Half past two in the afternoon.

On a piece of wasteland less than 10 kilometers away from the Deep Blue Industrial Park.

Yuan Zhengyang led a dozen staff members to work on the wasteland. They leveled the wasteland manually and placed an iron plate on it after leveling.

In a short while, six staff members put a rocket with a radius of 40 cm and a height of 3 meters on the iron plate.

After the rocket was installed, everyone present immediately retreated to a safe area on the sightseeing bus.

This rocket is a small test rocket developed by the R&D department of Deep Blue Aerospace Co., Ltd. for simulating data.

A staff member trotted to the trunk of a dark blue GLS2013, where Yuan Zhengyang, the person in charge of rocket research and development, was adjusting data.

"Director, the rocket has been installed." Tian Jinan reported.

"Has everyone retreated to the safe area?" Yuan Zhengyang asked while typing on the keyboard.

"Director, everyone has withdrawn." Tian Jinan replied.

"Are all the computers connected to the rocket?" Yuan Zhengyang asked, looking at the five researchers who were sitting on portable cloth chairs and typing on keyboards.

"They're all connected." Five staff members replied in unison.

"Camera crew, turn on all the cameras and start recording." Yuan Zhengyang said to the camera crew standing not far away.

In addition to collecting data sent back by computers, they also have to record images of the rocket launch. If there is any problem with the rocket outside, the data sent back by the computer will not be recorded.

"We're ready, Director," said the researcher in charge of filming.

"The rocket will be tested after 10 seconds." Yuan Zhengyang said.

After Yuan Zhengyang finished speaking, he pressed the rocket on the laptop, and the rocket would ignite in 10 seconds.

Ten seconds later, the rocket ignited successfully as they had imagined, and soon the rocket flew into the sky under powerful thrust. The fuel in the rocket was only enough for the rocket to fly 10 meters, and in the blink of an eye the rocket reached the predetermined height.

The rocket then falls vertically back to the ground under the action of grid wing panels and cold thrusters.

However, when the rocket fell back to 50 meters, it tilted slightly, and finally landed vertically at an angle of 37 degrees.

When the rocket was 30 meters away from the ground, the rocket's tripod extended under the action of hydraulics, and the rocket was successfully ignited at this time. Unfortunately, the rocket body was already tilted.

When it finally landed on the ground, it deviated from its original location by nearly 200 meters. One of the rocket's feet landed on the ground and fell to the ground with a loud bang. The rocket also flipped sideways on the ground because it failed to maintain balance.


They failed to successfully recover the rocket this time, but they did find the problem with the rocket.

The grid wing panels and cold thrusters failed to adjust the rocket body to the optimal state, and for this reason the rocket failed to land according to the original trajectory.

"The recovery team, go and recover the rocket for me. We will launch the second rocket in an hour." At Yuan Zhengyang's command, everyone started to act.

The person in charge of recovery drove a forklift to the place where the rocket landed. The data team was analyzing today's data, and then they would send the data back to the headquarters to simulate it using the headquarters' supercomputer.

Twenty minutes later.

They adjusted the parameters and simulated again, and this time the simulation passed the supercomputer.

As for the staff who recovered the rocket, they have already recovered the rocket.

Next they will launch a second rocket for testing.

"The second test launch will be launched in 10 seconds. All departments should pay attention to recording the rocket launch information." Yuan Zhengyang said after confirming that everything was in place.

Ten seconds later, the rocket ignited successfully as they had expected, and soon the rocket flew into the sky under powerful thrust.


The rocket exploded when it reached a height of 100 meters.

"What caused the explosion?" Yuan Zhengyang asked several researchers who were recording data.

These rockets are all exactly the same, so logically they shouldn't explode, but this time they did.

"Director, there's a problem with the control system." A female researcher wearing gold-rimmed glasses replied.

The company suffered a direct loss of RMB 230 million due to the failure of the two rocket launches. If they had not produced a scaled-down version of the test rocket, the cost of the launch failure would have been much higher.

