The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 355: 345: Proposal to ban sales

But Zhang Huadong didn't expect that he guessed wrong. Deep Blue's instant translation is not speech recognition, but AI translation. AI has very high requirements on computing power. However, Deep Blue 3 is equipped with NPU. Without the support of NPU, even the speech recognition module cannot run.

The speech recognition module that Zhang Huadong mentioned does exist, but it is far inferior to NPU.

NPU is the abbreviation of "Neural Network Processing Unit".

NPU (Neural Processing Units) is an AI chip designed to perform AI tasks faster than GPU (graphics processing unit) and CPU (computer processing unit).

The NPU reduces some of the load on the GPU and CPU by taking on small, repetitive processes, allowing the computer to work more efficiently when fulfilling AI-driven requests.

"It seems that we also need to set up a voice assistant development team." Yu Dazui murmured.

In addition to Huawei, other domestic mobile phone companies have also convened their R&D teams to discuss the two functions launched by Shenlan.

They were shocked by the instant voice translation function launched by Deep Blue. This function was a king bomb for them, which directly distinguished their mobile phones from Deep Blue's.

If Deep Blue's instant voice translation function could only translate foreign languages, they wouldn't be so scared.

Because their main battlefield is in China rather than abroad, no matter how powerful this function is, it is only suitable for a few people, those who often travel on business.

But they didn't expect that DeepBlue's instant voice translation function could also translate the nine major Chinese dialects.

The powerful gaming function combined with the instant voice translation function is a sure-fire dimensionality reduction attack. However, they don’t know that this is just the beginning, and some more powerful functions are still to come.


Deep Blue Experience Store in Times Square, New York City.

At this time, there was already a long queue in front of the Deep Blue Experience Store. Only iPhone received such treatment. No one expected that the Deep Blue store would receive such treatment when it opened. This situation also left passers-by stunned.

The manager of the Deep Blue store looked at the clock on the wall and decided to open for business.

Fortunately, the customers queuing at the door were of good quality. They did not rush into the store the moment it opened. Instead, they walked into the deep blue store in an orderly manner.

As soon as they entered the store, they saw a bright red and dark blue GLS2013 placed in the middle of the store.

There are more than a dozen 60 cm wide and 2 meter long exhibition tables on both sides of the car. The tables are filled with dark blue's latest electronic products, and the walls are filled with dark blue smart home appliances.

Washing machines, electric water heaters, dishwashers, sweepers, televisions, electric rice cookers, electric curtains, electric clothes racks, all the electrical appliances that can be used in the home are available.

These customers queuing up are basically here for Shenlan’s smart home appliances.

Home appliance area.

Salesman Doni Roca is introducing Deep Blue's smart home appliances to customers.

"How do you achieve voice control on these home appliances?" asked a customer named Taylor Thornton.

"Sir, our smart home appliances are all connected to the Internet via WIFI. After being connected to the Internet, you can control them through our smart speakers. Our smart speakers are equipped with a voice assistant. You only need to wake up our smart voice assistant to give commands to it." Dongni Roca replied.

"Does your smart speaker have any other functions besides this one?"

"In addition to being able to issue commands to home appliances, our smart speakers also support online music and reading. You can also link your mobile phone to the smart speaker so that you can answer calls from the other party through the smart speaker. In addition, it can also answer many of your questions.

Deep Blue No. 3, help me play Deep Blue Electronics' consumer theme song Dream It Possible." Doni Roca said and immediately demonstrated.

"Okay, master, I'll play Dream It Possible for you right away." A voice responded from the speaker.

After playing 30 seconds of music, Doni Roca connected the smart speaker to the Deep Blue Literature Library to read.

Then Doni Rocca demonstrated the question-and-answer function of the smart speaker on the spot. After watching Doni Rocca's demonstration, the customers exclaimed how awesome it was.

"How much does this smart speaker cost?" asked Taylor Thornton.

"The retail price of our smart speaker is US$199." After saying the price, Donny Roca began to introduce the parameters of the smart speaker.

at noon.

