The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 416 406: BYD, the King of Involution, is Here

September 2015, 1, China time.

Lujiazui Sub-district Office in Shanghai.

Xu Yingjun is a clerk in the Lujiazui Sub-district Office in Shanghai.

When he sat down at his workstation, he turned on his computer and started to eat the meat bun he bought on the road.

Two minutes later, his computer finally successfully entered the operating system. However, at this moment, the system popped up a prompt, telling him that the Windows system was not activated and asked him to activate it as soon as possible.

Xu Yingjun is computer literate and is used to this kind of situation, so he ignored the system prompts.

However, when he opened the office software he usually used, the system popped up a dialog box again.

[Winods cannot use third-party applications without activation. If you want to use third-party applications, please activate the system as soon as possible. ]

"What's going on?" Xu Yingjun said in confusion.

Xu Yingjun opened the pirated activation software in the C drive to activate it. After the software was activated, he was prompted to restart the computer. However, after restarting the computer, the activation reminder dialog box still appeared.

In desperation, Xu Yingjun could only log into the chat software on his mobile phone to see if other people had encountered the same situation.

Actually it's not just him.

This happens to all computers using pirated systems.

Some people try to reinstall the system to solve this problem. However, the activation will be lost as soon as the computer is started, unless your serial number is a regular serial number.

Because so many people encountered this situation, this incident quickly became a hot topic.

"Has anyone encountered the same problem as me? My computer prompts that the system is not activated and I can't use third-party software. I can't even work if I want to."

"Brother, you are not the first person to encounter this problem. You can see that the entire Weibo is full of this topic. It seems that Microsoft is going to harvest pirated users."

"This is happening to computers across our entire company."

"Could it be that after Deep Blue launched its new system, Microsoft stopped pirated users from using Widnos?"

"That's obviously what the person above is confident about."

"I just switched to Pangu OS yesterday and I haven't encountered any problems. Pangu OS is really smooth and its UI is much more beautiful than Windows."

"All the computers in our company have stopped working. The computer repair department said they couldn't fix the problem and asked our boss to buy a genuine system."

“Isn’t the government going to take care of this matter?”

"How can I manage it? You use a pirated system and you think you are right? You are just the thief crying thief."

"That's right. Microsoft systems must be purchased before they can be used. It's your problem that your pirated system doesn't work. If you want to use it, just spend money to buy it. I'm already downloading the Pangu system. Fortunately, the download function of the browser can still be used. It's impossible for me to spend money to buy the system."

Not only ordinary people have been deceived by Microsoft, but many relevant departments have also been deceived by Microsoft.

The biggest problem now is that they have no way to hold Microsoft accountable even if they want to.

In order to be able to proceed with the work, many people can only go online to buy genuine Windows system activation codes.

In just a short period of time, the two platforms, and Alibaba, sold 9000 million genuine system activation codes.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

While checking today's daily news, Kang Eun-joo is grinding soy milk under the table.

The sales work of Beidouxing EDA that Jiang Enzhu is in charge of has been in a stable state, so her work is now becoming more and more leisurely.

Whenever she has free time, she will run to Han Chen's office to hang out with Han Chen.

"Is Microsoft so cruel?" Han Chen said in surprise after understanding what happened with Microsoft.


After drinking the soy milk, Kang Eun-joo finished the follow-up procedures and crawled out from under the table.

"Oppa, what happened?" Jiang Enzhu asked after taking out a tissue and wiping her mouth.

"It's nothing. Microsoft just started to harvest pirated users in China. Users cannot use third-party software if they don't activate the genuine system." Han Chen said.

"Isn't Microsoft afraid that the relevant departments will cause trouble for them?" Jiang Enzhu asked curiously.

"Microsoft didn't force them to use pirated systems. Besides, this is Microsoft's right. Even if there are problems, the relevant departments can't do anything about it. Microsoft's practice is a normal business behavior." Han Chen said.

"Oppa, I'm going to rinse my mouth and then go back to work. Remember to come back for dinner in the evening." Jiang Enzhu smiled sweetly.

"Yeah." Han Chen nodded.

After Jiang Enzhu left, Han Chen continued to surf the Internet. Han Chen has been very idle recently and there is basically nothing to deal with today.

After a while, Han Chen saw a piece of news.

