BOE headquarters in Beijing.

Just 1 second ago, Chen Shunyan received a call from Han Chen.

"Mr. Han, how come you have time to call me?" Chen Shunyan asked with a smile after answering the phone.

"Mr. Chen, Deep Blue Lab has successfully developed a printer for OLED. The efficiency of our printer is twice that of the latest vapor deposition machine. The accuracy of this printer reaches 1 micron, and it can produce OLED panels of up to 2940x3370 mm. I wonder if BOE is interested in our equipment?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"Mr. Han, what you just said was that you developed a printer for OLED?" Chen Shunyan asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Han Chen nodded.

Chen Shunyan suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

Using a printer to make OLED panels?

This production method has exceeded his cognition. If the technology Han Chen said is true, this is no longer just an overtaking curve, this technology is already far ahead.

"Mr. Han, I wonder how much your printer costs?" Chen Shunyan asked after calming down.

"Mr. Chen, we don't plan to sell this kind of printer to the outside world. I plan to invest in the company in kind and in cash. Before I called you, I had someone find out about BOE's situation. I plan to use 10 printers and 30 billion in cash to acquire 30% of BOE's shares.

These ten printers are enough for BOE to convert all its production lines to OLED. The cost of using our printer to produce OLED is about the same as that of LCD. I believe Mr. Chen knows what it means to have 10 printers. "Han Chen said.

Chen Shunyan certainly knows what this means. It means that LCD will be eliminated and OLED will replace LCD. LCD is no longer necessary.

In addition, a precision of 1 micron can produce 8K or even 16K resolution LCD panels.

1K and 2K resolutions will become a thing of the past thanks to Deep Blue's technology.

"Mr. Han, if your printer is really as good as you said, I can agree to your condition of investing in BOE." Chen Shunyan said.

The price of OLED is nearly twice that of LCD. If the production cost can be very low using Deep Blue technology, BOE can become the industry leader with its price advantage.

"Mr. Chen, I'll have someone ship the prototype we have to your factory. You can use this prototype to conduct trial production first. If the trial production results are the same as what I said just now, then we can finalize the contract." Han Chen said.

"No problem." Chen Shunyan said.

"Mr. Chen, give me an address and I'll arrange for someone to deliver it. By the way, let our technicians go over to teach you how to use it." Han Chen said.

"Okay, I'll send the address via WeChat later." Chen Shunyan replied.

"Okay, then I'll contact the transportation company and have it delivered to you in the next two days." Han Chen said.

"No problem." Chen Shunyan replied.

"Okay, I'll hang up if there's nothing else." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Chen Shunyan replied.

September 2014, 2, China time.

BOE S2 factory in Beijing.

In the dust-free factory No. 1, Carol Pacheco is leading Deep Blue researchers to assemble the last few parts of the printer.

When Chen Shunyan learned that the printer was about to be assembled, he came to the factory in person.

Twenty minutes later, Deep Blue's researchers finally installed the printer. After confirming that there was no problem with the printer, a researcher immediately came to Carol Pacheco to report the situation.

"Director Carroll, the printer has been installed and can be started." Researcher Cao Guanglin reported.

"Zhang, turn on the power and start the device." Carol Pacheco said to a researcher standing next to the printer not far away.

"Okay, Director." Zhang Guilin replied.

As the machine started up, the tablet monitor in Carol Pacheco's hand was connected to the device.

In addition to the control console on the machine, this Deep Blue printer can also be controlled by connecting to a tablet computer via WIFI.

"Mr. Chen, our printer is working properly now. You can let your technician come over now and I will teach your technician how to use it." said Carol Pacheco.

"Okay, Mr. Carroll." Chen Shunyan said.

Chen Shunyan then called their technical director to learn from Carol Pacheco.

After half an hour.

BOE's technical director has already learned how to operate this printer.

"Our printer can print up to 32K OLEDs. Currently, no one in the market can produce substrates of such high specifications, so we can only use 2K substrates for trial production," said Carol Pacheco.

"No problem." Chen Shunyan nodded.

Because it was a trial production, Carol Pacheco only allowed them to put in 20 panels.