Cupertino Fruit Headquarters, California.

When Cook arrived at the company in the morning, he asked someone to buy a complete set of Deep Blue smart home appliances.

After buying the things, Cook also took Bernie Albers and Siri's chief engineer Hakan Redman to experience these smart appliances.

The experience that DeepBlue smart appliances bring to Cook can only be described as perfect.

"Hakan, can our Siri control home appliances?" Cook asked Hakan Redman who was standing beside him.

"If it's just about controlling home appliances, there's no big problem. We just need to develop a command distribution system," said Hakan Redman.

"How long will it take to get it out?" Cook asked again.

"It will take at least three months," Hakan Redman replied.

"Bernie, you and Hakan work together to develop the function of controlling home appliances and smart speakers for me within three months." Cook looked at Bernie Albers and said.

"Boss, isn't three months too tight?" Bernie Ebers replied.

"If we can't come up with it within three months, the entire market will be taken away by Deep Blue. By then, not only you but also I will be laid off." Cook said helplessly.

"Hakan, can Siri do real-time language translation?" Cook asked.

"Boss, Siri can't do real-time translation like Deep Blue. Real-time translation requires very high computing power. In addition to the high computing power required, the entire program must be loaded into the mobile phone. Unless we can develop a dedicated acceleration chip, we can't implement this function locally.

Deep Blue phones should be equipped with a dedicated acceleration chip, otherwise they would not be able to achieve real-time translation. Their voice technology is at least two eras ahead of ours.

It will take at least five years to develop the technology for us to achieve real-time language translation.

Unless we understand how Deep Blue's real-time language translation works, we won't be able to implement this technology in five years," said Hakan Redman.

Cook's face turned a little ugly after hearing Hakan Redman's reply.

Five years later, the day lilies will be out of fashion, and the fruit will no longer be a problem. Cook doesn't have that long to wait, and the market won't give them that much time either.

If nothing else, the share price of Apple has fallen by 7% this morning. American capitalists are not fools. They may not understand technology, but they know whether the product is good or not.

They knew how far ahead DeepBlue was of Apple just by looking at its advertisements, and they would not cover their losses until DeepBlue said it would launch the same technology.

"If we expand the R&D team to three times its current size, can we get it done within a year?" Cook said, rubbing his temple.

“Boss, I can only say that I will try my best, but I can’t guarantee that I can complete it,” Hakan Redman replied.

"You must develop the function of controlling home appliances within three months," Cook said helplessly.

Real-time translation cannot be developed in a short period of time, so Cook had no choice but to give up. However, he will not let go of smart home appliances. You know, they were the first to launch the smart voice assistant. If they can't even develop smart home appliances, the outside world will think that their technology is far behind Deep Blue.

"Okay, boss." Bernie Abers said speechlessly.

This means that he and his team will spend the next three months in the company.

"Okay, boss," Hakan Redman replied.

"Hakan, when you go back, contact the Human Resources Department immediately and ask them to help you recruit people to expand the R&D team. It's up to you to decide how many people to recruit. I will give you the green light," said Cook.

"Okay, boss," Hakan Redman replied.

Office on the top floor of an antique church-style building at 16 1733th Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wilmer Wasseff has just sent Siegel Brand a new report on Deep Blue.

The think tank raised the danger level of Deep Blue Group from S to SSS. The think tank suggested that Black Rock Group take action against Deep Blue again, and it would be best if Deep Blue's products could be completely banned from sale in the United States.

One reason why the think tank raised Deep Blue to this level is that Deep Blue has opened more than 200 experience stores in Europe and the United States, although more than 200 experience stores are not many for the whole of Europe and the United States.

However, now that they have their own experience store, Shenlan will definitely develop franchise stores.

By then, Deep Blue's franchise stores will surely open all over Europe if they don't stop the development of Deep Blue in time.

If they allow Deep Blue to develop, they are likely to lose tens of thousands or even hundreds of trillions of market value.

