Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 670 A sound of thunder on the ground

Chapter 670 A sound of thunder on the ground

"Mr. Chen, please rest assured. My team and I are very confident in this."

Duan Yongping said with fighting spirit.

Regarding this answer, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly. He had known this for a long time.

Duan Yongping finally left here, taking his R&D team with him.

As a charismatic leader, his team is very convinced of Duan Yongping.

He left with the R&D team, which was simply an act of draining salary from the bottom of the cauldron.

However, it can also be seen from this point that the shareholding reform really hurt Duan Yongping's heart.

If he hadn't been really heartbroken, he wouldn't have done such a decisive thing.

The most important thing for Duan Yongping now is to find a suitable investor.

After all, so many of his subordinates chose to believe in him, and he could not betray their trust.

Duan Yongping thought for a long time and found that Chen Jianghai was definitely the most suitable investor.

According to our understanding, Qiuhai Investment’s Mindray, Geli, and Chen Jianghai both decentralized their power absolutely.

Duan Yongping admired and liked this very much.

Duan Yongping, who has his own ideas, does not want to be subject to too many restrictions on the company's operations and decision-making.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Mr. Duan, it seems that you are very optimistic about this market."

"This is natural. My team and I have done a lot of research. This market will definitely be bright in the next ten years."

Later, Duan Yongping truthfully told Chen Jianghai the relevant data from the investigation.

The reason why he made the data so detailed was so that Chen Jianghai could trust his judgment.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Jianghai is interested in cooperation.

The only disagreement is over product issues.

Duan Yongping felt that the investigations he had done were enough to convince the other party.

But Duan Yongping was still a little arrogant, because Chen Jianghai would not change his decision just because of his investigations.

Because no one is more familiar with the learning machine market than him.

With the rapid popularization of the Internet and mobile phones in the future, the future of learning machines is destined to decline.

Chen Jianghai knows this better than anyone.

It is a bit of a waste for Duan Yongping to spend time and money on this now.

Looking at Duan Yongping's appearance, Chen Jianghai knew that words alone could not convince him.

Fortunately, Tong Qingxiong had already given him a piece of important information before he came.

With this information, it should be enough to convince Duan Yongping.

"Mr. Duan, do you know about our Qiuhai's DVDs and PS game consoles?" Chen Jianghai asked, changing the subject.

Duan Yongping couldn't help but be stunned. Weren't we talking about the learning machine? Why did it suddenly turn to this?
However, he responded directly without thinking, "Of course, these two products of Qiuhai can definitely be said to be products that transcend the times. How could I not have heard of them?"

"General Manager Duan, what is your evaluation of these two products?" Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Duan Yongping thought for a while and finally had only two words: "Perfect!"

When he said this, Duan Yongping's tone was full of admiration.

For this kind of product that can affect the future of a company, Duan Yongping thinks it is a god-level product.

If a company can have such a god-level product, it basically has nothing to worry about.

But Qiuhai already has two types.

Many people in the same industry only have two words when talking about Qiu Hai: envy.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Duan, these two products have undergone two upgrades since their launch."

Duan Yongping was also a little surprised when he heard Chen Jianghai say this.

Isn't this upgrade speed too fast?
However, Chen Jianghai did not give Duan Yongping a chance to ask questions and continued: "Mr. Duan, do you want to know what functions we have upgraded recently?"

Hearing this, Duan Yongping was also very curious.

In what direction can this god-level product be updated?

"Mr. Chen, I'm all ears." "The next new models will have all the functions of learning machines."

Chen Jianghai's light words sounded like thunder on the ground to Duan Yongping.

If what Chen Jianghai said is true, then the market for learning machines will be dominated by Qiu Hai from now on.

No matter who it is, they can definitely not compete with these two god-level products.

Even Duan Yongping himself didn't dare to say that he would definitely win against Qiu Hai.

At this time, Duan Yongping also understood why Chen Jianghai did not want him to continue to enter the learning machine market.

According to the current trend, as long as Qiuhai's products have the function of learning machines, they will basically be in the monopoly stage.

In this case, investing in such a project is definitely a waste of money.

"Mr. Chen, your ideas are always so advanced." Duan Yongping couldn't help but smile bitterly.

There is no doubt that Duan Yongping lost completely in terms of vision and direction.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Then you should believe in my vision and go all out to develop Big Brother. That is the best way out."

Duan Yongping calmed down and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, are you really optimistic about this market?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and responded: "I am very optimistic, otherwise I would not have come from Pingshan to tell you about this project."

Regarding the mobile phone industry, it will become popular in the next two to three years.

In 1000, domestic GSM services were officially launched. By 2000, the number of mobile phone users exceeded [-] million, and in [-], the number exceeded [-] million.

This kind of growth rate is very terrifying.

Chen Jianghai entered this industry now just to make arrangements in advance.

Entering the game at this time, you spend the least money and get the best results.

And with the advancement of technology, the price of mobile phones will become cheaper and cheaper, and there will be more and more manufacturers, and then it will enter a stage of competition for hegemony.

Duan Yongping fell into deep thought at this time, and he was now in a dilemma.

Chen Jianghai is a good partner, but the industry he wants to do is not what he wants to do.

But it is unrealistic to continue to work in the previous industry.

Facing Qiuhai's products with absolute advantages, Duan Yongping believed that he was incapable of competing with them.

Where to go, this is a question he must think about and make a decision.

Chen Jianghai also noticed that Duan Yongping was very hesitant now.

As the saying goes, forceful melons are not sweet, and Chen Jianghai did not want to put too much pressure on Duan Yongping.

"Mr. Duan, don't rush to give me an answer on this matter. I will stay in Guangdong Province for a few days. I hope to hear good news from you then."

Chen Jianghai stood up as he spoke.

Duan Yongping also stood up quickly: "Mr. Chen, you have come all the way, let's have a meal together at noon!"

"no need."

Chen Jianghai declined politely: "I have something else to do, let's do it next time!"

When Duan Yongping saw this, he didn't force it. He now needed time to think about it carefully.

Should he follow Chen Jianghai or reject him?

Duan Yongping kept Chen Jianghai in the car, then turned and left.

"Xiao Wu, I remember that we also have a direct store of Qiuhai in Guangdong Province, right?"

Chen Jianghai suddenly asked.

Wu Gang quickly responded: "Yes, Mr. Chen, but the direct-operated store is over in Pengcheng. It takes about two hours to get there."

"lets go!"

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

At this time, Qiu Shuyi really wanted to remind Chen Jianghai, if Duan Yongping agreed to cooperate, would he have to come back again?

But seeing Chen Jianghai closing his eyes, Qiu Shuyi closed her mouth knowingly.

Chen Jianghai must have his reasons for doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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