
Chapter 300 298 [Me]

Chapter 300 298 [Me]

As the prime minister of a country and the head of one of the most powerful families in the world, Wang An wantonly praised Jing Jun in front of the emperor and the ministers of the court, and by the way, he flattered Qing Yu Huaijin. Logically speaking, It should be said that it would attract countless cold looks, but the actual situation is not the same.

It may be unbelievable to ordinary people, but there are many people in Tai Chi Hall who are jealous at this moment.

They were jealous that Wang An was one step ahead of them and openly showed their loyalty to Princess Jingchao in front of everyone.

So when the cold voice finished speaking, those people felt it was extremely harsh, and they followed the voice one after another, and saw that the person who spoke was none other than the Second Prime Minister Yu Xinchen.

Wang An turned his head and looked around, and what came into view was Yu Xinchen's livid face.

He asked calmly: "What does Prime Minister Yu mean by this?"

Yu Xinchen said coldly: "Your Majesty made it very clear."

Wang An said calmly: "It seems that Yu Xiang has a deep prejudice against me, and thinks that what I have just said is an exaggeration that ignores the facts. Anyway, today in front of His Majesty, Princess Yongping and colleagues from the Manchu Dynasty, I want to I would like to ask Prime Minister Yu, now that the Huaizhou army is outside the city, is Prime Minister Yu willing to go out of the city for a while and use his eloquent words to retreat the enemy army, so as to prevent the Li people from being devastated by the war?"

Yu Xinchen frowned slightly and responded: "Why does the Prime Minister have to use strong words to reason? As a civil servant who is not familiar with military matters, I naturally do not have the ability to retreat from the enemy while talking and laughing, but this has nothing to do with the remarks of the Prime Minister just now."

Wang Andao: "Whether you have the ability and whether you dare to do it are two different things."

Being so aroused by him, Yu Xinchen immediately said sternly: "Why don't I dare? If the court needs it, I can go out of the city later to meet the general of the Qi army and try my best to persuade him to withdraw his troops. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

The ministers had different expressions.

The two prime ministers confronted each other, and the second prime minister openly expressed his will to die. This was extremely rare in the court of Yan State, and similar situations had never happened before.

On the dragon chair, Zhang Can looked at the two people with a complicated expression, but did not immediately say anything to smooth things over.

Wang An still looked calm and said calmly: "Mr. Yu, please don't misunderstand me. I am not forcing you to die. From what you just said, it can be seen that the enemy coming from outside the city is unkind. We will wait for you." There is no good way but to rely on the defenders to block the enemy. Now, in addition to the Imperial Guards in the city, the main force defending the city is the Jing Dynasty army."

Yu Xinchen's eyes were stern, and he had already guessed what the other party would say next.

Wang An took a step closer to him and said in a deep voice: "Jingjun protects not only themselves, but also countless civilians in the city, as well as His Majesty, you and me, and other ministers. Prime Minister Yu is a scholar, so naturally he can't bear to see me treat him like a literati. The gratitude of Jing Jun and Princess Yongping, but Prime Minister Yu must not forget that if Jing Jun had not blocked the enemy, your head would have been hung on the city wall by the Southern Qi army at this moment!"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Xinchen's face suddenly turned pale.

The officials were thinking about Wang An's words, and some people couldn't help but sigh secretly. No wonder he could become the head of the Wang family in Zhai Lin, and then suddenly change his identity, enter the palace, and become the prime minister.

Ordinary people would be too embarrassed to say anything when faced with Yu Xinchen's fiery sarcasm, even if they didn't lose their composure in public. However, Wang An grasped the essence of the problem in just a few words, and not only easily resolved Yu Xinchen's questioning, but also forced the other party into a corner.

The key to this is that the Yan army's record against the Southern Qi frontier army in the past two years is simply unsightly. Although the Jing army has been defeated several times, at least they still have the courage to face the opponent directly and can only rely on them to defend Heluo City. .