The first rocket did not suffer much damage and should be usable after some manual repairs.

In this way, they launched 20 rockets repeatedly, but none of these 20 rockets landed successfully. One round of testing cost 5000 million RMB.

However, they also collected a lot of useful data during this test launch, which will become the foundation for successful launches in the future.

However, their test launch was also posted online by some netizens who happened to pass by.

Although the netizens passing by did not see them in person, they saw the rockets rising hundreds of meters into the air. Fortunately, their test launch had been approved, and some cadres had sent people over to observe.

"I heard a loud noise when I passed by Nantianbei Road in the afternoon, so I looked up in the direction of the noise. I saw a big fireball in the sky. You don't know how scared I was at that time. I thought it was a missile from the Chicken Man."

"I heard the noise when I passed by, and I saw a big ball of fire just like you. Does anyone know what happened?"

"There were no air defense sirens or warnings, which means it wasn't an enemy attack or anything. Could it be fireworks?"

"What a shitty firework. I know the details. Someone was testing a rocket there. But the rocket was a little small. It must be some company doing an experiment."

"Nantian Avenue is the road that Deep Blue Group is on. Deep Blue has hired many people to research rockets. These rockets are most likely experiments conducted by Deep Blue."

“Isn’t it illegal to test rockets in the suburbs?”

"Deep Blue should have obtained the test launch approval. What's more, they are testing a test rocket. Test rockets are very small and will not fly very high. Anyone within a 5-kilometer radius can test it. Don't ask me how I know this. I am responsible for approving this matter."

"I was riding my bike and passed by when I heard the explosion. I waited on the side of the road for Deep Blue to test. I saw them test-fire five rockets, three of which exploded in the air. It seems that Deep Blue Group's cross-industry rocket business is not going to work this time." "You think rockets are things like mobile phones and cars. Rockets are much more difficult to manufacture than mobile phones and cars. It is normal for problems to occur. A rocket needs to do a lot of tests before it is officially tested. This is why few people dare to invest in rocket companies."

"I just want to ask if rocket launches have a future? We can only launch a few rockets in a year, and if the launch fails, we will lose everything."

"If Deep Blue Group can get orders like SpaceX, it can still make money, but the money earned from this thing is not as much as that from mobile phones and cars. However, no company that can make a rocket is simple."

"I think the Deep Blue Group's rocket business is not as simple as you think. There must be some black technology that the Deep Blue Group needs to use in rockets."

"The big brother upstairs has a really rich imagination."

2014:5 pm, May 8, 5, US time.

Sleet Christian and his wife were sleeping in bed when the cell phone on the table suddenly rang, waking him up from his sleep with the noisy sound.

He picked up the phone and saw that the caller was Elwan Kitt, the technical director of Deep Blue Group's American branch.

"Erwan, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you won't get your bonus this month." Slit Christian cursed after answering the phone.

"Boss, I just received a message from the hosting center that our servers there were stolen and all the disk array cabinets were lost." said Elvan Kitt.

"The security of the hosting center has always been good, so how come a disk array cabinet was stolen? What do the security guards at the hosting center do for a living? Have they called the police? How do they plan to handle this matter?" Slit Christine asked with a frown.

"Boss, the hosting center admitted that it was their negligence. They have already reported the case to the police station. They said they would compensate us for our losses in full. It's just that the disk array cabinets were stolen. The data of the voice assistant and OTA are stored in those array cabinets. If we don't replenish the equipment in time, our voice assistant and system OTA will no longer be usable." said Elwan Kitt.

"You go to the hosting center right now, and I'll deliver the array cabinet there right away." said Slit Christian.

"Okay, boss." said Elwan Kitt.

After thinking it over, Slit decided to tell Han Chen about this matter. After all, the loss of the disk array cabinet was a very serious matter.

The President's Office of Shenlan Group in Shenlan Industrial Park.