Just over a month after the 2014 Coupe was delivered, "frequent accidents" occurred.

The news counted the traffic accidents caused by Coupe2014 in the past month. In the past month, Coupe2014 caused a total of traffic accidents.

Fortunately, there were no casualties in these 2014 traffic accidents, otherwise the reputation of Coupe would have been tarnished.

All of these 27 traffic accidents were caused by drivers speeding in speed limit areas.

"The salesperson said that cars are more aggressive than people and accidents are bound to happen. I finally understand why Deep Blue has a speed limit. If there was a speed limit, this wouldn't have happened."

"In the past, when buying a car, the salesperson would only tell you how fast and awesome the car is, but they didn't tell us that awesomeness can lead to accidents. Deep Blue Group is probably the only company in the world that would tell us this."

"Last week I saw a Coupe 2014 crash into a dump truck. The speed was estimated to be over 120 kilometers per hour. How dare they drive so fast in the city?"

"If you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a car that can go from zero to 2.9 kilometers in just seconds, everyone would want to experience its top speed, but they didn't expect that they couldn't fully master the car yet."

"These people are really hurting others and themselves."

Looking at the comments from netizens, Han Chen shook his head helplessly.

He had anticipated this kind of thing a long time ago, so he launched the speed limit function. However, these people insisted on seeking death. Although the Deep Blue car is very safe, it does not mean that they can survive 100%.

It is a blessing from God that they are able to survive.

This incident also played a good role in the reputation of Deep Blue Group.

Everyone knows why Deep Blue has set a speed limit. Deep Blue does this entirely for their own good. Deep Blue is a responsible company, otherwise it would not have reminded them.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon. Han Chen received a message from the person in charge of the photovoltaic factory, saying that the second photovoltaic factory acquired by Shenlan could start mass production.

Han Chen then sent a message to Zhang Fanghui and Zhu Xiaotong, asking them to replace the exterior walls and roofs of all factories with photovoltaic panels. He wanted to make all of Shenlan's factories green.

Zhu Xiaotong sent a message and asked: "Boss Han, what should we do with the old photovoltaics on the factory building?"

Han Chen said: "Let's find a second-hand dealer to dispose of these photovoltaics."

Han Chen then sent another email to Slit Christian, who was on the other side of the ocean. Han Chen needed him to form a sales team to sell photovoltaic panels as quickly as possible.

Now that the second factory has started mass production, this means that DeepBlue Photovoltaic has sufficient production capacity to supply other factories.

Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong Island.

Chang Huazhang and relevant personnel from the Hong Kong Island government are checking the construction land conditions of the seawater desalination plant.

Chang Huazhang looked at the blueprint and then at the images sent back by the drone. The land given to them by the Hong Kong government was generally good. Most of the land was flat. Of course, there were also two small stone hills on the land.

"Engineer Li, is there any problem with this land according to our plan?" Chang Huazhang asked the architectural consultant beside him.

"Assistant Chang, based on the current situation, this piece of land seems to be a little insufficient. We need to reclaim at least 200 meters of land. The exact area needs to be measured. However, the two mountains on the map can be used as reclamation materials. If this mountain can also be blown up, we can save a lot of construction costs." Li Jiangnan said, pointing to the hillside on the tablet.

"Director Zhang, if these mountains are not enough for our land reclamation, can we blow up the mountain at the back?" Chang Huazhang said to the fat man in white uniform standing beside him.

"No problem." Zhang Guoliang said after taking a look at the tablet.

The desalination project of Deep Blue Group is very important to them. In the future, 50% of Hong Kong Island’s drinking water will rely on this desalination project. Even if it was not possible before, the higher authorities will now approve it for Deep Blue.

Han Chen has much less work to do than before, and it would be a bit of a waste of Chang Huazhang's talent to keep him by his side, so Han Chen arranged for him to be in charge of this project.

"Engineer Li, if we start construction after the New Year regardless of cost, how long will it take to complete this project?" Chang Huazhang asked.

"It is estimated that it will take at least one and a half years, and the reclamation work will take at least half a year," said Li Jiangnan.

"Okay, then go back and make a design plan for us." Chang Huazhang said.

"Okay, Assistant Chang." Li Jiangnan said.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

Han Chen called Yan Huiwu, the person in charge of the Pangu system, to his office.

