In just 5 days, the mask vaccine was delivered to all parts of China in a very low-key manner.

Modu International Airport.

As dusk deepens, the neon lights of Shanghai International Airport begin to blend with the night.

A giant passenger plane slowly landed on the runway. The red landing lights at its tail looked like dancing sparks, extremely eye-catching in the twilight.

The moment the belly of the plane touched the ground, it felt so heavy and stable, as if at this moment, the weight of the whole world was concentrated on this one point of contact.

Accompanied by a sharp brake sound, the plane stopped steadily at the designated parking gate.

The roar of the air conditioner gradually faded away, replaced by the slight hum of various machines in the airport and the voices of the staff's commands.

The jet bridge began to move, like a long steel snake, winding toward the aircraft door.

Soon, the cabin door slowly opened, and a beam of white light shone out from the cabin, forming a sharp contrast with the dark tones outside.

Passengers came out from the narrow space one after another, some stretched themselves, some held their luggage tightly, and everyone's face was filled with fatigue from the journey and the complex emotions of being about to set foot on their homeland.

Renato Cabrera was stopped as he emerged from the gate.

Of course, he was not the only one who was stopped; everyone on the entire flight was stopped.

The staff member held a megaphone and said to all the passengers: "I believe everyone should know that a new type of influenza has appeared overseas recently. In order to prevent the influenza virus from spreading among the population, everyone must undergo influenza virus testing. Don't worry, the entire testing process only takes 15 minutes and will not delay everyone for too long."

Fortunately, this matter had already spread abroad, so no passenger was opposed to checking it.

Finally, all passengers underwent mask testing under the arrangement of the staff.

Twenty minutes later.

A staff member found Renato Cabret, who was resting on a sofa.

The staff explained to Lenato Cabray: "Mr. Lenato, we have detected the virus in your body. You need to be vaccinated before you can enter China. The cost of the vaccination is 60 US dollars, which is 408 yuan in RMB. If you refuse to be vaccinated, we can only prohibit you from entering China."

The staff then handed the test kit to Renato Cabrera and told him how it worked and how to identify it.

Renato Cabrera frowned and asked, "You mean I have that damn virus? But why don't I have any symptoms?"

The staff member explained: "Mr. Lenato, this flu virus is highly latent and contagious. Not everyone will develop complications after contracting it. And after you get our vaccine, you don't have to worry about being infected with this flu virus anymore."

Renato Cabrera asked: "Which company produces this vaccine?"

The staff member replied: "This vaccine is produced by Deep Blue Pharmaceuticals. You can be completely assured of its safety. We have already promoted this vaccine nationwide."

Renato Cabre was relieved when he heard that the vaccine was produced by Deep Blue.

After all, no pharmaceutical company in this world has technology that can compare with Deep Blue Group.

What's more, if he couldn't enter the country, he wouldn't be able to complete this business trip.

In the end, he chose to accept the vaccination.

After leaving the airport and arriving at the hotel.

Renato Cabret posted what had just happened on Twitter.

[I just got off the plane and was diagnosed with the damn new influenza virus by the Huaxia airport staff. The airport staff required me to get a shot of the vaccine produced by Deep Blue Pharmaceuticals before I could enter the country.]

This tweet quickly sparked heated discussion among netizens.

"Fuck, DeepBlue Pharmaceuticals has quietly developed a vaccine."

"Fuck, I'm taking a plane to Huaxia to get vaccinated right now. You have no idea how terrible this flu virus is. All my neighbors have been infected with the virus, and one of them has even been admitted to the ICU."

"I was wondering why there was no news about the flu virus in China. It turns out that China has already developed a vaccine."

"When will Deep Blue export the vaccine to our country? I'm so scared that I don't even dare to go out. The news keeps saying this is just a common flu. I think these news media are out to make money and kill people. Have you ever seen a flu virus in an ICU?"

"Half of our company has the flu and the entire company is shut down."

April 2016, 10, US time.

Inside an antique church-style building at 16 1733th Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Siegel Brand looked at the report in his hand and cursed: "This damn Deep Blue Group, how can they be so powerful and come up with a vaccine so quickly."

Then Siegel Brand picked up the phone on the table and called Wilmer Wasseff.

After a while, Wilmer Wasseff pushed open the door and walked in.

"Boss." Wilmer Wassev greeted after entering the door.

"Tell the operations department to release all the mutants for me." Siegel Brand said with a dark face.

Originally, they wanted to make a comeback with this incident, but they didn't expect Shenlan to develop the vaccine so quickly.

However, he did not believe that Deep Blue Group's vaccine could cure the mutants developed by the Ascle Institute.

September 2016, 11, China time.

Tianfu Fourth People's Hospital.

As the morning light showed up and the hospital's glass door opened, a large number of patients and their families rushed towards the oncology department like a flood.

Their footsteps echoed on the white tile floor, rapid and heavy.

The air was filled with a mixture of anxiety and expectation, and everyone's face showed a desire for life.

Today is the big day for the launch of CVT-T, a highly anticipated anti-cancer drug that may be the last straw for those struggling on the brink of death.

They were eager to know whether they could afford this straw and whether they could grasp it. The hospital management had obviously anticipated this situation. More than a dozen security guards had been on high alert, forming a human wall and trying to maintain order. Their voices shouted in the crowd, trying to keep the chaotic team in order.

In this silent commotion, one can feel people’s persistence in life and their pursuit of hope.

In this corridor leading to the oncology department, everyone's footsteps are deeply engraved with their inner struggles and anxieties.

However, in this tense atmosphere, there are also some warm scenes: couples supporting each other, parents and children holding hands, their eyes revealing strength and indomitable spirit.

