The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 360 350: The valuation of all assets and cash added up to almost trillions of soft girls?

After Changsun Xiaoxiao left, Han Chen came to the X-ray laboratory.


After Han Chen clapped his hands, all the researchers turned their eyes to Han Chen in the center of the laboratory.

"Does anyone among you have experience in developing lidar?" Han Chen asked.

There are two recognition methods for autonomous driving. The first is optical vision recognition, and the other is lidar recognition. The best method is to use both solutions at the same time.

Han Chen already has the SARO artificial intelligence for the optical recognition solution, so the only thing left is the LiDAR recognition solution. Deep Blue does not have a LiDAR research team, so if it wants to use both solutions at the same time.

Either you purchase lidar from other companies, or you develop lidar on your own.

The cost of purchasing laser radar from other companies is very high. The price of laser radar on the market is basically 2 to 3 yuan. Han Chen does not plan to purchase it at such a high price. The only option left is to set up a team to independently develop radar.

Everyone present looked at each other, and for a moment no one stood up.

Just as everyone was still looking at each other, a woman wearing black-framed glasses walked out of the crowd.

"Mr. Han, my name is Cao Changjuan. I studied lidar projects when I was in school." Cao Changjuan raised her hand and said.

"Cao Changjuan, contact those classmates who studied laser radar with you in the past. The company is going to set up a civilian laser radar research and development team. You should collect the numbers of people who are interested in working in the company. I will send someone to ask for their contact information later. From now on, you are the leader of the laser radar research and development team." Han Chen said.

"Ah~." Cao Changjuan was a little surprised when she heard Han Chen's words.

She didn't expect that Han Chen would ask her to be the leader of the lidar research and development team.

"People should be ambitious. You don't want to be a researcher for the rest of your life, do you? I'll let someone from DeepBlue contact you later. If you don't have enough experience in this area, I'll allow you to work with your alma mater on research and development." After Han Chen finished speaking, he turned and left without giving Cao Changjuan a chance to refuse.

After Han Chen left, everyone present congratulated Cao Changjuan.

April 2014, 1, US time.

Qualcomm headquarters in San Diego, California, USA.

Paul Jacob called Cristiano Amon to his office early in the morning to discuss the next generation of products.

"Cristiano, can our next generation GPU keep up with Deep Blue's performance?" asked Paul Jacob.

The Magic Eye mobile game platform let all friendly companies know that mobile games will become the next hot spot, but the chips developed by Qualcomm are simply unable to run Magic Eye games. If their next generation of products still cannot run Magic Eye games.

This means that their products will be completely abandoned by modern young people.

In the eyes of many young people, what is the difference between a mobile phone that cannot play games and the feature phones of ancient times?
You have to know that young people are the main force in purchasing smartphones. How could they give up such an important customer group?

"Boss, GPU is our weak point. We cannot produce decent products in the short term. I suggest that we first cooperate with others, such as NVIDIA or AIT." said Cristiano Amon.

If the improvement is gradual, perhaps their R&D team can keep up with Deep Blue.

However, Deep Blue's performance was far superior to theirs this time. It would be impossible to catch up with Deep Blue in the short term.

The only way is to cooperate with veteran GPU manufacturers such as NVIDIA and ATI.

"How long will it take if we develop it ourselves?" asked Paul Jacob.

Paul Jacob does not want to cooperate with other manufacturers. Cooperating with other manufacturers means sharing money with others, and he does not want to share his money with others, not to mention that NVIDIA and AIT are their competitors.

Nvidia has its own Tiger series CPU, and it is rumored that AMD is also developing its own ARM CPU. Cooperating with them at this time would be aiding the enemy.

"Boss, it will take us at least two years to produce a decent product," said Cristiano Amon.

When Paul Jacob heard Cristiano Amon's answer, his mouth twitched and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

In two years, the day lily has become unpopular.

"Oh." Paul Jacob also sighed when he thought of this.

Since Cristiano Amon can only choose one of the two companies, NVIDIA and ATI, to cooperate with.

China February 2014, 1.

Office of the President of Shenlan Group in Nantian Pioneer Park.

