Chapter 98 95: Equipment Problems

After Gulina finished recording the Chinese version of Fairy Tale Town, she recorded an English version.

It took a lot of time to record the English version. If the gene capsule hadn't enhanced her memory, she probably wouldn't have been able to record the song.

There was a reason why Han Chen chose such a song for her. He hoped that Gu Lina's song would

After walking out of the recording studio, Gulina asked with a slight smile: "Teacher, how was my singing just now?"

"Overall, it's pretty good. It's still a bit far from professional standards. You usually have to practice your pronunciation." Su Huizhu said with a slight smile.

A person who has no foundation and has studied with her for a month can sing this effect and can be said to have defeated 90% of his peers.

The reason why Su Huizhu didn't praise Gulina was because she didn't want her to be proud of it.

"Okay, teacher, I will definitely work hard." Gulina nodded seriously.

At this time, the sound engineer in the studio saved the file and walked in front of a few people. The sound engineer was a girl, but she was dressed in a neutral dress. Not surprisingly, this girl has some orientations that are different from ordinary people.

"Miss Gu, this is the original sound demo you just recorded. We will contact you after the song is tuned. You can come and pick it up in person, or you can have us mail it to you." Yu Zhumei handed the CD to Gu Li Na said.

"Thank you, Teacher Yu, we will come and get it when the time comes." Gulina said after taking the CD.

"Actually, you sang very well just now. I personally don't think there is anything to adjust. If you think it is necessary to adjust, then we can make some adjustments for you here, but even after the adjustment, there won't be much difference. Difference." Yu Zhumei said.

It's not that Yu Zhumei wants to be lazy and not tune Gulina's music. They have to pay extra for tuning, and she gets a commission for tuning the songs. It's just that there is nothing wrong with the sample that Gulina just recorded.

Moreover, the song Once Upon a Time is a ballad, and this song does not require very high singing skills.

It's not that Yu Zhumei doesn't want to earn Gulina's tuning fees, but she feels that there is nothing good to tune anymore. If the tuning is done, it will be the same as no tuning. She will not be very comfortable with the money. This kind of If word spreads about it, it will cause a bad reputation.

"Teacher, what do you think?" Gulina looked at Su Huizhu and asked.

"Basically, the two songs we just recorded don't need to be edited anymore." Su Huizhu replied.

"That's it, thank you, Teacher Yu." Gulina smiled.

"You're welcome, you're good at it." Yu Zhumei smiled.

If Yu Zhumei knew that Gu Lina used to be tone-deaf and sing out of tune, she would probably faint in the toilet from crying.

If Han Chen hadn't given her the genetic optimization capsule, Gulina would still be the same Gulina who was out of tune. Talking about being out of tune reminded people of Boss Yang.

Don't ask, asking is the offering of love.

If it weren't for the genetic optimization capsule, even the millions of tuners might not be able to save Gulina.

No. 7, Jingshun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Han Chen stood in front of the mixer wearing protective clothing and a mask to set the mixer parameters.

As mentioned before, Han Chen had to provide them with raw materials for the next test, so Han Chen could only come here and ask them to rent equipment for the institute. Fortunately, the equipment for graduate students was also rented out.

Zhang Dazhong also sent several people to help Han Chen with debugging.

Chemical reactions require sufficient stirring to ensure that the reactants can fully contact and react. Reactor stirring is an essential part of chemical production.

Different materials need to be mixed in chemical production, and mixing machinery can mix materials quickly and evenly.

This large mixing equipment can mix 2 tons of raw materials at one time.

Of course, there are larger machines. Large machines can mix five or six tons at a time.

Of course, in addition to stirring, these biofuels also need to be homogenized. Manual homogenization and emulsification is a very troublesome thing. This is why it took Chen Zigang several days to prepare a ton of biofuel.

Using equipment to process the entire process will become much simpler.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye
The first batch of biofuel is adjusted.

A researcher arranged by Zhang Dazhong for Han Chen took out a test tube of fuel from the equipment and handed it to Han Chen.

"Mr. Han, this is the fuel that was just taken out of the equipment." Qiu Jianli handed the test tube to Han Chen and said.

Han Chen frowned when he saw that the biofuel in the test tube was light yellow.

