May 2014, 5, China time.

2:20 p.m.

DeepBlue Auto has sent invitations to the Queqiao Technology Launch Conference to global automakers.

Because the invitation letter was sent by Deep Blue Auto, no car company would refuse Deep Blue's invitation. They also wanted to see what Deep Blue was going to release this time. The fact that Deep Blue invited them to attend the launch conference meant that they could use the technology to be released this time.

May 2014, 5, China time.

Conference Room 1, Sunshine Hotel, Shenzhen.

A total of 67 car companies from around the world attended the press conference this time. Foreign companies sent the CEO of the Chinese region to attend the press conference. Some domestic car companies also sent their own representatives. The bosses of some smaller car companies even came to attend the press conference in person.

Whether you have heard of these car companies or not, all of them will attend this press conference.

Domestic and foreign car companies were divided into two factions and arranged on both sides of the venue.

When Ford CEO David Schwartz entered the venue, the staff gave him a dark blue max3 and a wireless headset.

"Mr. Xiao Dawei, our press conference this time will be delivered entirely in Chinese. You can listen to the content of the meeting through DeepBlue's real-time translation function. The wireless headset has been paired with our mobile phone. When the meeting starts, you only need to turn on the real-time translation function on your mobile phone.

You can take this phone away directly after the meeting. This phone is a gift from our company to the participants." said the staff.

Don’t be fooled by his name Xiao Dawei, he is actually a foreigner. His English name is David Schoch, which means Xiao Dawei.

"Oh, thank you." Xiao Dawei replied with a smile.

Although Xiao Dawei has enough money to buy a mobile phone, it is still nice to receive gifts.

In order to treat everyone equally, not only foreign guests attending the press conference received a mobile phone, but representatives of domestic car companies also received a Deep Blue Max3 phone.

In a blink of an eye, it was half past two.

All 67 car companies have entered the venue and the lights have dimmed at this time.

Zhu Xiaotong walked slowly from the right side of the stage to the center of the stage with a smile on her face.

Max almost vomited blood when he saw Zhu Xiaotong. Zhu Xiaotong had previously asked him to resign but did not say where she was going. He did not expect that Zhu Xiaotong would come to work at Deep Blue Auto after resigning.

He just sent a representative to negotiate with Han Chen, but he didn't expect that this representative was poached by the other party.

Who wouldn’t be depressed if something like this happened?

Originally, this press conference was to be hosted by Ma Changan, but after discussion it was decided that Zhu Xiaotong would host it.

"Welcome everyone to the Magpie Bridge Technology Conference. I am Zhu Xiaotong, CEO of DeepBlue Auto. I believe everyone is very curious about what Magpie Bridge is. Magpie Bridge is a shortwave broadcasting technology that is mainly used for data exchange. The effective data exchange distance is up to 100 meters.

This shortwave broadcast technology operates a bit like WIFI. It can send and receive content on the same channel within 100 meters, allowing cars within 100 meters to form a small local area network. This technology is generally used in driverless driving.

Cars in the local area network will share their own data and the data of cars within a hundred meters with others.

The technology used by Magpie Bridge is the latest one developed by Deep Blue Lab.
I believe everyone is very curious about what role sharing the data in the car with other cars can play?

We have integrated the Magpie Bridge technology with ABS and ABS to develop a new AEBS. If all cars on the road use the Magpie Bridge technology, can cars within a hundred meters judge the situation of nearby cars through data?

Once the car in front brakes suddenly, makes an emergency avoidance maneuver, or loses control, AEBS can use data to make judgments and intervene in the car to avoid a collision between the two cars and cause an accident?
Our technology can make emergency avoidance maneuvers at speeds of up to 200 km/h.

Next, let’s watch our experimental video.” Zhu Xiaotong said, waving his hand towards the big screen.

After listening to Zhu Xiaotong's introduction, everyone present was stunned to hear that the integration of Magpie Bridge into ABS can enable emergency avoidance at a speed of 200 hours.

Currently, the most advanced AEBS in the world can only make avoidance maneuvers at a maximum speed of 130 km/h, but Deep Blue's technology can actually make avoidance maneuvers at a speed of 200 km/h.

The video shows Ma Changan and his team testing on a closed section of highway.