When Han Chen opened his email, he saw the 2013 annual financial reports sent by various subsidiaries.

It has been 80 days since Shenlan's new electronic product was launched on the market.

In the past 80 days, Deep Blue's full range of mobile phones has sold a total of 7257 million units worldwide. The screwdrivers in Deep Blue's own factories and OEM factories are so busy that they are smoking. Deep Blue's sales in two months are more than other companies' sales in a whole year. If calculated from January 2 this year, even Fruit and Sanxing cannot compare with Deep Blue.

Deep Blue has now become the best-selling mobile phone in the world.

The third generation of Deep Blue mobile phones has dominated the market for mobile phones priced above 4000 yuan. The cheaper Deep Blue includes the Deep Blue 3999S priced at 3 yuan, the mid-priced Deep Blue includes the Deep Blue 3, and the high-end mobile phone is naturally dominated by the Deep Blue MAX3.

In addition, Shenlan’s other latest electronic products are also selling very well.

It has been half a year since the Deep Blue GLS2013 was launched on the market. A total of 2013 Deep Blue GLS65 have been delivered worldwide, which is more than twice the number of BBA cars of the same price.

The Deep Blue GLS2013 alone brought 2000 billion in gross profit to the Deep Blue Group. After deducting various costs, the Deep Blue GLS2013 brought 1300 billion in net profit to Deep Blue.

Although DeepBlue Auto brought 1300 billion in net profit to DeepBlue Group in half a year, it still could not replace DeepBlue Electronics as the most profitable subsidiary of DeepBlue Group.


The Deep Blue Film Factory's net profit last year reached 260 billion. With the popularization of smart phones, the market demand is growing, and the profit of the Deep Blue Film Factory is also rising along with sales.

With the launch of Alpha 32 virus remover, Deep Blue Pharmaceuticals' profits have also soared, and Deep Blue Hospital has brought huge profits to Deep Blue Pharmaceuticals.

Including the revenue from the human infant extermination device, Deep Blue Pharmaceuticals' net profit last year was 381 billion.

Last year, Shenlan Security's net profit just from orders from railways across the country reached 235 billion.

DeepBlue Network turned losses into profits last year. Both its gaming division and corporate WeChat brought in huge profits, and WeChat mini-programs have also begun to make profits. The only business that is losing money is its Weibo business.

Although Weibo has a lot of advertising revenue, the advertising revenue still cannot offset the operating costs. However, it is not far from turning losses into profits. Judging from the financial report, it will be able to turn losses into profits next year.

DeepBlue Network's net profit last year was RMB 228 billion, of which RMB 13 billion came from WeChat for Business and the rest came from DeepBlue Games.

With the support of WeChat, Shenlan Zhipin has become the largest human resources company in China, and its net profit has reached 23 billion RMB.

Deep Blue Network Security Company's net profit last year was 689 billion RMB, of which 356 billion came from Deep Blue Cloud business and the remaining 333 billion came from Deep Blue's antivirus and security software.

The software sector has shown explosive growth in the past year, with each month's growth being at least 50% month-on-month. However, according to Xiang Tao's year-end report, there will be a decline next year.

Although Deep Blue Semiconductor's net profit last year was only 269 billion, and although most of Deep Blue's chips are consumed internally, companies still have to keep accounts with each other, and even if the products are sold to their own companies, profits must still be calculated.

DeepBlue Music's net profit last year was 39 billion RMB, of which 33 billion came from music revenue and the remaining 6 million came from reality talent shows.

King Liu's annual dividends are higher than his annual income as a singer or an actor. Now he only needs to review and approve documents in the office and guide some newcomers in the entertainment industry when he has time.

King Liu loves his current life. He goes to work at 9 am and gets off work at 5 pm every day. After get off work, he goes home to be with his wife. He has weekends and holidays to rest.

Shenlan Video has become the most profitable video website in the country so far. Similar products such as LeTV, Tudou and Youku are all in a loss-making state. Shenlan Films is the only online film and television platform that is profitable in the entire network.

Most of Deep Blue Video's film sources are self-produced by the company. The operating cost of Deep Blue Video is less than half of LeTV's. Last year, Deep Blue Video's net profit reached 38 billion RMB.

