"How dare you call me a moron? Do you know who is standing behind me?" Zhang Zixiong pointed at Han Chen and cursed angrily.

"You're just a moron. I don't care who's behind you. It's already 2015. How can there still be morons like you?" Han Chen rolled his eyes and said.

"Minister Zhang, please leave with me." Shen Chengjun said in a low voice with a dark face.

"I will definitely make you regret it. Just wait for my revenge." Zhang Zixiong pointed at Han Chen and said.

"What I hate most in my life is being threatened by others. I hope I won't regret it in the future." Han Chen said with a crooked smile.

At this moment, Shen Chengjun finally understood why Han Chen said he was mentally retarded. Anyone with a little bit of brains would not say such a thing, let alone facing the richest man in the world.

Although having money does not necessarily mean power, it is easy for someone with money to gain power. You should know that Han Chen is not just a businessman. Han Chen also controls the livelihoods of 230 million people. A single word from Han Chen can cause social unrest.

How dare he, a man who relies on the cover of his family, speak to Han Chen like that? Not to mention that he is the eldest brother, even if he is one level higher than the eldest brother, he would not dare to provoke Han Chen easily.

What's more, what Han Chen said to him before was not wrong. The Deep Blue Group is simply not something that the A-share market can support. Even the United States must be able to support such a behemoth as the Deep Blue Group.

Shen Chengjun took advantage of the fact that Han Chen hadn't turned hostile to him and forcibly dragged Zhang Zixiong out of Han Chen's office.

Not long after the two left.

Han Chen read the video from the surveillance camera and posted it on TikTok. Han Chen also asked the technical department to strongly promote this video, and the video quickly spread on the Internet.

"Fuck, is Deep Blue Group really worth 89 trillion?"

"The comment above should be more confident and remove the question mark. This is the valuation given by the financial market. Just as Mr. Han said, the A-share market cannot support the size of Deep Blue Group. If Deep Blue Group is listed on the A-share market, all the market funds will be sucked away by Deep Blue Group, which will cause the entire stock market to jump, which is the well-known stock market crash."

"This Zhang Zixiong is definitely a traitor. I don't know how he has the courage to threaten President Han. You have to know that President Han is the richest man in the world. He is just a small fry and can easily threaten the richest man in the world."

"This guy reminds me that my father is Wang Gang. Even the people behind him wouldn't dare to threaten President Han."

"Does Zhang Zixiong want to make me die of laughter and inherit my Huabei? DeepBlue Group is the most technologically advanced technology company in the world. At the same time, DeepBlue Group also provides 230 million jobs. It can be said that it is the company with the most employees among private enterprises in the world. How dare he say that DeepBlue Group has no contribution to society."

"I think Zhang Zixiong and the people behind him are going to be in trouble. The reason why President Han posted this video online is that he wants to make this matter bigger. Besides, President Han can also use this incident to make an example of others. Otherwise, all kinds of people will come to threaten him, and he will not have the energy to deal with them."

"This Zhang Zixiong is simply the one who says the cruelest words and gets the most vicious beatings. Not to mention that President Han is absolutely right when he says he is mentally retarded. If he is not mentally retarded, why would he threaten the world's richest man?"

"Please help Zhang Zixiong with his psychological trauma. I wonder if Zhang Zixiong fainted in the toilet from crying."

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

Less than twenty minutes after the video was sent out, Han Chen's cell phone on the table rang.

【Caller: Brother Yi. 】

"Brother, how come you have time to call me?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"Xiao Han, let's end the matter with Zhang Zixiong here. I will give you an explanation. Remove the video and don't expand its influence any further. I owe you a favor for this." The eldest brother said.

"Okay, I'll give Brother Yi a favor." Han Chen said in a very calm tone.

"Thank you. I'll give you a reply within three days. I still have things to deal with here, so I won't say more to you." said the brother.

"Okay." Han Chen said and hung up the phone.

As the video disappeared, the public knew that someone had contacted Han Chen. No one expected that Han Chen would delete the video so quickly, and Han Chen did not give any explanation for this.

Some people felt that someone was putting pressure on Han Chen, so Han Chen had no choice but to delete the video.