Moreover, the test environment is extremely complex. There are cars in front, behind, left and right of the test vehicle. The car in front suddenly brakes suddenly. After receiving the information, the vehicle on the right accelerates and follows the vehicle behind the braking car to change lanes perfectly.

"I believe you can see from the video that our AEBS are linked together. After car No. 1 brakes suddenly, car No. 2 accelerates. The acceleration of car No. 2 makes way for car No. 3, thus preventing car No. 3 from hitting car No. 2 when it avoids," Zhu Xiaotong introduced as the video played.

The audience was also shocked after seeing this scene. They had never thought that AEBS could be linked. If all cars were equipped with Deep Blue ABS, the probability of accidents would definitely be reduced to the bottom.

Then the video played a second emergency avoidance scenario.

There were also three vehicles, and car number three, which was at the back, suddenly stepped on the accelerator to accelerate.

Car No. 1 in the front found that something was wrong and immediately switched to the lane beside it to give way to the car on the right. Car No. 2, which was moving forward in sync with Car No. 1, slowed down after receiving the information and gave way to Car No. 2.

"This type of linked AEBS is really powerful."

"If all cars were equipped with this AEBS, the accident rate could be reduced by at least 50%."

"I didn't expect that Deep Blue's AEBS could detect the sudden acceleration of the car behind. The ABS integrated with the Magpie Bridge technology is really amazing."

"This technology of information sharing to achieve avoidance is amazing."

"I just don't know how much Deep Blue's technology will sell for."

"Deep Blue has brought out such an amazing technology this time. As long as the price of Deep Blue is not too expensive, the ABS manufacturers in the Expo will probably cry."

"I just don't know how Deep Blue charges for this technology."

"If Deep Blue wants to forcefully promote this technology, the fee will definitely not be too expensive."

Just as the representatives of the car companies attending the press conference said, if Deep Blue's technology can be promoted, it will not only reduce the accident rate by 90%, but even if it can be reduced by 30%, it will be a very impressive thing.

"I believe everyone has a certain understanding of the technology we released today. I believe everyone is most concerned about the price of the Queqiao technology. I believe many car companies here have their own AEBS technology. It is not appropriate for us to force Queqiao and Deep Blue's AEBS to be bundled together.

So we sell the communication module of Queqiao and the AEBS with Queqiao separately.

You can purchase our Queqiao communication module separately and integrate it into your own AEBS technology.

The price of a single set of Queqiao communication module is RMB 199, which is the final price of the Queqiao communication module. That is to say, no matter how many sets you buy, the price is RMB 199 per set. We will provide all interfaces and development support for the Queqiao communication module.

The price of a complete set of Queqiao AEBS is RMB 5999 per set, which is also the final price of Queqiao ABS.

In addition, I would like to tell you another piece of information, which is that the Magpie Bridge technology can be used for unmanned driving. I believe that many people are already developing unmanned driving technology and applying Magpie Bridge to unmanned driving.

I have mentioned before that Magpie Bridge is not just a shortwave broadcasting technology for non-public channels.

We can also use the Magpie Bridge technology to measure the distance of surrounding cars.

I believe everyone should know what this means.

This means that we can use Magpie Bridge to judge the distance of surrounding cars, and the autonomous driving system can make driving judgments based on the distance of the cars. Magpie Bridge can greatly reduce the difficulty of autonomous driving. "Zhu Xiaotong said.

"The Queqiao communication module is not expensive, but the price of the Queqiao AEBS is too expensive."

"The Queqiao AEBS is a little expensive, but it has a high avoidance speed, which even BMW cannot achieve."

"This thing is a little off, but it's a big mistake. Deep Blue invested so much money in it, they should make back the R&D cost."

"If you want to achieve a 200 kph evasion speed, all the cars around you must be equipped with the Magpie Bridge technology. Even if you don't know what the evasion speed is for the cars around you that don't have ABS installed."

"Yes, the cars on the road now are not equipped with Magpie Bridge. If we want to fully utilize Magpie Bridge AEBS, all cars must be equipped with it."

"If Deep Blue promotes it well, I believe many people will install Deep Blue's AEBS. It all depends on whether the car companies are willing to license the interface to Deep Blue."

"If a red-headed document comes down from above, do you think other car companies dare not provide Deep Blue with interfaces?"

"That's right. Deep Blue can sell the Queqiao module to manufacturers of dashcams. As long as they get a document from the top requiring them to install dashcams with the Queqiao module, the Queqiao technology will be popularized throughout the country in less than half a year."