Deep Blue Media also had a net profit of more than 20 billion last year, most of which came from Moonwalker, while the profits from the artists were negligible.

According to statistics from the financial department, DeepBlue Group's net profit last year was 4924 billion yuan. This revenue does not include DeepBlue Payment, DeepBlue Biochemical and DeepBlue Capital. The reason why these three companies are not included is that DeepBlue Payment and DeepBlue Biochemical are joint ventures, and the annual report will not be released until March at the earliest.

In addition, the dividends of these two companies are only 60% of the net profit. You will not know how much you actually get until the company distributes the dividends, which are usually distributed in June or July.

As for DeepBlue Capital, it is in a state of repeated investment. If the money they invested last year is counted, DeepBlue Capital did not make a penny last year as all the money was expenditure. Under normal circumstances, the profits of these projects will not be calculated before these investment projects are settled.

The only thing that is certain is that DeepBlue Capital invested more than 700 billion RMB last year. If we only calculate the valuation of these investments, the assets have reached more than 3400 billion.

If the valuation of all Han Chen’s assets and cash added together were to be around tens of trillion RMB.

It is no exaggeration to say that Han Chen is as rich as a country. Fortunately, Deep Blue Group is not a listed company, so the outside world can only make an assessment. Only Han Chen himself knows how much money he has, but this assessment alone is scary enough.

After reading the annual report, Han Chen sent an email to the heads of each subsidiary asking them to arrange their holidays.

According to Han Chen's plan, everyone in the entire group, except those who must be on duty, will have a holiday on the 25th.

China February 2014, 1.

There is Tongguan Town in Wangcheng District of Sanxiang.

Yan Shunping is an ordinary worker at Shenlan Automobile Factory. This year can be said to be his most glorious year. It is also the year in which he made the most money after working for many years.

Before the New Year, Deep Blue Auto Factory gave him a year-end bonus of 9 RMB in addition to his salary. The total amount he received including his salary and year-end bonus was 11 RMB.

At this moment, Yan Shunping was sitting in front of the TV with his parents, turning on the TV, when his cell phone rang.


The incoming call was from an unfamiliar number, but Yan Shunping still answered the call.

"Who is this?" Yan Shunping asked after answering the phone.

"Yan Shunping, I am the project manager of Shenlan Auto Plant hired by Shenlan Direct. Because you violated company regulations and privately exposed your salary slip, the company has decided to dismiss you. The company will give you reasonable compensation in accordance with formal procedures. Please come to the company after the New Year for coordination." A female voice came from the receiver.

"What? Fire me? Why fire me?" Yan Shunping said in astonishment.

His annual salary at Shenlan Automobile Factory totaled more than 200,000 yuan. How could Yan Shunping be willing to give up this job?

"Yes, we told you when you joined the company that the company does not allow employees to disclose their pay slips. You have violated the company's regulations, and management has decided to fire you," said the specialist from Shenlan Zhipin.

Because this year's salary plus year-end bonus was relatively large, Yan Shunping took a photo of his salary slip and posted it on Weibo.

His Weibo post was on the top of Weibo's hot search headlines in just 10 minutes. After the Weibo administrator learned about this, he immediately reported it to the management, who immediately ordered the technical department to delete the message. Later, Weibo management retrieved his personal information and sent it to Shenlan Zhipin.

Based on the personal information sent on Weibo, Shenlan Zhipin determined that the person who leaked the salary slip was Yan Shunping.

After discussion, the management of Shenlan Zhipin decided to fire Yan Shunping, and this decision was also approved by the new president Zhu Xiaotong.

"I don't accept it. When did I leak the salary slip?" Yan Shunping asked angrily.

"You posted the salary slip on Weibo. Weibo is a product of our group. Weibo is a real-name system product. We can find it by simply checking the data. If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you can apply for arbitration to the Shenzhen Labor Department. I have told you everything I should tell you. Remember to come to the company after the new year to handle the handover procedures.

Otherwise, the company will sue you for leaving without handing over the work." The Deep Blue Direct Hiring specialist said and hung up the phone. (End of this chapter)

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