fourth day that everyone and the audience in the live broadcast room understood the significance of the Deep Blue Group's broadcast of this short film.

"Is it possible that Deep Blue Group has found a way to treat Alzheimer's disease?"

"It should be no surprise."

"Damn it, when did the Deep Blue Group cross-border medicine and medical care?"

"Shenlan Group has always been involved in the pharmaceutical and medical business. The Super Body No. 1 you usually use is produced by Shenlan."

"Deep Blue is about to produce a Nobel Prize winner. You must know that humans have suffered from Alzheimer's disease for more than ten years, but so far no company has developed a useful specific drug. Deep Blue Group's The special medicine is so amazing that it can restore a patient to a quarter of his normal state in just four days, which is simply a miracle in the medical field.”

"My mentor has been studying Alzheimer's disease for more than ten years. He has never produced any results. He cannot even delay Alzheimer's disease. I didn't expect that Deep Blue would develop a useful medicine."

"Hey, my grandma also has Alzheimer's disease. I want to know how much the treatment will cost."

"My wife also has Alzheimer's disease, and I will cure her no matter how much it costs."

The fact that Deep Blue Group has developed a specific drug that can treat Alzheimer's disease has not only caused a huge sensation in China.

Even in the United States, it caused a huge sensation.

This press conference was not only broadcast live on Deep Blue Video and Douyin. also broadcast the entire press conference live in order to allow American audiences to understand the press conference. delayed the press conference by ten minutes, which was enough time for them to add barrages.

Fifteen minutes passed.

The short film finally finished playing at this time.

All patients and family members expressed their gratitude to Deep Blue Group in the last few minutes. If it were not for Deep Blue Group, they would not be able to recover.

After the big screen completely dimmed, the spotlight hit the stage. Tu Jiaojiao appeared on the stage wearing a small black suit. She showed a very elegant smile to the audience.

“Many people say that Alzheimer’s disease was discovered by Dr. Alzheimer in 1906. In fact, we Chinese people have discovered the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease as early as the Western Han Dynasty.

As early as the "Huangdi Neijing" period, there was a certain understanding of dementia. Dementia belongs to the incidence category of "dementia" in traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine's understanding of Alzheimer's disease includes both deficiencies and excesses. Deficiency syndrome is mainly related to the patient's liver and kidneys, while empirical evidence is mainly related to the patient's phlegm syndrome and blood stasis syndrome.

According to some clinical manifestations of dementia, memory loss and cognitive function are closely related to the kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine, because the kidneys are responsible for bone and marrow production. There is a disease called cerebral myelin, which is very similar to the symptoms of dementia. Jing deficiency is a very important factor in the occurrence of dementia.

The second one is closely related to the liver, because the liver governs dispersion and stores blood. Poor liver function will easily lead to qi accumulation and qi and blood disorder.

I don’t know if you still remember Ms. Tu Youyou, the woman who discovered artemisinin. She found artemisinin from "Fifty-two Prescriptions for Diseases". Artemisinin can effectively reduce malaria deaths in humans. Rate.

I believe that many people will buy Kampo medicine there when traveling to Toutonji. This so-called Kampo medicine is our traditional Chinese medicine, and the formula was stolen from us by Toutonji people. It can be seen that the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine is not as good as at all. Western medicine is poor.

The reason why I say this is that I hope everyone can pay attention to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and stop letting the things of our ancestors be lost overseas.

In order to better protect the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, Deep Blue Medical Equipment will invest hundreds of billions in the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

We welcome people with lofty ideals to join Deep Blue Medical Equipment and work with us to develop and expand traditional Chinese medicine.

Next, let us return to today’s topic. I believe many people have guessed that we use traditional Chinese medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Today, our first-phase clinical trial has cured hundreds of people, and our cure rate has reached 100. Hundreds.

After using our medicine, these people completely got rid of the troubles of Alzheimer's disease, and now these people have returned to normal lives.

Next, we will conduct phase II and phase III clinical trials. If the cure rate of the phase II clinical trial is still 100%, we will apply for a special application in advance to make China the first in the world to get rid of Alzheimer's disease. nation.

That’s all I have to say. The first part of the press conference is over. Let’s move on to the next part. Thank you all for attending this press conference.

I am Tu Jiaojiao, chief Alzheimer’s researcher at DeepBlue Medical Devices. Tu Jiaojiao bowed slightly.

Although the audience and the bosses were very shocked by the Deep Blue Group's use of traditional Chinese medicine to cure Alzheimer's disease.

But Alzheimer's disease is too niche. Except for people with Alzheimer's disease in their families, no one cares much about it. However, the medical industry has been shocked by Deep Blue's success.

Some pharmaceutical factory owners are already thinking about how to establish a relationship with Shenlan to obtain agents for this kind of medicine.

Although Alzheimer's disease is a very niche disease, it has a market worth hundreds of billions, and no pharmaceutical company is willing to miss this piece of fat.

The lights dimmed as Tu Jiaojiao thanked her, and Tu Jiaojiao completely disappeared from the stage. Not long after Tu Jiaojiao left, the spotlight on the stage turned on again. Zheng Wenbin appeared as the person in charge of Deep Blue Cloud. on the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am Zheng Wenbin, chief technical engineer of DeepBlue Cloud. With the development of mobile Internet, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence data, cloud computing and big data technologies have increasingly affected all aspects of people's lives.

So what exactly is cloud technology?
As early as August 2006, 8, Google CEO Eric Schmidt first proposed the concept of "cloud computing" at the Search Engine Conference.

Cloud computing is a type of distributed computing, which refers to decomposing huge data computing processing programs into countless small programs through the network "cloud", and then processing and analyzing these small programs through a system composed of multiple servers to obtain results. and returned to the user.

In the early days of cloud computing, to put it simply, it was simple distributed computing, solving task distribution and merging calculation results.

The cloud service mentioned at this stage is no longer just a kind of distributed computing, but the result of the mixed evolution and leap of computer technologies such as distributed computing, utility computing, load balancing, parallel computing, network storage, hot backup redundancy and virtualization. .

Cloud computing refers to a system with extremely strong computing power formed through a computer network (mostly the Internet), which can store and collect related resources and configure them on demand to provide users with personalized services.

In 2009, Alibaba Cloud, a subsidiary of Ali, began to provide cloud computing services to the people of China.

Just today, Deep Blue Group will provide cloud services to people around the world. Deep Blue Cloud is different from existing cloud service providers. Existing cloud service providers all use Wintel's platform. However, the solution used by Deep Blue Cloud is based on chips. to a completely self-developed software solution.

This means that Deep Blue Cloud will provide customers with cheaper and more secure cloud services.


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