20分钟后20块尺寸为2200mm×2500mm的OLED板从传送带里面传送出来,不是他们不想用2940x3370 mm的OLED板,而是他们手头上就只有这么大尺寸的OLED面板而已。

These panels were purchased by Deep Blue Group. Since BOE does not have a vapor deposition machine, they did not purchase these things.

"Mr. Chen, you can have your people test these panels now." said Carol Pacheco.

"Mr. Carroll, why don't we go to the laboratory together to wait for the results?" Chen Shunyan said.

"No problem." Carol Pacheco nodded.

Then a group of people brought the freshly printed panels to the laboratory for inspection. The simplest way to test the panel resolution is to use a microscope to check whether the pixel size and density on the panel meet the requirements.

After confirming that there is no problem with the pixels, the next step is to check the pixels to see if there are dead pixels or bright pixels on the OLED panel.

Bright pixels and dead pixels determine the yield rate of OLED panels.

The inspection results surprised BOE's technicians. The yield rate of these 20 panels reached 100%, and the accuracy was the same as what Carol Pacheco said.

The technicians then sent a panel for disassembly and cutting, which took about 5 minutes. After cutting, they installed the panel on the testing equipment, and the OLED panel displayed the picture after power was turned on.

"Mr. Chen, it's a success. There is no problem with the product." Tang Zusen shouted excitedly.

"I saw it." Chen Shunyan nodded.

"We don't have to look at Canon's face anymore." Tang Zusen said. "Mr. Carroll, how long does it take you to produce a printer?" Chen Shunyan looked at Carroll Pacheco and asked.

"We have enough spare parts in our laboratory, so we can easily produce 10 such printers, which means we can produce one every two months on average," replied Carol Pacheco.

"Mr. Carroll, thank you for your hard work. It's getting late. Why don't we go eat first?" Chen Shunyan said after looking at his watch.

“No problem,” Carol Pacheco replied.

September 2014, 2, China time.

An announcement released by BOE shocked the entire stock market. BOE has been on a trend of a ten-thousand-year loom, and after the news came out, funds immediately pushed its stock price to the daily limit.

[The company plans to raise 84 billion yuan from specific targets. ]

[BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. will raise 2024 billion yuan from the specific target Deep Blue Group in 84. Deep Blue Group will invest in Deep Blue Group with special equipment and 30 billion yuan in cash. At that time, the company will issue 42 billion shares to Deep Blue Group. Since Deep Blue Group has entrusted its voting rights to the State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., this additional issuance will not have any impact on the company's controlling rights. In addition, this additional issuance will not have any impact on the company's operations, so this additional issuance does not need to be suspended. 】

The reason why Han Chen was able to acquire shares in BOE so smoothly is that BOE's current market value is only 280 billion.

After seeing this information, investors also talked about it.

"Fuck, 42 billion shares means a 30% stake. Doesn't this mean DeepBlue is BOE's largest shareholder?"

"Fuck, it's been less than two seconds and BOE's loom has reached its daily limit."

"Don't you think about who invested in BOE? It was Deep Blue Group. The announcement said that Deep Blue invested in BOE with special equipment and cash. Deep Blue's technology is world-leading, which means that BOE has obtained new technology from Deep Blue. With Deep Blue's technology, it will not be a problem for BOE to surpass Sanxing LG."

"I dare say that BOE can at least rise by 10 boards. It will definitely not rise without 10 straight boards. The equipment of Deep Blue must be extraordinary. Otherwise, how could BOE agree to Deep Blue's investment in the form of equipment and cash?"

"The entire BOE is worth just over 280 billion. If I were Deep Blue, I would just buy BOE directly."

"Brother, BOE's major shareholder is a state-owned asset management company. How could they easily sell the company to a private person? Didn't you see in the announcement that Deep Blue didn't even take the voting rights, but directly gave the voting rights to the state-owned asset management company for management?"

"You don't understand Deep Blue at all. Deep Blue is the major shareholder of our company. Deep Blue has more shares than our boss, but Deep Blue never asks about the company's affairs. Unless the company suffers serious losses or makes a major decision, Deep Blue will not interfere with the company's operations. What is pattern? Deep Blue's approach is pattern. They believe in leaving professional matters to professionals."

