
Chapter 13 013 [Decoy]

Chapter 13 013 [Decoy]

"For more than ten years, you have been able to live so comfortably and leisurely in the Weaving Department Yamen. You should be No. 1."

Su Yunqing's words are not an exaggeration. After all, Lu Chen's scope of activities has expanded several times from the side room.

Although no matter where he went, he was surrounded by masters arranged by Su Yunqing, but at least his personal freedom was not too severely restricted.

The furnishings in the wing have also been changed, and there are dozens of various books and brand-new daily necessities sent by Lu Tong.

Of course, in order to make Su Yunqing accommodating, Lu Tong organized the Guangling Yamen of the Warp Weaving Department from top to bottom, and spent a lot of money - for the Lu family, which has an extremely rich family, this money is insignificant, Lu Tong even He wanted to send two maids to Lu Chen to take care of him, but in the end Lu Chen took the initiative to refuse.

He was afraid that Su Yunqing would be upset. The Sutra Weaving Department was a secret service yamen, not a brothel.

Su Yunqing rarely comes over these days. Now Gu Yong's identity has aroused his suspicion. Sun Yu has also been handed over to him, and two lines of investigation are being pursued in secret.

With Su Yunqing's power, he could easily take down Gu Yong directly, but he obviously wanted more than that.

Through these two lines to find out the deeply hidden traitor, and then dig out as much of Bei Yan's details as possible, this is the judgment that a spy leader should have.

"My lord, please sit down."

Lu Chen walked to the table and poured tea for him with a smile on his face.

Su Yunqing glanced at the neatly arranged books on the big case by the window, picked up the top one, and when he opened it, he could see the traces of Lu Chen's reading.

He left no annotations but simply underlined certain sentences.

Su Yunqing's eyes stayed on one of the sentences and read: "The war has been in chaos for a long time, the people have abandoned farming, there is suffering and hunger inside and outside, many people eat each other, and the roads are cut off..."

He closed the pages of the book, and on the cover were the words "Chen Shu".

"Do you like reading history?" he asked over his shoulder.

Lu Chen looked around and said to him: "The story novels on the market now are all about talented people and beautiful women. Reading too much will inevitably lead to boredom, but these books are better for passing the time."

Su Yunqing smiled slightly, put the scroll back, then walked to the table and sat down, saying leisurely: "Although your Lu family is a merchant's family, your father's expectations for you should be very high. In fact, it is good to read these history books, at least you can I know the incredible achievements of Emperor Taizu of Daqi back then."

Lu Chen quite agreed with this statement.

Two hundred years ago, the world was in chaos, with warlords dividing the country and killing people constantly.

There has been no daylight for 60 years, and all life in nine thousand miles has been devastated.

One short-lived dynasty after another rotated like a revolving lantern, the Later Han, the Later Liang, the Nanchen, the Later Jin, the Later Zhou, etc., the longest was no more than three to 40 years, and the shortest was six or seven years. You sang and I came on stage, and the situation changed in the blink of an eye.

The "Chen Shu" that Su Yunqing picked up just now records the short-lived 19-year reign of Nan Chen.

Until Emperor Taizu of the Qi Dynasty Li Zhongjing was born, he wiped out all the heroes in the world and made the world clear. He established his capital in Heluo more than 140 years ago. It took more than ten years to completely wipe out the separatist forces in the north and south, and restore a stable world to the people of Li.

Over a hundred years of vicissitudes, the past has been swept away by rain and wind, and the world is heading towards chaos again.

Su Yunqing seemed to feel something, and sighed: "If it hadn't been for that incident, maybe the situation wouldn't be so difficult."

Lu Chen subconsciously thought he was referring to the Yuankang incident, but in fact this was also a question that confused him.

Thirteen years ago, in the 13th year of the reign of the late Emperor Yuankang, although Da Qi was suffering from internal and external troubles and the people's livelihood was in decline, it still had enough foundation and support from scholar-bureaucrats. Otherwise, Li Duan, the seventh son of the emperor, would not be able to unite the forces in Jiangnan and ascend the throne.

Although Lu Chen didn't know much about history, he also knew that similar huge dynasties could persist for at least several decades. Why did the capital fall and the emperor die?
He asked in confusion: "Mr. Su, is the Jing Dynasty's army really so powerful that Heluo City has no defense power?"

Su Yunqing took a sip of tea and said slowly: "The destruction of the city in the 11th year of Yuankang and the death of people were only the result, and the changes in the previous four years were the cause."

Lu Chen said respectfully: "Please give me some advice."

Su Yunqing said: "In the seventh year of Yuankang, the three northern kingdoms broke through the Jinghe defense line and marched to Heluo City for the first time. They were able to do this not because of the disparity in military equipment between the two sides, but because the commander-in-chief of the Jinghe defense line, Yang Guangyuan, was imprisoned and executed. , the morale of the border troops was low and they had no intention of fighting. After the Northern Allied Forces surrounded Heluo, the late emperor made some puzzling responses."

He paused for a moment and considered: "The late emperor may have been too anxious. In order to solve the crisis in the capital as soon as possible, he ceded several important towns in the north, and under the pressure of the Jing Dynasty, he killed the soldiers of King Qin sent by the seven tribes of Shazhou. And so on. , which led to the consequences four years later.”