It can be seen from the color that the biofuel has not been successfully blended. The blended biofuel should be transparent and colorless. If there is color, it means that the chemical reaction of the biofuel is not in place.

"Brother Qiu, please get rid of all this fuel. The mixed color is wrong." Han Chen said helplessly.

Qiu Jianli was older than Han Chen, so Han Chen called him Brother Qiu.

"Oh." Qiu Jianli nodded.

He didn't know how biofuel was prepared, so he just did whatever Han Chen did.

Han Chen rubbed his temples and thought about what went wrong. If there was no problem, the biofuel would not be light yellow.

Han Chen closed his eyes and recalled the preparation method of biofuel. There must be no problem with the entire preparation method. Mass production of equipment may require adjustment of the preparation plan.

It's 5:[-] in a blink of an eye.

Five hours passed and Han Chen still had not solved the problem of machine deployment. During this period, Han Chen tried to manually deploy biofuel. There was no problem at all with manual blending of biofuel. Multiple failures in debugging the equipment also made Han Chen confused.

"What went wrong?" Han Chen murmured.

Qiu Jianli looked at his watch and it was already 05:30. Normally, they would have already gotten off work at this time.

It's just that the old man is still busy here and he is too embarrassed to leave. Qiu Jianli can only stay quietly and wait for Han Chen to think about the results.

"Brother Qiu, there is something wrong with your mixing equipment. There must be something wrong with the mixing sensor. Homogenization will fail only if the temperature is incorrect." Han Chen suddenly realized and shouted.

"Ah?" Qiu Jianli exclaimed after regaining consciousness: "If this is really the case, we can only solve it tomorrow. The equipment manufacturer is probably off work."

"Isn't there another device? Let's try it with another device." After Han Chen finished speaking, he immediately took action.

Qiu Jianli glanced at Han Chen with resentful little eyes. He was already a little hungry. It would take half an hour to prepare it again, but he was too embarrassed to tell Han Chen that he was getting off work.

After all, Zhang Dazhong assigned them to help with this matter.

Several other people saw Han Chen taking action and took the initiative to help.

No. 76, Beitoutiao, Jiaodaokou, DC District, Beijing.

Beijing Chengtian Shiba Brokerage Culture Co., Ltd.

Wang Jinghua came out of the office and was about to go home for dinner. When she walked to the public office area, she heard a very ethereal voice.

This soft and ethereal singing method goes far beyond the boundaries of soft and ethereal. It not only has the freedom and flexibility of thin lines, but also has a transparent sound quality that is close to strong mixed sound, and all of this is actually derived from the balanced edge vibration.

Wang Jinghua walked towards the direction of the sound.

Bao Zihui, who was listening to the song at this time, was still immersed in the singing. Even Wang Jinghua didn't notice when she walked behind him. Gu Lina's photos made him even more intoxicated. "Who is this girl?" Wang Jinghua asked.

When she first saw Gu Lina's photo, Wang Jinghua felt that this girl had great potential to become a star.

Bao Zihui was also startled when he heard Wang Jinghua's voice. The boss actually ran behind her silently.

"I can still hear it even if I turn the volume so low, how do Mr. Wang's ears grow?" Bao Zihui murmured in a very quiet voice.

"I ask you who this girl is?" Wang Jinghua asked again.

"Mr. Wang, this girl is called Disney Girl. I don't know her specific name. I saw it on Maopu." Bao Zihui replied tremblingly.

"Did this girl sing the song just now?" Wang Jinghua asked again.

"Yes." Bao Zihui replied.

"Find a way to contact this girl. I want to sign her into our company. If you can't contact her, you won't come to work in the company." After Wang Jinghua said this, she turned and left.

It would be a good idea not to fire him for trying to catch fish at work. If the other party could contact Gu Lina, she would give him a chance to atone for his sins.

After Wang Jinghua left, Baozi Hui stood there with a confused look on his face.

In an apartment in Beijing.

Gulina was sitting in front of the sofa with her legs crossed, playing on the computer.

She was checking the comments left by netizens after posting the song.

"Ah, ah, I didn't expect my wife to sing. This fairy tale song is so beautiful."

"What is your wife? This is my wife, okay?"

"It sounds good, but do you understand what the lyrics mean?"