"Our company's major shareholder is also Deep Blue, but our treatment is not as good as that of Deep Blue's direct subordinates. Deep Blue's people never interfere with the company's management. They only come to check the financial statements and so on. However, they are very strict when they check the accounts. Our company's purchasing director took kickbacks and was directly reported to the police and sent to prison. Although Deep Blue is involved in the management of the company, they are very strict in combating corruption."

"That's off topic. What equipment did Deep Blue use to acquire shares?"

"Currently, the most advanced liquid crystal in the world is OLED. BOE cannot produce OLED, and it won't sell us the equipment to produce OLED. It goes without saying that these equipment are definitely used to produce OLED, and these equipment are definitely better than the performance of chicken feet basins, otherwise BOE would not have allowed Deep Blue to invest in it with the equipment.

You have to know that the valuation of these devices is as high as 54 billion, and the price of a single device is at least 5 million or 10 billion per device. "

"With 15 billion in funds, it's not even our turn to hit the board."

"I feel that this time BOE's price will at least go up to 10 yuan. It's normal for Deep Blue's stake to increase tenfold, right?"

"Even if it increases 10 times, it's only 3000 billion. Look at the companies under Deep Blue, which one is not worth hundreds of billions."

at the same time.

The headquarters building of South Korea's Sanxing shows the office of the president of the business department.

Zhang Yuanji was processing daily documents when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Zhang Yuanji responded.

The person who came was Jiang Xuanjun, the chief operating officer of Sanxing. He had just received the news from BOE and came to report the matter as soon as possible.

"President." Jiang Xuanjun bowed after entering the door.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yuanji asked.

"President, just now China's BOE announced that Deep Blue Group has invested in them. Deep Blue Group invested in them in the form of equipment and cash. According to the think tank's speculation, these devices are most likely vapor deposition equipment." Jiang Xuanjun said.

Zhang Yuanji began to frown when he heard Jiang Xuanjun's words.

Since DeepBlue Group purchased panels from BOE, Chinese mobile phone manufacturers have placed orders with BOE, which has also caused them to lose a lot of orders. BOE is eroding their market share step by step.

If the equipment that Deep Blue invested in is indeed a vapor deposition machine, it means that BOE has the ability to produce OLEDs, which also means that BOE can compete in the high-end market.

This is definitely not good news for Shanxing Display.

Although BOE's products still have a certain gap in technology compared to theirs, BOE's products are cheaper than theirs.

In the past year, they have lowered prices several times in order to compete with BOE in the LCD market.

The price reduction also caused them to lose a lot of profits.

"Let the Chinese people investigate what equipment Deep Blue used to acquire shares in BOE." Zhang Yuanji said after thinking it over.

There is an old Chinese saying that goes "know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle." Before he was sure what these devices were, he couldn't make a corresponding response strategy, but Zhang Yuanji had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"Okay, President." Jiang Xuanjun replied.

September 2014, 2, China time.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

In a dormitory.

Han Yanping found that his hard drive was almost full, so he decided to purchase a hard drive online. After experiencing's delivery speed, Han Yanping became a loyal user of

So Han Yanping habitually opens the app. After opening the app, he clicks on the digital section.

A dark blue advertisement was pushed on the homepage of the digital section.

"The Deep Blue 500G solid-state drive is only 599 yuan and supports SATA3.0 with a read and write speed of 600Mb/s."

"Fuck, Deep Blue's solid-state hard drive is so cheap." Han Yanping said in surprise.

"Yanping, what's going on?" asked the roommate.

"Deep Blue has launched a solid-state drive that supports SATA, with a maximum read and write speed of 600MB," Han Yanping replied.

“Tsk, what’s so surprising about such a slow speed? My hard drive has a read speed of 3.5Gb/s and a write speed of 2.8Mb/s,” my roommate replied.

Han Yanping rolled his eyes at him. The other party was using a Deep Blue workstation, and it was a top-of-the-line model. His computer was just an antique. How could he compare with the other party's? (End of this chapter)

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