Lu Chen frowned slightly and said softly: "In other words, four years later, the Jing Dynasty army seemed to have entered an uninhabited territory and surrounded Heluo again in a very short time. However, this time King Qin's army must have many concerns and no one wants to Become the second Shazhou Qibu."

"Don't talk about these old things anymore."

Su Yunqing obviously didn't want to talk too deeply about this topic, so he changed the subject and said, "You don't seem to be worried about your current situation at all."

"Junior, I believe that you will be able to restore the Lu family's innocence soon." Lu Chen flattered the other party, and when he saw that the other party was unmoved, he tentatively asked, "Is it possible that the progress of the Warp Weaving Department is not going well?" Su Yunqing Said: "My people have noticed some flaws in Gu Yong, but it seems that it is not enough at the moment. It is unwise to alert the snake. Although he is not of high rank, he is one of the very capable subordinates around me. For the Warp Weaving Department His acting style is very familiar, and he is also known to be cautious, so I can only figure it out slowly."

He looked at Lu Chen thoughtfully and continued: "As for Sun Yu, the Warp Weaver Division used some tricks to pour beans out of a bamboo tube and confessed them all. The problem is that he is only the lowest-level executor of this conspiracy. He has always been the spy looking for someone. He, he has no way of actively contacting the other party. Although the Sutra Weaving Department has drawn portraits based on his description and has deployed manpower on the roads out of the city, there are hundreds of thousands of Guangling residents, so it is not easy to find those detailed works. "

Lu Chen said calmly: "But my lord must have a way to deal with it."

Su Yunqing smiled and asked, "What do you think I should do?"

This sentence had the meaning of a test. Although Lu Chen didn't know the other party's true intention, he didn't blindly hide his clumsiness. He said calmly: "In view of the younger generation, maybe Sun Yu can be kept in the open. After all, Fake Yan Xizuo is not sure what he knows. There are so many secrets, and the best way to eliminate hidden dangers is to turn him into a dead person. For adults, the last thing they want to see now is a pool of stagnant water. As long as the other party takes action, the warp weaving department can naturally pursue it all the way. "

"Bait? Not bad."

Su Yunqing nodded in approval, and then said: "But I came to you today, but it has nothing to do with this matter, but something that I don't understand in my heart."

Lu Chen said calmly: "Sir, please speak."

Su Yunqing raised his eyebrows and said: "You can think of hiding Sun Yu. This is indeed a good move. At least it can make you less passive. But what I am more curious about is, what evidence does Gu Yong want to find from the Lu family caravan? When was this planted evidence hidden in the caravan? Where has it gone now?"

These three questions in a row are not easy to answer.

It is true that Lu Chen has always been wary of Su Yunqing, so how could the other party trust him without reservation?

Lu Chen didn't think much and said calmly: "The evidence was hidden in the compartment of the junior's carriage. It was a secret letter written carefully by a fake Yan Yan with the seal of the official document of the fake Yan Yan Procuratorate. The junior destroyed it after discovering it. .”

Su Yunqing looked at him steadily and muttered: "If I remember correctly, you said the day we first met that the caravan had been inspected by the defenders when it passed Panlong Pass. In this way, the defenders Didn’t you find this secret letter?”

Lu Chen said without changing his expression: "Yes."

Su Yunqing nodded slightly, did not continue to ask, and said in a slower tone: "I will have someone take Sun Yu to show off around Luzhai, and it shouldn't take long for you to be free."

Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and said, "Thank you, sir."

At this moment, a man in black clothes walked in, came closer and said, "Sir."

Su Yunqing glanced at Lu Chen and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

The man in Xuanyi remained silent.

Su Yunqing said: "Just tell me."

The man in Xuanyi said: "Your Excellency, there is news from the Taixing Mansion Yamen that another discovery has been made in Zhang Xi's case. One of his former generals committed suicide inexplicably. They suspect that there may be some omissions in the original investigation, so please come and preside over it in person."

The room suddenly became quiet.

Su Yunqing raised her hand and tapped the table. After a moment, she smiled and said, "It seems you are not the only one who has thought of how to use bait."

Lu Chen quickly understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Now in Guangling, Su Yunqing is in charge of the overall situation. As long as he is here, the enemies hiding in the dark can only passively accept attacks.If you want to change this situation from passive to active, you must let Su Yunqing leave temporarily, and then everyone can act calmly.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "This is a technique they have inherited from the same origin."

No matter whether you divert your attention or make the tiger leave the mountain, you will ultimately lose your craftsmanship.

Su Yunqing stood up and said: "That's fine, I'm just afraid that they will hold their breath until the end of the world."

When Lu Chen saw this, he stood up and saluted: "Best farewell to you, Your Excellency."

Before leaving, Su Yunqing turned around and said, "As long as you contribute to the Warp Weaving Department, I will take care of you, so you can rest assured."

Lu Chen bowed and said, "Thank you for taking care of me, sir."

Su Yunqing smiled and left Lu Chen's residence. Then he summoned the middle-level officials who stayed in Guangling and briefly explained the situation in Taixing Mansion. He decided to go there in person and leave some of the people to Gu Yong. , continue to investigate suspicious persons related to the Lu family.

On March 21, Su Yunqing left Guangling.

Gu Yong walked all the way to the east gate. When he turned around, he looked at the clear sky with obscure eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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