The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 333 Chapter 323: Disappointing dark blue car?

September 2013, 5, China time.

News that Deep Blue will hold a new product launch conference on June 6 began to appear on Weibo, WeChat and Deep Blue Film and Television.

As early as last year, Han Chen said on Weibo that Deep Blue Car would be released in the middle of this year, so many netizens knew that Deep Blue Car was going to be launched after seeing this news. In addition to netizens, domestic and foreign car companies also began to pay attention to this matter. thing.

Although Deep Blue's channels have released news about the new product launch, no news about Deep Blue Cars has been announced to the public. This has also made the majority of car companies very curious about Deep Blue Cars.

They had seen photos of dark blue cars last year, and they had to admit that dark blue's design was great, and dark blue was definitely a strong rival for them.

"How much do you think a dark blue car will cost?"

"It can be seen from last year's pictures that the Deep Blue model is an SUV. If this car was produced by other domestic brands, then this car would sell for 20 yuan at most. However, Mr. Han said on Weibo that the Deep Blue car is a hundred thousand The best SUV under RMB 50, I dare say this car costs at least RMB .”

"I asked you upstairs, are you stupid? If you had 50 yuan, would you buy a domestic car? If it were you, would you buy a 50 yuan domestic car?"

"Given Deep Blue's urine properties, it is not impossible to price it at 50 yuan. I even suspect that the price exceeds 50 yuan."

"I still choose to import cars. The gap between domestically produced and imported cars is really too big."

"I don't know about other domestic brands, but I know that Deep Blue's technology is very good, otherwise Deep Blue would not be suppressed."

"Building a car is not a mobile phone. Building a car is no less difficult than a mobile phone. What's more, Deep Blue is building a cross-border car. I personally am not very optimistic about Deep Blue Cars."

"I think it's not up to us to decide whether Deep Blue Car is good or not. We will know whether it is good or not on the day of the launch."

"As long as anyone who knows cars knows that domestically produced cars are not good, you don't think that adding a big screen will make them awesome. Other car companies can also add bigger screens. Such fancy things are of no use."

"The big brother upstairs is right. The hair on the central control screen is useless. This thing is just a gimmick. You still have to test drive it to know whether it is good or not. But one thing is for sure. So far, domestically produced cars Not as good as imported cars.”

Because Deep Blue Group did not release much useful information, netizens could only rely on their own impressions of domestically produced cars to comment.

Office of the President of Shenlan Group in Nantian Pioneer Park.

Not long after Han Chen arrived at the office, he called Ma Changan and Yang Yicheng to the office.

"Boss." Ma Changan said hello immediately after opening the office door and seeing Han Chen.

"Mr. Han." Yang Yicheng, who followed closely behind, greeted him.

"Come and sit." Han Chen said.

After the two sat down, Han Chen gave them a teacup and poured the freshly brewed tea.

"I have two ideas about cars that I hope you can realize." Han Chen said and handed the four documents on the table to the two of them.

After the two received the documents, they also read them carefully. The first document said "Smart Headlight", and the second document said "Somersault Cloud Suspension".

[Smart Headlights] was written by Han Chen based on the far-leading smart headlights, and [Somersault Cloud Suspension] was written based on the previous digital chassis.

The two of them were shocked after seeing the ideas in the two documents. Even after working in the industry for many years, they had never thought that they could play like this.

"Boss, you are such a genius." Ma Changan praised after putting down the document in his hand.

"Mr. Han, these two ideas of yours are really awesome. If we can realize them, we will be at least several generations ahead of global car companies." Yang Yicheng said.

"I need your two teams to join forces to develop these features. I hope to see them on the next generation of deep blue cars." Han Chen said.

"No problem, boss." Ma Changan replied immediately.

The two teams had joined forces to develop hybrid cars half a year ago, and Ma Changan didn't mind if they collaborated again.

"Mr. Han, we will definitely complete the task." Yang Yicheng replied.

"Ma Changan, when will your electric car be launched?" Han Chen asked.

"Boss, now we have completely solved the 48V three-voltage system. The next thing to do is to develop an operating system. We plan to develop a car-machine system based on Android." Ma Changan said.