"If this song isn't just about Disney fairy tales, what else can this song mean?"

"If you don't understand, I can only say that you are still young."

"To netizens of a younger age, the most superficial content of this song is the colorful river, magic, Snow White, Pinocchio... everything comes to a happy ending.

Listeners of a younger age cannot understand other lyrics, but they can catch these key words.

To their ears, this song is beautiful, sweet, and gentle.

The older age groups, who have tasted the helplessness of life, will hear that Little Red Riding Hood has a red robe that prevents her from turning into a wolf, Cinderella lost her beloved glass slipper, and the little fish man looked at the golden palace, and finally fell in love. Bubble embrace.

And Sleeping Beauty, who appears to have been cast with a vicious magic on the surface, is actually the lucky one who escaped the torment of life.

To their ears, it all sounds negative and sad.Ideals and reality are always separated. We have been influenced by beautiful stories since childhood, but as soon as we enter the society, we are beaten to pieces.

The glass slipper is wonderful, but we have lost it.

Little Red Riding Hood is wonderful, but each of us needs a red robe to resist turning into a wolf.

The most beautiful love is nothing but a bubble in the end. Only the sad little mermaid, before dying in love, wipes the sunshine into eye shadow. The beautiful moment will not become eternal, it will only be like a bubble. Live the last glimmer of light.

To their ears, this song is sad, although it is gentle, it is so mellow that it breaks the heart.

There are more listeners with life experience. These people have experienced setbacks and also experienced joy.

They have tasted all the flavors of life, and in this song, they will hear more.

Yes, Little Red Riding Hood is essentially the Big Bad Wolf, and yes, the glass slipper will always be thrown away.

An unrealistic love like the little mermaid will turn into bubbles sooner or later.

But so what?
The reality is like this. The perverse atmosphere in love is always twists and turns. The beautiful things told by this fairy tale river come from fantasy, but they will finally lead to the moment of happy ending under the curtain of time.

This fairy tale river separates ideals and reality, and then merges at the mountain pass ahead.

Courage and hope are always there, they never die.

In these people's ears, what they hear is warmth, courage and hope.

To be able to write such lyrics is definitely a very experienced lyricist. "

"The brother upstairs has said so much that he has nothing to do with me. I suspect that you are just trying to count words and need experience. As the saying goes, if you are happy every day, you will be unhappy every day. As long as you don't think about so many things, it won't be so complicated. As long as people can sing well. It just sounds good.”

"I didn't expect that in this violent forum, there would be people who could quietly analyze this song. Boss, please bear with me."

“Disney girls are so pretty and sing so well, why don’t they go to the sea to film movies?”

"You upstairs, you think I can't cut you with a 40-meter sword, right?"

"Let me tell you a secret. This girl is not called a Disney girl. This girl is called Gulina. She used to be a model in a modeling company. She recently left the company for unknown reasons. She may have been spotted by an entertainment company.

The reason why she became famous in Maopu was probably because someone was deliberately hyping her up. "

"Ahem, why do you look so familiar? I've seen her dancing in the banana bar."

"Brother upstairs, is the kind of dance you're talking about serious?"

"Of course the serious kind."

"Isn't it just dancing in a bar? Who doesn't dance in a bar? It's just for a living. It's very honorable to make money through your own labor."

"That's right, that's right. It's better than those who work as secretaries."

"I love such an independent girl."

Gulina couldn't help but frown when she saw this. It seemed that an acquaintance had seen it. Fortunately, she didn't have any dirty information to expose.

However, these messages were blocked by the administrator not long after they were posted, and no one else could see the message except the person who posted it.

You don't need to ask to know that Qiu Xiuhua's team took action.

In another apartment building in Beijing.

Qiu Xiuhua received a call from the operations team.

"Mr. Qiu, I just received a text message from Chengtian Shiba's agent. They want to sign Miss Gulina." Niu Xinru said.

"Ignore them." Qiu Xiuhua said.

Although Chengtian Shiba's manager is very good in the entertainment industry, Gulina has a financial sponsor's father. How can she sign a contract with another company, let alone the financial sponsor?
Besides, the financial resources of his boss are no worse than those of Chengtian Shiba Brokers.

(End of this chapter)

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