"Mr. Han, you... you came to see me." Yan Huiwu said after closing the door.

"Do you know about the Microsoft incident?" Han Chen asked.

"I already know." Yan Huiwu nodded.

"You contact NVIDIA and AMD and ask them to release the drivers as soon as possible. If they are unwilling to develop Pangu drivers tomorrow, you can find a way to modify the NVIDIA and AIT drivers so that the Pangu system can use the NVIDIA and AIT drivers. I think they will not refuse us." Han Chen said.

"Mr. Han, actually we have already contacted them a long time ago. They are already developing Pangu's driver. I will contact them again today to see." Yan Huiwu said.

"Does our Pangu system support diskless boot?" Han Chen asked again.

"I support it." Yan Huiwu replied.

"We will form a team to promote the Pangu system in Internet cafes. Don't worry about profitability. We only need market share and don't need to make a profit. We will provide Internet cafes with the corresponding technology for free," said Han Chen.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Yan Huiwu nodded.

"If Dami and Lenovo call to ask about authorization, don't authorize the Pangu system to them for the time being. Just find a way to delay them. It's up to you how to delay them," said Han Chen.

Whether in his past life or this life, he despised these two companies very much, so Han Chen did not plan to provide the Pangu system to them.

Han Chen believes that within two years these two companies will withdraw from the mobile phone industry.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Yan Huiwu nodded.

September 2015, 1, China time.

The Microsoft incident has passed in the blink of an eye. Currently there are only two solutions. One is to purchase a genuine registration code from Microsoft, and the other is to install the Deep Blue Pangu system.

Just today, BYD launched the BYD electric vehicle new product launch conference.

BYD launched the BYD Tang, which was released one year earlier than its previous life and has the same parameters as the previous life's BYD Tang.

The only difference is that BYD Tang uses deep blue semi-solid-state batteries.

BYD's price starts at 15.8 yuan, and it is equipped with a deep blue 52kWh semi-solid-state battery with a range of 360 kilometers.

As an SUV, BYD Tang's range is much inferior to that of the dark blue GLS2014.

There is no way around it. BYD Tang's body is made of pure steel, which is much heavier than the Deep Blue GLS2014. In addition, BYD's motor technology is slightly inferior to that of the Deep Blue's motor. This is why BYD Tang's endurance is not as strong as the Deep Blue GLS2014.

However, BYD's electric SUV is already the cheapest pure electric SVU on the market.

After taking into account various subsidies, you can get it for just over 10 yuan.

BYD's launch of such cheap electric cars can be said to have once again shocked the entire automotive industry. BYD's actions leave no room for other car brands to survive.

BYD was able to launch new electric vehicles in such a short time, thanks to the company's many years of experience.
Netizens are also talking about it.

"I originally thought that Deep Blue Auto was crazy enough, but I didn't expect BYD to be even crazier. This car can be purchased for 10 yuan including subsidies. This 10 yuan electric SUV uses Deep Blue's semi-solid-state battery. How can other car brands survive?"

"I have to say that BYD's price is really cheap. Not only does it use Deep Blue's semi-solid-state battery, it also supports Deep Blue's 900V fast charging technology."

"The only downside to this car is its 360-degree range, but it's more than enough for indoor driving."

"I can't afford the Deep Blue electric SUV. A BYD electric SUV is still a good choice. Since Deep Blue launched its cars, I feel that foreign cars are no longer popular. Domestic cars are no worse than foreign cars."

"I think BYD is just the beginning. There will be more electric vehicles coming to the market. As far as I know, many companies have reached cooperation with Deep Blue, and Deep Blue will sell its semi-solid batteries to them."

"Deep Blue doesn't make low-end cars, so it's a good choice to sell batteries so that other car companies can launch low-priced electric cars."

"Believe it or not, you can buy an electric car for 9 yuan in half a year."

"When buying electric cars, I only buy Deep Blue. Deep Blue's technology is the best. Other brands are far behind Deep Blue."

"Everyone knows that dark blue cars are good, but dark blue cars are expensive."

"Emmm, do you think BYD has launched such a cheap electric car? Will BBA reduce the price again?"

"BYD has no brand value. BBA will not lower its prices. If it does, it will lose money." (End of this chapter)

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