"Don't use the Android system for the vehicle system. The group has a self-developed operating system. I will give you a call later and you can use our self-developed system." Han Chen said.

Just last month, Ni Lao and the others have developed a self-developed system. Now Ni Lao's team is testing the system to fix leaks. It won't be long before the system can be officially launched.

Han Chen calls this system the Pangu system, which adopts a closed microkernel architecture.

To put it simply, this system is created by integrating the expertise of Hongmeng and iOS.

The reason why Mr. Ni's team was able to develop it in such a short time was thanks to Han Chen's generous spending.


"Okay, Boss." Ma Changan replied.

"Okay, you go and do your business." Han Chen said.

After the two left, Han Chen returned to the computer and started writing NPU code.

Han Chen wants to add voice command functions to the next generation of products. NPU can accelerate voice command recognition. With it, Han Chen will launch his own voice assistant. In addition, he can also create Deep Blue’s whole-house intelligent products.

It's half past two in the afternoon.

Changsun Xiaoxiao came to the Deep Blue Group wearing a white doll T-shirt on the upper body and a pair of tight jeans on the lower body and high heels.

The male employees of the company swallowed involuntarily when they saw the eldest grandson Xiaoxiao.

The eldest grandson Xiaoxiao instantly beats the popular Fan Xiaopang in both appearance and figure.

When Han Chen heard the sound of the door opening, he turned around and saw that the person who came was Changsun Xiaoxiao and asked, "Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

Changsun Xiaoxiao ran to Han Chen's side and sat down on the desk with his plump buttocks. He handed the document in his hand to Han Chen and said, "Hehe, husband, here is the script. Take a look."

After Han Chen received the document, he read it carefully. The document was the Tomato Rich Man script written by Chang Sun Xiaoxiao. Of course, this script was not completed by her alone. This script was completed by her and many Hong Kong screenwriters. Changsun Xiaoxiao and the others just borrowed the theme of "Brewster's Millionaire", and all the content was written based on China's national conditions.

I have to say that Hong Kong's screenwriters are very good at comedy. Han Chen was already laughing from ear to ear just by reading the script.

"This script is very good, just follow this script and remember to buy Brewster's copyright." Han Chen said.

As long as they purchase the copyright of "Brewster's Millions", even if the media knows that this subject matter is plagiarized, the media will not be able to find anything to blame.

Although Changsun Xiaoxiao is a director, she is no less popular in China than second-tier actors.

A beautiful director who earned 43 billion in box office just after graduation. Even though Weibo tried its best to suppress news related to her, Changsun Xiaoxiao is still famous all over the country for her beauty. Han Chen does not want her to be troubled by the black media.


"Then I will start preparing for this film tomorrow." Changsun Xiaoxiao said, kissing Han Chen on the cheek.

"Yeah." Han Chen nodded.

"Remember to come over for dinner tonight." Changsun Xiaoxiao said.

"I know." Han Chen touched Changsun's small hand and said.

Then Changsun Xiaoxiao picked up the script and left Han Chen's office. It must be said that Changsun Xiaoxiao was as sensible as Kong Huimin and the others. For her, as long as she could stay by Han Chen's side, she was satisfied.

September 2013, 6, China time.

8 pm.

Location: Bird's Nest Stadium.

For this press conference, Deep Blue Group did not invite friends from other industries except for some manufacturers that provide parts for Deep Blue Automobile.

Deep Blue Group invited a total of 50,000 viewers to attend this press conference.

The stage of the press conference was set up in the center of the Bird's Nest. In order to allow all audiences to see the content of the press conference, Deep Blue Group rented 4 large LED screens. Audiences from far away can watch the press conference through the LED screens.

In addition, Douyu and Deep Blue Film and Television also broadcast the conference live.

After the staff confirmed that all the audience had entered, a large number 4 appeared on four large LEDs. In the blink of an eye, the number 10 turned into 10. The audience knew that the press conference had begun after the countdown was over.

When the countdown ended, the spotlight shone on the entrance of the stadium, and eight dark blue cars of different colors drove in. They drove to the stage according to the designated route.