"Isn't this a disguised way of helping Deep Blue to monopolize the market?"

"Deep Blue only sells modules and not dashcams. Even if Deep Blue sells dashcams, so what? Deep Blue has never said that it will not sell modules to others. How can you say that Deep Blue Group has a monopoly? Besides, Deep Blue's technology does benefit the transportation department. I can't think of a reason to reject Deep Blue.

Besides, the wool comes from the sheep, and it is the consumers who pay for it in the end. How can you afford a car without a few thousand dollars?"

"As long as it can reduce the probability of accidents, what's wrong with forcing car owners to install Magpie Bridge? Besides, if you are the car owner, you will buy it. Installing this thing can reduce the probability of accidents. In your case, would you install it or not?"

"I'm willing to spend tens of thousands more as long as it keeps me from crashing. What do you think is more important than your own life?"

The guy sitting in the front row also agreed with them.

For them, the fewer accidents the better, so they can avoid a lot of trouble. Of course, the most important issue is traffic safety.

Although most of the cars on the road now are old cars, forcing them to install Magpie Bridge is paving the way for the future.

"Lao Zhang, I think what the representatives of the car companies said is right. I think the plan that Shenlan submitted to us before can be submitted to the central government for approval. This is paving the way for road safety in our country. If all cars use Magpie Bridge technology, the accident rate can be reduced by at least 30% each year. After it is popularized nationwide, the accident rate can be reduced to at least 60 accidents." Yi Ge said to Zhang Haoqiang on the side.

Yi Ge came to the press conference secretly wearing a mask, and he was one of the first people to enter, so no one recognized him.

"Deep Blue's technology is indeed desirable and has played a big role in traffic safety," said Zhang Lichen of the Ministry of Transport.

The boss has already recognized Deep Blue's technology, so it is not easy for him to refute it. Besides, if this technology can be promoted, it will be a good political achievement for him.

In a blink of an eye, we came to the question and answer session.

"I wonder if anyone here has any questions? If you have any questions, please raise your hands now and I will answer them for you," Zhu Xiaotong asked.

At this time, Kong Changlin, the representative of JAC Motors, raised his hand.

"Mr. Zhu, I am Kong Changlin, the general manager of JAC Motors. I would like to ask if AEBS can be split and sold? After all, the price of AEBS is too expensive, and we only want to purchase ABS." Kong Changlin said.

"Mr. Kong, Deep Blue's AEBS is not sold separately. You can wait for a while and purchase from other manufacturers. I believe other manufacturers will launch separate ABS." Zhu Xiaotong replied.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun." Kong Changlin said and sat down.

"Mr. Zhu, I'm Yan Junkang, the general manager of Xiaokang Automobile. I'd like to ask, when the vehicle ahead is not equipped with Magpie Bridge, at what speed can your company's AEBS perform locking or evasive maneuvers?" Yan Junkang asked.

"Mr. Yan, our company's AEBS can achieve locking or avoidance within 130 kilometers. Our AEBS can not only identify the vehicle in front, but also help the car owner to identify when reversing." Zhu Xiaotong replied.

"Mr. Zhu, I'm Luo Chongxin, general manager of SAIC Group. What I want to ask is, can the price be lower?" Luo Chongxin asked.

"Mr. Luo, this price is already fixed. We have done a survey before setting the price. Our price is not expensive compared with our competitors. Our price is basically in the mid-range of the market. As far as I know, the AEBS of Expo is nearly 7000 RMB, and the high-end version of AEBS of Expo is sold for more than RMB." Zhu Xiaotong replied.

"Mr. Luo, I am Song Wenqi, the general manager of BYD. I would like to ask if it is difficult to connect the Queqiao module?" Song Wenqi asked.

"We only perform encryption processing on the front end, and the output codes are all regular codes, so there is no difficulty in development." Zhu Xiaotong replied.

At the press conference, Zhu Xiaotong answered questions from more than a dozen domestic and foreign auto company representatives and entered the post-conference sales phase.

Today's press conference was very fruitful for everyone present, and many car companies reached purchase agreements with DeepBlue Auto on the spot.

As for the first brother and the people from the Ministry of Transportation, they quietly left the press conference after it entered the sales phase. (End of this chapter)

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