Some people think that Han Chen’s incident has already come to an end, so Han Chen deleted the video to reduce the impact of the incident.

Before Han Chen came out to explain, netizens could only wait for Han Chen's explanation, but Han Chen did not give any explanation until the evening.

September 2015, 5, China time.

The CSRC released an announcement on its official website at 9 a.m.

[In view of Comrade Zhang Zixiong's personal misconduct, the CSRC Management Committee has unanimously decided to remove Comrade Zhang Zixiong from all his positions in the CSRC and dismiss him from his post.]

Although few people usually pay attention to the official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, some people still noticed this announcement, and it was quickly reposted online.

"No wonder President Han deleted the video. It turns out the matter has already been determined."

"This Zhang Zixiong is really a talented person. As the saying goes, if you don't do anything, you won't get killed. Now he has done something to himself."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this Zhang Zixiong was not only dismissed from his post, but also expelled from his position by the Securities Regulatory Commission. Expulsion is equivalent to dismissal."

"Do you think the people behind Zhang Zixiong dare to cause trouble for President Han?"

"In addition to being the largest private enterprise in China, Deep Blue Group also controls China's Internet media. President Han can easily expose the matter. No one would go looking for trouble with Deep Blue like Zhang Zixiong did."

"Everyone should just treat Zhang Zixiong as a joke."

The President's Office of Shenlan Group in Shenlan Industrial Park.

At this time, Han Chen was talking on the phone with Tu Jiaojiao from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Mr. Han, Liang Siqi, the person in charge of the HIV vaccine project, just sent me an email. They have completed the Phase II clinical trial of the HIV vaccine. The experimental results show that the vaccine provides 100% immunity to the HIV virus. Can we post the relevant research results online?" Tu Jiaojiao asked.

"You can post it online, but you can't mention anything about AI. Matters concerning AI will remain confidential for now," said Han Chen.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." Tu Jiaojiao smiled.

"Remember to ask them to keep the AI ​​confidential." Han Chen said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Han. I will review their papers before they are published," said Tu Jiaojiao.

"Okay, I will also help you promote it online." Han Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." Tu Jiaojiao smiled.

After hanging up the phone with Tu Jiaojiao, Han Chen posted this matter on Weibo.

[The world's top ten terminal illnesses are premature aging, Alzheimer's disease, leukemia, AIDS, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, uremia, lymphoma, advanced cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and rabies. Alzheimer's disease, one of the top ten terminal illnesses, has been conquered by us, and now another of the top ten terminal illnesses has been conquered by our researchers.

Just now I received a report from the Deep Blue Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After the joint efforts of our researchers, we have finally developed a second epoch-making product, which is the HIV vaccine.

At present, our HIV vaccine has completed the Phase II clinical trial. The results of the Phase II clinical trial can be said to be perfect. After being injected with the HIV vaccine we developed, none of the 1000 volunteers were infected with the HIV virus.

Our HIV vaccine is effective for one year after a single injection, and you will not be infected with the HIV virus within one year after the injection.

Netizens who are suffering from the top ten terminal illnesses, please hold on for a while longer. In the near future, Deep Blue will be able to completely eradicate these ten terminal illnesses. If you hold on, you will definitely see hope.

We will release the specific details on the official website of Shenlan Group's Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine later. 】

The information released by Han Chen was no less than that of the little boy who bombed Hiroshima. In less than 10 minutes, the news spread around the world through the Internet.

"Deep Blue Group is so awesome that they have even developed an HIV vaccine. The HIV virus will soon be eradicated."

"So can I not use condoms when dating girls in the past?"

"This vaccine can only prevent HIV. You should know that there are many viruses besides HIV waiting for you, but those viruses are not lethal."

"Deep Blue Group is truly invincible. They have even developed an HIV vaccine. This is a company that truly changes the world. I hope Deep Blue can eradicate cancer sooner rather than later."

"I hope Deep Blue can develop a drug that can completely cure leukemia soon. I'm almost bankrupting my family because of the medication I've been taking."

"I have uremia. I hope Deep Blue can develop a drug that can completely cure uremia as soon as possible."