At this moment, a young man with curly hair wearing a blue T-shirt and dark jeans appeared on the stage.

Young men who are not handsome are the kind who can be easily found in a crowd. The man is the youngest researcher in Yang Yicheng's research and development team.

"Hello everyone, I am very happy that you can come to the first press conference of Deep Blue Auto. My name is Nong Shiyun and I am a researcher in the R&D team of Deep Blue Auto. Because my immediate boss and Mr. Han are not willing to support the press conference, I am hosting the launch of Deep Blue Auto. The responsibility of the press conference fell on my shoulders.

So you don’t need to pay too much attention to me at tonight’s press conference. Just focus on Deep Blue Car. I believe Deep Blue Car will definitely surprise everyone. "Nong Shiyun joked.

Some audience members also laughed when they heard Nong Shiyun's ridicule.

"I believe everyone already knew that our first car of Deep Blue Motors was an SUV as early as last year. After many discussions, we named this SUV Deep Blue GLS2013. The G in GLS2013 is the abbreviation of Grand in English, which means large vehicles such as SUVs. ; L is the abbreviation of English Luxury, which means luxury; S is the abbreviation of English Super, which means super.

2013 I believe everyone has already guessed it without me saying more. 2013 means that this car was produced in 2013.


The engine we use is the SAIC-GM 2.0T engine. This engine uses a deep Miller cycle combustion system, a 300bar gasoline direct injection system, an intelligent variable valve lift system, a Zero-tech high-strength sleeve chain, and a mid-mounted OCV type. DVVT, electronically controlled wastegate supercharger, integrated exhaust manifold, variable displacement oil pump, timing cover with damping plate, high-pressure oil rail sound insulation cover, displacement reaches 1786cc, maximum power reaches 152kW, maximum The torque reaches 320N·m.

"Nong Shiyun began to introduce.

After hearing these configurations, some car-savvy viewers feel that dark blue cars are ordinary and featureless.

"The parameters of the Deep Blue car are too ordinary. I thought it was so awesome at first, but I didn't expect that even the engine is from SAIC. There is no need to continue this press conference. The configuration of this car is really too ordinary. It is estimated that no one will buy it if it is sold for 20 yuan.”

"Shenlan launched such an ordinary SUV with the intention of cutting leeks, right?"

"This car has no special features except for its appearance. I also want to support the dark blue car. After listening to the introduction, I have lost my desire."

"Deep Blue Group really disappointed me this time. I can only use the word "that's it" to describe it now."

"That's it? That's it?"

"I believe that after I introduce the engine part, everyone will think that the Deep Blue car is too ordinary. Because these things are the most common in this car, I will start with the most common ones. Power is not the biggest feature of the Deep Blue car. Selling point, the biggest selling point of Deep Blue Car is at the back.

The suspension used in GLS2013 is a multi-link independent suspension system independently developed by us. Its advantage is that it has great freedom in design and has little impact on the car body due to road impact, which is conducive to improving comfort." Nong Shiyun started playing on the big screen when introducing A picture of a dark blue car passing through uneven roads.

In order to better tell the audience the performance of this suspension system, they installed a rack on the car, which was filled with transparent boiled water.

Images of cars passing through the test road are played on the big screen from multiple angles.

The GLS2013 did not spill a drop of water when passing through the test section.

"I believe everyone can see from the picture on the big screen that the suspension system we independently developed can be compared with any million-level car on the market." Nong Shiyun said with a smile.

"I admit that I was a little loud just now. This suspension system is really awesome. A car worth 20 to 300,000 yuan cannot do this."

"From the picture just now, it seems that the ride comfort of the dark blue car is indeed comparable to that of million-level luxury cars."

"No wonder the host said that the power system is not the selling point of Deep Blue Car. In fact, a 2.0T engine is enough for an SUV. The BMW X5 also uses a 2.0T engine. Besides, it can save fuel when driving with less power. point."

"To be honest, I am more looking forward to the next black technology of Deep Blue Auto."

After introducing the suspension system, Nong Shiyun introduced the wheels, brake system and body painting of GLS2013 to the audience.

After introducing these external things, Nong Shiyun walked to a dark blue car. (End of chapter)

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