In the office, Gulina was lying on Han Chen's thighs and acting coquettishly to Han Chen. Gulina asked Han Chen to take her to Sanya to play for a few days.

"Okay, let me see how to arrange it." Han Chen pinched Gulina's butt and gave her a kiss.

At this moment, Han Chen's cell phone on the table rang. After hearing the phone ringing, Gulina handed the phone to Han Chen. Han Chen frowned when he saw that the caller was Slit. The other party should know that it was early morning in America, and it was definitely not a good thing for the other party to call him at this time.

"Slit, what's the matter that you called me so early?" Han Chen asked after answering the phone.

"Boss, the server we hosted in the data center was stolen, and all the disk array cabinets were lost." said Slit Christian.

Han Chen knew that these thieves were after their data. The disk array cabinet stored the data of the voice assistant and OTA. Most of these people were after the data of these two things. Either Google or other mobile phone manufacturers sent people to steal it.

Fortunately, the data inside is encrypted, so even if they steal it back, it will be useless and will cause them serious losses.

Once someone forcibly cracks the data inside, the program hidden in the data will run, and the database will then release a super virus, and all computer data infected by the virus will be cleared.

"What did the hosting center say?" Han Chen asked.

"The care center admitted that it was their negligence. They have reported the case to the police station and said they would compensate us for our losses in full," said Sleet Christine.

"Notify the supplier to replace the lost disk array cabinet first. Also, find the best lawyer in the United States and ask for the highest possible compensation. After the disk array cabinet is installed, import the backup database data as soon as possible to restore it to normal. Also, issue an announcement to the public to explain the matter." Han Chen said.

"Okay, boss," Sleater Christian replied.

September 2014, 4 at 2:9 U.S. time.

A high-end apartment on Wall Street.

Amel Welch spent 60,000 US dollars to purchase Deep Blue's whole-house smart home a week ago, which brought him great convenience.

Because the alarm on the smart speaker did not ring, Amer is still sleeping in bed.

At this moment, the cell phone that Amel Welch placed on the table rang, and the noisy ringtone woke up Amel Welch who was still sleeping.

"Christine, you'd better give me a reason to wake me up so early." Amel Welch said unhappily as he held out his cell phone.

"Boss, it's already 9:9. Didn't you say that you would have a meeting at : in the morning? Now the management is waiting for you in the conference room," said Christian Ottofo.

"Fuck, 9:?" Amel Welch said in a trance.

After hearing 9:9, he immediately jumped out of bed. Then he looked at the time on his mobile phone and found that it was already :.

"Yes, it's already half past nine," said Christine Ottofo.

"I overslept today. Please tell them to change the meeting to the afternoon." Amel Welch scratched his head and said.

It was too late for him to rush to the company now, but fortunately he was the boss of the company, so he could only ask his employees to accommodate him.

"Okay, boss, if it's nothing else, I'll just hang up now." said Christine Ottofo.

"Yeah." Amel Welch nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Amel Welch decided to check his phone to see if there were any more messages.

Because Americans don't like to work overtime and they don't like to get up in the early morning to work.

This also resulted in the sales company not having delivered the 9 disk array cabinets to the hosting company by 30 a.m.

Fortunately, Deep Blue can send messages to mobile phone users around the world through China's servers. After receiving the information, Deep Blue also sent a message to users in the United States.

When Amel Welch was checking the information, he also saw the message sent by Deep Blue to all American users.

[Because of the theft in our hosting room last night, all the hard disks used for our voice assistant server were stolen, causing DeepBlue Voice Assistant to be temporarily unavailable. For this, we would like to express our deepest apologies to all users. We are currently repairing the server and it is expected to be back to normal before 12 noon. ]

Although DeepBlue has a backup database for backup, the speed of backing up the database is very slow and cannot support the operation of the voice assistant at all.

This is also the reason why the voice assistant server has not been restored yet. (End of this chapter)

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