"Oh my, my boyfriend has ALS. I hope Deep Blue can develop an ALS vaccine as soon as possible."

Han Chen's Weibo not only inspired those patients with terminal illnesses, but also allowed many patients to see hope in Shenlan. Netizens with terminal illnesses petitioned Han Chen's Weibo, hoping that Shenlan would develop relevant drugs as soon as possible to restore their health.

April 2015, 5, US time.

Netizens in Europe and the United States were also shocked after learning the news.

No one expected that Deep Blue Group would be able to solve this problem that 90% of medical researchers thought was unsolvable.

Although Deep Blue Group's conquest of the medical problem of HIV is a good thing for the whole world.

However, some media controlled by Jewish capital have made statements that go against the grain.

[Washington Daily: According to reliable information, Deep Blue Group is very likely conducting illegal human experiments. It is well known that drug testing requires volunteers to be infected with the virus to confirm whether it is effective. HIV is a virus that is recognized by the world as incurable. If Deep Blue Group is not conducting illegal human experiments, who would be willing to risk their lives to challenge the HIV virus?]

[New York Times: Deep Blue Group is suspected of conducting illegal human experiments somewhere. ]

[Wall Street Journal: Is Deep Blue Group an angel or a devil? ]

[The Washington Post: Who in the world is willing to be a volunteer for the HIV vaccine? ]

After the media questioned the Deep Blue Group, many experts jumped out to discredit Deep Blue, and some groups even jumped out to boycott Deep Blue.

As this information spread, some ignorant people's favorability towards the Deep Blue Group suddenly dropped to freezing point.

September 2015, 5, China time.

The news about Deep Blue Group conducting illegal experiments was spread back to China by someone with ulterior motives.

Of course, the domestic people will not believe these things. Compared with the Deep Blue Group's illegal human experiments, most people are more concerned about when the price of pork will drop.

The President's Office of Shenlan Group in Shenlan Industrial Park.

Han Chen had just arrived at the company when he received a call from Zhou Shouzi, who briefly mentioned that someone had uploaded such remarks to Douyin.

"There is no need to delete this kind of speech, just limit their traffic directly. Douyin is an open platform, a platform with extremely free speech. If we delete these videos, someone will definitely attack Douyin.

By the way, have you found all the travel bloggers I asked you to find before?" Han Chen asked.

"We have contacted five well-known YouTube bloggers from different countries," said Zhou Shouzi.

"Okay, let's carry out our plan." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Zhou Shouzi replied.

"Okay, nothing else, I'm hanging up." Han Chen said and hung up the phone.

The plan Han Chen was talking about was a counter-cultural invasion plan. Han Chen wanted to find some bloggers to travel to China and let them post what they saw and heard on the Internet.

Of course, Han Chen will not give them money directly. If they want money, they have to exchange it for traffic. Only when their videos reach a certain number of views will Douyin give them corresponding bonuses.

However, in order to allow them to come to China smoothly, Douyin will still reimburse the airfare.

After hanging up the phone, Han Chen sent a message to Zhu Wensong from the robot R&D team.

After half an hour.

A fat man weighing about 230 pounds came to Han Chen's office.

"Mr. Han, what do you want to talk to me about?" Zhu Wensong asked after closing the office door.

"I came to you for two things. The first is to ask you to lose weight. You must reduce weight to 150 kilograms within one year. The company will pay for the coaching fee. If you can't lose weight, you can get out." Han Chen looked at the fat man in front of him unhappily.

"Ah." When Zhu Wensong heard about losing weight, he looked like he had just eaten shit.

"The second thing is that I want you to develop a logistics robot sorting system. I have written down the relevant requirements and designs in the plan, and I have sent the plan to your email. This system is very simple for you, and it is only the software that is relatively complicated. With the assistance of AI, I believe you will be able to do it soon." Han Chen said.

"Mr. Han, you have so much work on hand now. Can you put your weight loss on hold?" Zhu Wensong scratched his head and said.

"No, I don't want you to die of a myocardial infarction in the company one day. If you can't lose weight within a year, I can only say sorry to you." Han Chen said.

"Okay." Zhu Wensong said, and then he looked like a deflated balloon. (End of this chapter)

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