Zhang Can saw that Yu Xinchen's momentum suddenly weakened, his expression gradually turned indifferent, but he still did not interrupt.

Qingyu Huaijin looked around at everyone and said slowly: "The king's words are serious. I think Prime Minister Yu has no ill intentions, he is just emotionally excited for a moment. Your Majesty, my lords, Jingyan is a harmonious neighbor and has helped and benefited each other for more than ten years. There is no need to make the distinction too clearly. Please rest assured, Your Majesty and all the adults, I will always stay in the city, and the Jing Dynasty army will also ensure that the city defense is worry-free. Within ten days at most, my brother will lead the main force of the cavalry Return, if the Southern Qi border troops have not withdrawn their troops by then, they will never be able to leave again."

These words contained a lot of information, and the civil and military officials couldn't help but think about it carefully.

The first thing is of course the whereabouts of Qing Yu Zhongwang. Until now, many people still don't know where he and Jing Chao's cavalry are going, but after Qing Yu Huaijin expressed his stance, the boulder in their hearts fell to the ground smoothly.

Within ten days, it was impossible for the Huaizhou Army of the Southern Qi to break through Heluo. After all, even the Jing Army at its peak more than ten years ago could not do this.

When Qing Yu Zhongwang returns with the main force of the cavalry, the situation will inevitably reverse.

On another note, the courtiers in the palace noticed Qingyu Huaijin's words "I will always stay in the city", and some eyes suddenly lit up.

On such an occasion where hundreds of officials gathered today, Qingyu Huaijin's words were almost an explicit statement.

It is conceivable that Jing Chao will take that step in the near future.

Wang An felt like a bright mirror in his heart. He quietly glanced at the emperor above and continued to say: "Your Highness the Princess and the Jing Dynasty cavalry are stationed in Heluo. I believe there will never be such a dangerous situation again. Your Majesty, this is my humble opinion. Our court should reward the Jing Dynasty’s army to strengthen their march!”

No one knows what Zhang Can is thinking at this moment. In fact, until today's meeting, he still harbored some illusions.

It was not unacceptable to him that the ministers of the DPRK were afraid of or were close to the Jing Dynasty. He just hoped that these people would not sit so crookedly and still have some sense of responsibility as officials of the Yan Kingdom.

However, from the beginning to the end, what he saw was that most people were extremely awe-inspiring towards Qingyu Huaijin, and did not even bother to take into account the existence of his emperor. Just like in the past few years, they only regarded him as a decoration and a scapegoat to cover up their scandals.

When Yu Fenchen came forward, Zhang Can felt a little nervous. He hoped that most of the courtiers would criticize Wang An's flattering attitude like Yu Fenchen did, but he also didn't want to see this scene happen because it would shake his determination. . The feeling is hard to describe.

Hearing Wang An's increasingly explicit words at this moment, Zhang Can calmed down and said calmly: "What the Prime Minister Wang said is also what I think. The border wars in the past two years have been unfavorable, and Southern Qi has become more and more aggressive. Fortunately, Jing Chao has We have a large army to support us, and now we have to rely on them to defend Heluo. Therefore, I said earlier that I cannot treat the Jingjun soldiers who fight desperately."

Wang An's face remained calm, but he was a little surprised in his heart. The emperor's attitude did not seem to be in line with the information he had. Could it be that he suddenly changed his temper in the past two days?

However, what Zhang Can said later made Wang An feel relieved, and the emperor continued: "Dear ladies, I have asked Li Fuqing to count the palace treasury, and there are still 70,000 taels of silver in deposit. I decided to take out some of it. Fifty thousand taels were distributed to the soldiers guarding the city to boost the morale of the army."

The Tai Chi Hall suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

Qingyu Huaijin frowned slightly, while Xiao Jun and others behind her seemed to be smiling unbearably.

