Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 2904 Will there be any problems?

Chapter 2904 Will there be any problems?

"They have a pretty good idea of ​​building a factory."

Chen Jianghai sneered, and he immediately thought of the purpose of the Three Kingdoms.

Ah, the people of the Three Kingdoms have always been arrogant. They are impoverished in this era. Except for those who are at the top, most of the others live in poverty. This is undoubtedly a matter of fact.

However, the relevant departments of the three countries also wanted to change this situation, so they set their sights on China. China engaged in reform and opening up, and they also engaged in it, but their way of doing economics was extremely awkward.

They will invite many foreign-funded companies to open factories, and they will provide various supports after the factories are completed. However, the money earned by your factory will stay in the bank accounts of the Three Kingdoms, and then there will be trouble.

They will let you keep the money in the Three Kingdoms and will not let you take it away.

As long as you use the money in the Three Kingdoms, you can still do anything, but if you take it away, they will immediately block everything about you.

This disgusting method once frightened foreign investors.

But now, when they faced Qiuhai Group, they actually adopted this method. They wanted Qiuhai Group to help them make money, and at the same time, they couldn't take away the money earned by Qiuhai Group.

Chen Jianghai has heard about the Three Kingdoms for a long time, so it is impossible for him to agree to build a factory in the Three Kingdoms.

"We cannot agree to this condition."

Chen Jianghai said calmly, and Qian Hongjun nodded immediately.

"Mr. Chen, of course I know this. I don't like people from the Three Kingdoms, and I don't even want to go to any hellish place. But for business, if it's profitable, then I can still force myself."

Qian Hongjun laughed and said that he has now opened up a Southeast Asian market and has considerable experience in market development. If possible, he may go to the Three Kingdoms to expand the market.

Just how to expand, what means to use, and what methods to use, these are all things that need to be considered.

"In this way, if you go to the Three Kingdoms in person, I can allow their domestic companies to become sub-agents of our Qiuhai Group. We will provide them with products and they will provide us with the corresponding funds. This transaction will be carried out in our own Huaxia Don't involve the Three Kingdoms in the land transaction, I'm very worried about the Three Kingdoms."

Chen Jianghai said this.

Qian Hongjun was slightly startled, would there be any problems with this model?

"Mr. Chen, it is very likely that after we hand over the products to the agents of Sanguo, they will change the brand and label them. At that time, our Qiuhai Group's products will become their own products. This kind of thing The Three Kingdoms have done a lot."

Qian Hongjun twitched his lips and said, back then, the weapons and equipment purchased by the Three Kingdoms from all over the world were sent back and the labels were directly changed to become products developed by themselves.

On the international stage, the Three Kingdoms have been ridiculed countless times for this kind of thing.

"I don't care about this. What I care about is whether the agent of Ah Sanguo can open up the entire market. Our secondary products are originally going to enter Ah Sanguo to make money. I don't care in what way and by what means. "

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows and said, "General normal businessmen, in fact, have a headache in the Three Kingdoms. After all, if you reason with them, they will play rogue with you. This is a very helpless point."

If we seek an agent and let them bring money to China to do transactions, this will ensure the Qiuhai Group's own interests.

Chen Jianghai has no control over where these products go and whether their labels and brands will be changed.The quality of this type of product itself cannot represent Qiuhai Group, so changing the label will not affect the reputation of Qiuhai Group.

"Okay, then I know what to do."

Qian Hongjun nodded and said.

Chen Jianghai continued to discuss some details with him, and then went back to his room to rest.

The next day, Chen Jianghai got on a private plane and headed to South Africa.

South Africa is a good place. It is the southernmost tip of Africa and a place with a pleasant climate in the southern hemisphere. In addition, due to the Age of Discovery, many Western colonists were welcomed here, bringing with them some advanced ideas and technologies. Therefore, South Africa has been developing for many years. , and gradually entered the ranks of developed countries.

Of course, this is closely related to the local diamond industry.

Diamonds may be very expensive elsewhere, but in South Africa, diamonds are just a very cheap thing. Except for those relatively rare large diamonds, broken diamonds seem to be worthless small stones in South Africa.

This time, Chen Jianghai went to South Africa mainly to see Zhang Jian's laboratory. He also planned to meet the people of NAPC. Of course, whether he could meet him or not might be a matter of chance.


In the United States, Ford Company board of directors meeting.

Han Kai held a lot of information in his hands and was sweating profusely while making a report. Although he was the president of Ford, there was a board of directors above him. The directors were all giants. To put it bluntly, he was also a board of directors. A wage earner, but this wage earner is at a higher level.

"Han Kai, now we have invested 50 billion US dollars. In the European market, our Ford cars have not expanded in scale. I want to know what on earth you are doing!"

one director asked angrily.

Han Kai took a deep breath. He had explained it to these old immortal guys so many times, but they still didn't understand.

"Mr. James, I have explained to you that our current main investment in Europe is to build charging systems. The most basic requirement for the promotion of new energy electric vehicles is that the local charging system must be improved, and all our money has been invested in it. "

Han Kai explained again. Although there was a tireless expression on his face, he was already angrily cursing the James family in his heart.

“If you invest, you will get a return, but isn’t this return cycle too long?”

said another.

"Of course, investment and return are both integrated, but the length of return depends on the situation. Once what we are doing is completed, all new energy electric vehicles in the entire European market in the future must follow the Our unified standards are a measure to set the rules of the game, and we must win them.”

Han Kai said very firmly.

"Currently Volkswagen Group has cooperated with us. With their help, I think our chances of winning this project have become much greater, so please support me. I also want to borrow US$50 billion from Berlay Bank. Believe me, this project will determine all charging standards for new energy electric vehicles in the next few decades. Even if we charge a small fee in these standards, we can make a lot of money."

Han Kai looked at everyone excitedly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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