"Notify the board members to start the meeting." Siegel Brand said after putting down the report in his hand.

"Okay, boss," said Wilmer Wasseff.

2013:12 a.m. on May 24, 7, China time.

Taihe Garden Villa in Shenzhen.

At this moment, Han Chen was holding Ouyang Sancai and Kong Huimin and sleeping.

"Ding Dong"

[This week's product: glass-based packaging technology, priced at 2 million RMB. ]

[Introduction: This is a packaging technology that can advance the progress of Moore's Law. ]

The chip substrate is used to fix the chips cut from the wafer and is the protagonist of the final step of packaging. The more chips fixed on the substrate, the more transistors the entire chip has.

Since the 70s, chip substrate materials have undergone two iterations. Initially, lead frames were used to fix chips. In the 90s, ceramic substrates replaced lead frames. Now the most common substrate is organic material substrate.

Organic material substrates are easy to process and can also transmit signals at high speed, and have always been regarded as leaders in the chip field.

However, organic material substrates also have some disadvantages, namely, the difference in thermal expansion coefficient between them and the chip is too large. At high temperatures, the connection between the chip and the substrate is easily disconnected, and the chip is burned.

The chip temperature needs to be carefully controlled through thermal throttling, which means that the chip can only maintain maximum performance for a limited time, and then slow down to a slower speed to reduce the temperature. Therefore, the size of the organic substrate is greatly limited, and the material selection of the substrate is crucial to accommodate more transistors within a limited size.

Compared with traditional organic substrates, the thickness of glass substrates can be reduced by about half, which not only consumes less power but also transmits signals faster, which is expected to bring speed and power consumption advantages to large power-consuming chips in servers and data centers.

With through-glass vias now being successfully implemented on glass substrates, next-generation processors will enable more components to be packed into a smaller volume than ever before, resulting in more compact devices and improved performance.

The characteristics of glass substrates are very suitable for chiplets. Since the chiplet design puts forward new requirements for the signal transmission speed, power supply capacity, design and stability of the substrate, these requirements can be met after switching to glass substrates.

Just as Han Chen was checking the glass substrate packaging technology, the cell phone on the bedside table rang.

Han Chen gently pushed Ouyang Sancai aside and reached out to take the phone.

【Caller: Slit Christian】

"Slit, give me a reason for calling me so early to wake me up, otherwise you won't get your salary this month." Han Chen said after answering the phone.

"Boss, something big has happened." Sleater Christian said anxiously.

"What happened?" Han Chen asked.

"A congressman I am familiar with told me that someone in the House of Representatives submitted a proposal. This proposal says that Deep Blue has become a threat to national security. The proposal proposes to ban the sale of Deep Blue products in the United States. This bill will be voted on after Christmas. Once the vote is passed, Deep Blue products will be banned from sale." said Sleater Christian.

"I understand. Is there anything else?" Han Chen replied simply.

Slit Christine was also confused after hearing Han Chen's answer.

Han Chen had already guessed this kind of thing, but he didn't expect them to act so quickly. Fortunately, Deep Blue didn't have many experience stores in the United States, otherwise Deep Blue would have suffered a huge loss this time.

"Boss, I think we should deal with this matter. We can lobby members of Congress." said Sleater Christian.

"Slit, no matter how much you lobby, it's useless. Don't worry, even if the sales in the United States are banned, the company will not fire you. It's just that we've lost the American market. We still have other markets. Losing one market means less profit for us.

If the sale is really banned, then close our stores in America. I have already guessed that this would happen, which is why I don’t allow you to open so many experience stores in America. "Han Chen said.

Slit Christian was also shocked when he heard Han Chen's words. You know, America is the largest market in Europe and the United States, but Deep Blue has only 10 experience stores in America, which is much less than in other countries such as Britain, Germany and France.

Originally, Slit proposed to open 30 experience stores in the United States, but his proposal was rejected by Han Chen.

Now it seems that Han Chen had anticipated this situation long ago, so he didn't open so many stores for him. (End of this chapter)

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