In this race against death, the hospital becomes the main battlefield, and CVT-T is the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head, which may bring salvation or continue to despair.

The head nurse stood on the chair with a big hand and said, "I know that everyone is here to inquire about the price of CVT-T. We have already issued an announcement about the relevant matters of CVT-T. You can log in to our hospital's applet to check it out. There is no need for you to crowd here and waste time.

Friends who want to enjoy CVT-T treatment can also log in to our WeChat mini program to sign up.

We will make real-time arrangements based on the patient’s condition.”

After hearing what the head nurse said, some people who were waiting at the back of the queue tactfully chose to leave.

After hearing what the head nurse said, Ge Yina also took her father away.

Her mother is a patient with advanced lung cancer.

She knew that there was no point in staying here any longer. Even if she queued up, it would not be their turn today, so she could only leave with her parents.

After she and her father left, they came to the small garden of the hospital.

Ge Yina opened the WeChat mini program and logged into the official website of Tianfu Fourth People's Hospital to view the relevant announcement.

Father Ge asked anxiously, "Xiao Na, what's going on? What does the notice say?"

Ge Yina replied: "Dad, the internet speed is a bit slow. There are too many people accessing. We need to wait a while."

Three minutes later, Ge Yina successfully logged into the official website of Tianfu Fourth People's Hospital and checked the announcement of CVT-T.

Ge Yina said with tears in her eyes: "Dad, my mom is saved. The price of CVT-T is 8 yuan, and my mom's medical insurance can reimburse 70%. We only need to pay 2.4 yuan."

Father Ge said with a disappointed look on his face: "Another 2.4? Why is it so expensive?"

In order to save Ge's mother, they have sold everything they could at home. They simply cannot come up with so much money all at once.

Ge Yina quickly added: "Dad, you don't have to worry about the money. Deep Blue Group provides a low-interest loan. The loan can be repaid in 5 years, and the annual interest rate is only 3%. We only need to pay 460 yuan per month."

When Mr. Ge heard Ge Yina's words, it was like he saw hope.

Father Ge asked excitedly, "You mean we can see a doctor first, and then just pay 460 yuan a month?"

Ge Yina said: "Yes, and given our current situation, we can also apply to Deep Blue Group for a complete exemption. We just need to upload the correct information about our debts and family situation."

Father Ge asked excitedly: "Can it be free?"

Ge Yina said, "Yes, it's public. Deep Blue Group has a poverty support fund. Anyone whose cancer-related debt exceeds 20 and who is currently unable to repay the debt or receive treatment only needs to provide proof of arrears and a community certificate. After review, Deep Blue Group can waive the fee."

Father Ge said with tears in his eyes: "Boss Shenlan is really a good man. Let's make a tablet for him when we get back."

Ge Yina said speechlessly: "Dad, you haven't died yet, and you're setting up a tablet for me. Aren't you cursing me?"

The exposure of CVT-T and Deep Blue Group's policies once again sparked heated discussions among netizens.

"Wow, I didn't expect the CVT-T to be priced so low. After reimbursement, it's only 8000 yuan."

"How can you claim such a high rate since you have paid for employee insurance? Ordinary residents' insurance can only claim 70% at most. After claiming, you still have to pay 2 yuan. Fortunately, Deep Blue Group provides loans with rock-bottom interest rates."

"I think Deep Blue Group is really black-hearted. They have already made money from drugs, and now they want to make money from loans."

"Deep Blue Group only charges 3% interest. If you look at other online loans nowadays, the interest rates are all above 20%. Even credit cards charge 7-9%. The interest rate of Deep Blue Group is already a conscience price."

"Even in such a difficult situation, Shenlan is still willing to lend you money. Go ask your relatives if they are willing to lend you money. It's good enough that they don't treat you like a plague."

"To be honest, Deep Blue's policy is very conscientious. If the situation is very bad, you can apply for a reduction, and it is a complete reduction. The interest collected by Deep Blue is just a fraction of the cost for Deep Blue, but Deep Blue uses this interest to invest in other industries and earns more than just this money."

"The one who said dark blue and black is just embarrassing, right? Do you know how much CVT-T costs? CVT-T costs no less than 6 yuan per dose. Our company has researched drugs similar to CVT-T, and one dose of our drugs costs 15 yuan.

Because Shenlan Group launched CVT-T, our company stopped this project.

I also lost my job because of this.”

"The guy above is really pitiful. He was accidentally injured by the Deep Blue Group. But this is a good thing for ordinary people. If your company develops it, this medicine will be sold for at least 50. Even if it is reimbursed, not many people can afford it. Your company will not lend money to ordinary people."

"Hahaha, I just applied for a CVT-T appointment. The doctor told me to go for a bone marrow extraction in 3 days, and I can have CVT-T treatment in a month."

"Brother, it's only a month, you must persevere."

"Why do you have to wait so long?"

"You thought this thing was easy to make? A month is already fast."

CVT-T and Deep Blue Group’s policies were immediately posted online by netizens.

When netizens on the outside network learned about this, they were extremely envious.

"Oh my god, the cost of cancer treatment in China is too cheap. Many people only need more than 2 RMB after insurance, which is only more than 3500 US dollars when converted into US dollars."

"The price of seeing a doctor for a cold is more expensive than this."

"I really envy the Chinese. Medical treatment is ridiculously cheap."

"People on the Internet keep saying that our American medical benefits are good, but China's medical benefits are really good. I was diagnosed with the flu virus, and now the doctor told me to rest at home. They didn't even give me a vitamin pill."

"That thing is not the common cold, it's a disease that can kill people. Several people have died in our community. One of them died at home and was not discovered until it was stinking." (End of this chapter)

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