The emperor of a country has only 70,000 taels of silver in his palace treasury. Maybe this is the personal money of the Zhang family in Jingshan, which is enough to show that the civil and military officials in the court do not take the emperor seriously at all.

Among the crowd, the Minister of Revenue quietly shrank his neck and tried to hide behind others.

In fact, he felt a little aggrieved. Although he was the Minister of Household Affairs, the imperial taxes did not pass through his hands at all. They were all distributed by Prime Minister Wang An and Privy Councilor Pang Shigu in accordance with the instructions of the powerful officials of the Jing Dynasty.

However, there are some things that can be done but cannot be said. It would be really embarrassing to force the emperor to do this and spread the news.

When people live in this world, they must pay attention to dignity after all.

Zhang Can didn't seem to notice the awkward atmosphere in the hall, and asked puzzledly: "Is it possible that the Qing family members don't agree with my idea?"

Wang An and Qingyu Huaijin looked at each other. Neither of them seemed to be able to figure out the emperor's intention. After receiving Qingyu Huaijin's eyes, he bowed slightly and said: "Your Majesty is generous and loves the people, and you cannot be as generous as a minister."

Zhang Can suddenly felt that this middle-aged man had become more pleasing to the eye, so he smiled and said: "I don't have any extra money on hand, so I can only set an example for my dear friends. After today's court meeting, everyone will go back to sort out their belongings. Take 70% of it and hand it over to the court, and then give it to Princess Yongping for use as a labor force."

Wang An was stunned, as was everyone else.

However, Zhang Can didn't seem to think that his proposal was ridiculous, and continued to talk to himself: "When Prince Qingyu leads his army back to Heluo, I plan to ask him to serve as minister of political affairs and concurrently as supervisor of the country. I won't hide it. Dear lords, I have recently felt that my energy has been deteriorating and I am really unable to take care of the affairs of the state. Since you all recognize the strength of the Jing Dynasty’s army, I would like to hand over the power of the general state to Prince Qingyu. Princess Yongping, please help me. If you say a few kind words in front of the Crown Prince, never refuse."

Before Qing Yu Huaijin could speak, Yu Yuchen stood up again, and saw the junior minister with tears in his eyes, and said in panic: "Your Majesty, why is this happening?"

Zhang Can ignored him and slowly stood up and said: "I also thought of one thing. The soldiers of Jingjun were far away from home and suffering alone. How could they devote themselves to the war? I decided to select a hundred concubines from the palace and send them to Jing. In the army camp, the families of the ministers must not fall behind. Each family must send at least ten girls of the right age to the soldiers of the Jing Army to help them start a family here."

As soon as these words came out, all the courtiers in the palace were stunned.

Even though most people are well aware of the relationship between Jing and Yan, in name the Yan Kingdom is not under the jurisdiction of the Jing Dynasty, and can only be regarded as a vassal at best.

Wang An looked at the emperor's face and sighed quietly in his heart.

Yu Xinchen's body was shaking uncontrollably, and he said word by word: "I am brave, please take back what you just said!"

The court officials finally came to their senses. Although they still didn't know why Zhang Can went crazy suddenly, those orders were too sensational.

Not to mention the issuance of an imperial edict, as long as it is leaked, everyone in the palace today will become a laughing stock in the history books.

For a while, the crowd was full of emotions, and some people even knelt down and kowtowed, begging Zhang Can to take back those shocking words.


Zhang Can gave a sharp shout. Although he was weak in energy, he still showed some power at this moment.

He looked around at the ministers, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said quietly: "Don't you always look forward to becoming the ministers of the Jing Dynasty?"

"For so many years, I have been waiting for you to speak, but I never waited. In this case, I have no choice but to speak out for you."

"Let Jing Ren take charge, one word can determine your life or death."

"Give your vast wealth, wives and daughters to Jingjun so that they can protect you."

"Obviously this is your extremely fervent expectation. Why do you have to put on such a crying and crying posture when I have done it for you?"

"I'm really puzzled!"

(End of this chapter)

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